Author Topic: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?  (Read 24267 times)

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2009, 05:16:45 PM »
He *MIGHT* *HAVE* escaped with his hide if his targets were only foreign combatants.  (After all - the Japanese emperor did.)

Tell that to Nanking.
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Offline Reality

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2009, 06:27:16 PM »
If Skandery and koastW.O.W. were seen at a table at a Starbucks, then leaving and entering a mosque, would that be cause for concern?

Offline rickortreat

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2009, 07:35:36 PM »
Joe is exactly right.  He is right because he is using the proper terms in the proper context.  He's not making a value judgement, a country can be wrong in it's actions and in the case of the victor, their actions are judged in history.

You can argue that the British empire terrorized the world as they engaged in wars across the globe, England was held responsible, but no one could do anything about it, because no one had the ability to engage them or force them to cease and desist. The same is true of America today. Lots of people disagree with the US military action in this place or that. The thing is, no one can stop the US from prosecuting a war.

Morality has nothing to do with this. You can't expect a soldier to question every order that comes down the chain of command. An army can't function that way. A Nazi soldier who didn't want to walk Jews to the gas chamber might well have ended up joining them. A soldier isn't permitted free will, and that goes for any Army anywhere.

Any court that has legal authority has to have force backing it up, or it's judgment means nothing. If someone is prosecuted but goes unpunished the court 's proceedings mean nothing.

Tibet is being systematically undermined. It's culture is being wiped out by China and it's been going on since the 50's. Some people complain about it or protest it, but most countries are doing business with China anyway and not saying boo about it.  Unless they're willing to take up arms and make China stop, they're going to continue. Every time you buy something made in China, you're sort of saying that what they're doing in Tibet is ok.

No one is making them stop, or making the Iranians stop or stopping Myanmar from killing it's own people. There are examples all over the world right now where governments are supporting terrorism against their own people. It is immoral and it's also very stupid, but unless you are willing to overthrow that government nothing is going to change. Zimbabwe, formerly the British colony of Rhodesia is under the control of a despot ruler who forced the former white land-owner farmers off their farms by force and gave them to his cronies. A former bread-basket for Africa, the land isn't producing anything and the economy has collapsed. It's about as dysfunctional as you can get, no one can function there and no one is doing anything about it. A strong neighboring government could roll in and take over, and they would be morally justified in my opinion, but no one is doing anything about it.

I think Iran is headed there. An incompetent government that expends it's energy subjugating it's own people, letting it's oil fields deteriorate while testing rockets and building nuclear facilities deep underground is a country headed down the path of self destruction. Other countries are complaining, but no one is invading Iran, and I think this is a serious mistake.  Those people are nut jobs and a serious threat to world stability. I don't know if their election was rigged or not, but I do know that they are physically going after the opposition long after the election is over. My concern is that before Iran implodes- able people aren't going to try to make a life there if they have any choice - that Iran will try to start a war with someone else with Nuclear weapons.

The Iranian government respects nothing but force. If no one does anything they're going to become an extreme threat to the the rest of the world. Sanctions mean nothing, no one is willing to call their bluff. They round up their own citizens and put them in jail. How do you think they will treat foreigners?

Understand that all this is reflective of my subjective opinion of right and wrong. I have no authority and no power whatsoever. You might disagree with my characterizations, and I bet that Zimbabwe would have someone protest my criticism of their government as would China. Both would attempt to justify their actions anyway that they could or think would fly. Iran would call me an enemy of Islam and issue a death warrant against me. I can't do anything about any of these places, anymore than I can influence my own government.

The only thing that is certain is that all these people and their victims will die, what happens beyond that is a mystery to me.  If there is any justice in the afterlife there are a lot of people riding high today that will be laid low not too long from now.

Offline Skandery

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #48 on: October 06, 2009, 05:14:03 PM »
Rick you're a contradiction in human form.  On one hand you rail against injustice, on the other hand you're all too willing to come up with excuses for its existence.  You see wrongful use of force in one instance, yet see nothing wrong in another.  Countless times you've come on here and talked about unrest and violence on the border of Islamic countries and tread a fine line in linking it with the doctrinal/religious beliefs of the majority poplulation.  Why don't we expound on post-WWII American foreign relations:

- Unprecedented killing in Southern and Northern Vietnam

- Murder and destabilization (against International Law) in Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, in some instances paving the way the greatest human atrocities in history (Cambodia)

- Killing and warfare in North and South Korea, forced geographic division and military occupation that remains to this day

- Covert assassination of democratically elected leader in Iran and Military support and Foreign aide to a government responsible for the bloodiest 25 year oppression seen in the history of Iran dating back to the Persian empire

- Forced destabilization of Gulf states by the forcible re-drawing of geographic lines in order to secure natural resources 

- Covert assassination of democratically elected leader in Nicaragua and replacement with CIA operative responsible for murder and drug trafficking

-Covert operation to overthrow the government of Granada   

- Military support of extremist factions in Afganistan spreading destruction into Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Russia during the 80s.

