Author Topic: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?  (Read 7658 times)

Offline westkoast

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2008, 11:48:00 AM »
westkoast   Mind power?  What mind power displayed in the pool translates into running point for a pro basketball team? LOL
Gee I don't know.  Does it take any mind power/self control/determination to train like he did and bang out 8 gold medals?  "Phelps has been training almost 5 hours a day and 7 days a week without any rest day."

Training doesn't equal the ability to see players in traffic, knowing when to make the right pass, how to read the defense to make the right decisions....

Now if you want to say he's going to be good based on the fact he can run up and down the court with the players that's different.  That also doesn't mean he could play basketball.  It just means he could keep up because he is in great shape.

"Tactic and Mind Power - Some other swimmers may have tactics to swim fastest they can when they dip into the water; some may reserve their energy for the final lap. Michael?s tactic is simple - he just swims consistently with same pace, from the start till the end. His strokes remain uniform like robot, from the start to end. Nothing spontaneous. When other swimmers are fighting against fatigue, Phelps still swims calmly as if he is swimming downhill with his smooth strokes. It is not that he is not tired, but his ability to relax and focus have helped him to block out the pain and fatigue. He has strong mind power. Michael has an athletic mentality and he is keenly competitive, and that is what drives him."

Does he have the mind power to get OTHERS to play harder?  Basketball is a team sport.  Playing the point guard requires you to understand how to lead other players on the offensive end. 

Also swimming is in one lane and many of them stick to one style of swimming per race.  Basketball you have to change direction, make decisions on the fly, move your body different then you are use to in order to get open, etc etc

I wouldn't even say just because he was able to be mentally tough in the pool doesn't mean he would be mentally tough when the game is on the line when he's at the FT line.   WOW is right.  Why should we stop at Phelps?  Why not include anyone who has ever played sports in their life?  I think Manny Ramirez could play basketball because he has awesome hand eye coordination!  He is a winner!  No doubt in my mind that Peyton Manning could be a Michael Beasley.  He has great tactics and mind power.  He is a winner.  He is one of the best QBs of all time so that must mean he could play basketball.

Do you know how tempting it would be if in a race you were behind, or for that matter ahead and get paranoid (behind) or anxious (ahead) try to overdo it, change pace like the other swimmers do?
All that training could be transferred.

Transfered to what?  Pacing how much energy he uses in a basketball game?  There is more to the game of basketball then pacing yourself.  Especially as a point guard.

If you and WoW think Beno Undies and many other similar white players can make the NBA but Phelps never could, oh well.  I do see where you have adjusted and said Phelps could make it if he started as a young teen, once the posts were made by Skandery on Duncan and further his not playing a lick of hoop till age 14 you adjusted/pedaled. 

Skin color has nothing to do with it.  Those guys played basketball for a huge portion of their lives.

Quit trying to switch around your argument to try to shield your self from the "stupidity" comments.  You said right now that you think Phelps would be able to jump into the NBA.  Then you switched it to "well if he was younger".....

Did you know playing at 14 is a lot different then playing at 24?  Do you realize being 7 feet tall is different then being 6'4?

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 11:50:41 AM by westkoast »

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2008, 11:54:14 AM »
Self PWND!!!!!!   :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D  I guess Phelps is allergic to LeBron James money!!!
So now you're back pedaling it to "if an NBA player does not make Lebron James type money, they have failed".
 :D :D
Okay, i guess the 300+ current NBA players and the 1000s Lebron will have played with during his career all will have failed.  They should have been swimmers instead.  :D
Final shot into the barrel.  You have too many holes.

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2008, 12:09:24 PM »
Self PWND!!!!!!   :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D  I guess Phelps is allergic to LeBron James money!!!
So now you're back pedaling it to "if an NBA player does not make Lebron James type money, they have failed".
 :D :D
Okay, i guess the 300+ current NBA players and the 1000s Lebron will have played with during his career all will have failed.  They should have been swimmers instead.  :D
Final shot into the barrel.  You have too many holes.

Frak you're stupid.  If Phelps can make MAJOR money from his Olympic run can you imagine the kind of MEGA bucks he could make in the NBA?  Since you call it a "marketing league" can you even begin to imagine the BILLIONS of dollars the NBA could make from a "great white hype"?  There was a time when Jason "White Chocolate" Williams was in the top 5, maybe even top 2/3, in jersey sales.  I believe it was Real Sports who made the documentary about the "marketing" of white players in the NBA to the predominantly "white" money generating fan base.  So Phelps could make BronBron money with JWill talent, heck with Phelps built in fame he could probably do it on Penberthy talent. 

