Author Topic: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race  (Read 12197 times)

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(CNN) -- A new Republican ad appears to suggest that Barack Obama has all but won the presidential race, an argument several vulnerable Senate Republicans may have to reluctantly embrace with only days until Election Day, an expert in campaign advertising said.

Aimed at Kay Hagan, Sen. Elizabeth Dole's surprisingly strong Democratic challenger in North Carolina, the 30-second spot from the National Republican Senatorial Committee warns voters against Democrats holding the White House and Congress, and flatly states that if Hagan wins, the party will "get a blank check."

"These liberals want complete control of government in a time of crisis, all branches of government," the ad's narrator states. "No check and balances, no debate, no independence. That's the truth behind Kay Hagan. If she wins, they get a blank check."

Committee Online Communications Director John Randall denied that the ad is suggesting that GOP nominee John McCain will lose out on the White House.

"The NRSC is not conceding a Barack Obama presidency," he said. "Fiscally irresponsible liberals like Kay Hagan are not the answer in these tough economic times and would only make things worse. Our ad was intended to highlight Hagan's many failings in light of the Democrats' promise to close debate should they control the executive and legislative branches of the federal government."

But with polls warning of a GOP bloodbath November 4, vulnerable senators in red states may have no other option but to suggest that Obama will capture the White House and warn that the Illinois senator needs to be checked by Senate Republicans.  Watch more on the fight for battleground states ?

"They are basically painting the picture that the presidential race is over," said Evan Tracey of Campaign Media Analysis Group, CNN's consultant on ad spending. "Overall, people prefer divided government. This is that divided government argument: 'Don't hand sole control over to one party.' "

The GOP isn't aiming to regain control of the evenly split Senate but to ensure that Democrats don't reach 60 seats in the chamber -- the "magic number" that seemed unthinkable only a few months ago.

Should Democrats reach that number, the party could prevent Republicans from filibustering bills they oppose, and the GOP would be unable to block legislation they are against from going through.

The last time either party held such an edge was in 1977, when Democrats held 61 Senate seats and Jimmy Carter was president. It seems increasingly likely this year, with the economy flailing, the Republican brand in tatters and a Democratic presidential nominee who is causing extraordinary voter enthusiasm.

Vulnerable Senate Republicans in red states are hoping the doomsday scenario will cause enough independent-leaning voters to stick with them, even if they largely blame the GOP for the country's current conditions.  Watch more on the GOP's troubles ?

"You're going to see it in a lot of places these last 10 days, where you have vulnerable Republicans, because ultimately survival instincts are going to take over here," Tracey said. "It's going to be less about whoever else is running and more about, 'How do I save myself?' "

Dole, once among the most popular figures in the GOP and head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee in 2006, has become perhaps the most vulnerable of the red state Senate Republicans in what might be the clearest sign of the GOP's woes this election season.

But several other red state Republicans are under unexpected pressure as well, including Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker, Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens and even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

But the divided government argument may only further highlight McCain as a candidate who has already lost, even as the Arizona senator and his running mate head to a string of red states to convince voters that the race isn't over.

"There's risk for the party in this argument," Tracey said, "but people have specific mandates above the party mandates, and survival instincts are going to take over at some point."
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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2008, 08:19:15 PM »
You know, I like McCain, and I like Obama.  But John's VP selection makes "W" look like he is "intellimagent."  I CANNOT vote for John.  No way.  It was a horrible idea adding this person to his campaign ticket.   >:( >:( >:(
On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2008, 10:33:49 PM »
You know, I like McCain, and I like Obama.  But John's VP selection makes "W" look like he is "intellimagent."  I CANNOT vote for John.  No way.  It was a horrible idea adding this person to his campaign ticket.   >:( >:( >:(

I man-loved 2000 McCain.  The current McCain is a sellout and Palin is a nutcase in the mold of Dubya. 

I heard this election summed up nicey by the phrase: "The evil of two lessers".
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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2008, 08:38:00 AM »
I first heard that phrase in a Philadelphia Mayoral election, Frank Rizzo and WIlson B Goode back in the 80s...i liked it then, still do.