-War in Afghanistan against a group made stronger and stronger by U.S. Military and CIA weapons sales.  This action made an extremely fundamental minority fringe group oversee the complete dismantling of modern Afghan society and infrastructure.   

- Military and Covert Support of violent and oppressive regimes in Indonesia, Turkey, Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, French Guyana,  Liberia, Sierra Leone, DR of Congo, Angola, South Africa, Georgia, Bulgaria, Uganda, and Romania.

-Armed conflict with civilian collateral in Somalia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lybia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, India, Pakistan, and Afganistan.

-Covert support for dictatorships in Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, and Pakistan. 

- War in Iraq against a leader strengthened by US Military support.  Responsible for the creation of Hussein?s enemy (Iran under the Ayatollah).  Responsible for the creation of Kuwait ? a nation run by a very small faction loyal to western interests for oil.  Responsible for the utter destruction of one of the greatest bastions of Arab and Islamic civilization (Art and Science) that was modern day Baghdad.

- Support for a government that continues to wrongfully confine, murder, imprison, and impoverish Palestinian refugees living in subhuman conditions for over 60 years.   

The U.S. military is responsible for as much death, violence, and carnage as every single Islamic majority nation on the planet taken all together and multiplied by 6.  You say no one could have stopped England during their imperialistic heyday and no one is going to stop America today.  Since nothing can be done, its not a MORAL ISSUE AT ALL!!  Rick, I don?t adhere to the tenant of "Might makes Right".  Its all too easy for someone to point fingers and start separating the good guys from the bad guys while they?re living high on the hog.  Before you judge any act of desperation from a refugee, go live in Gaza for year and then start spouting you're imperialistic rhetoric. 

Whatever brings a 12 year old boy to throw a rock against a foreign invader in response to the murder of his entire family is something I'm not going to judge.  I refuse to label a white, male, American army retiree working for Blackwater a hero who was only doing his job when he mows down 22 civilians with a machine gun from a Hummer.  Just like I refuse to label that 18 year old survivor who loses his family to that act of violence for wanting to kill that American and HIS entire family in revenge, simply a terrorist. 

You still want to blame these people on the religious angle.  I don?t differentiate Billy Bob from Cowpoke, USA who enlists because, well, "God bless America" and the chance to fight for the freedom of a "God-Fearing Christian Nation"; from Habib who thinks 70 virgins await him if he goes into that Halliburton tent and takes out as much of those godless, infidel occupiers as he can.  I don't give either of them a free pass.  I don't lay the blame at the feet of Christian or Islamic Doctrine.  I can actually look further than my nose to reconcile the horrible violence that surrounds these people. 
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 05:16:31 PM by Skandery »
"But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality'. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."

Offline Skandery

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #49 on: October 06, 2009, 05:21:19 PM »
In those cases, NO, it is not terrorism, but a WAR CRIME - meaning the governement, the individuals in command, and the individuals following orders are *ALL* to blame, and at the INTERNATIONAL STAGE.

How lucky for us then then that the INTERNATIONAL STAGE is the easiest place to ignore, huh?

Joe I completely disagree when you talk about the difference between "War Crimes" and "Terrorism".  Someone can claim a uniform as means to undertake horrible violence, someone else can't.  What?s the difference?  The U.N. needs to recognize the Democratic Republic of the Diffuse Nation of Terrorismonia for these acts of violence to be labeled "War Crimes" and then properly ignored as the UN has no jurisdiction to enforce any decree/resolution.  If as you say, no one can truly bring a war criminal to justice if he perpetrates the war crime in the service of the most powerful country in the planet.  What sort of justice can those affected by that war crime ever expect.
No there is a special reason that terrorism was brought to the forefront and differentiated in the language of Western Media.  Its a label.  Its an easy way to say "THEM!"  Play a word association game with any 4th grader in school today and ask them to say any word after they hear the word "Terrorism".  I will guarantee the results of that scientific study show they won?t say "Unabomber" or "Tim McVeigh" or "KKK" or "Weathermen" or "Jewish Defense League".  No they'll say "Muslim" or "Arab" or "Raghead".             
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 05:23:24 PM by Skandery »
"But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality'. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."

