"Partner with the rich?"
Let's assume I'm rich. You want to partner with me? WHY?
"Because you have the money."
Okay. And I get what benefit out of this?
The train will do everyone good.
So everyone is going to pay for it, then, right?
Somebody has to get the ball rolling.
So what are you offering me to be that somebody? My taxes are liable to go up under the current Democratic administration. My small/medium/large sized businesses are due for tax increases. My investments have gone to crap along with the stock market. Look - *MY* money isn't growing; it's shrinking. You're asking me to shrink it faster. You've got to give me a reason to do it.
Think of what you owe the community.
The ones who gripe about the jobs I provide? Or the ones who say I'm just in it for myself? Or maybe the ones who defaulted on their loans, making it harder for me to get money to build new companies? They turn around and say I'm the ultimate evil. Why do I want to help them? What's the point of helping someone when you're already destined to be the villain?
(this is me again)
Sorry. I used to believe in the good will of people, but that stopped years ago. Most people are motivated only by their own self interest, and after a while, you expect that ONLY their own self interest will motivate them. I'm not willing to take it that far just yet, but I most definitely intend to save my "best effort" for the GRATEFUL. And when I'm taking that approach, what right have I to cast stones at someone who has already reached the point of "I'll look out for me and mine"?