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Messages - Skates

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Reggie should be injected into games when the other team is beating us up physically or when our team is playing in a moribund fashion.  He is a very physical, energy guy, those situations fit his skills and he can be quite effective in thise scenarios in short bursts.  More than 5-10 minutes of fil-in time per game on a regular basis for him means you don't have a good team or at least don't trust your alternatives.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: This team does not have a legitimate PG
« on: March 29, 2009, 04:39:49 PM »
Statistical analysis suggests that the Sixers are well above average at Point Guard.  Each of the five postions performance and the performance of their counterparts on the opposing teams shows where each team is competitive and where it isn't based on their accumulated PER.

Obviously the best team would be one where your team has the best player in the league at every position.  But the salary cap generally makes that impossible, indeed if you're team is lucky and you manage to draft them, good luck keeping all of them under contract as the rest of the league bids for their services.

The truth is that the best teams only have players at a few positions where they are dominant. Even last year's champs, the Boston Celtics doesn't have a single player that ranks first at their position.  Here are their ranking per position: PG-5, SG-3, SF-3, PF-7, C-19

Compare that with Phila.'s rankings:  PG-3, SG-20, SF-2, PF-16, C-20

Clearly, improving our play at point guard won't give us much benefit, compared with improving our play at Shooting guard, (isn't it obvious by now that you want Andre Iguodala there?) And the poor play at Center and PF indicates the rotation could be modified by giving Speights and Ratliff more minutes, at the expense of Green, Dalembert and Evans, who are all substandard players who actually hurt the Sixers when they're on the floor. 

This ranking also shows that if we can keep our point guard and small forward performance prowess, that by making some improvement at SG and the big positions the Sixers could become a very competitive team in the playoffs.  It also shows the deficiencies of the coaching staff- when they continue to put the same people at the same positions and continue to get substandard results.

You miss the point, as do the statistical analyses to some extent.  I never said Miiler or Lou aren't good players, they are, they are just poor fits for this team, especially together.  Why?  Defense, they both suck at it.  Your point about the Celtics rankings from last year illustrates the point perfectly, they were not the best at any one position, but the pieces fit well together and their defense was outstanding (one of the reasons I want Thibodeau coaching our team next year).

We suck at PF because Brand got hurt, Speights is young, Young does not rebound or block shots like a PF and few of Reggie's good qualities show up in stats.  Young is looking more and more like he should be able to switch permanently to SF after another offseason of working on his handle and perfecting the form on his jumper a little more.  That will move Iggy to the SG spot, correctly identified as our weakest position by far. 

A healthy Brand and a year older and stronger Speights will help improve their rankings at C and PF considerably, with Sammy being Sammy.  Jason Smith's return might help a little too.

What will that team need from their back-up swing man, and starting and back-up PG's?  Outside shooting, primarily of the three point variety, and ball hawking, dribble penetration stopping defense.  When Miller or Lou become reliable at either of those skills on a consistent basis, they will fill the bill, until then no thanks.  My preference would be to move Lou for a quality swing man that fits the descrition above and draft a PG with those desired skills to back up Miller for a couple of years, with Miller on a 2+option year deal. 

There is a reason that teams with deep playoff aspirations did not make a real grab at Miller at the deadline, despite his excellent offensive numbers in a lot of categories.  You can win some with Miller at the point, more so if he has a good defensive back-up, but he is not going to lead a team to a championship any time soon, i.e., ever.  On the Sixers he is even a worse fit because he does not shoot the three well in any volume.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: This team does not have a legitimate PG
« on: March 29, 2009, 08:42:52 AM »
The team needs a total overhaul at PG to be more competitive.  IMO Miller and Williams are very inadequate for the team's needs.  That being said, both are quality, good, but not great players, who just don't fit the future of the team. 

Miller will probably leave of his own accord this summer, although I would take him back on a two year deal or two years, plus a small buyout for the third year.  The only reason I say this is that most of his likely replacements will be rookies who will need a year or two to take over the starting role.

If Miller stays, I definitely move Lou.  He is a good bench scorer, playing well laet in the season, young and with a decent long term contract.  That should give him value in a trade to the right team, hence he is a decent trade asset.

But for us he is not a PG, not a great three point shooter and not a great defender at either abckcourt spot.  If trading him let's us move up to draft a better PG in the draft or nets us a full sized wing with three point shooting capabilities, who can be a sixth man behind Young and Iggy, then I am all for it.  And if Green or Reggie take their contracts along with him and we still get value in return, that would be a huge plus, but probably too much to hope for.

