Author Topic: Pig lard cont..  (Read 1472 times)

Offline Reality

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Pig lard cont..
« on: February 18, 2004, 04:12:20 PM »
Further on WOWs post about Israelies using pig lard, while I don't intend to offer it as "the" solution is it indeed a viable option?

Today:  BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two trucks packed with explosives blew up Wednesday outside a Polish-run base south of Baghdad after coalition forces opened fire on the suicide bombers racing toward them. Eight Iraqi civilians were killed and at least 106 people were wounded, many of them coalition soldiers.  End article.

The amount of explosives used and number of people killed and hurt seems to be escallating (sp) rapidly.  I have no doubt that amoung the various evil and misguided motives that the suicide bomers/suicide drivers are motivated by is the false brainwashing that they will be immediately be surrounded by 70 willing virgin beauties.

If indeed these same brainers also believe that any pig fragments touching their carcasses will nix the 70 deal, then would not setting up pig lard around all coalition forces, for that matter all Iraq for that matter all the Middle East put a stop to the suicide murders?