Offline rickortreat

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2009, 10:55:14 PM »
Rick you're a contradiction in human form.  On one hand you rail against injustice, on the other hand you're all too willing to come up with excuses for its existence.  You see wrongful use of force in one instance, yet see nothing wrong in another.  Countless times you've come on here and talked about unrest and violence on the border of Islamic countries and tread a fine line in linking it with the doctrinal/religious beliefs of the majority poplulation.  Why don't we expound on post-WWII American foreign relations:

- Unprecedented killing in Southern and Northern Vietnam

- Murder and destabilization (against International Law) in Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, in some instances paving the way the greatest human atrocities in history (Cambodia)

- Killing and warfare in North and South Korea, forced geographic division and military occupation that remains to this day

- Covert assassination of democratically elected leader in Iran and Military support and Foreign aide to a government responsible for the bloodiest 25 year oppression seen in the history of Iran dating back to the Persian empire

- Forced destabilization of Gulf states by the forcible re-drawing of geographic lines in order to secure natural resources 

- Covert assassination of democratically elected leader in Nicaragua and replacement with CIA operative responsible for murder and drug trafficking

-Covert operation to overthrow the government of Granada   

- Military support of extremist factions in Afganistan spreading destruction into Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Russia during the 80s.

-War in Afghanistan against a group made stronger and stronger by U.S. Military and CIA weapons sales.  This action made an extremely fundamental minority fringe group oversee the complete dismantling of modern Afghan society and infrastructure.   

- Military and Covert Support of violent and oppressive regimes in Indonesia, Turkey, Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, French Guyana,  Liberia, Sierra Leone, DR of Congo, Angola, South Africa, Georgia, Bulgaria, Uganda, and Romania.

-Armed conflict with civilian collateral in Somalia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lybia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, India, Pakistan, and Afganistan.

-Covert support for dictatorships in Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, and Pakistan. 

- War in Iraq against a leader strengthened by US Military support.  Responsible for the creation of Hussein?s enemy (Iran under the Ayatollah).  Responsible for the creation of Kuwait ? a nation run by a very small faction loyal to western interests for oil.  Responsible for the utter destruction of one of the greatest bastions of Arab and Islamic civilization (Art and Science) that was modern day Baghdad.

- Support for a government that continues to wrongfully confine, murder, imprison, and impoverish Palestinian refugees living in subhuman conditions for over 60 years.   

The U.S. military is responsible for as much death, violence, and carnage as every single Islamic majority nation on the planet taken all together and multiplied by 6.  You say no one could have stopped England during their imperialistic heyday and no one is going to stop America today.  Since nothing can be done, its not a MORAL ISSUE AT ALL!!  Rick, I don?t adhere to the tenant of "Might makes Right".  Its all too easy for someone to point fingers and start separating the good guys from the bad guys while they?re living high on the hog.  Before you judge any act of desperation from a refugee, go live in Gaza for year and then start spouting you're imperialistic rhetoric. 

Whatever brings a 12 year old boy to throw a rock against a foreign invader in response to the murder of his entire family is something I'm not going to judge.  I refuse to label a white, male, American army retiree working for Blackwater a hero who was only doing his job when he mows down 22 civilians with a machine gun from a Hummer.  Just like I refuse to label that 18 year old survivor who loses his family to that act of violence for wanting to kill that American and HIS entire family in revenge, simply a terrorist. 

You still want to blame these people on the religious angle.  I don?t differentiate Billy Bob from Cowpoke, USA who enlists because, well, "God bless America" and the chance to fight for the freedom of a "God-Fearing Christian Nation"; from Habib who thinks 70 virgins await him if he goes into that Halliburton tent and takes out as much of those godless, infidel occupiers as he can.  I don't give either of them a free pass.  I don't lay the blame at the feet of Christian or Islamic Doctrine.  I can actually look further than my nose to reconcile the horrible violence that surrounds these people. 

Skandery, The US is guilty of all these things, although I think most of the sub divisions of the Arab world were done by the British as a part of their take-over of the Ottoman empire after WW1. I agree with you that the actions of the US are/were reprehensible and they disgust me as much as all of the injustices I discussed earlier.  If you paid attention you will note that I railed against Bush the entire time he was president.  I thought Regan was just as bad and Bush's father as well.

Might does not make right at least not to me on a philosophical basis, I find that thinking self serving and immoral, but like it or not, this is the way of the world. I'm not excusing it or asking you to accept it, but it is that way, and as far as I know it has always been. People consider me unAmerican because I see it as you do, corrupt, imperialistic and morally bankrupt. Frankly I think that the American government has betrayed it's own people and destroyed the Republic established by the Founding Fathers. I'd like to restore that Republic and bring back proper rule of law, sound money and true economic freedom. I'd love to make that happen, but see that as impossible, given the current nature of the world and the people in it, not just in the US but nearly everywhere.