I think the republican party has forgot the notion of 'vetting' people.  I mean Palin smelled like a pure panic move to me with no thought behind other then, oh look, she's a woman...she might be considered attractive by same, and she's a republican.

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2008, 09:39:34 AM »
I first heard that phrase in a Philadelphia Mayoral election, Frank Rizzo and WIlson B Goode back in the 80s...i liked it then, still do.

I think the republican party has forgot the notion of 'vetting' people.  I mean Palin smelled like a pure panic move to me with no thought behind other then, oh look, she's a woman...she might be considered attractive by same, and she's a republican.

Her looks had nothing to do with it. 

She's a woman to insure "history" would be made.  I think there is a "historic" factor in this election that will cause more voters to go to the polls and make a pull for "history".  Palin as the first woman VP neutralizes the Obama "historic effect".

She's hard core pro-life and McCain has "exceptions" in his pro-life stance.  This shores up the support from their base.

She's hard core Christian conservative and McCain WAS not in the past.  McCain was very open and level headed about his position regarding religion and government but IMO he's given ground on this issue.  Again, this shores up support with their base that was not too supportive durring the primaries.

She was considered an "outsider" but it turns out she's knee deep in the "pork barrel good ole boys" club.

Those reasons, IMO, are why they under-vetted Palin, she had a shinny exterior that blinded them to the empty head behind the "bling".
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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2008, 07:55:28 PM »
Palin as the first woman VP neutralizes the Obama "historic effect".

Why?  Cause Geraldine Feraro wasn't a real woman?  The republicans got stupid and paniced, to me it seems like every move they've been making for a while has been panic.

And it's not like I"m pro-obama, i think he is woefully underqualified to be a presidential candidate, but still find him a better option than McCain

« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 07:57:28 PM by jemagee »

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2008, 11:37:51 PM »
Palin as the first woman VP neutralizes the Obama "historic effect".

Why?  Cause Geraldine Feraro wasn't a real woman?  The republicans got stupid and paniced, to me it seems like every move they've been making for a while has been panic.

FYI, Feraro didn't win, Fritz and Tits went down in flames.  Regardless of which party wins the election, history will be made.  That is my point.

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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2008, 01:00:20 AM »
Okay, WOW, that's the first time I've heard Mondale and Ferraro refered to as "Fritz and Tits."

The fact that this is literally the first time I've heard that is just plain sad, because that's freakin' hilarious!

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Offline rickortreat

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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2008, 12:32:39 PM »
It looks to me like it is over.  McCain has nothing going for him, no argument or reason why he'd be the better candidate.  The Repbulican party is accusing Obama of being a socialist and all kinds of other nonsense, because they have nothing else to say!

The Republican faithful are buying into all the nonesense- he's friend with terrrorists, he will be seen as weak by foreign leaders, etc. etc. but the Polls make it clear that the country is fed up with the direction and blame Bush and the Republican party.

Frankly, whoever wins may regret getting the job, the US is in for a very tough time in the next few years as the economic unraveling and faltering economy give way. McCain would probably die within a year simply from the pressure and demands of the job.  I don't think the country would be comfortable with "Caribou Barbie" as president.  Obama being young and intelligent has a better shot at dealing with the issues, but it would be a daunting challenge for anyone.

All the Republicans can do is fan the flames of fear, but nothing that they do withstands scrutiny, which is why they have no shot.  "Tax and Spend Liberals" worked with Regan but that was almost 30 years ago and since that time, every Republican administration has expanded the deficit and every Democratic administration has lowered it.  Cheney even said deficits don't matter!  Only very loyal Republicans will vote their party this year, I'm afraid it will be pretty embarrassing for McCain.

Poor John, I just think he's out of his depth. He tries to portray himself as a strong leader, but to me he comes across as a complete phony.  This could be my bias, but it is the way I see him. Not the crunchiest chip in the bag!


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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2008, 12:52:50 PM »
Palin as the first woman VP neutralizes the Obama "historic effect".

Why?  Cause Geraldine Feraro wasn't a real woman?  The republicans got stupid and paniced, to me it seems like every move they've been making for a while has been panic.

