Author Topic: Draft Finished  (Read 9436 times)

Offline Derek Bodner

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Draft Finished
« on: October 22, 2005, 03:42:04 PM »
1) Garnett (Keeper)
2) McGrady (Keeper)
3) Kidd
4) Redd
5) Bogut
6) Tinsley
7) Al Jefferson
8) Marvin Williams
9) Stromile Swift
10) Sebastian Telfair
11) Luol Deng
12) Shaun Livingston
13) Desmond Mason
14) Marc Jackson

Like: Happy with Kidd and Redd (whom I had both of at one point last year).  Bogut was boom or bust.  Love Al Jefferson, and like the gamble of Telfair.  Thought Mason was a a nice piece that late in the draft.  Jackson and Swift were necessity picks.

Dislike:  Didn't like Tinsley because of ambiguity (computer pick).  I'm probably going to regret Marvin Williams, who hasn't worked his way into the starting lineup and has looked bad.

Offline Ted

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Draft Finished
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2005, 04:01:38 PM »
Shawn Marion (Keeper)
LeBron James (Keeper)
Chris Bosh
Kirk Hinrich
Marcus Camby
Mehmet Okur
Chris Webber
Quentin Richardson
Eddy Curry
T.J. Ford
Damon Jones
J.R. Smith
Matt Harpring
Kendrick Perkins

Bosh, of course, was the big plot twist. I'm sure that muddled some draft boards. Going under the assumption that I had to pick my one sure keeper for next year . . . I had my pick narrowed down to either Arenas or Kidd. I don't have much faith in Kidd's knee, and I didn't really need Arena's type of game this year, and I wasn't sure I wanted him as a keeper. I started looking down the line and thinking of who had the highest cieling in the next few years, and I came up with Bosh. With Vinsanity gone and only a fading Jalen Rose taking shots away from him, I decided this is the year he breaks out.

I picked Hinrich out of necessity. I like him well enough. Camby is a rebounds and blocks monster, and he was healthy for most of last year. Okur is going to be starting and playing big minutes. His stats at the end of last year show that when given the minutes, he's a stud.

Webber is my hypocrisy pick. He had the same surgery as Kidd, but it didn't stop me this time. I think he'll be good for about 20/9/4 if he's healthy. Worth the risk in the 7th round.

My favorite late-found picks are TJ and Damon. I needed some threes and assists, and hopefully got some on the cheap. I think Damon will get plenty of looks with LeBron. Kendrick is a sleeper pick. There's some rumors of him taking Blount's time. We'll see.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2005, 04:03:47 PM by Ted »
"You take him Perk!" ~Kevin Garnett

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Offline ziggy

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Draft Finished
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2005, 04:04:39 PM »
My draft

1.) Dirk Nowitski
2.) Larry Hughes
3.) Brad Miller
4.) Andre Iguodala
5.) Lamar Odom
6.) Chris Paul
7.) Josh Smith
8.) Luke Ridnour
9.) Drew Gooden
10.) Darius Miles
11.) Theo Ratliff
12.) Sarunas Jasikevicius
13.) Primoz Brezec
14.) Darko Milicic

I took a risk with keeping Hughes and letting Ray Allen go, but in the end it turned out like I hoped.  I figured that Hughes and Allen would be close, but if I kept Hughes then Allen would be taken, and increase the probability I would get Brad Miller (I figured that Arenas, Allen, Peja would be gone, and I thought Derek would take Kidd).  I guess we will see if I made a mistake.

I didn't decide on Iguodala until today, but I knew that if I passed that Derek would take him with one his his next 2.  Last year my 4th pick was Artest, and Iggy isn't Artest, he is a very similar player.  I do know for sure my 4th pick this year will help me more than the one I picked last year.

I think Odom is a good pick.  He was #38 overall 2 years ago.