But if the injustice and violence are to ever stop, people have to change. They have to live up to their word and their commitments. And they have to compromise in order to permit each other to live in peace and dignity. It would be unreasonable to expect the Muslim world to do that if those on the opposing side were not also obligated in the same way. At some point, we have to stop seeking revenge for past injustices or there will never be peace.

I may be overly sympathetic to the state of Israel, knowing their story, but as a rational human being, I can't see how they could act any other way, as they are determined to survive. The Palestinians on the other hand, could choose a different path and actually elect responsible leaders who understand that if they don't compromise they will continue to live lives of despair and hopelessness. Yet any Palestiniain politician who talks that way will immediately be branded as a traitor, and I think you know this as well as I do.  You also know the Israeli's will never sacrifice their own country and nor will they allow the Palestinians to perpetuate a state of war, while never making a sincere effort to stop the violence.

If the Palestinians wanted to have an independent free state, self governed and viable they could have it right now! Israel more or less agrees that this is inevitable, as the occupation is costly on both a physical and psychic level. But as long as Palestinians elect leaders like Arafat who stole most of the money given to the Palestinians, or Hamas who is dedicated to the destruction of Israel, this cannot happen. In effect the people of the West Bank and Gaza perpetuate the occupation and their miserable existance, dreaming they can somehow turn back the clock to 1947.

No one, even in the Arab world was sympathetic to the uprising in Gaza.  Isn't it high time that the rest of the Muslim world gets realistic about how to engage the West and the state of Israel? When Muhammed made his stand, in Mecca and Medina, he had Jews with him. When the Ottoman's dominated the world, Jewish and Muslim scholars collaborated on the fine points of law. And Jews and muslims coexisted in peace and harmony from Persia to Spain. You won't find any fundamentalist Muslim talking about these facts! And certainly not the adherants of Wahabism, nor the Shia.

Pay attention to what I'm saying, and don't make assumptions about how I feel about any entity, the United States, Israel, or anyone else. I think I see things quite clearly and I don't like much about the world of man, period.

But if we are ever to come together, there does have to be rule of law that we all agree to and abide by. We assemble as Nations, which intrinsically separates us into us and them. We divide ourselves by artificial prejudices and false labels, obfuscating the truth about who we are and how we are suppossed to live. Although we are all the same, we insist on these divisions and justify it by saying this group or that is inferior, subhuman, believes the wrong way, speaks the wrong way, dresses the wrong way, thinks the wrong way etc.

This prejudice is not confined to the barbarian west. The Muslims think the whole world should be Muslim, even adopting their inferior calender which relies on observations of the moon, and accepting Sharia law, which permits women to be sold as property to settle debts, makes interest payments on debt illegal and relies on the opinion of religious scholars as opposed to a code of law acceptable to all as established by elected officials. 

The Germans once considered themselves the master race, the Japanese considered themselves superior to all others. Today, America regards itself as a bastion of virtue and justice. They all had their day, and they will all suffer their consequences of their lack of hubris.  As will happen tomorrow to China or whoever assumes the mantle of power after the US looses it's position.

I'm sick of all of it, and not that I know, but I pretty much assume God feels the same way. But be that as it is, I'm an American and I'd rather fix it then let it slide down the tubes. Once upon a time, we had a really good idea of how to build a society and a nation, and it got co-opted by a bunch of selfish creeps that turned us into an evil empire. Sorry for the rant, but at least I got this out in the open, thanks.

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #51 on: October 07, 2009, 12:49:59 AM »
Skandery, The US is guilty of all these things, although I think most of the sub divisions of the Arab world were done by the British as a part of their take-over of the Ottoman empire after WW1. I agree with you that the actions of the US are/were reprehensible and they disgust me as much as all of the injustices I discussed earlier.  If you paid attention you will note that I railed against Bush the entire time he was president.  I thought Regan was just as bad and Bush's father as well.

Actually Bush I wasn't nearly as bad as most in this regard, he just needed the fortitude to govern how his conscience dictated.  Bush I actually said point-blank in a White House Press Conference that Jewish Settlement in the West Bank was illegal and will no longer be tolerated by the U.S.  He was threatening to cut all forms of Monetary Aid having to do with Infrastructure and Construction.  One call from AIPAC (American-Israeli Political Action Committee) and Bush changed his tune the very next day.

But if the injustice and violence are to ever stop, people have to change. They have to live up to their word and their commitments. And they have to compromise in order to permit each other to live in peace and dignity. It would be unreasonable to expect the Muslim world to do that if those on the opposing side were not also obligated in the same way. At some point, we have to stop seeking revenge for past injustices or there will never be peace.

