The other problem is that students are directed to "Of Pandas and People" for further explanation. That book is such a piece of UNscientific garbage. The completely ignore such things as the age of the earth and they also ignore tons of fossil evidence.
The Invisible Pink Unicorn (IPU) belief should also be taught alongside creationalism IMO. If we're going to become morons we should strive to become complete morons.
Actually, I disagree. Fossil evidence provides no more scientific proof that evolution is the source of life than it does that creation was the source of life. As for the book, I've not read it, and don't even know what it is, so I cannot attest to whether or not it is unscientific garbage or not.
And I personally prefer Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, myself...just because of the pirate outfits.
Personally, I'm surprised that it's taken Intelligent Design this long to arrive. Essentially, as we've gotten more and more scientifically advanced, we've assumed more and more power and prided ourselves more and more on it. Now, we have a theory which essentially says that someone JUST LIKE US could be the creator for life on Earth. If God is dead, this kind of arrogance would have him rolling over in his grave.
Intelligent Design isn't *JUST* a weapon of the Creationists, folks; it's a weapon of those who believe MAN is the ultimate intelligence. Tower of Babel, Part II, if you will.
Unfortunately, that's the umbrella Christian beliefs fall under - as do the beliefs of those who say God created the universe, and then just let it go and do it's own thing.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - it's very likely that the origin of life on Earth won't be a fact of science, but one of HISTORY, provided through the eyes of an outside observer, since, until such evidence is presented, no amount of research will adequately prove any type of initial design - Intelligent Design or Evolution - as fact.