Chris Paul is a risk, but I needed a PG, so I thought I would take a shot, and then try and fill in behind him with a more known quantity.  That is why I took Ridnour.  I think he will have a very nice year.  As it turned out I really like my PG, and I took them at 6-8-12.

I went with Josh Smith because he can offer something few other SF/SG and offer, blocks.  I knew I would be weak at center, based upon who had gone at that point, so I felt he could offer some things a center would.  I actually think I made a mistake though, I should have went with KMart, and then waited on Smith.  

I am ambivelent about Gooden.  He was the best PF on the board, and I needed some depth.  I think I will regret not taking PJ Brown then.

Miles was a mistake, but I am OK with it.  I was planning on someone else, but time ran out, and for some reason this is who I took.  I think he will be OK.

Theo doesn't excite me, but Portland has no depth at big positions, so he will play a lot.  In 24 minutes he is an easy 2+ blocks, 6 rebounds.  In the 11th that is pretty good.  He missed 20+ games last year, played poorly when he did play, and still was the overall #138 player.  If he is healthy, and playing 24 minutes he will be all right.

Jasikevicius will be a great pick in the 12th.  He will play a lot of minutes, will get assists, 3's, pts, and I don't think the TO will be bad.  I was very happy to get him.

I was hoping for Pachulia, but Brezec is serviceable as a #2 #3 center

Darke was a flier.  He has had some decent games this camp, so what the heck.  If he turns out to be good then I can use him to replace Theo.

Overall I am happy.  I do have some holes though that I will need to fix.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2005, 07:44:28 PM by ziggy »
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Offline ziggy

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Draft Finished
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2005, 04:33:29 PM »
Shawn Marion (Keeper)
LeBron James (Keeper)
Chris Bosh
Kirk Hinrich
Marcus Camby
Mehmet Okur
Chris Webber
Quentin Richardson
Eddy Curry
T.J. Ford
Damon Jones
J.R. Smith
Matt Harpring
Kendrick Perkins
You have to like your draft Ted.  First you get Marion and LeBron.

Bosh may be a little high, but I understand your reasoning.  Considering that you had the best keepers, you could take a chance on a player like Bosh.

Hinrich was a good PG pick, couple with Damon Jones, and TJ Ford.  That is a a very solid PG rotation.

3 big guys in a row.  You got three vets, and they should all give you solid numbers.  I am not sure of 20-9-4 from Webber, but he will be a solid 7th round pick.

QRich will be an interesting guiy to watch.  He could be big time, or just OK.  Either way, he won't be bad.

I am not sure about Eddie Curry.  Some injury risk, but I think he is too soft.

JR Smith and Harpring were good picks.  Perkins, I just don't know that much about him.  Worth a shot in the 14th round.
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Offline ziggy

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Draft Finished
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2005, 04:42:17 PM »
1) Garnett (Keeper)
2) McGrady (Keeper)
3) Kidd
4) Redd
5) Bogut
6) Tinsley
7) Al Jefferson
8) Marvin Williams
9) Stromile Swift
10) Sebastian Telfair
11) Luol Deng
12) Shaun Livingston
13) Desmond Mason
14) Marc Jackson
Garnett, McGrady, Kidd are 3 good picks.  Redd in the 4th is fine, sorry about Iggy, but I knew you would take him.  I really liked him last year when I had him.

Bogut was a worth it I think.  A 14-15 pt, 7-8 rb center in the 5th is a fine pick.  He will get minutes, and he will produce solid numbers.  Highly probable the ROY.

I didn't like Tinsley here.

Al Jefferson was a good pick.  At 78 he was worth the risk.

Marvin Williams, I don't know.  I would have picked him, maybe a just a little later.

Swift, Telfair, and Deng are all good picks.  Telfair will get minutes and will produce.  I had a strong feeling you would take him.  I am mad at myself about Deng.  I should have taken him earlier.

Livingston was a very good pick, a risk worth taking.

Mason is a super pick at 13.  He will produce and you got him very very late.

