Author Topic: Thoughts after the first playoff weekend  (Read 3458 times)

Offline WayOutWest

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« on: April 19, 2004, 12:04:44 PM »
First, I don't think anyone is CAPABLE of beating the Spurs in a 7 game series except for the Lakers and Wolves.

Second, I don't think anyone will beat the Spurs in a 7 game series. <- (that's a PERIOD, not to be confused with a period)  ;)

Third, the Spurs are the 5th, that's right FIFTH, most talented team in the league but they are playing as a cohesive unit.  In essence they are the best TEAM in basketball right now.  At this point the Wolves are the biggest threat to the Spurs in the West, if the Lakers can pull it together on a consistant basis or flip the "switch" soon then I'll pick them to win it all.  Whoever wins in the second round between the Lakers/Spurs will win it all.

Fourth, I think people are begining to face "realty" in regards to the Yao/Shaq comparrisons.  They are not in the same league, this is NOT Kareem vs. Chamberlin.  Yao has yet to show me I'm wrong about my day one observations regarding Yao being another Rik Smits, hopefully with a better health record.  One thing Yao does do alot better than Rik is he's a much bigger defensive presence.  Rik was 7'4 but he didn't clog the middle and intimidate around the rim the way Yao does.  Yao has a bright future but he's no Kareem or Walton.

Fifth, I was glad to see the Kings play well this weekend.  My money is still on the Mavs and as a team I like the Mavs better but I didn't want any of the big 5 falter to the extent that the Kings were going into the playoffs.  With the Kings on again off again late season track record I don't know what to really expect and my bet may be in jepordy.
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Offline Randy

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2004, 12:22:59 PM »
Well, WOW, I can tell you that while the Lakers are obviously hurt, they still aren't playing with a sense of urgency.  Look at the beginning of the game, while they weren't necessarily knocking down shots, they were playing strong D -- then they begin to feel like the game was theirs so they didn't need to really exert themselves.  The Lakers are going to need some of their role players to step up and frankly, Fish, Fox and George are all so hurt I don't think they are capable of stepping up at this time.  I hope they get well soon.  A longer series might be an actual help for the Lakers if it helps these players get back to form.  Malone is obviously hurting as is GP and it sure looks like Kobe is hurting -- whether it's physical or emotional, I'm not sure, but in the past he has shown the ability to play better than he has in the past couple weeks.  If the Lakers lose, there are no excuses no matter what the injuries are but I would like to see them face the Spurs with health -- that way there AREN'T any excuses.

As for the Kings, IMO, Doug Christie was the difference in game one.  He's the reason why this team won -- he willed them to win.  And it's about time that someone rose to the challenge because it's pretty clear that CWebb isn't going to do that.  If the Kings can win game 2, then I think they win the series -- otherwise, this team gets beat -- the don't play well on the road and it's up to other players like Christie, Bibby, etc. to step up.  It's about time that someone told CWebb that he doesn't get the title of "leader" if he isn't going to act like it -- and a leader makes his team better and wills them to win -- Mello's been more of a leader than CWebb has this year.

The Spurs flat took it to the Grizz -- they looked VERY good on both ends of the floor.  The Grizz are going to struggle though -- they don't have great offensive players and almost no one as their "go-to-guy."  The lack of playoff experience also showed on the court and the Spurs never let up -- the Grizz looked helpless and shocked on the court.  I think Hubie finds a way to get this team to settle down and play better ball but it will be interesting to see if he can get them to steal a game (something I thought they were going to be able to do).


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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2004, 01:31:14 PM »
OK, let's not get carried away here. First, props to the Spurs for taking care of business. They, like every team that won over the weekend, did what they were supposed to do, win. Granted, the won convincingly, and LA did not, but let's remember that the Spurs faced a team with absolutely no playoff experience ever, that is very very young, and despite the fact that they were 3-1 against the Spurs, 2 of those wins came against a Duncanless lineup. Even with Gasol these cats have NO ANSWER in the post for Tim and IMO they are too young and inexperienced to do anything but very possibly get swept, which is exactly what should happen in the first round. All that being said, LA will struggle which is inexcusable given the talent level, but they will beat Houston, but make no mistake, IMO Minnesota is the team to worry about, they score and defend, their offensive output is better than the Spurs, and their defense, while not terrific, may be enough.

