Author Topic: Demerol contributions accepted  (Read 2940 times)

Offline Reality

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Demerol contributions accepted
« on: January 15, 2007, 12:30:26 AM »
For me and San Diego.

Skandery this has to top them all, seriously.

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 09:07:02 AM »
The jewelers were linning up for a shot to provide Super Bowl rings to the Chargers and they can't win on thier own field.  Pathetic.  I knew the weakest links were the QB and coach.  I missed most of the game, I only caught the halftime recap and the last two minutes of the game.  YUCK!
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Offline Skandery

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2007, 10:54:59 AM »
You know, Reality, I hate the ever-living heck out of New England, but saw that entire game (especially that gut-wrenching end) play out in my head exactly the way it played out -- lateral and all!!

You expect the ridiculous catches by the Reche Caldwell's (or whatever else 3rd string NFL reject New England has signed), you expect bs 2-point conversion on a direct snap to Kevin Faulk (the best Running Back in the history of the NFL-when New England needs a play), you expect the play-action fake to catch San Diego's 179 Pro-Bowl Defensive players completely unaware, you expect NE's ROOKIE kicker to nail straight down the middle--playoff AFC championship game pressure be damned, you expect SD PRO BOWL kicker to completely shank the game-tying field goal (honestly my grandmother couldn't have kicked it worst); BUT SHOULD you have to expect the interception of Tom Brady deep in San Diego territory (don't remember the defensive player) and the subsequent failed lateral that was batted by Troy Brown that led to New England's all-too familiar TD + 2 point conversion.

All that's left is for NE to pound Indianapolis like a drum which they always do--and they're looking at perhaps the worst team they've ever had to play in the Superbowl (Chicago or New Orleans).

FIRE MARTY SCHOTTENHEIMER NOW, and maybe all that talent will bring you a Superbowl.  Marty has put the pieces together, that's as far as he can take you, time to cut him loose.   
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Offline Laker Fan

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2007, 11:41:21 AM »
As much as I loath and detest New England, (not as much as The Cowgirls though) I still had very mixed feelings over this game, I am deleriously happy San Diego lost, and especially a game they absolutley should have won (how do you get an interception and IN THE VERY SAME PLAY give it right back?), and at the same time, I HATED seeing the Patriots back into yet another apparent walk to the Superbowl. This team gets more breaks in a game than any marginally talented team I have ever seen in my life, I just hope Manning and the Colts don't roll over this time.

Still... San diego lost so life is somewhat good.

I am rooting for Chicago personally, exposed defense and all, I am an NFC kind of guy, except under all circumstances I will root against all things Dallas.

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 11:58:10 AM »
Why do you loath the Chargers?  You're not a Raiders fan are you?  It's not even fun watching the Chargers treat the Faders like the ghetto-ho-biznatches, it's like beating up on the retarded.
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Offline Reality

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 12:25:36 PM »
Skandery do you have any idea how WOW assesses blame on PRivers for this?
The dropped passes were a joke.
1st half Rivers leads them into scoring position what, 47 times?
Dropped passes, Eric Parker falling down on a reverse to take them out of field goal range, a holding penalty to negate 2nd and 1 from the 18 yard line.  In fact three dropped passes that all would have been 1st downs, 2 of them bringing the Chargers into chip shot field goal range even IF they would not have advanced a yard after the catch.  I could go on.  I will....

Marty goes for it on 4th and 11 instead of booting a 47 yard field goal in the 1st quarter.  Wind at back at that time.

Skander yes, after all that, McCree just has to fall down and it's a 90% lock.  You know what, he really should not have even intercepted it.  Pats were going for it on 4th and 5.  Just bat the ball down.  Chargers take over 10 yard ahead of where he *would have* fallen down anyways.  I think that is what, strategy a 3rd grader could grasp?
Thing is, Shottenheimer dbs have done this twice earlier this season, both times at the end of a game and both of which could have seriously cost the game.  Yet the same goofy plays are repeated.
That is the Shot legacy.

I agree, he has got to be replaced.
Not real thrilled with Camerons play calling yesteday either.
Not nearly enough short and midrange passes.
LT halfback pass was wide open all day long.

