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Messages - kenneth

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NBA Discussion / I'm still depressed
« on: August 24, 2004, 12:38:26 AM »
Now I know what it fees like to be a Kings fan.

Looks like it's the sp*rs championship to lose.  

NBA Discussion / Jomal our teams still falt out compete
« on: April 16, 2004, 06:41:38 PM »
The Lakers and Kings are now fighting over WHO will stink the most in the Pacific Division.  The Pacific is now the Underachiver Choke Bowl...
They're angry and upset if one team plays with less intensity, heart and effort.  I swear I can almost hear the two teams bickering...."No we stink we do ...oh yeah just wait!....we will see..we will lose to Atlanta....oh yeah.. we will lose to Golden State WITH the Pacific Division at state...beat that!"

They both keep lowering the bar instead of raising it.

What a year.

Damn sorry about the typo in the title  :blink: Its "Flat out"

NBA Discussion / Did the NBA want to assure the Lakers got #2 seed?
« on: April 16, 2004, 06:30:38 PM »
It's just not the same beating Portland in a nail biter without Blazermania around.
Ziggy is just to nice of a guy and NO ONE gives anguish after a Laker win like Blazermania  :lol:

Ziggy I saw plenty of calls the Lakers got screwed on but I have long since given up attempting to figure out NBA officials.  As for helping the Lakers; where was David and his goon squad last year for game one aganist the spurs? talk about setting the tone.

If it's fixed.... why do we watch? Because I hate the WWF.

Bottom line is there is no consistency because 95%, maybe more of the NBA officials STINK! and at any given moment in any given game they could decide the game out of pure ignorance or wanting thier 2 minutes of fame. Thats why I long for the old days of only two NBA officials.  Please!!! less calls, allow them to play. I don't pay big bucks to watch Shaquille or Tim Duncan sitting on the bench at a game. I want the players to decide the game either way.  Way to many free throws and to many games decided by the refs.

Blame? Blame Ruben for missing two free throws that could have iced the game or the Blazers not taking advantage of Shaq fouling out. Blazers were at home, had their chances but Kobe simply would not allow the lakers to lose that game.

Oh for laughs read this guys post from ESPN.  Chris cracks me up yearly with his Laker hate and pain. Hey maybe this IS Blaze???????????????????????

NBA Discussion / Hedo the next Michael Jordon??
« on: February 17, 2004, 03:41:43 PM »
Hedo compared to Michael Jordan  :lol:  Why stop there, we should also list Air Przybilla a close second.  

NBA Discussion / A study of the value of blocked shots
« on: February 16, 2004, 03:16:06 PM »
I'll tell ya ziggy I kind of feel the days of meaningful impact coming from shot blockers is over.  

Do they intimidate? yes and close down the middle? yes. But now days (as I have seen teams use as a tatic aganist Shaquille) have players just take it to the hoop and in time or after enough attempts the fouls start to build. Seems like you need two shot blockers to really close it down.

It was a great advantage for the SA spurs having Duncan and Robinson.  Two mobile big men with each having the ability to come from weak side for either the block or to alter the shot.  Ratliff has that same weak side ability, but lacks the one on one size.  Think if you if you still had Jermaine with Theo...  

NBA Discussion / Brad Miller hurt
« on: February 16, 2004, 03:01:48 PM »

Perhaps Mr. Miller was afraid that LA would use some of that same hospitality for which SacTown is so famous?  Perhaps that was why he was afraid to use the mini-hospital at the Staples center -- afraid that they might do a lobotomy or something.
Perhaps Mr. Miller was afraid that LA would use some of that same hospitality for which SacTown is so famous?

I can see it all now.  Kobe and Shaq helping Brad to the trainiers room when Phil appears stating Gary Vitti is off today, allow me to introduce Doctor Kavorkian. he will take good care of you.

 :P  Calm down Jomal


NBA Discussion / No respect for black coaches from NBA players?
« on: February 16, 2004, 12:09:54 PM »
I'm sure P.J. Carlisimo would have an opinion on this as they pried Latrell Sprewells fingers from his throat.

NBA Discussion / Brad Miller hurt
« on: February 16, 2004, 11:58:43 AM »
I don't know how severe it is.  Funny how Miller sat there on the bench (to the best of my knowledge) the entire time.  When they have a Mini Hospital at Staples with everything from whirl pools to X-Ray machines.

NBA Discussion / John Kerry girl tells all
« on: February 16, 2004, 11:53:31 AM »
Poor Kerry.  Three old philosophys/sayings he should have subscribed to.

Don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house,  If you don't think anyone will find out, rest assured they will and a mans just got to know his limitatations;.... ya feel lucky.....punk.


NBA Discussion / Kenneth
« on: February 14, 2004, 05:37:31 PM »
Just read your posts in the Kerry thread, and all I can say is it good to have you back man.  Ol Saint Ziggy needs someone to poke him off his perch once in a while.  WoW does a pretty good job, but you were always the best.
Dang I forgot about the saint ziggy name  :lol:  Your name use to be Blazerbofo??