Wholeheartedly agree!

I may be overly sympathetic to the state of Israel, knowing their story, but as a rational human being, I can't see how they could act any other way, as they are determined to survive. The Palestinians on the other hand, could choose a different path and actually elect responsible leaders who understand that if they don't compromise they will continue to live lives of despair and hopelessness. Yet any Palestiniain politician who talks that way will immediately be branded as a traitor, and I think you know this as well as I do.  You also know the Israeli's will never sacrifice their own country and nor will they allow the Palestinians to perpetuate a state of war, while never making a sincere effort to stop the violence.

Actually that is not true.  Many Palestinians politicians:  Mahmoud Abbas, Yasser Arafat, and Salam Fayyad have bent over backwards trying to secure some basic sovereign rights.  Some extremist factions call these men traitors,the fact is MOST Palestinians simply want their land, their sovereignty, and their security. 

If the Palestinians wanted to have an independent free state, self governed and viable they could have it right now! Israel more or less agrees that this is inevitable, as the occupation is costly on both a physical and psychic level. But as long as Palestinians elect leaders like Arafat who stole most of the money given to the Palestinians, or Hamas who is dedicated to the destruction of Israel, this cannot happen. In effect the people of the West Bank and Gaza perpetuate the occupation and their miserable existance, dreaming they can somehow turn back the clock to 1947.

I really urge you to look in depth into the problem, the viability of a Palestinian state is impossible under present day circumstances.  True that government corruption within the Palestinian National Authority is rampant, then again their's corruption in Israel, the EU, and the U.S.  Here are the differences:  there has been a strict economic blockade of the West Bank and Gaza territories by the Israeli Defense Force.  A Palestinian farmer is not allowed transport of his supplies to markets for selling his goods.  Palestinian trucks are held at Israeli checkpoints until the food rots.  During the 90s many working refugees relied on commuting into Israel for jobs, yet Israel has been steadily replacing Palestinians with foreign workers.  Nearly 46% of Palestinians fall under the international poverty line.  Geographical areas within the West Bank are divided by fences and roads are blockaded by the Israeli military to where a Palestinan is simply unable to move about freely within their land.  The best areas for settlement with the most arable land is confiscated by the Israeli military for Jewish settlement, where walls are immediately erected around each settlement while Palestinan refugees are corraled into Internment camps.  Justice within the Palestinan territory falls under jurisdictions ruled by Israeli magistrates.  Magistrates that often times rule against the Palestinan plaintiff arguing for hereditary rights to land or personal right to work.  These people are being subjugated, controlled, and confined.  When tensions run high at a checkpoint or Israeli military sweep, Palestinians males who rage against the oppression are sent into prisons in droves.  To shed light on the magnitude of Palestinians imprisoned, a $9.6 million monthly budget for families of imprisoned Palestinians was part of the PNA budget between 2002 and 2004.     

No one, even in the Arab world was sympathetic to the uprising in Gaza.  Isn't it high time that the rest of the Muslim world gets realistic about how to engage the West and the state of Israel? When Muhammed made his stand, in Mecca and Medina, he had Jews with him. When the Ottoman's dominated the world, Jewish and Muslim scholars collaborated on the fine points of law. And Jews and muslims coexisted in peace and harmony from Persia to Spain. You won't find any fundamentalist Muslim talking about these facts! And certainly not the adherants of Wahabism, nor the Shia.

70,000 Iranian students flooded Tehran in protest wanting to be granted travel documents to go to Gaza and fight against the Israeli Defense Force at the outbreak of Operation Cast Lead in the recent Gaza War.  Every single Arabic man, woman, and child has contempt for Israel and their supporters solely on the basis for the atrocities committed against the Palestinians.  Its no longer a question of "you don't have the right to exist"; at this point its "stop the occupation and illegal settlement of our land." 
I wonder why Jews and Muslims lived in peace unders Arab rule (Muhammadin Caliphates, Ottoman Empire, etc.); yet under Jewish rule (The State of Israel) there is nothing but violence, bloodshed, hate, and anger.  David Ben Gurion, shortly after having secured the 1948 resolution creating the State of Israel said (and I?m paraphrasing), ?Having survived a Holocaust of our people, the world will look upon us in amazement at the grace with which we will treat our Palestinian neighbors."  The stone cold truth of the matter is Israel is perpetuating no less a Holocaust against the Palestinans then the Germans did to them?only its not gas chambers anymore, its military airstrikes. 