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 02:39:48 PM »
I don't see how you can blame Shottenheimer for that loss.  Unless of course you're blaming the Charger players lack of discipline and football IQ on him, which I guess you can do.  But at a certain point, Shottenheimer can't be responsible for grown men making stupid plays and penalties. 

Hindsight is always 20/20 in play calling.  It's easy to break it down AFTER the game and say, they should have called this play, they shouldn't have called that play. 

This was the Chargers game and they lost it because of three stupid, undisciplined, individual plays. 

1.  Florence's personal foul - Just beyond moronic when NE would have had to punt.  If you can't control yourself in the biggest game of your career, maybe you don't deserve to advance.

2.  Eric Parker is an idiot.  I'll give him a pass on the 2 or 3 dropped passes of perfectly thrown balls.  But when he muffed the catch on the punt return all he had to do was fall on it and protect the ball.  Instead, he tries to pick it up and advance it giving the Pats special team players just the window they needed to get in there and knock to ball loose and recover.  What an idiot. 

3.  McCree hot dogging it on the interception.  PROTECT THE BALL!  Brown made a good play jarring the ball lose, but McCree should never have started dancing with the ball and going for the big return.  You picked it, the game is virtually over, FALL ON IT!!!  Or as Realty pointed out, knock it down.  You are such a moron McCree!  You were already the hero; you don't have to try to return the ball for a TD. 

I'm not even a Charger fan, but I feel frustrated for them and their fans.  LT doesn't deserve to lose b/c some donkeys on his team can't control themselves.  It's sad. 

Offline Reality

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 02:44:57 PM »
San Diego lost, and especially a game they absolutley should have won (how do you get an interception and IN THE VERY SAME PLAY give it right back?),

As Skander posted on the playoff picks thread, only Marty could find a way to screw it up.

Believe it or not, two similiar plays happened earlier this season.  Both also late 4th and both potentially costing Chargers the game.
Vs Raiders a very late 4th INT whereupon all db had to do was drop down.  He tried to be Hero Meism and gain meaninless yards.  Raider reciever got a slap at the ball but was unable to knock it loose.  So S.D. retained possession and game ended after SD took snaps and ran out clock.  But why even let that Raider reciever get a clear shot at the ball?

2.  Vs Buffalo.  Late lead by Chargers, Buff with zero timeouts and 2:20 left in game.  Intercepted by Corey Hart Charger db.  Drop to the ground and let offense take 4 snaps for game over?  Nope, he tried to be Hero Meism #2 and ran with ball for meaningless yards.  Oops, on his prancing way with the ball he fumbled even tho he was untouched!  Buff recovered, quickly scored a t.d. and very nearly got the onsides kick to lose by 3.

Sure db McCree was the main screwup on this.  However, point being this kind of crap is on Shot.  His players continue to pull this kind of nonsense in big playoff games.  

One can only imagine what a good coach would have done with this Charger nucleous the past three seasons, with this year being the absolute crescendo.  I think two for three SuperBowls was entirely possible, even expected.

Offline Reality

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2007, 02:52:46 PM »
I don't see how you can blame Shottenheimer for that loss.  Unless of course you're blaming the Charger players lack of discipline and football IQ on him, which I guess you can do.  But at a certain point, Shottenheimer can't be responsible for grown men making stupid plays and penalties. 

Hindsight is always 20/20 in play calling.  It's easy to break it down AFTER the game and say, they should have called this play, they shouldn't have called that play. 

This was the Chargers game and they lost it because of three stupid, undisciplined, individual plays. 

1.  Florence's personal foul - Just beyond moronic when NE would have had to punt.  If you can't control yourself in the biggest game of your career, maybe you don't deserve to advance.

2.  Eric Parker is an idiot.  I'll give him a pass on the 2 or 3 dropped passes of perfectly thrown balls.  But when he muffed the catch on the punt return all he had to do was fall on it and protect the ball.  Instead, he tries to pick it up and advance it giving the Pats special team players just the window they needed to get in there and knock to ball loose and recover.  What an idiot. 