In short, big deal any of the teams that won this weekend won, they were supposed to, including the Kings, San Antonio blowing out a young, nervous and completely outclassed and inexperienced Memphis team means NOTHING, anymore than LA barely holding on against Houston, or the Kings taking down a completely overrated Dallas team, or the fact that Minnesota should be able to sweep Denver, so what? The second round is where it gets tough, for everybody.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2004, 01:35:45 PM by Laker Fan »

Offline JoMal

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2004, 01:49:41 PM »
Too bad none of these are one game series or we all could look like genius's.

The Lakers should win against the Rockets not because Shaq might be able to dominate Yao, but because they are the better team. Francis is the most overrated player I have seen who has received this much hype since I don't know when. That he even thinks he is any good makes him uncoachable. Great combination, kid. I can't see why the Lakers even let Houston be in game one, but then the Lakers are nothing if not an enigma.

The Kings still remain an even bigger enigma. They can out-offense any team in the League on any given night, but they let that edge dissipate once Webber returned and it cost them everything - the Pacific title, the top seed in the West, and the best record in the League. That is a steep price to pay for one player.

However, none of what transpired late in the regular season will be remembered if the Kings do well in the playoffs. Who cares, in fact. If Webber does what we all  expect of him in the post season, he will be forgiven. All of his involvement playing during his twenty-plus season led to this time. Sacramento sacrificed so much for him, we have to remember that the reason we anticipated his return was for his presence in the post season, where he is supposed to prevail over lesser talents in the slower pace.

Many people have been talking about what Doug Christie did in game one, and most of it was, 'Where did THAT come from? He isn't supposed to be that good!!".

Beg to differ. Doug's play in the latter part of the season was inspirational, if not to his fellow King's players, at least to fans in Sacramento. He is filling the void left by Bobby Jackson, and is scoring like a true shooting guard in the NBA is supposed to, while defending the toughest opponent every night.

Whomever keeps saying they hate Christie's game, and I have heard plenty here as well as elsewhere, do NOT understand the NBA game very much. He has picked up the scoring void because his team NEEDS him to, not because he magically has found he is allowed to score too. His defense is terrific, and his steal from Walker was the biggest play late in the Mavericks game, as his steals late in games often are.

His ability to drive into the lane for dunks should make the ESPN highlight reels nightly to show how this play should be done by a professional
« Last Edit: April 19, 2004, 01:50:44 PM by JoMal »
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Offline Randy

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2004, 01:52:22 PM »
OK, let's not get carried away here. First, props to the Spurs for taking care of business. They, like every team that won over the weekend, did what they were supposed to do, win. Granted, the won convincingly, and LA did not, but let's remember that the Spurs faced a team with absolutely no playoff experience ever, that is very very young, and despite the fact that they were 3-1 against the Spurs, 2 of those wins came against a Duncanless lineup. Even with Gasol these cats have NO ANSWER in the post for Tim and IMO they are too young and inexperienced to do anything but very possibly get swept, which is exactly what should happen in the first round. All that being said, LA will struggle which is inexcusable given the talent level, but they will beat Houston, but make no mistake, IMO Minnesota is the team to worry about, they score and defend, their offensive output is better than the Spurs, and their defense, while not terrific, may be enough.

In short, big deal any of the teams that won this weekend won, they were supposed to, including the Kings, San Antonio blowing out a young, nervous and completely outclassed and inexperienced Memphis team means NOTHING, anymore than LA barely holding on against Houston, or the Kings taking down a completely overrated Dallas team, or the fact that Minnesota should be able to sweep Denver, so what? The second round is where it gets tough, for everybody.
Dan, how much more experience does Houston have over the Grizz?  Take Mark Jackson out of the equation and it comes down to almost none.  

And the Grizz don't have any experience in the playoffs and they do have a very young team (youngest in the league, isn't it?) but my comments were on the Spurs play -- they played offense and defense very well -- and are going to be tough to beat if they continue to play that way.  Suddenly, Pop has changed up the dump and watch offense of TD and added motion via Parker and Manu -- and that makes the Spurs much harder to beat (and the reason why the Lakers were so unprepared for that offense in their last game).  

The fact is that the Spurs and TWolves are both playing very well.  The Lakers and Kings aren't.  There is still time and the Lakers have a little bit of excuse in the injury department but I think there is a bigger problem than injuries -- and they don't have much time to work together as a team.  The Spurs are experiencing synergism -- the team is much better than it's individual parts -- so far the Lakers aren't as good as their individual parts.


