Author Topic: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?  (Read 16700 times)

Offline westkoast

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2008, 01:53:33 PM »
Cool tactics.  You unleashed the arsenal in this thread.  First plan of attack "Bring up spelling" second plan of attack if you misunderstood a simple point "pretend you did it on purpose".

We both have the same "quality" public school education in the great state of California as one another.  I've admitted numerous times that writing is not my forte.  Never was.  Never will be.  I have no desire to make it my forte.    I'll run circles around you in many other things though.  Just because you can't patch a server or implement an electronic data management system for an enterprise doesn't make you an idiot.  That is not your strength and I wouldn't hold that against you.      That is the difference between us.  You feel the need to take shots at my writing to make you feel better but haven't done a good job answer a BAKSETBALL QUESTION.  Writing is not the end all be all (didn't we have this debate already?).  I don't really have time to take writing classes.  I have other type of information that needs to be consumed and take up my time.  Not quite sure who you think you are that I should feel motivated to go take a writing class just for you LOL!!!

Back to my question...what puts Duncan and KG on a higher level then Kobe Bryant with out bringing in your personal bias?  You can't do it!!!  I don't care if you want to see others do better then him.  I also know plenty of people don't like Kobe.  That is easy to say.  Can you say "Plenty of people really like Kobe Bryant" ?

WOW Jomal is a saber tooth tiger and I never go any older then cougars sorry =/

Let me give you one more English lesson, laddie. You spelled 'biter' and 'butt' correctly, so don't say I brought up spelling. It was not spelling errors, Mr. "Techwhizzer", that I was laughing at you about. Sorry to force feed you on this point, but with you there really is no other way to deal with how pathetically slow you can be at times.

You seem very proud of being what amounts to a mechanic. Good for you. I am sure you are very good at it. Lord knows we who actually have to think for a living need to hire people like you to keep our machines in tidy order once in a while and we really appreciate it. I will let you run circles around me in that department.  

As for my complaints about Bryant, see my post to msc.

And Laker fans are smug, arrogant, full of themselves, and the ones who down play everything else people do but what happens to them.  I think you take the cake.  I am far from a mechanic.  That is like saying you 'count' for a living LOL!!  I am the slow one but you think an electronic data management system for an enterprise somehow includes cleaning spyware off your computer.   Not that I expect an old timer to understand technology.  I'd like to point out the clear difference between a help desk person and a technical consultant but hay why bother!  You probably wouldn't get it anyways.  I don't keep machines tidy.  I make sure your network works so you can toot your own horn online all day and dodge simple basketball related questions on a message board with a bunch of BS.  You should get the Reality award today for completely ignoring a question you don't want to answer because it might require admitting you are wrong.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 01:55:33 PM by westkoast »

Offline msc

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2008, 01:58:48 PM »

Forget about his rape charge, msc. I was not even considering that, but it is nice to know it is the first thing about Kobe YOU want to bring up.

I was referring to his lack of faith in his teammates and in his general manager, his demands to be traded if Kupchek did not "magically" make an astounding trade to improve KOBE"S OWN opinion of how great he would be by putting better followers on the court with him then the team was able to provide immediately per his whim. Suddenly he is a GREAT TEAM LEADER after first being an a**hole teammate for three years. Suddenly, he gets Gasol in as one-sided a trade as his stupid GM could muster and now he is Mr. HAPPYLAKER, when this time last year he wanted out, period. Call it drive, fundamentals, killer instinct, but maybe it just does not sit all that well with non-Laker basketball fans who remember what a prima donna we are really talking about here.

I have no argument as to his basketball skills in winning an MVP, but I would rather not have to SEE hubris in the smug looks on guys like Bonds and Bryant who somehow think they are above everyone else and can act like petty tyrants without conscience. For the record, Jordan got away with way too much as well. And if Duncan is hiding something, then he at least has the humility to keep quiet about his activities and opinions - what one could only wish Kobe could do.  

Fair enough.  I also don't think you'll find many who argue with the fact that Kobe is a prima donna.  Your opinion is legit, although I don't believe for one second that Kobe's performance against your beloved Kings (before you jumped ship, of course, JazzMal  ;)) isn't a signicant factor in forming your opinion. 