Marc Jackson???  He will be OK I guess.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2005, 04:43:08 PM by ziggy »
A third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. A second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. A first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.

A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself.

AA Mil


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Draft Finished
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2005, 05:26:39 PM »
1.  Tim Duncan, PF/C
2.  Steve Nash, PG
3.  Rashard Lewis, SF
4.  Pau Gasol, PF
5.  Richard Jefferson, SF
6.  Bobby Simmons, SG/SF
7.  Eddie Jones, SG/SF
8.  Jamal Crawford, SG
9.  Nenad Krstic, PF/C
10.  Shane Battier, SF
11.  Michael Sweetney, PF
12.  Kwame Brown, PF/C
13.  Rashard McCants, PG/SG
14.  Jerry Stackhouse, SG/SF

Duncan and Nash have formed the core of my team for four years now.  This is an ideal combo to start from, because they really don't hurt you anywhere.

Rashard Lewis and Pau Gasol were the two players that I told Caleb I really wanted to get.  I felt Lurker was more likely to take Lewis than Gasol, so I took Lewis first.

The guy I wanted in round 5 was Andre Iguodala.  No matter who was out there with him, I was taking him in round 5.  But Ziggy grabbed him in round 4.  When I saw Richard Jefferson there, I couldn't resist taking him.  His numbers might be down a bit this year, but this is a top-notch player.  Between Lewis, Gasol, and Jefferson, I feel comfortable with my next year's keepers.

Simmons was the "emergency" pick.  All the 2-guards I really liked were gone, and Simmons is a guy who put up great numbers last year.  Will he duplicate those?  I don't think so.  But you've got to love the guy's work ethic.

At that point, I prepared my list of who I wanted next.  Ted took Okur, who is a WONDERFUL pick, and followed it up by Chris Webber.  Korver - also on my list - went next.  Przybilla went, and I was eyeing Marko Jaric.  Caleb grabbed him.  I said, "Fine, I'll take Szczerbiak," but  Cord took him.  That was the most frustrating part of the draft for me.   I took Eddie Jones, who will be with me for the third time in four years.  I wanted Lurker to make my life easy and take Jamal Crawford, but unfortunately, Crawford made it back to me.  I hate Jamal Crawford.  I wanted to take Caron Butler, but I already had a number of SFs.  I picked Crawford.  In hindsight, this should have been Quentin Richardson or Vladimir Radmanovic.

My next pick was going to be Stromile Swift, but Bods swiped him.  I went with Krstic, who I like a lot.  Battier was a guy I wanted because the guy always puts up numbers, but going after him cost me Michael Finley and Gerald Wallace.  

Mike Sweetney is a gamble that I like;  I think the guy is going to get minutes in Chicago, and will be asked to anchor the post on the offense.  Plus, it's always nice to take away a player from Skander.  (More on that in a moment.)  My heart skipped a beat when Lurker said, "I need to take a Laker I can blame things on," because I thought he was about to steal my next pick.  He took Mihm, and I felt a sense of relief.  I took Kwame Brown - only to hear a string of obscenities from Skander.  He wanted Kwame in round 13.    I regard Kwame as a big risk/big reward player.

The next player I wanted was a point guard - I was eyeing Shaun Livingston, but Derek snatched him.  Another guy I wanted was grabbed up.  I gambled with Rashard McCants in Minnesota.  He's a 2-guard who they've listed at point.

And, sticking with the North Carolina theme, I couldn't resist Jerry Stackhouse in 14.  He's a lot of points and a lot of free throws.

All in all, I'm happy, but I made some mistakes.  I don't think my team is particularly strong.  I do like my top 4, who I'll match with anybody else's top 4.  But this is a team in need of an identity.