So what's keeping phelps from eclipsing BronBron? couldn't be ability?  NAH.

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2008, 12:26:36 PM »
Training doesn't equal the ability to see players in traffic, knowing when to make the right pass, how to read the defense to make the right decisions....

Now if you want to say he's going to be good based on the fact he can run up and down the court with the players that's different.  That also doesn't mean he could play basketball.  It just means he could keep up because he is in great shape.
westkoast Athlete's dont have to be smart or make good decisions.

Offline westkoast

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2008, 12:33:57 PM »
Training doesn't equal the ability to see players in traffic, knowing when to make the right pass, how to read the defense to make the right decisions....

Now if you want to say he's going to be good based on the fact he can run up and down the court with the players that's different.  That also doesn't mean he could play basketball.  It just means he could keep up because he is in great shape.
westkoast Athlete's dont have to be smart or make good decisions.

Jesus christ you're an idiot.  In that discussion we were talking about pure athletes.  This one we are talking about being a basketball player.  No one denied that Phelps is a good athlete.  What WOW and myself have been saying is that automatically doesn't make him NBA caliber.  Rodman was a good athlete but he also was conditioned to be a basketball player from a young age.  Get the point yet?

Why the hell is this so hard to understand.  I really pray that you are doing this for attention and are not serious.  Sometimes I really just don't know.

Offline Reality

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #50 on: September 12, 2008, 12:37:42 PM »
Jesus christ you're an idiot.  In that discussion we were talking about pure athletes.  This one we are talking about being a basketball player.  No one denied that Phelps is a good athlete.  What WOW and myself have been saying is that automatically doesn't make him NBA caliber.

Why the hell is this so hard to understand.  I really pray that you are doing this for attention and are not serious.  Sometimes I really just don't know.
Wrong Twisty.  In that discussion you were talking about Rodman.  A basketball player.

What WOW and myself have been saying is that automatically doesn't make him NBA caliber.
Goes without saying really.  Nonetheless, gold stars for you and all the Barrel Fish gang.  However what you've failed to hear is it does not automatically disqualify Phelps from being an NBA player.  Yawn.

Offline westkoast

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #51 on: September 12, 2008, 12:49:07 PM »
Jesus christ you're an idiot.  In that discussion we were talking about pure athletes.  This one we are talking about being a basketball player.  No one denied that Phelps is a good athlete.  What WOW and myself have been saying is that automatically doesn't make him NBA caliber.

Why the hell is this so hard to understand.  I really pray that you are doing this for attention and are not serious.  Sometimes I really just don't know.
Wrong Twisty.  In that discussion you were talking about Rodman.  A basketball player.

What WOW and myself have been saying is that automatically doesn't make him NBA caliber.
Goes without saying really.  Nonetheless, gold stars for you and all the Barrel Fish gang.  However what you've failed to hear is it does not automatically disqualify Phelps from being an NBA player.  Yawn.

Reality no the discussion was about Rodman as an athlete.  That is what the argument was about.  If you actually READ the thread instead of just skimming through it to try to find a quote to twist around, you would know that.  You however did your typical bs.  Then turned around and tried to call someone else out for 'twisting'  A good basketball player and a good athlete are not always one in the same.  That was said in the thread.  I suggest you go back and READ it. 

Typical conspiracy theory type people always love to play the 'Just because they didn't do it doesn't mean they couldn't!!!!' game.  Phelps COULD NOT be a Pro basketball player if he were to try out right now.  End of story.

When the discussion is "best athlete he ever coached", yeah i cannot picture Jordan doing anything remotely like that.

Nor the other truly greats, ie Bird, Magic Marketing, etc.

Athlete's dont have to be smart or make good decisions.  You are mixing up "best basketball player" and "best athlete"  they are not one in the same.  Ill put it in Laker terms so you can get it since you follow them so much.  Jordan Farmar is a better athlete then Derek Fisher is but he is not a better basketball player.  Get it?

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 12:50:55 PM by westkoast »

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #52 on: September 12, 2008, 12:54:15 PM »
Ha ha ha.  And post your quotes on how hand eye coordination etc are not neccessary for Rodman?
Yet you and the barrel fish question Phelps on hand eye.
Who is Twisty?  Haha.

Bang.  Another shot, another hole.
I'm gonna leave y'all to float. 