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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2004, 01:58:37 PM »
Teams can no longer just double team Tim Duncan and expect to win the game. The Spurs are winning, and in a sense, the Spurs are BETTER this year because they have switched to that new motion offense. Duncan has taken a back seat to his teammates, and this years crop of Spurs are actually quite fun to watch.

In a sense, the team has gone to a run and gun style of basketball while maintaining thier defensive strengths.  I'm a homer, but IMO, the Spurs are going to be tough to beat in a 7 game series.

Kings are an enigma, I don't know what to think about the Kings anymore.  The only thing that bothers me about SAC is freagin Chris Webber. Whenever he MANAGES to get a dunk, that looong pause that he does...just standing there staring at his opponents like he's just done something great is really unnerving.

LA seems talented, they still scare me, but frankly, all the talent in the world won't overcome there age this year.

Really excited to see what the T-wolves do this year.  Glad to see they finally have to road paved to reach the WCF. Anything less should be punishable by death jn. :)  

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2004, 02:15:26 PM »
sf101, you know what's a homer comment?  To comment about the Lakers age and then want to talk about depth with Willis and Horry.  The Lakers age isn't the problem -- it's health and/or team play.  We will see if they can get either or both together.

Offline SPURSX3

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2004, 02:19:35 PM »
I think the Spurs did well, but I would agree that the griz are playoffs babes and looked like they just got raped IMO.  i cant remember seeing a team look more scared in all the playoffs i have seen......not even the spurs that got spanked by LA, what two years ago, we got swepted didnt we....and that team looked pretty damn afraid of the lakers that year.  memphis, man, i just had to feel sorry for them, almost to the point where i was screaming, "STOP IT!!  WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BEAT THEM SO BAD!!"  just kidding of course, i enjoyed evewry minute of it.

Houston plyed some tough basketball against LA in game one, very impressive, thank goodness for Jim Jackson airballs huh laker fans??  I think this is just a great match up, IF LA and SA meet in the second round, i would expect the lakers to play on adrenaline [sp?] and have a better showing then they have so far......that in my opinion is saying a lot considering they had to go double ot against the blazers, i still think they can come to play in round two...

the wolves are looking tough, not much i can say except that they are finally a serious threat to any team looking to get a title and some bling bling.  I cant wait to see if they do well in the second round or if that becomes the new glass ceiling for them.
On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

Offline SPURSX3

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2004, 02:52:24 PM »
sf101, you know what's a homer comment?  To comment about the Lakers age and then want to talk about depth with Willis and Horry.  The Lakers age isn't the problem -- it's health and/or team play.  We will see if they can get either or both together.
speaking of horry, have you seen his play lately???  its like this guy is in his prime or something, he is not the sluggish players he was last year, i mean this guy kicks majopr arse!  

and yes, my dream scenario to the second round is Spurs vs Lakers, games 7, 10 seconds left in the game, triple overtime, bowen throws it into manu, manu does his psychotic drive to the basket looking like he is gonna lay it in, medvenko [sp?] goes up to block (cuz you KNOW shaq will have fouled out by then!), manu kicks the ball out to lo' and behold, horry catches it with time winding down, takes the shot from the top of the 3 point line - swish!!! he goes dancing of ready to be carried away by a brand new team to the wcf........
On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

Offline Randy

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2004, 03:31:07 PM »
speaking of horry, have you seen his play lately??? its like this guy is in his prime or something, he is not the sluggish players he was last year, i mean this guy kicks majopr arse!

Horry lives for this time of year.  The reason that he was sluggish last year was because the Lakers killed him by overusing him in the regular season -- he hasn't had to play the kind of minutes, this year, that he had to play last year -- there's many who call him "Mr. Postseason" for a reason.

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2004, 09:49:00 PM »
I think you missed my point Randy, which simply was so big bloody deal the Spurs beat Memphis, they not only should have beat them, they should have done exactly what they did, blew them out of the building, they should sweep them, so what? The same goes for LA, Minnesota, and Sacramento, so what? It's the first round, they don't call it an upset for nothing if one of the top 2-3 seeds lose in the first round, the only team in this bunch that has an excuse if they lose is Sacramento, by virtue of Dallas' seeding at 5. Minnesota should sweep as well, they so outclass Denver it is comical. LA barely won, but they did win, like they were supposed to, if they play to their potential, Houston gets swept like Memphis should, they have NO PLAYOFF EXPERIENCE! My whole point is until and unless anyone of "the big 4" falls behind in the first round, this is nothing more than the get their feet wet round. Winning big is cool, but if the Spurs win big, it is because they should win big against a 6 seed team. I am not too worried about LA yet, however, if they struggle like this 2 or 3 more games into this series and I will be deep into the Bushmills with worry, not because of Houston, but because the 2nd round involves that little old team from Tejas, until then....