Offline Skandery

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Draft Finished
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2005, 05:37:48 PM »
Ron Artest (Keeper)
Andrei Kirilenko (Keeper)
Gilbert Arenas
Stephon Marbury
Josh Howard
Troy Murphy
Joel Pryzbilla the Vanilla Gorilla
Mike Miller
Mike Dunleavy
Ricky Davis
Gerald Wallace
Hedo Turkoglu
Zaza Pachulia
James Jones

Artest and Kirilenko are keepers and with those two, hopefully I get more than the combined 48 games played they had last year.  They give you options with steals and blocks.  

Arenas I wanted bad because he is the number 1 scoring option and I think he vaults me with the contenders  in 3PM and Scoring all by himself.  Stephon Marbury was the WRONG pick and I know it but how in god's name does one pass up 20 points and 8 assists with 80 games played, he is just too consistent to pass up.

Which brings us to Josh Howard, he should get minutes and he is well liked by his coach for his defensive effort but he really doesn't do things at the 2 that my team needs in particular from the 2 so I stretched myself thin here.  Troy Murphy, I needed a big and the all the guys I liked were gone, with Ziggy and Genghis looking to pilfer my guy I had to jump early on him.  Let's hope he repeat last year's performance and raises the FG%.

Joel Przybilla -- THE X FACTOR -- this one single pick will be the decider between me having a team with a chance for great things and a team that will try and try but never get there.  Przybilla must see good minutes and must produce lots of rebounds, blocks, and high FG% or I'm hurting in a monumental way.

Mike Miller, Mike Dunleavy, and Hedo Turkoglu are essentially the same kind of 2/3 swing players that shoot well from the line, shoot threes, grab a couple boards, get a few dimes, and hopefully the Mike's will start for their team and Hedo will be the main sixth man.  

Ricky Davis' scoring ability is rare in the 10th round and now they say he's starting, we'll see what he does with those minutes...

Gerald Wallace, in addition to pissing Joe off, he is a great player to put in a lineup with Artest, Kirilenko, and Przybilla.  Can you say Block Party!!

Zaza was a nice sleeper, always been a fan of his hustle and work ethic and now he has a fat new contract and an opportunity to start, I'm hopin he makes the most of it.

James Jones, the wrong, wrong, WRONG pick, but I just couldn't pass up this guy after the kind of pre-season he's had, he's like the second coming of Quentin Richardson but he actually knows how to shoot a free throw.  

All in all, I think I'm very much middle of the road because of my utter lack of big man depth.  Worst I might not have done enough to secure my strong categories other than steals and maybe blocks.  We'll see how I do though.

Good luck to everyone this year.  

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Offline Derek Bodner

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Draft Finished
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2005, 07:08:58 PM »
Ziggy ruined my night, literally, with the Iggy pick.  

i thought I could snag him in about the 5th round.  I was considering taking him in the 4th, but was probably going to let him slide to the 5th.  I was even going to make a post yesterday about the way he's been playing, but purposely didn't want to bring attention to him.
His last 3 games:
- 15 pts, 7 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steal, 2 turnovers
- 15 pts, 5 rebounds, 7 assists, 6 steals, 0 turnovers
- 15 pts, 7 rebounds, 7 assists, 4 steals, 3 turnovers

That's 17 assists, 11 steals, 5 turnovers.  Averages of 15 pts, 6.3 rebouunds, 5.7 assists, 3.7 steals, 1.7 turnovers.

I expected his breakout to be next year, with this year challenigng for a spot on the all-defensive teams.  He might break out this year.  He's got an aggressiveness on offense he didn't have last year.

This kid's a sg/sf version of Kirilenko waiting to happen (with more steals/less blocks).
« Last Edit: October 22, 2005, 07:09:30 PM by dbodner »

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Draft Finished
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2005, 07:42:24 PM »
Ziggy ruined my night, literally, with the Iggy pick.  

i thought I could snag him in about the 5th round.  I was considering taking him in the 4th, but was probably going to let him slide to the 5th.  I was even going to make a post yesterday about the way he's been playing, but purposely didn't want to bring attention to him.
His last 3 games:
- 15 pts, 7 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steal, 2 turnovers
- 15 pts, 5 rebounds, 7 assists, 6 steals, 0 turnovers
- 15 pts, 7 rebounds, 7 assists, 4 steals, 3 turnovers

That's 17 assists, 11 steals, 5 turnovers.  Averages of 15 pts, 6.3 rebouunds, 5.7 assists, 3.7 steals, 1.7 turnovers.

