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Messages - Skates

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Board Guidelines/conduct
« on: July 02, 2008, 02:45:42 PM »
Hey man... you're the one I see whoring this place out. :-) I'm frankly shocked that SendEm hasn't shown up here yet.

OK, that is not even funny, kind of like when someone mentioned Sharone Wright last week, some things are better left unsaid.  :P

Again the benefit of a dictatorship. 

If Dabods starts calling you his "young apprentice" I am going to be very freaked out.  Last night you were quoting yourself in posts, I really think this whole free agency period is starting to wreak havoc on your mind dude.

Unless Miller goes to Miami this summer, I think he is here until the deadline at least.  I never liked the idea of Hinrich based on how high his contract number was last year and logically, if lazily, presumed that it would increase each year.  His de-escalating salary numbers certainly make him more attractive as an option at PG.  I think he needs to be paired up with a bit of a point forward/passing 2 guard like Iggy because he is not a pure distributor.  A quick, defensive minded back-up like Lowry would make him fit better as well.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 02, 2008, 10:32:33 AM »
I'm not sure, but I don't think we ever gave Brett Barry his props for also opting out of his contract:   ::)

NJ is very down on Marcus Williams.  If Stefanski was of a different mind-set from the end of his NJ days I think Williams would already be a Sixer.  My guess is Stefanski knows the inside scoop on Williams and has so far decided to pass on him.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 02, 2008, 09:45:13 AM »
While I have pretty good long-term patience with the franchise, the waiting to hear something today about Smith's visit is pretty freaking nerve-wracking.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 02, 2008, 08:11:36 AM »
From what I have seen of Childress, which is a fair amount, he is a better, more versatile defender than Iggy, a very good passer and a low volume, high percentage scorer.  He is an improving shooter with one of the ugliest shots around and will never be a great shooter.  Not as strong or explosive as Iggy.  He would fit better with us if we had better shooters, kind of an ultimate glue guy.  Agreed, Iggy is the starter's version of Childress.  Childress is a top notch sixth man with a major 'fro on a skinny body, I always love that look.  :D

We are also learning that when he says he wants long athletic players who can defend multiple positions he really means it.  This team is going to be built with defense as its strength, no doubt.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 02, 2008, 12:23:53 AM »
It really is code red over there.  Someone just played the Nene card, a sure sign of major panic.  The Childress stuff is funny.  The guy is an excellent player, if we did trade Iggy for a better scoring wing I would love to pick up Childress to add back in some of the stuff, other than scoring, that Iggy does for us. 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Mr. Smith visits Philly...
« on: July 02, 2008, 12:17:37 AM »

To be fair...

1) If GS is considering moving Ellis to PG, it is because of the loss of Davis and no other option is jumping out at them right now that would be better...this does not mean that Ellis' best position (offensively at least) is as SG;
2) Hinrich is being considered at SG because they have a new PG, their SG may not get resigned (or may get signed away) and they are paying him $10 mil to do SOMETHING;
3) We agree on Thad;
4) 'Sheed is listed as a PF...and my exercise is looking at where these guys would play on offense...I have no question in certain situations, 'Sheed would guard the 5 and Sammy the 4, but on this team, 'Sheed's skill set would clearly be at the PF on offense...right?

You are absolutely right about Ellis, he is no PG from the skill set I have seen.  At SG he is very undersized (his listed height is very generous and he makes Iverson look like Superman weight wise), but is hidden playing on an unusual team like GS.  grat scorer and mid-range shooter sure, but not a three point shooter of note yet.

Hinrich is being considered at SG because the Bulls suffered greatly at the point last year.  Truthfully, Hinrich fits better on the Sixers at point with an excellent full-court ball handler and passer like Iggy next to him (Iggy does lack explosive ball handling in the half court, but his open court skills are excellent, can't say I understand he has those disparate traits) and a small, quicker player backing him up  like Lou Williams.  He could play with Lou and slide over to SG at times.  Lou can also play SG in a smaller line-up.  Iggy can play SG or SF, Thad can play SF or PF and so could Josh Smith.  Jason Smith and Speight can both play the 4 and 5, although in very different ways. 

I fully understand the problem with getting guys to fit into roles that don't suit them, I was here for both the Barkley and Iverson years, great players, ill-suited for the positions befitting their height.  That is not what this team is being built as, quite the opposite they are being built with long, athletic multi-positional players that can go big or small or in between.  You dream team had guys like that in both Hinrich and Sheed.  I also don't worry about Josh Smith not being a post-up PF because we just drafted one in Speights and because moving Thad to the 3 and Iggy to the 2 lets them play in the post at their positions as well.  I expect down the road Thad will become our first option as a scorer and Speights will become our inside monster on offense.  Add a shooter in Hinrich to replace Miller, grab a shooting wing to replace Carney and Green off the bench and we have something with Iggy, the Smiths and Lou playing their roles.  Truthfully we are two to three years away from contending which is the main reason Smith is our primary target given his age.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 01, 2008, 11:02:48 PM »
According to Wojnarski the Sixers will have the offer sheet ready for Smith tomorrow (no surprise there) and Maggette is likely heading to SA for the MLE:;_ylt=AnQE365aS6QRe_dhnoGEZ6q8vLYF?slug=aw-spursmaggette070108&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Mr. Smith visits Philly...
« on: July 01, 2008, 11:01:04 PM »
As Conlin would say..."If I were King of the World..."