Your comparison of Kobe to Bonds while I can see the one side of it (crappy teammate argument), the part that is inapplicable and unfair IMO is that Kobe's never been accused of cheating.  At least not in regards to the basketball court  ;)

I have no argument as to his basketball skills in winning an MVP

I think this is why westkoast started the thread the way he did.  To paraphrase, "look, I know you guys hate kobe (for all the above reasons you so eloquently stated, JazzMal), but at least show some respect for his skills".  Obviously, that rubbed ziggy and some others the wrong way.  And perhaps westkoast's mistake was that he capitalized it (I think).  However, I don't think he was being smug but just trying to preempt the bs arguments over character issues and talk about his amazing gifts on the court.  Because really, I'm not the biggest fan of Kobe's personality, but I consider it a privilege to watch this guys skill on the court.  He does things night in and night out that blow me away.  I grew up watching Magic and Cooper and then lived through the Jordan years.  People talk about the past and the future of the NBA, but we're seeing it right now.  This guy will go down as one of the, if not the all time greatest players ever.  So maybe for one day, the day he wins the MVP, we can talk about that, and not get in to a whole lame Reality Kobe bash session.  Just a thought, I'll go back to work now. 

Offline westkoast

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2008, 02:09:14 PM »
msc you hit it on the head.  I was using it more as a conversation starter and a way to say 'hay lets focus in on the game and not personal lives'.  I still believe there are certain parts of basketball that you have to enjoy if you are a big time fan but never would I think everyone has to feel the EXACT same way about things as I do.  If I did then I would make my own basketball board where I only talked to myself.  That is not why any of us come here so I don't quite get why I would even have to explain that I don't expect everyone to think or feel the same way I do.

You can hate Kobe for any boat load of reasons (we all know there is enough to go around) but if you are a fan of the sport of basketball to the level we all are then you have to respect parts of his game.   To me there are certain aspects of the game that we all really like that makes us huge NBA fans as oppose to casual NBA fans. 

Btw... Your Blazers example is perfect.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 02:14:58 PM by westkoast »

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #63 on: May 06, 2008, 02:13:51 PM »
Writing is not the end all be all
Nowhere did I say Kobe was better then Duncan or Garnett.

It's "be all, end all", not only can you not write, you're dyslexic as well.

The "then" in the second quote is in its incorrect form, "then" is used for continuation of thought. "THAN" is contrasting, or comparative, and is the form of the word you should have used. These 2 examples are but microcosms of the abortions in writing skills you use on this board.

If you had half the debating skills jOLDmal had (I happen to have half again more than he does, because I am full of Laker smugness), you would realize that he has NO ROOM to talk when it comes to correcting anyone on this board with regard to spelling or grammar, and would have stooped to his level to turn his sarcasm and twisting right back at him, indeed, only WOW is worse (to the power of 10) than you and to a lesser degree jOLDmal. Therein lies the problem, to be an effective debater, you'd better come correct in your sentence structure and reasoning points, otherwise you come across like a ranting fool, and we already have one of those here, the one riding the Spurs wagon, much to Lurker and X3's chagrin.

jOLDmal, I see why you felt the need to slap down our enthusiastic if somewhat obtuse fellow Laker fan and you are certainly welcome to do so, but I might suggest you pursue a different methodology, say, your impressive basketball knowledge, leave the spelling and grammar to someone else who DOESN?T butcher the written word.

You both may now return to your regularly scheduled PMS driven girl fight.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 03:03:33 PM by Laker Fan »

Offline JoMal

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2008, 02:58:12 PM »

jOLDmal, I see why you felt the need to slap down or enthusiastic if somewhat obtuse fellow Laker fan"

Laker Fan.....please, if you can't say it correctly, it really hurts your credibility. I also only do any correcting if it otherwise happens to be mentioned. I was not correcting westkoast; on the contrary I was thanking him for the "spoonerisms" that cheered my day.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline JoMal

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2008, 03:07:06 PM »

And Laker fans are smug, arrogant, full of themselves, and the ones who down play everything else people do but what happens to them.  I think you take the cake.  I am far from a mechanic.  That is like saying you 'count' for a living LOL!!  I am the slow one but you think an electronic data management system for an enterprise somehow includes cleaning spyware off your computer.   Not that I expect an old timer to understand technology.  I'd like to point out the clear difference between a help desk person and a technical consultant but hay why bother!  You probably wouldn't get it anyways.  I don't keep machines tidy.  I make sure your network works so you can toot your own horn online all day and dodge simple basketball related questions on a message board with a bunch of BS.  You should get the Reality award today for completely ignoring a question you don't want to answer because it might require admitting you are wrong.