I expected his breakout to be next year, with this year challenigng for a spot on the all-defensive teams.  He might break out this year.  He's got an aggressiveness on offense he didn't have last year.

This kid's a sg/sf version of Kirilenko waiting to happen (with more steals/less blocks).
Sorry to ruin your day Derek.  Actually I was surprised that Yahoo had him rated only at #45.  He was #46 overall last year, and with another year under him I look at him as 25-30 player.  I got him at 42, which is where you would expect him to go.  That is why I figured you would be on him like a rat to a cheeto.

I wanted to get 2 solid potential keepers in this draft, and with Hughes coming back I now have 3 keeper prospects.  I like that.
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AA Mil

Offline ziggy

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Draft Finished
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2005, 09:44:27 PM »
1.  Tim Duncan, PF/C
2.  Steve Nash, PG
3.  Rashard Lewis, SF
4.  Pau Gasol, PF
5.  Richard Jefferson, SF
6.  Bobby Simmons, SG/SF
7.  Eddie Jones, SG/SF
8.  Jamal Crawford, SG
9.  Nenad Krstic, PF/C
10.  Shane Battier, SF
11.  Michael Sweetney, PF
12.  Kwame Brown, PF/C
13.  Rashard McCants, PG/SG
14.  Jerry Stackhouse, SG/SF
I thought Joes first 5 picks were very good.  Two good keepers, and then Lewis, and then Gasol, followed by Jefferson.  That is really very very good.

I am not sure about Simmons, but he had a good year last year, and is going to a good situation.

Eddie Jones will be fine.

I hate Crawford as well, but he slid to #86.  At 86 he is really a good value.

Kristic is someone I was hoping to get with my next pick.  He is a solid big man pick, at 107.

Battier is a really good pick that ate.  His minutes will imporve and he is a jack of all trades master of none.

I think Sweetney was a good pick, and I believe Kwame @133 is a potential steal.  At 133 this is really a low risk/high reward pick.

Overall I think Joe will once again compete for the title.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2005, 09:45:37 PM by ziggy »
A third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. A second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. A first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.

A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself.

AA Mil

Offline ziggy

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Draft Finished
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2005, 09:59:28 PM »
Ron Artest (Keeper)
Andrei Kirilenko (Keeper)
Gilbert Arenas
Stephon Marbury
Josh Howard
Troy Murphy
Joel Pryzbilla the Vanilla Gorilla
Mike Miller
Mike Dunleavy
Ricky Davis
Gerald Wallace
Hedo Turkoglu
Zaza Pachulia
James Jones

I like Skanders draft.  In my opinion though the keys to his team are Howard, Murphy, and The Vanilla Gorilla.

Big things are expected from Howard, a lot more than he has produced to date.  I think he will have a very nice year, and for Dallas and Skanders sake he better.
Murphy I like, but perhaps at 69 it was a small stretch.
The Vanilla Gorilla is a big time rebounder and shot blocker, and if he does like he did down the stretch last year then he is worth it.  But at 76 he better do it, or this is a real stretch.

Otherwise like really like his late round pick.  I has my heart set on Pachulia very late, but I took Jasikevicius when I thought long and hard about Pachulia, so I am thrilled with who I took.  No second thoughts on that one.
A third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. A second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. A first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.

A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself.