FYI, Feraro didn't win, Fritz and Tits went down in flames.  Regardless of which party wins the election, history will be made.  That is my point.

I thought your point was that picking Palin was historic, because it didn't guarantee much anything else, and thus it's not a history making pick and it probably screwed McCain more than if they had picked a qualified candidate and vetted them properly.

It seems, has it always been so and it's just getting coverage, that these national elections seem to come down to three states (PA, OH, FL) most it just that it's getting coverage or is this a new thing?

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2008, 12:56:53 PM »
Frankly, whoever wins may regret getting the job, the US is in for a very tough time in the next few years as the economic unraveling and faltering economy give way. McCain would probably die within a year simply from the pressure and demands of the job.  I don't think the country would be comfortable with "Caribou Barbie" as president.  Obama being young and intelligent has a better shot at dealing with the issues, but it would be a daunting challenge for anyone.

I am more anti-Democrat than I am pro-Republican but that is the same conclusing I came to months ago which is why I'm voting for Obama.   I'm tired of having a president that is dumb, time for a change even though I am very hesitant about my choice.
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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2008, 01:00:18 PM »
Palin as the first woman VP neutralizes the Obama "historic effect".

Why?  Cause Geraldine Feraro wasn't a real woman?  The republicans got stupid and paniced, to me it seems like every move they've been making for a while has been panic.

FYI, Feraro didn't win, Fritz and Tits went down in flames.  Regardless of which party wins the election, history will be made.  That is my point.

I thought your point was that picking Palin was historic, because it didn't guarantee much anything else, and thus it's not a history making pick and it probably screwed McCain more than if they had picked a qualified candidate and vetted them properly.

It seems, has it always been so and it's just getting coverage, that these national elections seem to come down to three states (PA, OH, FL) most it just that it's getting coverage or is this a new thing?

No, my point was that in picking Palin history would be made by either party.  Had McCain picked someone safer then only the Demo's could make history with a black guy becomming President.  With Palin on the ticket both parties will make history if they win.  But I agree it was a short sighted pick because of how dumb she has come off and her history but it did address some critical holes in McCain's campain.
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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2008, 01:00:29 PM »
My problem with McCain isn't dumb, I don't think he's dumb, but he seems pretty obstinant and stubborn.  He also seems to have a listening issue in terms of listening to those who know more about a subject than he does.  He seems a bit out of touch with the 'majority' of Americans on things that matter, and rightly or wrong the 'never used the internet' thing is just weird

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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2008, 01:11:18 PM »
My problem with McCain isn't dumb, I don't think he's dumb, but he seems pretty obstinant and stubborn.  He also seems to have a listening issue in terms of listening to those who know more about a subject than he does.  He seems a bit out of touch with the 'majority' of Americans on things that matter, and rightly or wrong the 'never used the internet' thing is just weird

I agree about McCain's stubborness, it's what makes Bush so dangerous.  I disagree about the internet and computer BS.  McCain was able to land a jet fighter on an aircraft carrier at NIGHT!  I'll take that ability over HTML geeks any time.

But McCain is too dangerous and out of touch with America, let alone the world.  I'd vote for Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot or Osama Bin Laden before I vote Republican this year.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
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Re: GOP unveils ad suggesting Obama has basically won presidential race
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2008, 01:15:08 PM »
McCain was able to land a jet fighter on an aircraft carrier at NIGHT!  I'll take that ability over HTML geeks any time.

You're follow up statement however about being 'out of touch' - i'm not talking about technilogical knowledge (your 'html geek' insult aside), the internet is used by the majority of americans who have no idea how it works but McCain says he's never used it....never.  That to me would mean no emails, no web searches, no can a politician be in touch if not using the most available and modern technologies to facilitate that 'being in touch'.  I'm not asking the guy to build web sites, i'm asking that the guy use email or a web browser every once in a while.

I personally have never seen a republican candidate I would consider voting for since most of them seem hung up on the 'family values' 'america a-ok' 'more guns the merrier' nonsense that drives me crazy.

Though if Colin Powell had ran I was willing to consider him...before he agreed to work for the dumbest president in my life time