3.  McCree hot dogging it on the interception.  PROTECT THE BALL!  Brown made a good play jarring the ball lose, but McCree should never have started dancing with the ball and going for the big return.  You picked it, the game is virtually over, FALL ON IT!!!  Or as Realty pointed out, knock it down.  You are such a moron McCree!  You were already the hero; you don't have to try to return the ball for a TD. 

I'm not even a Charger fan, but I feel frustrated for them and their fans.  LT doesn't deserve to lose b/c some donkeys on his team can't control themselves.  It's sad. 

#1 I will grant you could have happened to any coaches player.
#2.  I and and others have been predicting Parkers downfall in the playoffs since October.  And begging for a replacement/Plan b i might add.  Given his physique he simply does not have the mental toughness for playoff ball, and i love it when smaller guys succede in the NFL.
Combined with a history of Marty (for whatever reason) having the worst brought out in some of his players in the playoffs.  For someone making 6 million a year and having coached as long as he has, he should have forseen Parker also.  We acquired Az Hakim late in the season.  For what?  Also Keenan McCardell on the bench.  Before that we had a very good 6'5" rookie reciever Floyd, who unfortunately went down with a season ending injury.
#3.  See above post whereupon Charger dbs have made this mistake twice previously this season.  No consequese, no teaching from Marty.
To add more insult to McCrees injury-insult, he is quoted today in San Diego paper spouting off about how "We just didnt make the plays.  All game lone WE just let them have too many plays." 

Offline Laker Fan

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2007, 05:09:49 PM »
I did not say I loath the Chargers, that emotion is reserved for Dallas. To tell you the truth WOW, it is a rivalry thing with me, I have some very good friends in Linda Vista who are RABID Chargers fans, and I am a serious 49er fan, you think it wasn't sweet the whipping the 9er's applied directly to the Chargers behind in the Superbowl? Ever since then, the rivalry has just grown, but unlike my hatred for the detestable Cowboys, if San Diego wins yesterday or even managed to advance to and win the Superbowl, it would not have stuck in my craw or even bothered me all that much, it would have just meant my friends in SD would have had extra smack talk to heap on my already beleagered head given the 49ers performance of late.

I think Tomlinson deserved the MVP and I thought they had an awesome year, too many games won in a row coming into Sunday though, I am one that never discounts that a loss is a very real possiblity in a situation like that, and I was right this time. Mcree's showboating fumble was the turning point, when he caught that ball I thought that is all she wrote, bonehead play of the season for the Chargers, and that includes Florence's headbutt. But I do agree, Shottenheimer takes a lot of this on his shoulders for not preparing them better, especially against a very savvy Belichek and a very experienced Patriots team, I thought their defense, which is waaaay underrated looked tepid and nervous, they should have been able to manhandle the Pats smaller offensive line. Rivers can't be blamed for the dropped passes and they darn sure should have run the ball more.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 11:06:03 AM by Laker Fan »

Offline rickortreat

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 05:20:36 PM »
The problem is that San Diego was too good for those obvious mistakes to cost them against lesser teams, so they were lessons they didn't learn.  They may be a better team personnel wise, but New England's experience and professionalism were the difference.

You cannot discount the fact that the Patriots always manage to find a way to win.  Brady doesn't give up, and neither does anyone else on that team.  They just find a way.

You can't blame Shottenheimer for the mistakes his players made, these guys should have learned these things while playing in High School or College.

IMO, San Diego just got used to out-playing everyone with their superior talent.  That will work against nine-tenths of the teams in the NFL, but not the Patriots.

By the way Dan, Philadelphia is the official capital of the "We Hate the Cowboys" club.  America's team my Butt!  When the Eagles aren't winning, the biggest games are the ones against Dallas, as long as we beat them, we're happy.

Offline Reality

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2007, 01:30:22 AM »
Darwin football award or just extreme Meism?
McCree in todays paper on his bonehead basically game costing play (one of many game costers)

“I was trying to make a play,” he said, “and anytime I get the ball I am going to try and score. I saw there was an (offensive) lineman in front of me, and I knew if I could make him miss I was off and running.