Do you know what happened to Blazermania? the way the Blazers were letting him down, I was expecting him to start screaming and never stop.

NBA Discussion / OT: Kerry in serious scandal
« on: February 13, 2004, 12:50:50 PM »
Kerry DID IT for his country Evil TED!!  LOL

Bush has a hard enough time tying his shoes let alone being some kind of mastermind behind all this cloack and dagger cut throat democrat scandal.  lets just be clear here.  Kerry has been known to be dishonest about his war record, why shouldnt he be dishonest about an affair?  as for the democrats falling apart, PLEASE dont see it is the Pres and his Administration behind it all, they are just watching and laughing alaong with everyone else in the country that can see the Demo's are bringing themselves down this year.  even so, Kerry will still probably get the nomination, because Dean just creeps people out, so does his bland wife, who the hell wants either one of them to represent our country on a world stage??
even so, Kerry will still probably get the nomination, because Dean just creeps people out, so does his bland wife, who the hell wants either one of them to represent our country on a world stage??

I agree Kerry is the best of the worst for the Dems, and after all as Kerry has told us 10 or 20 billion times, he is a vet. Your right about Doctor Demento and you are very kind calling his wife "bland." To me she looks like a sex change experiement the good Doctor attempted that went seriously wrong.

NBA Discussion / OT: Kerry in serious scandal
« on: February 13, 2004, 12:19:36 PM »
Drudge is not the bastion of great journalistic truth, and really is more of a political hack masquerading as a journalist. Some of his stuff has a merit of truth to it, and some of it is garbage. I'll give this report some credence when I actually see some reputable proof.

Right, you mean from the bastion of fairness & truth like the NY Times or Washington Post?  :lol:

NBA Discussion / LAker coaching change a'comin?
« on: February 12, 2004, 03:58:41 PM »
Looks like the Lakers might be eyeing a possible coaching change at the close of the season. Wondering if they are planning to make a run for Byron Scott.

The Los Angeles Lakers suspended negotiations to extend coach Phil Jackson's contract until after the season.

"We're putting this off to the summer," said Mitch Kupchak, General Manager of the Lakers. "Clearly there's a lot of uncertainty that surrounds the team at this time -- and clearly in the summer, there'll be perhaps even a lot more. So there is a lot to consider from Phil's point of view and from an organizational point of view."

The five-year, $30 million contract Jackson signed in June 1999 expires at the end of the season. Negotiations to extend the deal began last summer after the 58-year-old Jackson decided he was well enough to continue coaching, but ended last week.

"I have no hard feelings at all," Jackson said before Wednesday night's game in Houston. "I actually think it's the right move for them to make with all the free agents they have this summer."

Kobe Bryant, Karl Malone and Gary Payton are three of eight Lakers eligible for free agency after the season. Shaquille O'Neal is under contract through 2006, although he's been in negotiations for several months to extend his deal.

Jackson acknowledged surprise at the Lakers' announcement of talks being put on hold and said he'd speak with general manager Mitch Kupchak this weekend. The coach considered retirement last season based on a lack of energy before undergoing an angioplasty during the playoffs.

"Everyone concerned in this important transaction understands the business side of basketball," Jackson's agent, Todd Musburger, said Friday. "We know that the Lakers have great appreciation for Phil's contributions and we also know that Phil has enjoyed the challenge and has obviously delivered great success to the club.

When asked if Jackson will coach somewhere else next season if no agreement is reached with the Lakers, Musburger replied: "Phil's professional pursuits cover a wide spectrum. He's a man who has some wonderful choices in life. My sense is he's got a whole lot of games left to coach."
If PJ goes, Clemmons will be the next head coach of the Lakers.

I would like to see Riles return (I know it won't happen) if for no other reason then to know what Shaq is going through in his practices   :D  

NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 12, 2004, 03:54:44 PM »
sup kenneth?  long time no see.  yeah where is RB.............................and dare i say the drabble of the old MSNBC board?   BBALLPRO?????   :ph34r:
sup kenneth?  long time no see.  yeah where is RB.............................and dare i say the drabble of the old MSNBC board?   BBALLPRO?????

Hi Spursx3 .  I kind of liked BBallPro, he had some good knowledge.  He was just a jerk.

NBA Discussion / Will Philly trade AI?
« on: February 12, 2004, 03:48:32 PM »
I heard through the grapevine that it's going to be a straightup trade with the Spurs.  AI for Rasho.   :o
I heard through the grapevine that it's going to be a straightup trade with the Spurs.  AI for Rasho.

I would say there is no chance of that happening for two reasons.

First the Sixers place way too high a value on AI to trade him for Rasho. Second Billy enjoys living and would be attacked  in mass by hordes of sixer fans if he did that deal.  

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