AA Mil


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Draft Finished
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2005, 10:43:27 PM »
AI - Keeper (dbods, did I draft him or was this a trade?  I thought I drafted him)
J O'Neal - Keeper
Joe Johnson
Kurt Thomas
J Williams
Jimmy Jackson
Nate Robinson

I'm cool with JJ -- I think he will have a great year.  I think the expectations are huge but I think Atlanta has some talent, just needed a leader on the court.  I think JJ can provide that -- and I think he can put up some huge numbers in Atlanta.

SAR -- no brainer

Anthony -- I think he is going to improve a great deal over last year.

Kurt Thomas -- I think he will achieve PF/C status and I think he is going to average a double double.  I don't expect him to put up huge numbers but I think he is going to solid and give me some flexibility at the center position.

Mobley -- I took a chance here but he was the best player on the board, IMO.  I don't think there are enough basketballs for the Clips but I'm hoping that Cassell will pass the ball to Mobley first (we all know he will shoot the ball rather than pass!   :D )

Harrington -- This guy used to average a double/double -- he struggled being "the man" but I think with JJ onboard and some of the younger players gaining some experience that he will begin to return to that form.

Nelson -- I absolutely HATE this pick.  I had my pick all set and then jerry lewis picked P Brown while I was on the phone.  I wanted TJ Ford of Damon Stoudamire as my back-ups but couldn't find them on the list and just had to pick one.   :angry:

Dampier -- he is a serviceable center -- nothing more.

J Williams -- time to take a chance on this guy.  He hasn't had the hands to catch passes since he left SacTown -- Shaq (and Wade) both have great hands -- Walker has some decent hands himself.  I think that the change in scenery could really help Jdub -- it was a risk that I don't mind taking.

Jimmy Jackson -- I love this guy and I think he ends up with starting the SG position in Phoenix now.  Love picking him up this late.

Nate Robinson -- I think this guy ends the season as the starting PG in NY and LB move Marbury to SG (getting whatever he can for Crawford and Q Richardson).  I love Nate's game -- he isn't going to be a huge stats man but he's a player I just like having on my team!

McDyess -- this guy (if he can stay healthy which he did last year) can put up some solid numbers off the bench and plays behind both Sheed and Big Ben.  Don't know if Darko is going to mess with his minutes yet or not but in round 14 I thought it was worth the risk.

Bottom line, with the exception of SAR and Kurt Thomas, I didn't get many of the players I chose for my rounds (even #2 and #3 options per round).  I'm not unhappy (at least at this point, lol) with JJ or Anthony -- I think both are going to have great years and lead their respective teams.  I took a bit of risk with Mobley and Harrington -- but I felt there were risks worth taking.  I think Harrington should rebound a bit from last year and be more consistent -- it's hard to tell how Mobley is going to fare with Cassell, Maggette and Brand but he was the best player on the board, IMO.  I like picking up Jimmy Jackson and Williams in the later rounds -- they are worth taking a risk on and seeing how they develop.  Robinson may end up sitting on the bench but I sure do like him as a player -- ever since I saw him play in person -- the guy is fearless and plays far bigger than his heighth.  I think LB is going to like him a lot and prefer for the ball to be in his hands rather than in Marbury's (and I don't think LB is going to like Crawford or Q).  

I'm disappointed with my draft -- I might not have felt so bad if I hadn't ended up with Nelson.  I think Nelson has a future as a PG in this league -- I just don't think he is going to be much of a fantasy baller for several more years.

Offline SPURSX3

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Draft Finished
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2005, 10:53:59 PM »
K Bryant
M Ginobili
R Allen
S Jackson
T Chandler
I diogu
B Gordon
K Korver
M Peterson
D Stoundamire
J Dixon
D Christie
L Wright

So So draft.  Sucks that I didnt set my keeper first, I Had the expectation of who I wanted to draft to my team in addition to Manu and Kobe, and didnt set the keepers, stupid move.  Now I got SEVEN SG's on the squad.  Oh Well.  I knew something was wrong when i set the order for the draft.  Should have paid better attention detail.  
On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

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Draft Finished
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2005, 03:00:59 AM »
1. Amare
2. Howard
3. Peja
4. Billups
5. Terry
6. Raef
7. Jaric
8. Butler
9. Deron Williams
10. Mourning
11. Finley
12. Felton
13. Joe Smith
14. Earl Boykins

I like my draft.

