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Messages - Skates

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: NBA Draft Discussion
« on: June 12, 2009, 10:03:34 AM »
I agree that the Sixers need a PG who can shoot- but if Sessions is going to be a top scoring PG available for the MLE then you should not pass on him.  I think he can really excel in the Princton 2 guard offense- and you can never have enough young talent.  Worst cae you trade a young player in a year or two for a better fit.

But maybe I am too high on Sessions?

Sessions is a very nice player, but not a great shooter or strong defender.  Not a great fit on the team as it is currently constituted, but that is subject to change hopefully.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: NBA Draft Discussion
« on: June 10, 2009, 09:51:12 PM »
Put it this way: if you get a chance to get rid of one player who would it be, Miller or Dalembert? Which player is holding the team back more?

This is basically an apples and oranges question, since one guy they would like to keep at a certain price and number of years and the other they are trying hellaciously to dump.

Sammy is the worse fit of the two, simply because Miller has some offensive skills and Sammy does not.  IMO, the team will be better off long term without either one, but I am not on the start Lou Williams at PG bandwagon.  I don't mind having a scoring PG, but Lou has extremely poor court vision, is not a relaible outside shooter, is not good defensively and is smallish and likely to break down with two many minutes.

Williams is the guy I am most likely to move if I am the GM.  I want shooting, physical defense and careful ball handling out of that position.  Lou is a streaky, slashing scorer and spark plug type when he is on, not a starting PG even on a team taht runs a motion offense.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: NBA Draft Discussion
« on: June 09, 2009, 09:36:51 PM »
From what I have read Kapono mainly plays SF, although it doesn't really matter, he can't defend from either position. 

Traits I am looking for in a PG prospect are shooting and defense first, that is why all of these little, pass first guards who can't shoot do not excite me.  Lou and Miller were terrible defensively at the point last year.  You can hide a role playing shooter like Kapono on defense a little, but we must get better defensively at PG.  I am all for BPA at 17 if we stay there.

I keep hearing that Lou is going to be our starting PG, that scares the crap out of me.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers trade Evans for Jason Kapono.
« on: June 09, 2009, 09:32:19 PM »
He is a 20 mpg guy.  It eases up the absolute need to swing for a bench wing shooter with the MLE.  They essentially traded one limited role playing asset for another one that is a better fit.  With Jason Smith and Brand coming back, Evans had no place to play and certainly no role in a Princeton type offense. 

Kapono is a catch and shoot three point specialist with no defense.  This does not interefere with Iggy or Thad, but should lessen the minutes of Willie Green. Any equally bad contracts on more useful players we could trade Mr. Green for?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: NBA Draft Discussion
« on: June 09, 2009, 09:28:51 AM »
I don't want another PG who can't shoot.  I don't think you can play Thad at SF and Iggy at SG without a shooting PG.  Playing Thad and Iggy at the two forward spots will never work long term or in the playoffs for more than one round.  A shooting PG is an absolute necessity along with a wing shooter off the bench.  Otherwise, either Iggy or Thad needs to be moved.  Moving Sammy for a good shooting C would be nice, but I wonder about the D at that point.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: NBA Draft Discussion
« on: June 09, 2009, 12:00:33 AM »
Buddinger is the only guy I know who has slid for three straight years.  Everyone thought he was a lottery pick two years ago, until teh draft neared and his stock seemed to drop. Same thing last year, and now that he is finally in the draft it is happening again.  Could be that he is undervalued.  Drop back from 17 to where he belongs and pick up a second rounder in the process, yeah, I could see that.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: NBA Draft Discussion
« on: June 08, 2009, 10:26:53 AM »
The more I look at this draft the more I would like to see the team either move up considerably or package their first round pick with a player or two to get back a young veteran that is a more proven fit for their new system.  I think picking up a second rounder or two in this draft would be more than sufficient to mine for some propsects.  Too many tiny guards, not many great shooters and the big men are all major projects.  I am having a very hard time getting excited about simply sitting there and making a pick at 17.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers Hire Eddie Jordan
« on: May 31, 2009, 01:25:15 PM »
In this offense I don't think you will find Brand camped out down low very often.  He will play primarily in the high post, where he has a history of being a very effective player and he is also a fairly adept cutter for a big, bulky guy.  This offense doesn't really look for a lot of slow-down the ball and back it in type post-ups.  In some respects this is a very good thing for the current personnel, because we don't have anyone who can really do that effectively any way.

