Author Topic: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports  (Read 21522 times)

Offline tk76-

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2008, 09:06:24 AM »
The children on realgm may flip out because they haven't thought it through, can the sixers OFFER brand 60 million over 4 with their cap room?  I didn't work out the raises and such.

Can't make a S&T if the other team won't do it

If the sixers have 12M this year, the biggest 4 yr deal theyu can off is 4yr/54M


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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2008, 09:08:15 AM »
I kind of figured they couldn't top 60 million, so to top the clippers offer they'd have to offer 5 years....which some irrational people will think is a good....i don't think it would be.

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2008, 09:09:29 AM »
Except he's elton brand, who really isn't a huge endorsement draw.

BTW - since lebron james has been drafted reports are that the global shoe market has dropped almost 50% from 4.5 billion....

Not that he reduced the shoe market by his actions, but the one thing I will always give credit to Marbury for is his affordable shoes idea.  And from reading Consumer reports they are actually a pretty well made shoe.

For Brand I think its his production company tieins and lifestyle that tie him to LA, I thought the endorsement issue was likely to be more of a wash, although it would help raise the Clips profile if theyw ere running Brand and Baron out there.  With thornton not being the youngest rookie out there last year, a Brand-Baron pairing would definitely have a limited shelf life.


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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2008, 09:11:43 AM »
Yeah, i don't think Starburys shoes made a 2 billion dollar dent on the shoe market :)

As for the profile of the clippers, remember, I live out west, it's not gonna happen, the lakers made the nba finals minus bynum this season, they have '3 stars' in kobe, gasol and bynum...the clippers had their shot, and when kobe turned around and went back to the lakers locker room that was the beginning of losing their shot...kupchak standing by his guns on bynum and violating the griz for gasol was the nail in the coffin. 

Sterling did have a shot to raise the profile of the clippers in LA, but it was a short window, it's closed, they are back to being who they were in the late 90s.

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2008, 09:14:42 AM » would help raise the Clips profile if theyw ere running Brand and Baron out there.  With thornton not being the youngest rookie out there last year, a Brand-Baron pairing would definitely have a limited shelf life.

I think Baron-Cat-Thornton-Brand-Caveman is the making of a good team.  Not a true contender, but a nice assortment of complementary talent.  The fact that Thornton is Iguodala's age is actually a positive for them, since he might be ready to enter his prime before his teammates are completely washed up.

Offline DuckyNinja

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2008, 09:30:00 AM »
From Chad Ford:

1. Elton Brand, Clippers: Brand's decision to opt out of his contract with the Clippers took everyone by surprise. I spoke with two Clippers sources in the last 48 hours before the deadline and they both said there was no way he is opting out. Brand says he wants to re-sign with the Clippers and the most likely scenario is the Clippers re-upping Brand with a long-term deal.

The only other real play that Brand has is with the Sixers. They could offer him a deal starting at $12.4 million per year. However, most likely, he'll return to LA with a long-term deal.

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2008, 09:37:37 AM »
The Clips also picked up Eric Gordon this year as I recall, they could have a very talented team.  Not necessarily title contenders, but 50+ wins with some playoff success.

As far as the Lakers go I wonder if their long-term future is really going to be all that bright as it seems?  I just have a feeling with Bynum that injuries might be a large part of his future, despite his prodigious talent I don't know that ten years from now we'll be looking back glowingly at an Andrew Bynum era of any sort, possibly more of a what might have been story.  Gasol has been pretty exposed for what he can't do and Kobe is already edging past his prime.  I ilke them for the next few years, but I don't see a run like they had with Kobe-Shaq, Magic-Kareem or the teams of West-Baylor and/or Chamberlain.

And I always toss out that California stuff for you Jem, since I know you have the local scoop.

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2008, 10:12:09 AM »
Am I right in believing that the 76ers are around 20million under the cap? And that some of that 20 is is slotted space for Iggy and L Will. If that is true, then can not the 76ers offer brand whatever they want and then pay Iggy and L Will something different? I am not suggesting that they will or should, just asking if they could?


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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #53 on: July 01, 2008, 10:13:40 AM »
No, you are not correct.  Unless the sixers renounce the rights to iguodala and Louis Williams, there are cap holds.  The sixers only have about 12 million in cap space to use for free agency.

They could have 20 million, but that would make iguodala and williams unrestricted free agents and that would be a bad idea.

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #54 on: July 01, 2008, 10:17:25 AM »
Thanks jem, what if Green or Evans gets lined up for a trade, does that give cap space? We would basically have to trade them for nothing though.