Israel has brazenly ignored International Law and the Geneva Convention outlining the Rules of War; they've ignored U.N. Resolution 242, they have yet to live up to promises made under the Camp David Accords (which effectively only removed Egypt from the equation), and have used unprecedented U.S. aid in the form of Money and Military to create the most potent war machine (with Nuclear Arsenal) in the Middle East.     
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 01:00:45 AM by Skandery »
"But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality'. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2009, 09:26:16 AM »
In those cases, NO, it is not terrorism, but a WAR CRIME - meaning the governement, the individuals in command, and the individuals following orders are *ALL* to blame, and at the INTERNATIONAL STAGE.

How lucky for us then then that the INTERNATIONAL STAGE is the easiest place to ignore, huh?

Joe I completely disagree when you talk about the difference between "War Crimes" and "Terrorism".  Someone can claim a uniform as means to undertake horrible violence, someone else can't.  What?s the difference?  The U.N. needs to recognize the Democratic Republic of the Diffuse Nation of Terrorismonia for these acts of violence to be labeled "War Crimes" and then properly ignored as the UN has no jurisdiction to enforce any decree/resolution.  If as you say, no one can truly bring a war criminal to justice if he perpetrates the war crime in the service of the most powerful country in the planet.  What sort of justice can those affected by that war crime ever expect.
No there is a special reason that terrorism was brought to the forefront and differentiated in the language of Western Media.  Its a label.  Its an easy way to say "THEM!"  Play a word association game with any 4th grader in school today and ask them to say any word after they hear the word "Terrorism".  I will guarantee the results of that scientific study show they won?t say "Unabomber" or "Tim McVeigh" or "KKK" or "Weathermen" or "Jewish Defense League".  No they'll say "Muslim" or "Arab" or "Raghead".             

Make no mistake in *WHY* there is a United Nations.  It is as much to protect the world from US as it is to protect us from the rest of the world.  The problem is that it's a failure in both roles.  HOWEVER, it *IS* the proper forum.  But if you fail too often at doing your job, you *WILL* be bypassed - especially by the people with the least to gain and the most to lose by being a part of you.

As for the synonym for "terrorist," I don't disagree that it will be "Muslim" or "Arab."  If I say "serial killer," everyone will say "Manson."  If I say the two things in England, the answers you'll get are "IRA" and "Jack The Ripper."  We look at what affects *US*.  And like it or not, the greatest act of terrorism ever performed on the United States was the attack on the World Trade Center.  (Most people refer to it as "the bombing of the World Trade Center," but that's not accurate, and I believe it is important to distinguish the type of attack appropriately.)

And finally, the difference between a person in uniform and a person not is very simple:  THE GENEVA CONVENTION.  *IF* we were to fight the same way the TERRORISTS - and that is the appropriate term - fight, there's no need for Guantanamo:  we can simply execute anyone we take if we decide we want to.  Or do the beheadings over there just go unanswered, because there's no government to hold responsbile?  After all - Iraq isn't in charge of the terrorist groups.  Ask yourself what would happen if a U.S. soldier beheaded a captured terrorist.  Ask what the PEOPLE OF THE UNTIED STATES would say. 

For a person who likes the idea of a world government, you're not awfully big on the value of treaties, are you?

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #53 on: October 07, 2009, 10:07:00 AM »
Joe, I don't think the objection is based on the process of agreement or the establishment of treaties by a world body, I think it is the exclusion of specific groups, or the way the process moves along, doing more to maintain the status quo rather than working to end injustice.

The UN is a perfect example of an institution designed to end conflict, but ends up perpetuationg it. Even to the end of creating their own army and attempting to co-opt Nato.  The simple truth is that people have disagreements where they are unwilling to compromise. They would rather obfusacate the truth, even lie to their own people, to perpetuate their aims.

Is there genocide in the Sudan? Of course there is, but you won't get a majority of members to admit it, or be willing to do anything about it!

Billy-Bob believes in the bible and in America, and enlists because he can't find a decent job or get access to a decent education. This is by design. If Billy-Bob gets wise, he's not a good soldier any longer, and without an Army, Uncle Sam can't do anything.

The same is true of the sons of the Iranian revolution eager to fight for the just cause (sic) of a Palestinian state.  If they were true to the Q'uran they wouldn't be beating, kidnapping and raping their own people!

Palestine- is not a country, it's a concept born out of compromise in the UN. The West Bank belonged to Jordan, but the Palestinians hated King Hussein, and Jordan didn't want the problem of dealing with them, or the humiliation at losing the land to the Israeli army.  Gaza itself was part of Egypt, but it was such a hole, filled with such difficult people, that they were happy to give it up in exchange for control over the Sinai Peninsula.

