I guess the question to ask is:
Is the US better now that Bush has taken office? Really, ask yourself that question. Let's talk about Bush.
Is He Honesty? Bill lied about a BJ under oath. GW's administration has lied about virtually every aspect of its policy (WMD, tax cuts, budget, ...) and has presided over a series of disasters such as the Iraq occupation (his dishonesty dragged us into war), economic stagnation(millions of jobs lost), a collapse of social services (faith based programs will solve everything?), and a letdown of environmental laws(call me a tree hugger, but this is important stuff here).
GW: What are you hiding? This guy hides everything under the guise of national security. This is the most secretive administration since Nixon's. Dick Cheney, wherever the hell he is, continues to stonewall on disclosing the details of his meetings in drafting the 2001 Bush-Cheney energy plan, even after a judge found in favor of the suit by the GAO.
Bush's own people are jumping ship.* Alan Greenspan, an extreme Bush partisan for the past three years, has broken with the administration by suggesting mandatory limits on tax cuts because of the unrestrained growth of the deficit. Dare I say the persecution that Paul O'Neill took when he wrote his book saying the pres wanted to go to war before he even took office.
Is the Patriot Act gone to far? What about the quantanamo bay and american detainees who are not charged with a crime, have no access to lawyers, and are being held indefinately under the guise of the Patriot Act? Is this what are founding fathers wanted?
Religion Why is the issue of gay marriage such an important topic for GW? Whatever happened to the seperation of church and state? As president, you need to put your personal beliefs aside some time.
Foriegn Policy WHAT Foriegn policy? Villanize everybody who refused to take a stand with us? A stand that half the American People deemed unecesary anyway?
Only 52% of people now think of Bush as "honest and trustworthy" according to a recent Washington Post poll. The administration has lied to us about everything else, why would I not think they lying about what's happening in Iraq, and may even be lying about why it went to war in the first place.
I'm ready for a change in leadership. ALAS, we are screwed either way. Kerry is tied into his special interest cronies just as much as George Bush is.