Author Topic: Web Heads?  (Read 638 times)


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Web Heads?
« on: November 12, 2008, 05:37:32 PM »

The web site for my company is in kind of a mess.  Our website is built using ASP.NET on the windows platform and hosted locally by a company that also does our programming.  However, over the weekend they tried to upgrade their server software - which somehow broke our web site - it worked fine until someone tried to complete an order and then it would throw and error and the order wouldn't get processed....our web site stopped processing orders sunday morning around 10 am.

After futzing with it their 'solution' was to just point the web site back at the old server and everything would be hunky dory - except it's not - and they've told me twice they fixed it, but they haven't - they think cause they can make it work on their comptuers that it works yet i can't get the damn thing to work on a variety of comptuers OS or browsers and i keep getting the same error problem - credit cards get charged but the 'order confirmation' process is now broken and throws an error - so customers keep trying to submit the order and their card gets charged 4 or 5 times and i nee dto clean that all up manually.

So, I'm looking for suggestions on quality hosting for ASP.NET that can also provide programming assistance - finding a host is usually easy - finding programming is harder - do like these guys cause they're local - but i'm at 76+ hours of no sales on my web site because they either didn't test or test enough this new software that microsoft designed (which shockingly doesn't integrate perfectly with older versions automatically) before loading it on to all of their live servers - had a similar issue when they upgraded sql server but it was fixed quickly.

So any one know any quality hosting/programming shops (these guys charge about 110 an hour for the programming they do on our web site)