Laker Fan - He claims to be of Native American heritage, but he doesn't drink, does not curse, is a family man, and speaks and writes English like he grew up educated here. How can that be? His support of the Lakers is insane, but he also has said nice things about other teams <Kings> on occasion, which implies he is allowed out of the Laker Loony Bin on weekends, unlike others who I obviously can't identify <WOW, westkoast, msc, Randy> in case their intelligence reviews come back negative and they must extend their stays in wussyville. Dan's constant monitoring of wow's insults to the vocabularily-unchallenged lends to the belief he must be lying about who he really is. Speculation is that he really is Al Gore.
Biggest negative attribute - He has actually had the audacity to challenge ME on occasion. Almost (not quite) unforgivable.
I don't drink?
? Senility beginning to take hold there Johnny boy? How quickly you forget our deep discussions off this board regarding fine wine grown in the greatest state ever, and no Lurker, that would NOT be that dreary dust bowl you call home. Have you forgotten my oft-stated opinion that Bushmills Black is almost a food group all its own? Methinks perhaps, my "slightly" older friend, you are on the verge of a dementia-induced episode whereby you find yourself in the Laker house rooting for all things purple and gold while extolling the virtues and bouquet of a well aged, say 2 hours, bottle of Tokay to anyone who will listen but settling for the enraptured audience of Westkoast as he desperately tries to outwit you by ruminating about the clear superiority of Ripple.
For insulting my native American heritage with your bigoted stereotyping, I would readily scalp you to demonstrate the errors (yeah like THAT"S a first) however, being the aged cracker you are, I doubt there is enough up there on a typically follicley-challenged redneck like yourself to for me to bother, it would only disgrace my lodge-pole.
You give me far too much credit for education although given the education level typical of this board, I must admit, I am a virtual Al Inestine.
As far as challenging you, after wasting my considerable talents on the likes of such unarmed victims as the ever amusing jemegee, the delusional ramblings of Rick and the painfully in-artful Neanderthal WOW, you should take it as a compliment that you are one of only 2-3 on this board I find worthy when I really want to sharpen my claws, pity you seem to relish taking the losing side of the argument so often.