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Messages - Skates

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand Opts Out - ESPN News Reports
« on: June 30, 2008, 08:53:22 PM »
I can't imagine SAS being right on that...

I'm sure he is right on that, but only because we don't have enough cap space to make a straight max offer.  S&T for Brand with some Deandre Jordan on the side might get us closer to the max though.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Chad Ford suggests interest in...
« on: June 30, 2008, 03:08:43 PM »
Assuming they don't want to move Mayo or Gay (either of which I would consider fair value for Iggy) the deal would have to start with Conley and some combination of Critt, Warrick, Arthur and/or Lowry.

That package really doesn't do much for me personally.  Conley is an intriguing player, but I'm not ready to make him a centerpiece for an Iguodala trade...  If Memphis won't part with Mayo or Gay then the return package probably takes us backwards as a team. 

I agree, unless Iggy's contract demands get out of hand and we have a nice second deal to move Miller a PF or true SG.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Off Season - Now What
« on: June 30, 2008, 03:06:41 PM »
We can cross of Antawn Jamison from the list it seems

At that price and for those years I will gladly cross him off.  Looking at the Wiz salaries I never realized how much of a bargain caron Butler's contract is.  Anybody know if he has an ETO any time soon?  Not necessarily to get him for us, but if Arenas signs a big deal I can see Butler getting a little annoyed down the road.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Chad Ford suggests interest in...
« on: June 30, 2008, 02:50:30 PM »
The only players of consequence on the Griz since Miller and Gasol were traded are Gay, Mayo and Conley.  After acquiring Mayo the only way it would make sense for them to be interested in Iggy would be for Mayo to move to PG full time.  Some believe that Mayo can do this, although I don't fall into that camp.  Assuming they don't want to move Mayo or Gay (either of which I would consider fair value for Iggy) the deal would have to start with Conley and some combination of Critt, Warrick, Arthur and/or Lowry.  I would certainly take Adriana Lima, but only if she left Jaric back in Memphis.  BTW, if Korver was so damn good looking, how come he never had a girlfriend that looked like that at Sixers games?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Ya Got? East Versus West
« on: June 30, 2008, 01:52:54 PM »
Here is my look at the teams in each conference (in order of last season's records) and how I think they will do in the short (2008-2010 seasons) term and longer term future based on where they are today:


Celtics - Probably have a two year window at a very high level, long term they will have to convert the big three's future expiring contracts into talented new faces or it's back to the lottery.

Pistons - Short term window is still open, but prospects not as high as C's right now.  Long term will likely transition semi-smoothly to a younger, play-off caliber team, but how long until they reach the top of the conference after the curent core departs?

Magic - Short and long term they look like second round playoff victims.  The Rashard Lewis deal has killed their flexibility to take the team to the next level and absent an injury to D. Howard their draft picks won't be very high.

Cavaliers - LeBron can always carry this team to to the finals, but doubtful that he will be carrying them after the summer of 2010.

Wizards - Similar to the Magic, especially if they kill their future cap for Arenas and Jamison.

Raptors - May be competing with the C's for Eastern supremacy in the next two years if O'Neal is healthy.  Long term - can they keep Bosh in 2010?  Might depend on the strength of the Canadian dollar.

76ers - Short term is very unpredictable, but definitely a team on the rise.  Long term looks promising if they don't screw the cap with a bad FA signing.

Hawks - Look like a 42-46 win team in the short term, new management team gives some hope for converting the young core into championship contender material in the long term, screwed up ownership issues scare me.

Pacers - Just starting the rebuild, expect to see Tinsley and Williams jettisoned as they clean out the head cases.  No superstar to build around, long term chances depend on luck in future lotteries.

Nets - Just biding time until the trade deadline or summer of 2010, it will be boom or bust then.  If they don't strike it big then they should at least have enough good, young talent to be a low level playoff team.

Bulls - Should be a team on the rise, if they suck this year Paxson will get the boot and their long term future will look brighter.

