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Messages - Skates

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Game 1: Sixers at Magic: Here we go!
« on: April 20, 2009, 11:18:32 AM »
I also still don't see Iggy as a great last second shot player, but until we get or develop a better one, at least he has the cajones to take the shot.  What annoys me more is the way in such games the coaching staff forces the ball to him so badly in these situations, really why even guard the other players, you know Iggy is getting the ball.  Makes sense if you have a guy like Jordan, we don't.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Predictions/Discussions for the Magic series
« on: April 17, 2009, 09:22:56 AM »
Howard is the guy you want to play agressively, and so our combo of Sam, Reggie and Theo (and their 18 fouls between them) should be rotated constantly.  Put that fella on the line; let him shoot his 59% from there instead of from 2 feet.

Howard is shooting 57% from the field so you are actually worse off putting him on the line.  As long as a guy shots 50% from the FT line you are not going to beat him by putting him on the line.  This point has been argued to death with Shaq and his FT woes.  There are situations where it makes sense to put a guy on the line when he typically only makes half his FT's but as a game/series strategy it will not work, the percentages and some basic math will bear out.  Fouling a guy consistently also allows the guy to get into a rythm and lets the other teams defense set up.

IMO you pull a Bill Russell/Phil Jackson on the Magic to beat them.  Play Dwight strait up and hope you can keep it close.  Stay at home on the shooters all game long until the closing minutes then start to double/triple team Dwight and force the Magic shooters to win the game.  Russell used to do it Wilt and PJ used to do it to Tim Duncan.  Play them one way early then switch it up late in the game.  PJ used to do the reverse to TD as well, he would double/triple TD then in the closing minutes he would let Shaq play TD strait up.  I don't know if the Sixers have someone who can play Dwight as well as Shaq played TD but that's another curve ball you can throw at the Magic.  Dwight is not playoff tested, nor is he considered a critical possesion guy because of his FT shooting.

It depends on when and where you foul him.  I imagine that if he has the ball 3-4 feet from the basket in good position, his shooting % is considerably higher than 57%.  So fouling him then, and if you can prevent it from being a potential three point play by actually stopping him from scoring, makes sense.  If he is shooting a jump hook for 8 feet away, just try and get a hand in his face.  Of course, asking Sammy to be smart with when he commits a foul is like asking water to be dry, ain't gonna happen.

They play a lot like, well, a 0.500 team.  Simple as that.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers vs. Celtics: The Return of Thad
« on: April 14, 2009, 02:46:08 PM »
Only getting 15-20 minutes tonight in 4-5 minute stints, but better for him to get back now and try to rebuild stamina than to try to do it in the playoffs.

Agree as long as he is not pushing it and risking more serious injury.  The regular season is toast.

I can't wait to see JO go up against Elton, oops, those moves didn't work out too well this year, now did they.   :o

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers vs. Cavs: Anybody care?
« on: April 12, 2009, 09:50:23 AM »
If you add Brand, Thad and Jason Smith back into this team I would concentrate on getting a scoring/shooting swing man (sixth man) and a starting PG who fits with the team's needs.  Considering this is a fairly weak draft and if we don't trade away any youngsters other than Lou, then I would be OK using our first rounder, Lou and a salary to get what we need in a trade and one MLE signing.  I am a big draft nut, but it is time to get some ready for prime time players to go with a team that should be in its prime or heading there next year.  Plus we can always buy a second rounder to have a developmental guy, they have done a relatively good job with that in past years.

Interesting article on PG play in the NBA for champions, definitely different in pros than college as far as playmaking PG's dominating.  I am starting to subscribe to the theory that guys like Miller and Nash make players seem better than they are, which is great for getting into the playoffs, but does not do much for getting them a title.  Cheeks was a good example, he was a decent playmaker, but never racked up huge assist numbers, he was very good at protecting the ball and playing D, plus he would always up his scoring in the playoffs. 

This team needs a new PG, but I won't kill myself if it is not a superstar type.  If we add more shooting firepower off the bench, and get back the injured guys (Smith and Brand) and the younger guys (Speights and Young) continue to develop, I would be very happy with a defensively strong, good outside shooter who is careful with the ball role player type PG going forward.,-but-aren't-necessary

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers vs. Cavs: Anybody care?
« on: April 10, 2009, 11:50:32 PM »
Considering how shorthanded we are, I didn't think they played too bad, but this game was over when we decided to go with Evans and Ratliff as our front court with 3 minutes left in the 4th quarter. 

Interesting you should mention that, I was at the game iwth my five year old and we left with 2 minutes remaining for that very reason.  The team without Thad and Brand just lacks firepower offensively.  WG is the most useless starting player I have ever seen.  He can defend a little, btu everything else looks like he is going to do something, and except for those rare hot streaks, nothing happens.  He is awful.  I might actually start Ivey over him, he is awful too, but much higher energy.

They kept hanging with the Cavs all night, but whenever they got close, some secondary player on the Cavs would bury a three pointer or two and the lead would pop back up to 7-9 points.  We just have no shooting at this point.

It was interesting to see LBJ for the first time in person.  Having seen Jordan in person several times in his prime, I don't find LeBron to be in his class.  He is fairly unstoppable on offense, like a much quicker Karl Malone who can pass and play SF, but he is more in Barkley's class tha Jordan's.

Hill would be my first choise if he were available.  Since Milwaukee could not move Jefferson will that make sessions available in a S&T and could we do that somehow under the cap?

As a stopgap, Jack might not be a bad fit.

As in most drafts one of the group of Flynn, Collison and Lawson will probably blossom while the others will fail miserably or be Jacques Vaughn types at best.  The question is which one, if any.

Tonight.  I think they go 42-40 overall.  Sadly some will call that an improvement.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Is this desperation time for the Sixers?
« on: April 09, 2009, 09:32:55 AM »
I would love the 5 spot, but only so that they can get more playoff experience and maybe some success.  if they get to the second round they are losing there anyway.  I just want to see them finish strong.  I will be at tomorrow's Cleveland game.  My perfect 4-0 record this season will be sorely tested this time.

If they re-sign Miller for two years and draft a Rajon Rondo defensive type, who can hopefully add a long range shot by the time he is the starter, and move Lou for a shooter with good wing size, i would be OK with it.  Not the best case scenario, but maybe more realistic.

TK started a thread over on RealGM about what kind of PG you would want to replace Miller with, assuming we can't get a do it all CP3 type.  The skills I would look for in order are:

good ballhandling (i.e. low TO rate)
court vision, especially on the break
playmaking in the half court

were their guards penetrating at will down the stretch? 

I only caught the last 5 minutes of the game, and it did not appear to be the case at that juncture of the game.  But based on the number of points scored by Felton it must have happened a lot earlier unless he was nialing a lot of jumpers.  Iggy and Miller were taking advantage of Felton's and Augustin's size disadvantage pretty well down the stretch and Lou was penetrating pretty well.  Okafor and Wallace did most of the Bobcats' damage late in the game, Okafor even hit his free throws.

This team is really undermanned right now.  I think the loss of Thad is going to be devastating the rest of the season.  Now there are only two starters you have to worry about defending in the two Andre's.  I know he is not playing great right now, but I would start Speights over Evans, just to give it a shot and put another scorer on the first team.  I would also play Donyell more despite hs defensive deficiencies, just play a zone when he is in there.

Anyone in the Philly area hear if there has been any update on Young's condition?

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