"And Laker fans are smug, arrogant, full of themselves, and the ones who down play everything else people do but what happens to them"

Your self-loathing is understandable, but being a Laker fan it must be hard for you if you also have mirrors in your house.

About your job, you have completely misunderstood my intent. I was praising you in your dedication to keeping my computer equipment topnotch. I love the work effort of my own techs who work for me - honestly I don't know what I would do without them. To be relieved of the added duty of fixing my own computer problems is a blessing and allows me to do my "counting" without losing concentration. You seem proud of what you do and should. We mere users of computers are thankful.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2008, 03:09:06 PM »

jOLDmal, I see why you felt the need to slap down or enthusiastic if somewhat obtuse fellow Laker fan"

Laker Fan.....please, if you can't say it correctly, it really hurts your credibility. I also only do any correcting if it otherwise happens to be mentioned. I was not correcting westkoast; on the contrary I was thanking him for the "spoonerisms" that cheered my day.

The difference here is that my occasional typo's are the exception rather than the rule, however, I appreciate your pointing it out, it has since been corrected.

I was aware you were not correcting 'Koast, unlike him, your rapier wit and sardonic style does not elude me, it was just too delightfully ironic that you would choose just such a subject as you did, it begged a response I simply could not pass up.

Offline JoMal

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #67 on: May 06, 2008, 03:12:03 PM »

I think this is why westkoast started the thread the way he did.  To paraphrase, "look, I know you guys hate kobe (for all the above reasons you so eloquently stated, JazzMal), but at least show some respect for his skills".  Obviously, that rubbed ziggy and some others the wrong way.  And perhaps westkoast's mistake was that he capitalized it (I think).  However, I don't think he was being smug but just trying to preempt the bs arguments over character issues and talk about his amazing gifts on the court.  Because really, I'm not the biggest fan of Kobe's personality, but I consider it a privilege to watch this guys skill on the court.  He does things night in and night out that blow me away.  I grew up watching Magic and Cooper and then lived through the Jordan years.  People talk about the past and the future of the NBA, but we're seeing it right now.  This guy will go down as one of the, if not the all time greatest players ever.  So maybe for one day, the day he wins the MVP, we can talk about that, and not get in to a whole lame Reality Kobe bash session.  Just a thought, I'll go back to work now. 

Sorry to correct you on my motivation regarding this thread, msc, but I was more annoyed with westkoast criticizing others on the board for not bringing up the potential MVP award for Kobe, instead of just starting the thread without that preamble nonsense that others (apparently non-Laker fans) somehow are obligated to start the MVP thread instead, even though the official announcement never was made at that point. Ziggy clearly felt some Laker smugness in that, while I accepted the smugness and just decided to annoy westkoast instead.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline westkoast

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #68 on: May 06, 2008, 03:13:23 PM »

And Laker fans are smug, arrogant, full of themselves, and the ones who down play everything else people do but what happens to them.  I think you take the cake.  I am far from a mechanic.  That is like saying you 'count' for a living LOL!!  I am the slow one but you think an electronic data management system for an enterprise somehow includes cleaning spyware off your computer.   Not that I expect an old timer to understand technology.  I'd like to point out the clear difference between a help desk person and a technical consultant but hay why bother!  You probably wouldn't get it anyways.  I don't keep machines tidy.  I make sure your network works so you can toot your own horn online all day and dodge simple basketball related questions on a message board with a bunch of BS.  You should get the Reality award today for completely ignoring a question you don't want to answer because it might require admitting you are wrong.

"And Laker fans are smug, arrogant, full of themselves, and the ones who down play everything else people do but what happens to them"

Your self-loathing is understandable, but being a Laker fan it must be hard for you if you also have mirrors in your house.