Bobcats - MJ + LB + mediocre talent + strange draft = overachieving in the short term, followed by the usual post-LB fall-off.  MJ becomes the modern day Elgin Baylor of personnel moves, and Elgin is insulted.

Bucks - I have no idea what they are doing, but they are doing it forcefully.  Looking to model themselves on the Hawks plan of playing 5 small forwards together at some point?  Scott Skiles will improve them to a possible 8 seed for a while, then the burn-out begins.

Knicks - See what I said about NJ, except without the young talent.

Heat - Short term Spoelstra will work hard to mesh the currently disparate parts, long term expect them to pull in a big star in 2010 and for Riley to be back on the bench with spoelstra getting a pat on the back for doing the heavy lifting while Riley enjoys the good times.


Lakers - Short term contenders when Bynum return, long term they need to start planning for the post-Kobe era, his is piling up mileage fast, but the Lakers have been in the lottery less than anyone for a reason.

Hornets - Already very good and likely to get better.

Spurs - Similar to the Celtics, need to re-tool short term and hit the lottery and/or FA post-Duncan in a couple of years.
Jazz - Short term look like contenders to reach the conference finals, long term depends on Boozer staying, and staying healthy, for a long run at a high level.

Rockets - I am getting the same kind of bad feeling about them I had about the Heat last year.  Injury prone superstar players surrounded by role players is not a great way to build a team.  Unless they stay healthy I don't see many more big winning streaks in Houston.

Suns - If they still have a CHiP window, it is closing fast.  Long term looks mediocre.

Mavericks - Already heading into mediocrity, but may make some noise in the next year or two.

Nuggets - They need to make big changes this summer or this will be team fun to watch, frustrating in the play-offs for the foreseeable future.

Warriors - Short term will entertain, but win nothing of significance.  Similar to Denver, but way more young talent, so the long term may be better once Nellie's liver gives out.

Trail Blazers - Oodles of young talent, regional competition moving to OKC, aggressive GM with lots of stashed Euros and future picks, plus Paul Allen's checkbook.  They can be very good even if Oden doesn't fully recover, dominant if he does.

Kings - Mediocre would look pretty good right now, long term Kevin Martin will become one of those good players on perenially bad to mediocre teams.

Clippers - I have no clue, and neither do they usually.

Timberwolves - Kevin McHale and no one on the team who can play adequate D at their position.  'nuff said.

Grizzlies - Bad organization, bad things happen to bad organizations.  Call them the anti-Blazers.

SuperSonics - Short term I see more trips to the lottery.  Long term should be much more promising, although some of their moves are befuddling they will have too much talent to not win a lot of games down the road.

Balancing the conferences long term, in the East once the C's and Pistons start to fail there are no sure things.  Teams on the rise like the Sixers, Hawks and Raptors all have cloudy or dangerous, but potentially bright, futures.  Miami and Chicago could make quick turn-arounds with some smart personnel decisions.  NJ and NY are looking long-term only.

In the West the usual suspects from last year (Spurs, Lakers, Hornets and Jazz) should rule the roost for now, with the Hornets, Blazers, and Sonics with very strong long term outlooks, plus the Jazz, warriors and Lakers are likely to be good and/or rebuild quickly if they slip.  Overall the biggest difference is the better run organizations in the West.  I think the balance will get closer, but give the strong edge to the West in the short and long terms.  The worst organizations are also in the West in Minnesota and memphis.  They are essentially a lottery pick feeder system for the good teams.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Ya Got? East Versus West
« on: June 30, 2008, 11:50:34 AM »
A lot might change in the next two summers with Brand, Boozer and the whole opt-out FA class of 2010.  I don't know that the East-West balance will change or not based on those FA's, but I bet that the small market vs. big market balance will swing strongly in favor of the bigger markets.  The East vs. West thing will soon be irrelevant, if Oden gets and stays healthy they will all be playing in the Trailblazers' world in a few years.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Chad Ford suggests interest in...
« on: June 30, 2008, 11:25:24 AM »
Fortunately, Chad Ford is wrong about 90% of the time  :) 

In a positive light you might say he is always right, 10% of the time.  Chad Ford, the SexPanther cologne of NBA rumors.  ;D

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Off Season - Now What
« on: June 29, 2008, 10:06:17 PM »

One of those names is Charlie Villanueva who apparently will be dealt fairly quickly this summer. He's part of the Plan C I would have in place but I certainly wouldn't go after him above the big names. While I haven't been a CV fan at all, I do think his style of play sort of fits in here.