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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #55 on: July 01, 2008, 10:21:26 AM »
You'd have to find teams with trade exceptions willing to take on mediocre players with mediocre contracts, in terms of cap space, evans is better cause his contract is shorter, but you'd probably have to incentivize any deal with picks and or youth to make the other team take on your problem contracts.

I know GSW lost their trade exception, and I don't know of any left that exist...Teams like Indiana, NJ, Mil, Tor might have one from their recent deals, but why would they take on reggie or willie?

I think the sixers would have a had time creating more cap space than they already have

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #56 on: July 01, 2008, 10:29:12 AM »
Don't know if everyone has seen this from the AJC...Sounds like rumor mongering, but its in the "paper"

12:01 a.m.
By Sekou K Smith | Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 08:43 AM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

SMYRNA - We might not have to wait as long as initially forecasted for something to break on the Josh Smith situation.

Late-breaking developments Monday night saw Elton Brand and Baron Davis opt out of their contracts and join the free agent market, each of them sacrificing millions in search of a longer contracts that will give them the security they desire.

But neither Brand nor Davis is the target of the Philadelphia 76ers. That distinction remains Smith?s. And while you were sleeping just after midnight, 76ers president Ed Stefanski, according to one of my well-placed spies, was on the phone with Smith?s representatives making sure that they were headed to the City of Brotherly Love as soon as possible.

My spy (who said no call from the Hawks came after midnight) insists that Philly wants Smith to visit as early as Wednesday morning. That would make clear their intentions where Smith is concerned.

The Hawks and Smith?s reps are still slated to meet this afternoon (my spy didn?t know where the meeting was slated to go down but I?m working on it). But I would imagine the tenor of that meeting could change dramatically, at least for Smith?s camp, knowing that it?s just the first stop on a mini-tour that includes a stop in Philly.

Good teams don?t wait around until May to decide who they like, they?ve usually done their homework on a player and his situation long before they make the move it appears the 76ers are about to make.

So I poked around a bit more and found that not only has Stefanski been intrigued by Smith?s talent since he was a high schooler coming out in the 2004 draft, he also has a longstanding relationship with one of Smith?s agents, Brian Dyke, who is also Kenyon Martin?s agent. Stefanski worked in a similar capacity in New Jersey when Martin was there and was in almost the exact same situation as Smith (if you remember, the Nets dared Martin to find a team willing to pay him more than they wanted to and he did just that and left in a sign-and-trade deal with Denver).

Those sorts of connections cannot be ignored during situations like the one the Hawks are facing now.

I?ve heard the gripes of a lot of people (here on the blog and elsewhere) and I?ll politely agree to disagree with those who think Josh Smith is expendable and that the Hawks are better off not re-investing in their own player. It?s really a case-by-case basis that you have to gauge how you deal with your own free agents.

Not all of them carry the same value, internally and on the open market. My rule is that you never outsmart yourself and assume that you can replace the quality and production that you know for quality and production that you?re gambling on being the right fit. But that?s just my rule.

For a team there are so many other factors involved, as we?ll see play out between now and when offer sheets and contracts are signed and either matched or not.

SENDING MESSAGES: Another thing that has been lost in our ongoing dissecting of this Josh Smith/Josh Childress situation is the message the organization sends to the rest of their players with their actions this summer.

A scout friend mentioned this to me in a conversation last night and it?s a valid point that I didn?t really consider until then, but the guys watching this stuff as closely as anyone are Marvin Williams, Joe Johnson, Al Horford, Mike Bibby and any other Hawks player that will be in this same situation in the near future.

?They?re watching this to see how the Hawks handle Josh and Josh because it will be a sign as to how they?ll deal with other guys,? my scout friend said. ?Smith and Childress are the two guys the Hawks started this whole [rebuilding] process with, and if they don?t do right by them ? man, why would they do right by anyone else? People have long memories. They remember what happened with Al [Harrington] and how he waited all summer for something to happen and then got played. Players don?t forget that stuff. Agents don?t forget that stuff. And I guarantee you other teams remember that stuff because there is a lot of talent on that [Hawks] team. If they can?t keep things together, people will come around trying to pick them apart.?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 10:33:13 AM by The Poster »


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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #57 on: July 01, 2008, 10:32:56 AM »
God the hawks are such a god awful mess, stern should institute some sort of 'eminent' domain on them, move them to a city more deserving with better ownership

Offline johnny broad-street

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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #58 on: July 01, 2008, 10:45:23 AM »
Like Seattle? Hahahaha


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Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2008, 10:47:31 AM »
Like Seattle? Hahahaha

Seattle is getting a raw deal from David Stern - shawn kemp said it nicely - if you win you'll get a better stadium - stop holding cities hostage - it's criminal i think