Author Topic: So  (Read 14175 times)

Offline DuckyNinja

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Re: So
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2008, 12:11:12 PM »
I think Chicago's the best possibility if we do end up needing a trade.  I'm not sure if they'd have a need for Dalembert, as he may be a little redundant with Thomas/Noah, but I could definitely see them being interested in Moving Hinrich's contract.

The other possibility I *could* see is if Miami decided they wanted a shotblocking C and the Sixers committed to running like hell this year.  Dalembert and Miller for Marion.  Dalembert's a serious upgrade at C for them and it gets rid of their logjam this year, and a lineup of Brand-Thad-Marion-Iggy-Williams would be able to flat-out run without giving up too much in the rebound department.  Plus, that would open the way for Speights to start next year AND we'd actually have cap space.  Unlikely, but it sure would be fun to watch, if nothing else.

Also, does anybody else look at the topic title and immediately think "Taguchi"?


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Re: So
« Reply #46 on: November 07, 2008, 12:14:44 PM »
Who knows what the heat have planned, or the bulls, i think they're still feeling their way and there are some reports of 'petulant players' over too much focus on derrick rose.

BTW if it's too soon to spike Mo it's probably too soon to anoint Speights as Sams Successor just yet IF they are serious about thinking they can contend this year

Offline bebopdeluxe

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Re: So
« Reply #47 on: November 07, 2008, 01:23:10 PM »

If they come back from their big West Coast trip under .500 (a distinct possibiity unless this crap that we are seeing gets a lot better), I think that Stefanski has to think about life after Miller...and use every tool at his disposal to get either 1) the best PG he can by the deadline or 2) the most cap room possible.

By then, we will also have 30-35 games under our belt, which will give us a better sense of Speights' potential...and whether we can seriously consider moving Sammy (the Magic 8 ball says "it is decidedly so").

I absolutely LOVE the Sammy/Miller for Marion swap.  We would become the fastest NBA team in history.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 01:34:07 PM by bebopdeluxe »

Offline Skates

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Re: So
« Reply #48 on: November 07, 2008, 02:28:14 PM »
Who knows what the heat have planned, or the bulls, i think they're still feeling their way and there are some reports of 'petulant players' over too much focus on derrick rose.

BTW if it's too soon to spike Mo it's probably too soon to anoint Speights as Sams Successor just yet IF they are serious about thinking they can contend this year

They can make a dent in the playoffs this year, there was never any way they were contending for a title.  Start playing speights now and let him grow into the job.  Trade Miller and Sammy hoping for a solution at PG and a stop gap type player to supplement Speights, Brand and Reggie at the 4-5 (a Joe Smith type vet would be fine).  Add a good swing man with size and shooting ability of the James Posey variety next off-season using the MLE.  Jason Smith comes back as the shooting big off the bench next year to go with Reggie and another rookie big from the draft.

As for Crittenton (the Memphis guard we all know you crave), he shouldn't be hard to get.  He can't seem to get playing time in Memphis at either guard spot, despite Conley being very disappointing this year.  Memphis is a goofy organization to deal with however, they gave away Pau, but seem to hold onto guys that don't play.

Offline anklebreaker

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Re: So
« Reply #49 on: November 07, 2008, 03:44:18 PM »
I'm as upset as the next sixer fan about the sad product we've seen on the floor to start the season, but I'm going to withhold my trade demands until we have a slightly larger sample size to diagnose our holes.  I think a lot of people are rushing into things with Miller... he usually starts the season a little out of shape and off his game... not that this is acceptable or anything, but he's more than likely going to find his groove....the questions is whether or not he can pick things up and figure out how he and Brand can find the most opportune mismatches on each possession. 

My main beef so far has been Mo's minute distribution... particularly with Lou.  He's too talented not to be the first guy off the bench.... let alone only play 13 minutes in a game where we are struggling offensively.  Also, With Brand on the floor I think Speights and Marshall compliment him much better than Evans or Ratliff.  I'm not disappointed with the minutes Speights has been getting, but I'm a little surprised that we haven't experimented with Marshall next to Brand at all. 

We need these next 4 days off, but returning to play Utah and Toronto is pretty unfortunate.  This season has been one kick in the balls after another. 

Offline Skates

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Re: So
« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2008, 03:56:05 PM »
My desire to move Miller is only a slight acceleration of my long-standing desire to move him by the deadline.  I would have been happy if they had moved him this summer.  He is not the long term answer at PG, although he has acquitted himself well with a young team in need of a steady hand the last few years.  I might be over-reacting on Sammy or simply reacting too late when others wanted to dump him.  As for Mo I am willing to wait until the west coast trip, but just watching this team. I think he has taken them as far as he can.  He was a good coach for a bunch of young up and comers, but I highly doubt that he can take a more talented team to the next level.