Iggy should play facilitator and finisher in this offense, he can't pound the ball up top looking for a jumper to come open any more.  Thad should flourish, maybe to all-star level at SF.  Sam will be a complete obstacle to any progress offensively.   Miller is as good as gone IMO.  I wouldn't be surprised to see a rookie running the point before the season is over.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers Hire Eddie Jordan
« on: May 31, 2009, 09:25:21 AM »
Having watched Brand for the time I could this past year and from some of what I remember watching him in LA, I think calling him a good passer is over rating things a bit.  He was average at best, perhaps below average in passing.  Maybe it was the systems and not his skills and the Princeton offense would certainly offer better passing lanes and options, plus he is a smart player.  But until I see better I do not think of Brand as being more than a barely competent passer.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers Hire Eddie Jordan
« on: May 30, 2009, 09:14:33 AM »
This hire also paints the bullseye right on Stefanski.  By next season he will have his coach and mostly his players.  I think Jordan is a recipe for mediocrity, but installing the Princeton offense will at least be interesting.

I think we can say goodbye now to Andre Miller and look for shooting PG immediately.  They know they have to add shooters already and I am not worried as much about Brand scoring in this offense.  He is actually pretty mobile and a very smart player, but he did not appear to be a very good passer last year.  Speights and Jason Smith may get significantly more play under Jordan, they both ahve some passing skills.  Dalembert needs to go, he will stick out like a tall, skinny sore thumb in this offense, heck, like he does in most offenses.

They need to grab a good passing center to pair with Brand in this offense, or a smaller slashing type center who can block shots and finish cuts and otherwise stay out of the way.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers Hire Eddie Jordan
« on: May 29, 2009, 09:22:59 PM »

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 28, 2009, 12:07:16 PM »
Casey and Jordan both supposedly have had second interviews.  Chris ford still a candidate, team possibly looking to talk to Jeff Van Gundy and/or Doug Collins.  Thibodeau is apparently not in the running anymore.  Damn.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 23, 2009, 05:18:03 PM »
Rubio - no thanks.  Looking at the way the NBA has evolved, a great passing PG will only get you so far.  Look at the PG's left in the semi-finals:

Magic - Rafer Alston
Cavaliers - Mo Williams
Nuggets - Chauncey Billups - yes, a very good passer and shooter
Lakers - Derek Fisher

I would prefer to spend most of our resources in upgrading our wing shooting, signing or trading for a decent shooting PG and drafting one as well, hopefully both plus defenders.  I would use our available cap space/exceptions, our draft choice and Lou Williams and Jason Smith to target these needs.  I would consider flipping one of the high upside young guys like Speights or even Young if a real upgrade can be achieved (e.g. Al Jefferson type trade for a real superstar).

There seem to be a number of PG's/combo guards in this draft who fit that description.  I would not draft a pass first, shoot poorly, defend poorly type.  They will get you into the early playoffs and that is it (see:  Miller, Andre).

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 19, 2009, 08:29:16 AM »
Dwayne Casey from the Mavericks and Tom Thibodeau to interview with the Sixers:

According to Fagan, of the 19 years Thibodeau has been an assistant coach, his teams have been top ten defensively 15 years.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 16, 2009, 08:34:16 AM »
A quote from today's Eddie Jordan interview story that made me happy:

A source close to the Sixers' situation has said Stefanski would not feel pressured if another team offered Jordan a head coaching job. The team's search is likely to include candidates who are assistant coaches with currently active playoff teams.

Other than Thibodeau, who are the other hot assistants still coaching in the playoffs?

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