“Before I had a chance to do that, Troy Brown stripped it. He made a great play, and I was trying to make a big play. (In) hindsight I don't regret it because I would never try and just go down on the (ground). I want to score.”

Asked why he just didn't knock the ball down, since it was fourth down and an incomplete pass would have given the Chargers possession, McCree scoffed.

“Why would I knock the ball down?” he said. “He threw it right to me.”
Later, McCree added: “I would do the same thing if I had the same opportunity. This time I would just secure the ball more securely.”

Offline Skandery

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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2007, 12:26:50 PM »
First - I HATE Marlon McCree, I couldn't remember who made the bonehead play, but it doesn't surprise me that it was McCree and moreso, I'm happy that it was McCree so I have further justification for hating him.  Reality's posting of this douchebag's comments are further justification.  You guys remember the kill shot he doled out to T.J. Houshmanzadeh (I think).  A smug, arrogant, dangerous, and very stupid player:  Marlon McCree.

Second - Marty Schottenheimer should be fired (thanked for helping to get a team that was in shambles to respectability) and matter-of-factly told, "You've taken us as far as your capable of, thank you, now go clean your desk out." 

4th and 11 in the 1st quarter at the New England 30.  If there was EVER a time in your 60+ years of existence on this planet to apply Martyball, this was it Marty Schottenheimer, as it turns out you lost by that exact margin.  You're FIRED!

Drayton Florence head-butting Daniel Graham, if there was ever a year to instill EXTRA discipline in a team that was clearly drunk with victory (we're talking 10 straight weeks with a W), punishments, fines, and maybe suspensions to curb the antics of some of the players might have helped allay this bonehead move by Florence.  Discipline is a coach's job, the coach was you Marty Schottenheimer.  You're FIRED!

Marlon McCree, if there was ever a player that needed to know the value of discipline, this was the player.  His lack of discipline and error in judgement cost San Diego dearly.  You failed him like you failed Florence and Merriman and Phillips and Castillo and Williams and Jammer.  You're FIRED!

LaDainian Tomlinson is one of the premier pass catchers out of the backfield.  Why did we see Eric Parker drop pass after pass after pass after pass after pass and never ONCE saw an ATTEMPT at a Tomlinson screen pass or in the flat with room to run.  Sure assign some blame to Cameron, to Rivers, heck even to Rivers QB coach, but the head coach has more influence than anyone, thats you Marty Schottenheimer.  Que Donald!

Third - You can't really blame Rivers for this loss and LaDainian Tomlinson I just feel sorry for:  a classy, hard-working, humble, and amazing performer utterly cheated.  I have to agree with Reality, I wonder if San Diego not had Malcolm Floyd go down with season-ending injury, whether that would've made a difference.  The few times I watched San Diego he was very impressive and from what I can tell developing a wonderful chemistry with Rivers. 

Fourth - I know this was in the other thread but I'll answer it here.  Were I Chargers management, I would've liked to replace Marty Schottenheimer with Steelers OC Ken Whisenhunt (but Arizona already snatched him up).  As it is recently fired Atlanta coach, Jim Mora would probably work out.  He'd have the same potent defense (only this SD's hopefully will stay on the field), the same potent running game, but he'd actually have a pocket passer to work with instead of a running back who occasionally passes to run the west coast.  Don't know too much about Cameron but I guess he'd work.
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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2007, 02:49:34 PM »
I am rooting for Chicago personally, exposed defense and all, I am an NFC kind of guy, except under all circumstances I will root against all things Dallas.

Except for rooting for Chicago instead of New Orleans, Dan you have my complete support regarding the Dallas Cryboys and the UnPatriots.
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Re: Demerol contributions accepted
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2007, 02:52:39 PM »
Why do you loath the Chargers?  You're not a Raiders fan are you?  It's not even fun watching the Chargers treat the Faders like the ghetto-ho-biznatches, it's like beating up on the retarded.

We Raider fans are loyal. Hating the Chargers is a normal, healthy outlet for being forced to root for a pathetic team that is writhing in the throes of dispair.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."