The top of it couldn't have gone any better than it did.  Peja was the guy I was eyeing from the very beginnning, and Billups (who I wasn't sure would make it to me - Ziggy said he almost took him) is the PERFECT compliment to Stojakovic.  It also sets up (possibly) next year's keepers in Howard and Peja.

I wanted Hinrich in the fifth, but I really didn't feel he'd slide - he didn't.  So I went with Terry, who was gangbusters at the end of the season and in the playoffs last year with Avery Johnson behind the bench.   I really like him, and am expecting some good numbers this year.

I think Raef was a pick that really fit well with my team.  He's one of the few centers who can hit threes, and he'll also get me some blocks.  It'll be a luxury to have him coming off the bench when Amare returns.

Jaric was a big sleeper pick for me.  I really like the guy (he was on my team last year), and if he can stay healthy, I expect big production in three categories - assists, steals and 3PM.  When I saw he qualified at SG, that was it for me.  He'll start at the two, and it'll be a lot of fun with two PG in my backcourt.

I was a little surprised to see Caron Butler available in the eighth round.  He gets steals and boards, which is a category that's somewhat weak for me (again, until Amare returns).  Nice value here.

Deron is definitely a pick I may regret.  I love the guy, and hope to see some assists and steals from him.  Anything else is gravy.

Zo was purely a blocks pick and nothing more.  Maybe too soon.

Finley, on the other hand, I was very happy to see here.  He's certainly not the player he once was, but based on preseason minutes, he should get a good amount of playing time (not that that really means anything, of course).  He should still put up solid numbers in almost every category, especially 3PM and 3-point %.

Felton was a pick the computer made.  I like him, but like Deron, who knows what I'll get?  Hopefully, Brevin Knight shows us why he's injury prone again this season, and Ray gets a ton of minutes.

Boykins and Smith were also computer picks.  I don't like Smith at all.  Boykins is solid, but I have enough PGs, and he's not really in the ideal situation anyway.

Overall, I have some holes, but unlike last year, there are some categories I should have wrapped up on a weekly basis (I hope).  Much more comfortable - and confident - with this year's team as compared to last season's.  CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SEASON TO START!!!
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Cards' 2010 regular season record: 50-41

Offline Joe Vancil

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Draft Finished
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2005, 11:06:50 AM »

The top of your draft played out exactly as how you wanted it.  You and I had talked about Stojakovic and Billups on multiple occasions, and I'm glad to see you got off to a good start getting the players you wanted.

However, your later round picks, where you continually stole players that I liked, are going to come back to haunt you.  Oh - not in the season.  They're going to do REALLY well in the season.  They're going to haunt you when I get within choking reach of you!

The Mourning pick-up is an awesome one.  Shaq is going to miss a few games, and get a lot of rest in others.  Plus, Shaq's coming in with more "muscle" this year, meaning I think he'll require even more rest.  When all is said and done, Mourning will see significant minutes, and, if my guess is correct, in the last two weeks of the season, Mourning will see INCREDIBLY significant minutes - while other folks will see REDUCED minutes.

For taking my Micheal Finley, YOU SUCK.  That's just all there is to it.

With Billups, Terry, and Jaric all starting, you're going to be looking sweet in three-pointers, assists, and steals.  However, I think in the late rounds, you needed to pick up a big rebounder or an odd-ball shot-blocker at the 3.  The good news is there are players out there still who I think you ought to keep an eye on.  (We'll talk more offline.)

To be honest, I like your team a lot.  I've always said it's guard-play that wins this league, and I think you're set up for a good run on guard play.

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