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Messages - Joe Vancil

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NBA Discussion / Re: Dan Gilbert is almost in the Don Sterling ilk
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:34:59 PM »
Hey Joe!
While I have to chide the thin~skinned LeBron for rising to the bait that Gilbert has chummed the media waters with, it is obvious to even the most disintertested observer that the Cavaliers are dead meat, and will continue to putrify into the forseeable future. Any owner can issue baseless statements about his team that quickly are revealed to be as such, making said owner appear a charlatan. Sadly, even the Clippers are more worthy of respect than the once~proud but now pitiable Cleveland club ~ at least the Clips have Blake Griffin! Well, there's always next millenium Cavs
Shaq #1

I agree that, at current, the Cavs are dead in the water.  I DON'T agree that it has to continue to be that way.  Mark Cuban showed that you *CAN* turn around the culture of a team.

And are the Clippers worthy of respect?  Is one player SO IMPORTANT that it changes the entire culture of a team?  I can't believe that.  The Clippers are looking better than typical right now, but ultimately, the rotting head at the top will kill the body beneath.  In that regard, I find the Cavaliers future brighter - *IF* Gilbert works at fielding a winner and refusing to accept excuses for why that's not happening.

If I were him, I wouldn't.  I'd continue to show a bit of spirit about my team.  "Yes, we're struggling, but we'll build a winner here.  And as for James, need I remind you that he's had championship contending teams before, and he's yet to deliver on one, as we here well know.  WE intend to win one as a team, rather than go somewhere else to have somebody else win one for us."

I'm sorry, but I don't understand why everyone is ridiculing Gilbert.  He's proud of his team;  he's a fan.  I would *WANT* him to be confident and to remain optimistic and competitive.

And as for LeBron, I'd be careful about saying "Karma is a b----."  He might be right.

NBA Discussion / Re: An interesting thought
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:04:05 PM »
Hey Reality!
When I first read your proposal, I will have to say that initially it was an LOL moment...but upon reflection, that may not be a bad idea.  How the influx of the best of the world's roundball talent would be properly dispersed among the lesser preforming teams would be a major snag, but it would certainly  beef up the talent levels of those teams' squads, increasing competitiveness and thereby fan interest in the league. Hmmm...
Shaq #1

Good point! I'm split on the idea...

Travel would be awful but expanding the NBA into Europe makes sense considering the amount of talent that is continually being produced. Names like Dirk Nowitzki, Pau Gasol and Tony Parker, all of whom are from Europe, are now NBA superstars.

Yet doesn't that almost invalidate the idea?  After all, we've sent BACK several players who, for one reason or another, couldn't make the cut in the NBA.  In fact, as defined by the GM's, the best two players Europe has who aren't in the NBA are Ricky Rubio, and former Memphis Grizzly Juan Carlos Navarro.  This was the result of the NBA GM poll of the upcoming season (or perhaps, the past).  Navarro bolted from the NBA several years back, and while he had a few supporters (me among them) who insisted he wasn't being given the chance to do what he could, he was, by and large, just another mediocre guard at the NBA level.  And Rubio will come, but on his terms, not those of Minnesota.  (See, the Euro-guys have learned from our pampered superstars!)

In other words, we're ALREADY getting the *BEST* talent.  Expansion makes sense if we're LOSING that talent to overseas.

NBA Discussion / Re: Will the NBA expand to Europe?
« on: January 07, 2011, 05:43:03 PM »
My big thought of complexity would be the travel, but after reading Rolando and WayOut, I'm in agreement with their points as well.  I don't think it will work.

NBA Discussion / Re: So who do you dread facing?
« on: January 07, 2011, 05:41:22 PM »
Reality's right on this - Ginobili missed McDyess big-time.  Here's a better view.

NBA Discussion / Re: So who do you dread facing?
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:34:42 AM »
But with 7 seconds to go, is LA going to look to Barnes or Artest or Odom?  No.  It'll be Kobe, and MAYBE, in a pinch, Fisher.  Gasol will be more distraction than threat.  Kobe and Fisher (if left open, in Fisher's case) are really the only ones to fear.

And Boston?  Perkins or Big Baby with the last shot?  I'm okay with that.  If they beat me, I tip my hat and say "Good game."  If it's not a lay-up from Rondo, chances are it's not going it.  Garnett scares me, but like Gasol, he'll be more distraction than threat.  I'm not a believer in Pierce, who is going to be the one to take the last shot.  But I'm really scared of Ray Allen, just because of how quick his release is.

I'm still more scared of Dallas, simply because they've got more offensive weapons across the spectrum.

NBA Discussion / So who do you dread facing?
« on: January 04, 2011, 05:56:33 PM »
Situation:  You're on a team that's up by one point with 7 seconds on the clock.  No timeouts availabe for either team - the opponent has just taken his last one, and they're about to inbound the ball.  Which team is it that you most would dread facing?

Understand - this is a question about team philosophy, execution, your ability to know what's coming and to deal with it, and even the competency of the  opponent's coaching.

It's easy to say, "I'd dread facing the Lakers."  Not me.  I *KNOW* who's getting the ball and taking that shot.  I don't know necessarily where or how, but in such a case, I'd forgo defending the inbounder and add an additional defender on Kobe.  Jackson's a good coach (supposedly), but he's not particularly creative in this instance.  Granted, this is the situation Kobe lives for, and performs well in.  I might get burned by a Derek Fisher shot, but do I *REALLY* *BELIEVE* that Kobe's going to give the ball up in this situation?  No.

Ditto with the Spurs.  The ball is going to Ginobili.  Ginobili might get it to Duncan, but the ball's going to be in Ginobili's hands.