CV is certainly not a first option, but it should become clear pretty quickly what the landscape is like in FA.  As a fall back he has rasonable contract and a team motivated to move him.  Haslem would eat more cap space and would likely cost more to acquire, but is also a fall back position.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: SG or PF???
« on: June 28, 2008, 11:28:49 PM »
Any thought to seeking a new center as our primary goal.  Not to pick on Sammy, but he has pretty much plateaued out.  He is not a bad center, but he's not really a good one either, maybe slightly above average when you balance his pluses and minuses.  Plus I think we have our PF of the future right now.

Pretending for a little while that Sammy is not untradeable, and he gets closer with each year that ticks off of his contract, who could be targeted as a replacement?  I will assume that Sammy can be moved in this or a parallel trade, but here are some possibilities:

1.  Biedrins - Would be my first choice, already plays in an up-tempo system.  Similar skills as Sammy on the plus side, but less negatives.  Is a smarter, more instictive player.  Could he be had?  Maybe if his contract demand are too high for GS's liking for a player they under use.  It would probably cost us Iggy in a dual S&T, with Sammy being moved to a center hungry team for a shooting guard.

2.  Bogut - Is Skiles and Co. finished trading their "soft" players.  Probably and Bogut is not really that soft, although he sometimes gets labeled that way.  This one is very unlikely for now, but I thought drafting Joe Alexander was unlikely after they traded for RJ too.  Sammy, Lou, a future first and cap space for Redd and Bogut?  Unlikely, but it's a thought.

3.  Sheed - If Detroit is rebuilding here is a chance to get younger at C.  Sammy would provide a good complement to a guy like Maxiell.  We would be looking for a new C next year in a likelihood, but with lots of cap space and Speights as a possible part-time C.

Other possibilities - Brad Miller, Camby, Okur, Curry (OK that one is a joke).

I'm not saying this is the way we will go or the way we should go, but I am trying to think outside of the box a little, since some of our more commonly discussed options like Brand or Josh Smith are fairly tenuous at best.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Memphis' PGs
« on: June 28, 2008, 11:07:20 PM »
I recall the Griz saying they intended to use Crit as a combo guard, with most of his minutes at SG when they picked him up last year.  They will pretty much be stuck with Jaric and Conley and Mayo will be the starters sooner rather than later.  I am a big Lowery fan (nothing to do with the Philly connnection BTW) and would love to see a Carney for Lowery trade.  I see Lowery as a very good back-up who can play up-tempo, distribute and play defense and who is developing a three point shot.  Oh, to have a PG who can actually stop dribble penetration, it would be a beautiful thing.

I know he and Lou would form a teeny-tiny back court off the bench, but with a decent sized starting PG of the future (Felton?) we could mix and match pretty well.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Is Evans a Goner?
« on: June 28, 2008, 10:58:26 PM »
If Reggie had a smaller contract and we were not trying to clear cap space I would be all for keeping him.  I'm not in favor of dumping him because I like what he brings to the table as a player and team mate, especially for such a young team.  He is most certainly limited in his skill set and is a 15-20 mpg back-up on a good team, but he has value.  He brings a toughness and energy to the team that is difficult to measure stats wise, and would be a great guy to have busting on Speights every day in practice.  If we trade him and free up cap space I would be OK with it, but if there is any way WG can go instead I'd be a lot happier.

Skates is a solid poster.

Aww, shucks.  :-[

Nice site Dbods, nice to see Jem again.  Thanks to tk for the pm about this site.  I wondered where everyone had disappeared to on draft night.  Nice to be here.

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