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Re: So
« Reply #51 on: November 07, 2008, 06:16:54 PM »
My desire to move miller is a 2 year old desire - since before the draft that yielded thaddeus young
my desire to fire mo cheeks has the entirety of his tenure as a sixers coach - i never ever wanted him hired
my feelings on sam dalembert are well known (if my identity hasn't been purged from realgm)

Offline DuckyNinja

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Re: So
« Reply #52 on: November 08, 2008, 11:28:21 AM »
Interesting idea I heard the other day: if Miller does in fact proved to be cooked, do you try Iguodala as the starting PG?  I mean, his assist numbers at a non-PG position and his inability to shoot seem to point to the fact that that would be his best position, and with him essentially the tertiary scorer at this point, it seems like if he focused on it, he could do it.

Also, I'm hearing Gerald Wallace is "very available" from Chad Ford.  I wonder if something like Andre Miller's expiring contract, Jason Smith, and our first next year would be good enough to get him.  Iguodala-Wallace-Young-Brand-Dalembert would be an awesome lineup.

Offline tk76

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Re: So
« Reply #53 on: November 08, 2008, 11:44:02 AM »
Then you can trade for Marion and have 4 SF's...

Unless you run a specialized offfense with uniquely talented players (the triangle with an MJ or Kobe) you need a PG.  We don't have a SG of that calibre (despite what Iguodala wants to believe) so an actual pg is needed.


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Re: So
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2008, 11:45:53 AM »
Interesting idea I heard the other day: if Miller does in fact proved to be cooked, do you try Iguodala as the starting PG?

Only something i've been saying for a couple years now - yes you do it - but based on the fan base reaction already this season - I would think he'd have about 3 games to prove he could run the point before fas started calling for his head.

Offline rickortreat

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Re: So
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2008, 12:14:07 PM »
It still comes back to Cheeks.  He hasn't defined the offense yet, so players don't know their roles.  I see no evidence of any strategy to take advantage of mismatches, or exploit other team's weaknesses.

The substitution pattern is very erratic and poorly thought out.  Typically Dalembert is the first starter to go out, and he is replaced by Reggie Evans, which makes the team UNDERSIZED and without a shot blocker or interior defense.  This is just plain stupid, and the basic reason why Cheeks should be fired.  He seems to have no awareness of court balance. It is so obvious that Speights should be backing up Dalembert that the fact that it doesn't happen should be sending us alarm bells!

In the Orlando game Speights got 4:38 worth of PT.  Cheeks decided to go with a small line-up to match Orlando, since Dwight was in foul trouble.  That is plain stupid, you don't match up with 3 pointers, you use your height advantage and pound the ball inside.  The Sixers could never get back into the game because Cheeks is too worried about what the other team does.  He doesn't understand that he needs to make the other team make adjustments to what his team is capable of doing.

Cheeks also doesn't know when to pull a player who's stinking up the place.  A. Miller got 34 minutes a playing time and took more shots than anyone shooting 7-24.  That's too many shots and it's also a terrible percentage.

Dabods is right about the timing, and it pains me to want to axe a coach who was a legend as a player here, but I just don't think that Cheeks has it in him to be a good NBA coach.  Seriously, he's not someone who's going to out-think a Phil Jackson is he?


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Re: So
« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2008, 03:06:34 PM »
The substitution pattern is very erratic and poorly thought out.  Typically Dalembert is the first starter to go out,

Not to defend Mo, but this is because typically Sam gets two fouls faster than anyone else and HAS to be taken out

Reggie Evans should not get more minutes than Speights though

Dabods is right about the timing, and it pains me to want to axe a coach who was a legend as a player here,

See - to me that's a big reason he was hire, his playing career, in philadelphia, for nostalgia sakes, which should never ever be a factor when hiring a coach

Offline Skates

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Re: So
« Reply #57 on: November 09, 2008, 12:41:12 AM »
Hinrich is out for three months with a torn thumb ligament.  So much for any trade ideas there.

Offline anklebreaker

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Re: So
« Reply #58 on: November 09, 2008, 01:22:10 PM »
Trade ideas are kind of irrelevant for the foreseeable future anyway just because I don't see Stefanski making any major moves for a few months ... after all, he just put together a core that everyone anticipated to contend over the next few years... I doubt he tampers with it this early in the season before giving the team a chance to figure things out.   If we're still playing the same ball by mid-december then I could see talks getting more serious.  Miller could easily be the outcast since he is up after this season, and his limited range has proved to be a thorn in our side in half court settings.  If a move does have to be made, I'm sure he'll be the first to go. 


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Re: So
« Reply #59 on: November 09, 2008, 01:47:59 PM »
Andre Millers contract expires this year - he shouldn't be depended on past this year - and the back up possibilities are pathetic.