Miami doesn't scare me.  As long as Spoelstra's there, that ball will most likely be in Wade's hands.  And while it's a potent offensive team, there are a lot of folks I don't have to worry about too much on that team.

Orlando doesn't scare me.  Van Gundy isn't an offensive genius, and the best player on the team - Howard - isn't likely to be the guy they go to.  I'd have been a bit more scared if they still had Carter.

Utah scares me a little.  Execution is their name, and Sloan is famous for getting the Jazz good looks - from lots of different people - after timeouts.  And with the ball in the hands of Williams, he may take it himself, or he may set someone else up (that someone else likely being Okur) - or possibly a Millsap dunk at the rim.  But I'm going to focus on denying Williams, and I'll risk that Sloan set it up for him to make the decision.

Denver scares me a bit.  Karl is creative, and the ball will probably be in the hands of Billups or Anthony;  in Billups case, the danger is in him going to Anthony, and in Anthony's case, the danger is in him being a gifted scorer.  But how much would I be worried if the ball ended up in the hands of J.R. Smith?  For all you know, he might be stupid enough to shoot at the wrong basket.

Boston scares me a bit, but only really because of Ray Allen's quickness in getting off a shot.  But I'm not all that sold on Doc Rivers or Paul Pierce, and I'm not worried about Rondo hitting a shot to beat me, and again, I don't know that the team's best player - Garnett - is going to be the one taking the shot.

So what team really terrifies me?  *DALLAS*.  Carlisle is a creative offensive coach, and he's got a ton of weapons to use - not the least one of which is Jason Kidd, who's one of the best at picking out which of his targets has the best shot.  You're going to face a line-up of Nowtizki, Marion, Butler (were he available), Kidd, Terry, Barea, and Beaubois - some combination of them.  If you guess wrong...or get crossed up on a screen....

And that's what really intrigues me about Dallas.  If the game is close, I don't want them to have the ball at the end of the game.  And that's why I think they're going to be a force to deal with.

NBA Discussion / Re: How good/or not are the Spurs?
« on: January 04, 2011, 05:25:32 PM »
The Lakers are the favorite.  The fact is that they've still got the loaded roster, mostly intact from previous finals runs, with the same coach, and the same system.

I'd call the Celtics the "second favorite."

It's going to boil down to health when playoffs come around.  Dallas has already lost Butler for the year.  Losses of Nowitzki and Garnett are hurting Dallas and Boston.

But San Antonio - along with Orlando, Miami, and Dallas - are in the thick of the mix.

But a bad feeling tells me we're in for Lakers/Celtics AGAIN.

My darkhorse was Orlando, but then they made that trade, which I'm not all that sure about.

NBA Discussion / Re: No talk about the Magic trade?
« on: January 04, 2011, 05:19:18 PM »
I don't know about the deal, because what made Orlando so unusual and difficult to deal with is the fact that they had Lewis at the 4.  By letting go of Lewis and Gortat, now they have just Brandon Bass at the 4.  Now that's not too shabby, but it's also a more traditional look, and Orlando has made waves because they've NOT been a traditional-type team.

I understand them wanting to acquire Turkoglu plus Richardson in exchange for Carter, especially if they feel they moved backward by losing Turkoglu.  I just don't understand dealing away Gortat in the deal without getting a big body back somehow.

The Arenas-for-Lewis thing, I don't understand.  Lewis is having a bad year, sure.  Arenas is a big upgrade at point, sure.  But you need someone to play the 4 spot, and Bass has never proven he can hold on to that job long term.

I think Orlando panicked, and may have taken a step backward.  I *DO* think they could have challenged for the best record in the East, beaten Boston and Miami, and taken on anyone from the West.  They aren't as far away as most people think.

NBA Discussion / Re: Is Yao completely finished?
« on: January 04, 2011, 05:12:39 PM »
$17 million.  NBA contracts like Yao's are guaranteed.  Whether insurance pays it, or the Rockets pay it, Yao's pulling down his full contract value.

NBA Discussion / Re: What team should be relocated and where?
« on: December 28, 2010, 10:07:09 AM »
I revise my pick.

The Clippers to ANYWHERE that doesn't already have a team.

Knowing Sterling, if there was money to be made doing it, he might take up Reality on his suggestion.

NBA Discussion / Re: Is Yao completely finished?
« on: December 27, 2010, 03:04:12 PM »
If I'm a team that's a big man away from a title, I'd grab Yao in a heartbeat.

Big men's careers don't end until they're 6 feet under, and even then, a GM or two will remind you that that still leaves a foot of them left.

We've not seen the last of Yao Ming.

NBA Discussion / Re: What team should be relocated and where?
« on: December 27, 2010, 02:56:08 PM »
Clippers to ANYWHERE.  Obviously, I'm a bit partial for someone to move to Kansas City, but the Clippers need to move to SOMEWHERE ELSE if they ever want to be looked at as a serious organization.

NBA Discussion / Re: Should Lamar Odom make the all star team?
« on: December 27, 2010, 02:54:20 PM »
The question isn't "Should he go," but "Are there enough spots for him to go?"  Nowtizki, Gasol, Durant, Anthony, Beasley,  Love, Griffin, Gay, Scola, West, Aldridge, Millsap, Randolph, and Jefferson are all scoring better than him.  Love, Randolph, Griffin, Gasol, and Camby are out-rebounding him.  Duncan's numbers per minute are better.

He may go, but it will be because of the name recognition of being a Laker if he does.

NBA Discussion / Re: Who Are The Most Improved Players Thus Far?
« on: December 17, 2010, 11:46:15 AM »
I don't know about Most Improved, but if they still had "Comeback Player," that has to be the Spurs' Ginobili, and he MIGHT be Most Improved.  Rondo should get some votes as well.  And Stephen Curry should enjoy some support as well.

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