About your job, you have completely misunderstood my intent. I was praising you in your dedication to keeping my computer equipment topnotch. I love the work effort of my own techs who work for me - honestly I don't know what I would do without them. To be relieved of the added duty of fixing my own computer problems is a blessing and allows me to do my "counting" without losing concentration. You seem proud of what you do and should. We mere users of computers are thankful.


Gimmie an F'in break

Offline JoMal

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #69 on: May 06, 2008, 03:15:06 PM »

jOLDmal, I see why you felt the need to slap down or enthusiastic if somewhat obtuse fellow Laker fan"

Laker Fan.....please, if you can't say it correctly, it really hurts your credibility. I also only do any correcting if it otherwise happens to be mentioned. I was not correcting westkoast; on the contrary I was thanking him for the "spoonerisms" that cheered my day.

The difference here is that my occasional typo's are the exception rather than the rule, however, I appreciate your pointing it out, it has since been corrected.

I was aware you were not correcting 'Koast, unlike him, your rapier wit and sardonic style does not elude me, it was just too delightfully ironic that you would choose just such a subject as you did, it begged a response I simply could not pass up.

Glad to oblige, but until I can get a voice-activated keyboard, my big fingers are likely to hit all kinds of interesting alternative keys instead of the intended ones. Be amused, be very amused.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline JoMal

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2008, 03:17:47 PM »

And Laker fans are smug, arrogant, full of themselves, and the ones who down play everything else people do but what happens to them.  I think you take the cake.  I am far from a mechanic.  That is like saying you 'count' for a living LOL!!  I am the slow one but you think an electronic data management system for an enterprise somehow includes cleaning spyware off your computer.   Not that I expect an old timer to understand technology.  I'd like to point out the clear difference between a help desk person and a technical consultant but hay why bother!  You probably wouldn't get it anyways.  I don't keep machines tidy.  I make sure your network works so you can toot your own horn online all day and dodge simple basketball related questions on a message board with a bunch of BS.  You should get the Reality award today for completely ignoring a question you don't want to answer because it might require admitting you are wrong.

"And Laker fans are smug, arrogant, full of themselves, and the ones who down play everything else people do but what happens to them"

Your self-loathing is understandable, but being a Laker fan it must be hard for you if you also have mirrors in your house.

About your job, you have completely misunderstood my intent. I was praising you in your dedication to keeping my computer equipment topnotch. I love the work effort of my own techs who work for me - honestly I don't know what I would do without them. To be relieved of the added duty of fixing my own computer problems is a blessing and allows me to do my "counting" without losing concentration. You seem proud of what you do and should. We mere users of computers are thankful.


Gimmie an F'in break

Looks like my smirk is done here.   ;)
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2008, 03:18:17 PM »
Writing is not the end all be all
Nowhere did I say Kobe was better then Duncan or Garnett.

It's "be all, end all", not only can you not write, you're dyslexic as well.

The "then" in the second quote is in its incorrect form, "then" is used for continuation of thought. "THAN" is contrasting, or comparative, and is the form of the word you should have used. These 2 examples are but microcosms of the abortions in writing skills you use on this board.

If you had half the debating skills jOLDmal had (I happen to have half again more than he does, because I am full of Laker smugness), you would realize that he has NO ROOM to talk when it comes to correcting anyone on this board with regard to spelling or grammar, and would have stooped to his level to turn his sarcasm and twisting right back at him, indeed, only WOW is worse (to the power of 10) than you and to a lesser degree jOLDmal. Therein lies the problem, to be an effective debater, you'd better come correct in your sentence structure and reasoning points, otherwise you come across like a ranting fool, and we already have one of those here, the one riding the Spurs wagon, much to Lurker and X3's chagrin.

jOLDmal, I see why you felt the need to slap down our enthusiastic if somewhat obtuse fellow Laker fan and you are certainly welcome to do so, but I might suggest you pursue a different methodology, say, your impressive basketball knowledge, leave the spelling and grammar to someone else who DOESN?T butcher the written word.

You both may now return to your regularly scheduled PMS driven girl fight.

Too bad you can not figure out how to use the "Quote" feature.  It's also neat how you ran away from your own typos in another thread.  Carry on 2nd string, let the 1st string debaters continue in another thread.