1) Trade Miller and Carney for 'Sheed;
2) Renounce Iggy;
3) Hit Ellis with an offer sheet (I know...less likely with Davis going to LAC);
4) Trade cap room and pick/picks for Hinrich;



Five guys - all playing their natural positions.

I know it's not going to happen, but I guess I'm getting tired of trying to pound square pegs in round holes...I fear that we are doing that with Iggy at SG, and I worry still about JSmith at PF.

Funny thing,  GS is considering moving Ellis to PG, because they have a need and he has no hope of ever adequately playing D against NBA level 2 gaurds (luckily in GS defense is an afterthought most of the time).  Chicago is thinking of moving Hinrich to Sg because he shoots way better than he passes and can't really defend quicker PGs.  Thad has not yet shown he is ready to play SF, although I agree that it is his best position down the road.  Sheed has been esssentially playing C for several years now, not PF, although he could probably switch back, he's not getting any younger or quicker.  Sammy is still pretty skinny and against any sizable center he would guard the PF and Sheed would guard the C in your line-up.  Not exactly a bunch of guys prototypical for the stereotype of their positions.

Iggy has played SG for several years here in Philly and is a nice, proven complement to a scoring/shooting PG and Miller is here on borrowed time.  Josh Smith has been playing PF for several years in Atlanta and is not really undersized for the way the position is evolving these days (he is a copule of inches taller and 25-30 pounds heavier than Darrell Arthur whom everyone seemed to love as a four, plus has superior athleticism, a long wingspan and great jumping ability). 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Chat Stuff
« on: July 01, 2008, 10:40:08 PM »
Most teams would kill to have Iggy play for them.  He has considerably better ball handling skills than most fans seem to recognize, although he lacks the three dribble power drive from a set offense for some odd reason.  He averaged 19.9 ppg while miscast as a primary scoring option, and can pass, rebound and defend at a high level.  If people, and Iggy and his agent, accept that he is a very good complementary player and will never be "the man" it would be much easier to appreciate him here. 

He is on the USA Select team that plays the Olympians for a reason- he's very good.  ESPN rated him as the most attractive RFA for a reason - he is very good and he has a skill set that can easily be melded into most teams.  His attitude that he is a number one guy has brought the criticism down on him because he simply isn't that, and that is understandable (plus it's Philly and we tend to eat our own stars for breakfast here).  He has some holes in his game, but things like his shooting percentage and TO's will improve as he is moved away from trying to be a first and last option scorer.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 01, 2008, 10:27:20 PM »
What the heck happens to Maggette now?  The Clips will have to renounce him or trade him to a team that can absorb most or all of his salary before Davis signs.  The Griz and Sixers don't seem like realistic targets, except in a three way deal (possibly our Plan C or D or E?). 

The only other team that might have cap space will be the one that doesn't sign Arenas - Washington or GS.  Neither seems to really need Maggette, but they might be looking for him as a consolation prize I guess.  Otherwise his agent better be pretty creative or else he's signing for the MLE, possibly with an opt-out in a year or two to become a FA again or to have a team get "Bird" rights in him (no, I didn't look up the rules on that).  He may get a bit screwed by the Davis signing.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 01, 2008, 10:00:12 PM »
It appears that Stefanski & Co. have been planning on Smith as our first target for months.  The first thing I want to know is what have they done to make it as realistic of a possibility as possible.  They cleared enough cap space to sign him to the proper size contract, but if that is all they have up their sleeves it likely won't be enough.  What else can and will they try to do to make Smith a Sixer?  Creative contract offer, assets ready for a S&T and selling Smith on the team and city so that he even signs a contract is what needs to be done/tried.  if after all of that he doesn't sign I know it was not for a lack of either planning or trying.

Then, if needed, I want to see the fall back plan and how it affects our future.  At a minimum there should be some move to shore up the PF position though a one year rental and to still preserve or even expand our cap space/potential cap space (i.e. expiring contracts) for the deadline and/or summer 2009.  The deadline is more realistic as teams will look to drop salary for the next two summers this year. 

Let's not all act like Kobe from last summer.  If he had his way Bynum would be in Jersey, probably along with Kwame Brown's expiring contract, J kidd and his rapid decline/max contract would be in LA and Gasol would probably be in Chicago.  Sometimes patience is a virtue, but I want every reasonable effort extended this summer before I am asked to be patient.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 01, 2008, 07:46:09 PM »
I don't think we ever planned to really go after Brand, from everything I hear Smith has been Stefanski's target.  I am sure he heard through the grapevine that Brand was unlikely to leave LA.  I also think Smith as the primary target tells us that Stefanski knows this team is not one player away from being a contender.  Smith is a more methodical, long-term move to try, and hopefully make.

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