I've got a question for all of you guys.
What do you do when you come home to find your little one-year-old kid walking around in brand spanking new Shaq-brand baby high tops. I mean, when I saw that little fella struttin' around with the number 34 on his feet, I almost went Jason Kidd on someone! SHAQ SHOES!?!? In my house?!?! $#^#*@()(#*$^#&*
Too bad profanity is against my religion, cuz I lost my salvation in one fell swoop when I saw that silhouette of a large gorilla hanging from a basketball rim.
Well, truthfully, I reacted with more control and composure than that. After educating my dear wife on why the very reasonable price attached to the shoes does not outweigh the evil influence they can have on young impressionable minds, we agreed that the kid wouldn't wear them when he was old enough to know better.
Do you think I handled the situation wisely?