A day off would be okay, but I also would prefer a weekend game.
Also, I may have a commitment for the weekend of April 1 - another invitation to another game, actually - so I'd like to keep that open. Other than that, I have no real commitments beyond family things, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. And I may be in Wisconsin on January 28 or so.
As for the teams, I'm not really too concerned which teams are playing. San An/Phoenix would be awesome, since I've got Duncan and Nash in my fantasy league, and Utah is as good as always.
Next point: My company is looking at sending me to training. They'll pay my air fare, and my hotel bill, and I'll be SOMEWHERE for about a week. They'll let me pick the city, and as long as I pick up the hotel expense, they're good with me staying an extra day or two - early or late - if I so choose. I'd be flying on their dime, and that would make things much easier for me. The catch is that I'm in class during weekdays (duh), and they're only going to fly me to a city that's offering the training during the particular week that they're doing the training. First two weeks of November are ideal for me, as is anything after mid-February...I'll have to check the cities offering the training, obviously. Keep in mind that I'm stuck somewhere for a week, so let's make it someplace fun.
However, I'm also up for travelling on my own, too. So I could easily make MULTIPLE games, depending on when and where.