If a quality starting PG can be obtained, then I would be more than happy to part with both Miller and Williams.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: This team does not have a legitimate PG
« on: March 26, 2009, 11:57:44 AM »
I have my issues with Miller as well, but I think he is a true PG for sure.  He is scoring a lot in the half court, because not neough guys on this team can shoot or get their own shot, but I think he prefers to pass when possible and he runs the offense as well as can be expected.

Defensively he is a negative, too slow to guard quicker points consistently.  Guys like Deron Williams light him up like a pin ball machine.  His defense is all about experience, lower body strength and guile, which does help considerably.

I hate to agree with Bill Simmons, but he once described Miller as a PG that will get you into the palyoffs, and then lead you out of it in a first round loss.  I see no reason to disagree with that assessment.

The league I am playing in is very deep, so Thad is actually pretty productive for me, relatively speaking.  He gets a fair number of steals and his rebounds have been getting better of late, not that he is any kind of a monster on the boards.  My big problem is that all of my centers got hurt, Bogut, Oden, etc.  I am running guys like Blatche, Collison and Kristic out there in the middle.  Ouch.

Keep the pressure on the Heat, I need Wade to keep playing for my fantasy team to have any chance of advancing in the playoffs.   ;D

Luckily one of my fantasy team players recently became a consistent 20 ppg threat - Yeah, I am talking Thad Young.  Nice.

I caught the last 5 minutes of regulation and all of OT.  A very nice win, definitely a team effort down the stretch.  Great D by Ivey on Roy at the end of regulation.  Oden has some talent, but he should not be getting the breaks he gets from the officials already.  He kept pushing Sammy off and committed at least three offensive or loose ball fouls that the refs ignored in the short time I was watching the game.

Biggest thing, hitting their FT's down the stretch.  It was sweet.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Should this team zone up more?
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:43:30 AM »
Thad has been on a great run recently.  Hopefully he closes out the year like this. 20.4 per game the last 10.

Yeah, I thought I heard Zumoff mention something about him averaging 22ppg over his last 8 or 9.... and you have to like when he's turning it up as we head down the stretch of the season chasing Miami for the 5 seed. 

Most big time players break out by their third year in the league, although with all of the recent high schoolers and one and dones, that might be a little outdated, but I like seeing Thad going so strong down the stretch of his second year.  I definitely want to see him at SF next year though.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Should this team zone up more?
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:32:43 AM »
I don't know about zone, but we should definitely play the Sacramento Kings more.   ;D

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Should this team zone up more?
« on: March 22, 2009, 06:05:56 PM »
You zone up because you don't have the footspeed to deny dribble penetration.  That's not our main problem.  This team would get eaten alive by the long ball if they played more zone.

It is a double whammy, we already get eaten alive from byond the arc, plus out PG does not have the footspeed to prevent dribble penetration.  The more I watch this team, the more I become convinced that Andre Miller's skills make the team look better then it is at times, but that his weaknesses in three point shooting and defense against other PG's make him far more incompatible with what this team is trying to be then Elton Brand will ever be if he comes back healthy.

I love Speights and think he is going to be a very good player, but he is pretty far removed from being the center of any offense.  I will be happy to see him push through the rokkie wall and finish the season strong.  Assuming he is not involved in a trade this offseason, I expect to see a break-out type year from him next year if he works on his game and body enough this summer.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Igggggggggggggy!
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:18:31 AM »
Phil in the LA Times:

"I told the team we had to work real hard to lose that game," Jackson said. "We found a way to do it, though."

What class from the former NY player.

I hope Phil didn't stop too quickly when he gave that quote or Charley Rosen's head would have been stuck in Phil's ass again.  I can't wait to see Charley's take on it if he was at the game.

Reality - Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Laker game
« on: March 18, 2009, 09:26:12 AM »
Having watched Speights in person several times this year it is very clear that his defense is lacking.  I don't know that it is anything more than simply being a rookie and needing to add some meat to his bones, he definitely needs to get stronger before he can be anything besides a weak side shotblocker.  He certainly has the quick feet to be a good defender if he works at it.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Igggggggggggggy!
« on: March 18, 2009, 08:35:36 AM »
Damn, I went to bed at halftime.  Is Iggy taking that next step?  I feel more comfortable with him having the ball in his hands late in the game more and more as the season wears on.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers vs. Heat
« on: March 17, 2009, 02:47:52 PM »
The offense really bogs down when both Ivey and Reggie aree in the game at the same time, unless they can wreak havoc on defense and get easy points off of turnovers.  They are two energy guys, with no real offensive skills, it is easy to hide one on offense, not so easy when they play together. For a while Ivey was doing well with the set three pointers, but I have not seen him hit many lately.

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