And, Skander is correct about the subjugation by Israel of the "Palestinians" such as they are. There is, however, a very big difference between the Israeli occupation, and what the Nazi's did to them. If the Jews were like the Nazi's there wouldn't be any Palestinians left! That is unnaceptable to most Jews as well, they want a homeland of their own, but not at the price of becoming murderers, or for that matter perpetuating an occupation.

Obviously if there ever is to be a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, both sides need to be held accountable, and Israel has to facilitate legitimate commerce so that Palestine could be viable, including arable land, water rights, access to markets, etc. At the same time Israel can't afford to allow this to happen as long as the intent of a significant portion of the Palestinians is to restart the '73 war. And the prospect of that occurring is far from remote.

If Israel were to relax all restrictions and cede sufficient land to the Palestinians today, with no preconditions, a portion of the Palestinian people would try to accumulate weapons and armor, and try to fight to regain control of all of it. At the same time left to their own devices, some in Israel would perpetuate the occupation forever.

Until individuals on both sides insist on treating everyone with dignity and respect that isn't going to happen, and I for one am not optimistic.

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #54 on: October 07, 2009, 10:59:42 AM »
You know, one more thing confuses me about this 'West Bank" and "Gaza Strip" thing, and it seems that it's not being mentioned very much.... did these areas come under Israeli control?

They occupied the land AFTER A WAR TRIGGERED FOLLOWING THE EXPULSION OF UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCES by the Egyptian president.  In other words, "I've got a good idea - let's throw out the U.N. Peace Keepers, shut off Israeli access to the sea, and see what happens!"  It's kind of pointless to debate what Israel is required to do after you've lost the war.

Personally, had I been Israel, I'd have kept the land rather than cede it to any who even MIGHT BE hostile towards me.  They wanted to trade the land for security and peace.  I think that's an Israeli mistake, personally.

There are questions all across the board over who started what, but it's readily apparent that neither Israel nor any Arab state was interested in peace.  Both were provoking each other.  But in my mind, returning the land to a force that loses the war is only encouraging them to try again.

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #55 on: October 07, 2009, 11:09:47 AM »
Darn you, Rick!  While I'm doing the research for all the details (since I'm not a student of Middle-East political history), you're posting a lot of the problems that came out of what I'm pointing out!

You're right;  Israel can't just cede the land, but there's not really a good solution in occupying it.  To my line of thinking, you occupy and assimilate.  With that assimilation comes a voice in the ruling government that provides an anti-Israel view within the Israeli government.  This forces the two sides into serious discussion.

Then again, serious compromise and discussion doesn't work in America any more, so why am I hoping it would work in Israel?

One interesting thing that came out of my research, and I'm curious as to Skander's take on it:

The first Arab voice stating that Israel wasn't going away, and Arab states needed to recognize that possibility...the ruler in Tunisia!  Which is it, Skander - insightful leader, or U.S. puppet?


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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #56 on: October 07, 2009, 11:37:24 AM »
You know, one more thing confuses me about this 'West Bank" and "Gaza Strip" thing, and it seems that it's not being mentioned very much.... did these areas come under Israeli control?

They occupied the land AFTER A WAR TRIGGERED FOLLOWING THE EXPULSION OF UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCES by the Egyptian president.  In other words, "I've got a good idea - let's throw out the U.N. Peace Keepers, shut off Israeli access to the sea, and see what happens!"  It's kind of pointless to debate what Israel is required to do after you've lost the war.

Personally, had I been Israel, I'd have kept the land rather than cede it to any who even MIGHT BE hostile towards me.  They wanted to trade the land for security and peace.  I think that's an Israeli mistake, personally.

There are questions all across the board over who started what, but it's readily apparent that neither Israel nor any Arab state was interested in peace.  Both were provoking each other.  But in my mind, returning the land to a force that loses the war is only encouraging them to try again.

That isn't precisely what happened. Egypt and Jordan got creamed by the Israeli forces. Egypt lost the Sinai, and might have ended up loosing Cairo, had the US not intervened. Israel also captured the West Bank formerly Jordanian territory, and the Golan Heights.  Israel couldn't have gone further, they were stretched very thin covering more territory than the original '48 borders.

Internal political problems in Egypt and Jordan and tension with their Palestinian subjects and the drastic loss of so much territory so quickly after a sudden sneak attack by all three countries on the highest holiday in Jewish tradition and practice, Yom Kippur. Was a major defeat that resonated through the entire Arab (and muslim) world. Egypt was seen as the Center of the region until that loss.