Offline SPURSX3

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2004, 08:41:22 AM »
laker fans, I dont think you really need to worry soo much about your team.  Houston is just a physical match up for you guys.  I mean, yao IS a good match up for the shaq daddy, and if you can atleast negate him in someway the lakers are gonna have problems.  i think LA will be ready to go - injured or not - should they meet is in round two.  they usually get pumped up to play us....
On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2004, 09:04:06 AM »
Well it was good to see they could step it up last night when Houston clamped down on Shaq and he got himself in foul trouble, (and it was his fault, he deserved every call).

Steve Francis, is an idiot, and as Joe V. said, TOTALLY overrated, this moron said he thought it was Kobe's birthday last night the officials were so generous. That is laughable, Kobe's shot selection dictated those fouls, he was all over it in the paint and they were doubling down on him all night, they might as well have been his clothes they were so hanging all over him. Besides that, Houston shot more free throws than LA, but the officials were too generous to LA right Francis? You moron! Maybe if your team had shot better at the line than 63% against one of the worst teams at the stripe in the NBA, you might have changed things a little. Kobe is flat automatic at the line and so you drape yourself on someone who can make shots in traffic and give him the opportunity for the 3 point play almost every time down the floor and it's the officials? How STUPID is that? Hey, here's an idea, DON'T FOUL HIM!!!!! Nearly half his points are free throws and you wonder why you lost.

San Antonio took it to Memphis last night as well, I'm telling you, they should sweep the Grizzlies, after the first half slow start by the Spurs, they turned it up and punished them in the 4th.

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2004, 09:28:10 AM »
Well it was good to see they could step it up last night when Houston clamped down on Shaq and he got himself in foul trouble, (and it was his fault, he deserved every call).

Steve Francis, is an idiot, and as Joe V. said, TOTALLY overrated, this moron said he thought it was Kobe's birthday last night the officials were so generous. That is laughable, Kobe's shot selection dictated those fouls, he was all over it in the paint and they were doubling down on him all night, they might as well have been his clothes they were so hanging all over him. Besides that, Houston shot more free throws than LA, but the officials were too generous to LA right Francis? You moron! Maybe if your team had shot better at the line than 63% against one of the worst teams at the stripe in the NBA, you might have changed things a little. Kobe is flat automatic at the line and so you drape yourself on someone who can make shots in traffic and give him the opportunity for the 3 point play almost every time down the floor and it's the officials? How STUPID is that? Hey, here's an idea, DON'T FOUL HIM!!!!! Nearly half his points are free throws and you wonder why you lost.

San Antonio took it to Memphis last night as well, I'm telling you, they should sweep the Grizzlies, after the first half slow start by the Spurs, they turned it up and punished them in the 4th.
I agree, francis IS an idiot.  going one on one with kobe???  what was that jack munch thinking?  i was like, "you deserve to get schooled for trying to take him one on one.."  first half was good for houston but then francis tried to take over and killed the rockets.  I think that is what did them in, well that and Rush hitting his shots, the kid is finding his stroke and really helping you guys out.  still for houston to win, the ball needs to be in Yao's hands, let you dish the assists if needed, francis needs to learn when to pass it - oh well, see you guys in the next round.

expect francis to be traded this summer if they get swept....
On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

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Thoughts after the first playoff weekend
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2004, 09:37:11 AM »
It looked like if it kept up, Shaq would have fouled out last night, he was waaay too agressive although he did manage to block Ming at least once very cleanly without a foul. Malone made him work for his 21 points and to tell you the truth, Van Gundy is as much to blame as anyone for getting blown out, they were going to lose no matter what, Kobe and Malone were just that determined, but what was he doing not exploiting the paint with Ming with Shaq on the bench? What an idiot! Their other mistake is one you mentioned, leaving Rush alone outside, you're correct, his play is improving and he was big last night, all those regular season games he had to play because of LA's injuries are showing with him and it is good to see.