Isn't it interesting that after 4 years of Bush in the White House, we still don't know about his service record. At least Kerry did go to 'Nam and distinguished himself there.
Bush on the other hand, along with Cheney used their political connections to avoid going into battle. Personally, I'd rather that the person making the decison to send Americans off to war understand what he was asking them to do.
Here's the reason why I'm voting for Kerry:
The economy, the emplyment situation, a foreign policy that has alienated many, a free terrorist named Bin Ladin that has yet to be captured, a war that was unjustified -(NO WMD, no Nukes no nothing).
The Patriot Acts which are erroding your freedoms as Americans in the name of safety, which is actually a smokescreen to impose a police state.
Bush is a traitor, and a liar.
Here is a link to an analysis of the methology the government now employes for figures like the CPI and other government metrics: Notice how they keep changing so we can never compare apples for apples. There figures are a type of report card on how well we're doing as nation economically.
If we used the same methodology as was used during the Carter admin. Our Employment rate is 12.5 %! The budget is out-of control. And the social security fund is headed towards bankruptsy based on the current direction.
If for no other reason than our performance as a nation, Bush should still be replaced. Look at the facts as portrayed in the link I've listed. America can't afford Bush as President, any longer.