What is so bad about Iguodala and Williams with Holiday and Iverson coming off the bench?
The fact that Iverson will blow a gasket ?
I'm as big an Iverson fan as anyone, but his feelings about whether he should start or not are quite frankly irrelevant, and wouldn't sway me at all. Either he's a real teamate or he isn't. What matters is what's best for the team and if that means an older AI coming off the bench, then he should be willing. If not, he can always watch the games from the stands!
If Elton Brand, a legitimate 20 and 10 guy is tolerating it, AI has no reason to complain. As a fan of the team, I do have the right to be pissed at Jordan's rotations and decisions, and apparently a lot of us feel the same way.
In addition AI is old and may not be able to handle the wear and tear of starting. I would tell him that I want him for the playoffs, and to just give me 20-25 min, of great play off the bench. Or, we could always let Lou and AI fight over it- whoever has the best stats wins.