Oh, I love when both sides of the aisle vote on whose more scandalous.
They both suck
For the record, I believe it's all about timing. You just can't tell me it's all Elephants all the time. Whatever.
1990's: Dems worst hands down, thanks mostly to two people. And what about all the dead people in Bill and Hilary's wake?
2000's: Repubs worst hands down, thanks to a whole shnit-load of people. The Dems did their best to even the scales with President Andrew Shepherd having premarital nookie in the White House, and Josiah Bartlett concealing the fact that he multiple sclerosis . . . jerks. But you just can't get past Tom DeLay and the yellow cake / CIA chick.
All-time: When all subsequent scandals are named, in part, after yours, you have to be the winner: so it's Republicans by a nose.