The reality on the ground made Peace a necessary reality. All three counties involved in the attack were defenseless, and Israel had nothing to gain by going any further. It is also true that Israel was more concerned about creating a viable state than in trying to grab more land. The original '48 borders weren't easily defendable. The Golan Heights were the high ground, and without control over that area. Most of Israel was vulnerable to attack. This is why the Golan will likely never be returned and why Syria and Isreal are still hostile. Egypt and Jordan were happy to be out of there, once they realized a military victory was impossible.

Israel itself is not just a political entity but a cultural one, it could not and would not absorb the local population inhabiting the captured territory, without losing it's identity as a Jewish state.

The reality is that the West Bank and Gaza are not capable of retaking the territory, they are not a military threat. Israel will not ever allow that to happen, no matter how many children they produce or are subsidized by the gulf states. They are however, a significant problem for Israel, as they are unable to accept the reality of the situation or try to become a viable, self sufficient, self governed people.  As Skandery alluded to, a lot of them are living in internment camps being sustained by donations from their fellow muslims. Not working or in many cases having the opportunity to work, it's much easier to engage in pipe dreams than get on with the serious matter of nation building.

Strategically it is a major drain on Israelis resources to control these territories, but so far they cannot trust the Palestinians to actually be practical and accept a state without a military arm.  This is the case not only because of their feelings but the aspirations of the rest of the Arab world which feels as though Israel is a renewal of the crusades all over again.

Considering the US penchant for meddling in the region, the Arab concerns are not entirely illegitimate. Skander should recognize that Bush I was the director of the CIA before running for President the first time, loosing to Regan in the Republican primary. Bush's family has always been a part of the American body politic, but also collaborated with the Nazi's in WW2, and has strong relations with the Saudi Royal family. A lot of the things he objects to in America's involvement with the rest of the world occurred while Bush the 1st was with the CIA.

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #57 on: October 07, 2009, 01:22:17 PM »
I still say the appropriate thing to do is absorb the land as part of the country, and declare all that live within the borders as its citizens, with full rights to vote, etc.

This brings them under the rule of law.  And they have the right to change the government and its policies from the inside if they don't like it.

Without those protections, their best option is revolt - unless, of course, you're a believer that that whole "taxation without representation" was just an excuse....


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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #58 on: October 07, 2009, 02:22:25 PM »
I still say the appropriate thing to do is absorb the land as part of the country, and declare all that live within the borders as its citizens, with full rights to vote, etc.

This brings them under the rule of law.  And they have the right to change the government and its policies from the inside if they don't like it.

Without those protections, their best option is revolt - unless, of course, you're a believer that that whole "taxation without representation" was just an excuse....

If they did that it would become a Muslim country, not a Jewish one. The Jews do not recruit others and the Palestinians wouldn't want to be Jews anyway! As it is, I think the Palestinian population outnumbers the Jews. Certainly if you include the refugees in Lebanon. I think it would be better for the Arab world to see a successful democratic state established there. As oppossed to the dysfunctional and unstable governments in the region.

It would be a great social accomplishment for them to live side by side in Peace and prosperity.  And it would be good for the Muslim world to see a modern successful state of their own other than Turkey which is not Arab.

Additionally, it would also be hard for Iran to bomb Israel without hurting Palestinians.

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Re: Terror alert: Will it affect your attendance?
« Reply #59 on: October 07, 2009, 02:33:44 PM »
And finally, the difference between a person in uniform and a person not is very simple:  THE GENEVA CONVENTION.  *IF* we were to fight the same way the TERRORISTS - and that is the appropriate term - fight, there's no need for Guantanamo:  we can simply execute anyone we take if we decide we want to.  Or do the beheadings over there just go unanswered, because there's no government to hold responsbile?  After all - Iraq isn't in charge of the terrorist groups.  Ask yourself what would happen if a U.S. soldier beheaded a captured terrorist.  Ask what the PEOPLE OF THE UNTIED STATES would say.

What would happen if a US soldier beheaded a terrorist.  Puh . . . Joe, ask yourself what would happen if a U.S. soldier detonated a carpet bomb in an Iraqi residential subdivision.  That's not one dead terrorist, that's hundreds of dead terrorists, and their little terrorist wives, and their little terrorist children, and all their little terrorist pets.  And the People of the United States don't care one way or another as long as its NOT IN THEIR BACKYARD.  Their is a World Trade Center attack that happens on a weekly basis in Gaza, West Bank, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, you name it.  Well here in American we know how to respond to 3,000 dead innocents, the death of 100s of thousands of "terrorists" and the destruction of a sovereign nation; and it didn't matter to whom we lied to in order to get that revenge.

  For a person who likes the idea of a world government, you're not awfully big on the value of treaties, are you?

I do like the idea of world government, that's not what we have!
"But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality'. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."