Please go figure out the terms "fact/theory/hypothesis". Then learn to use them correctly, those terms are NOT interchangable as Joe has tried to point out.
I was the first to try to point out the differences to Randy months ago, I've since given up. If I had a nickel for everytime I read the statement, "a theory, oh that's just a best guess", I would quit my job and invest in a publishing company with the flagship title being:
Skander's Dictionary of Scientific Terms. I might even add "For Dummies", since they seem to be the only ones who read anymore.
When it comes to mind-control, it's not just the White-Christian-Male government you have to worry about, anymore.
Yeah, they're just the best organized and the most dangerous.
*flies away in spaceship with L. Ron Hubbard and Tom Cruise*
*wk gets thrown out of the airlock by L. Ron Hubbard and Tom Cruise when they realized he didn't have the requisite $5,000*
Dammit to hell, I thought I had it all figured out!!!
WayOutWest, just send $5000 to your nearest Scientology establishment and they'll start you on you're way to work up the confidence in yourself to begin to apply your inner wisdom of motivating yourself to start perhaps thinking that you might begin to figure out that there's really something else to figure out, maybe.