"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2008, 03:23:15 PM »
I am far from a mechanic.  That is like saying you 'count' for a living LOL!!  I am the slow one but you think an electronic data management system for an enterprise somehow includes cleaning spyware off your computer.   Not that I expect an old timer to understand technology.  I'd like to point out the clear difference between a help desk person and a technical consultant but hay why bother!

Technical Consultant = "Next -> Next -> Next -> Next -> Finish" 

You wouldn't know an octet if it jumped up and bit you on your subnet.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline Laker Fan

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2008, 03:27:38 PM »
Writing is not the end all be all
Nowhere did I say Kobe was better then Duncan or Garnett.

It's "be all, end all", not only can you not write, you're dyslexic as well.

The "then" in the second quote is in its incorrect form, "then" is used for continuation of thought. "THAN" is contrasting, or comparative, and is the form of the word you should have used. These 2 examples are but microcosms of the abortions in writing skills you use on this board.

If you had half the debating skills jOLDmal had (I happen to have half again more than he does, because I am full of Laker smugness), you would realize that he has NO ROOM to talk when it comes to correcting anyone on this board with regard to spelling or grammar, and would have stooped to his level to turn his sarcasm and twisting right back at him, indeed, only WOW is worse (to the power of 10) than you and to a lesser degree jOLDmal. Therein lies the problem, to be an effective debater, you'd better come correct in your sentence structure and reasoning points, otherwise you come across like a ranting fool, and we already have one of those here, the one riding the Spurs wagon, much to Lurker and X3's chagrin.

jOLDmal, I see why you felt the need to slap down our enthusiastic if somewhat obtuse fellow Laker fan and you are certainly welcome to do so, but I might suggest you pursue a different methodology, say, your impressive basketball knowledge, leave the spelling and grammar to someone else who DOESN?T butcher the written word.

You both may now return to your regularly scheduled PMS driven girl fight.

Too bad you can not figure out how to use the "Quote" feature.  It's also neat how you ran away from your own typos in another thread.  Carry on 2nd string, let the 1st string debaters continue in another thread.

Enjoy your one little victory in this arena WOW, you shan't have another, stick to basketball, where your marginal knowledge is at least somewaht entertaining, because when it comes to debate on this subject, you are unarmed, truly a mental midget among intellectual giants.

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: Wow...still no threads about Kobe getting the MVP?
« Reply #74 on: May 06, 2008, 03:31:59 PM »
Writing is not the end all be all
Nowhere did I say Kobe was better then Duncan or Garnett.

It's "be all, end all", not only can you not write, you're dyslexic as well.

The "then" in the second quote is in its incorrect form, "then" is used for continuation of thought. "THAN" is contrasting, or comparative, and is the form of the word you should have used. These 2 examples are but microcosms of the abortions in writing skills you use on this board.

If you had half the debating skills jOLDmal had (I happen to have half again more than he does, because I am full of Laker smugness), you would realize that he has NO ROOM to talk when it comes to correcting anyone on this board with regard to spelling or grammar, and would have stooped to his level to turn his sarcasm and twisting right back at him, indeed, only WOW is worse (to the power of 10) than you and to a lesser degree jOLDmal. Therein lies the problem, to be an effective debater, you'd better come correct in your sentence structure and reasoning points, otherwise you come across like a ranting fool, and we already have one of those here, the one riding the Spurs wagon, much to Lurker and X3's chagrin.

jOLDmal, I see why you felt the need to slap down our enthusiastic if somewhat obtuse fellow Laker fan and you are certainly welcome to do so, but I might suggest you pursue a different methodology, say, your impressive basketball knowledge, leave the spelling and grammar to someone else who DOESN?T butcher the written word.

You both may now return to your regularly scheduled PMS driven girl fight.

Too bad you can not figure out how to use the "Quote" feature.  It's also neat how you ran away from your own typos in another thread.  Carry on 2nd string, let the 1st string debaters continue in another thread.

Enjoy your one little victory in this arena WOW, you shan't have another, stick to basketball, where your marginal knowledge is at least somewaht entertaining, because when it comes to debate on this subject, you are unarmed, truly a mental midget among intellectual giants.

When it comes to spelling and grammar no doubt, but you are far from a superior debater.  Let me know if you need any help with the technological "wonders" on this BBS.

Carry on 2nd string. 
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"