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #53 on: September 12, 2008, 01:02:25 PM »
Ha ha ha.  And post your quotes on how hand eye coordination etc are not neccessary for Rodman?
Yet you and the barrel fish question Phelps on hand eye.
Who is Twisty?  Haha.

Bang.  Another shot, another hole.
I'm gonna leave y'all to float. 

Moron!  I have PROOF that Phelps can NOT make it in the NBA.  Phelps is not on ANY professional basketball team's roster, not at any level.  Phelps "can't" because he "doesn't".  END OF STORY. 

(probably not dumbed down enough but this board does not have a crayon font)
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Offline westkoast

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #54 on: September 12, 2008, 01:10:18 PM »
Ha ha ha.  And post your quotes on how hand eye coordination etc are not neccessary for Rodman?
Yet you and the barrel fish question Phelps on hand eye.
Who is Twisty?  Haha.

Bang.  Another shot, another hole.
I'm gonna leave y'all to float. 

Oh so hand eye coordination is superior to his ability to anticipate where a player is going to move....BECAUSE HES PLAYED THE GAME OF BASKETBALL SINCE HE WAS YOUNGER.  I guess it is also superior to being able to read how a ball will bounce off a rim for a rebound.  Or being able to read screens, picks, and plays to put yourself in a better defensive position?

Since when does swimming fast in a pool mean you know the game of basketball on a high level?

Seriously, I wish you would think more often.

Offline Reality

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #55 on: September 12, 2008, 01:50:18 PM »
Most likely.  One year of .300 hitting (barely), a career avg of .263, and playing in less than half the games over a 9 year career.  Sounds like one heck of a baseball player.  I guess its a good thing he didn't count on making a living that way.
Some more barrel blastin.
Yeah, as a CPA you know making 13 million dollars over 9 years is just scraping by.
1991 Atlanta Braves $660,000
1992 Atlanta Braves $600,000
1993 Atlanta Braves $3,166,667
1994 Atlanta Braves $3,632,513
1995 Cincinnati Reds $3,666,667
1997 Cincinnati Reds $1,200,000
2000 Cincinnati Reds $300,000
Career $13,225,847 (may be incomplete as this is 7 of 9 years, the other two years the team did not report)

Oh and your attempts to diss his baseball career, you know since earlier you said No one could do it, well.
.533 World Series ba (8-15) in 1992, won by the Braves.
1st in Triples '92  (top 10 3Xs)
2nd in stolen bases twice
and your Popavich loving soul should really appreciate his defense.  Because Defense wins Championships.

He also played less than half the games (average) each year.  I believe he never played over 100 games.  He didn't play full time and basically was an average role player. 

In one world series he batted only 15 times?  What about the other 8 seasons he played baseball?

  He didn't have a good arm...his assists were matched by his errors.  He was not a good baseball player.  He used his natural speed to make it as a role player in MLB.  Mostly he was paid as a box office draw.

He also played less than half the games (average) each year.
which is what makes his stolen base and triples stats even more impressive.

I believe he never played over 100 games.
And you are wrong.  115 games in 1997.  56 stolen bags ;)

He didn't have a good arm...his assists were matched by his errors.

Yeah i got to see the b.s. that is MLB scoring right here in San Diego with the beloved Tony Gwynn.  Because he was so fat, slow and injured in his final years, many an easy out flyball he would fail to even get close to.  Thus it was ruled a *hit*.  Deon on the other hand, would chase down balls that fat Gwynn could only dream about.  Yet Cousin Lurker at the scorers booth would ring Deon up for an *error*.  Quit living in the boxscores, Cousin.

So he used his natural speed (athletic ability) to stretch doubles into triples.  And stolen bases...hmmm, let's see natural speed again.  And his defense was based on his speed.
  And you consider these negatives:D :D
gawd you'd make a dense GM or coach.  But we already knew that.

He didn't play full time and basically was an average role player.

Yeah because all MLB players contribute to a World Series ring in their careers.  Even longtime players.
And finish top 5 in couple catogories on a regular basis. While playing only a half or a third of the season.
Bam.  Another barrel shot.

I guess its a good thing he didn't count on making a living that way
I'm assuming you're going with standard operating procedure of The Laker Boys/Cousins on pedaling away from this one.  Bicycle built for two with WoW.

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #56 on: September 12, 2008, 03:11:56 PM »

He also played less than half the games (average) each year.  I believe he never played over 100 games.  He didn't play full time and basically was an average role player. 

In one world series he batted only 15 times?  What about the other 8 seasons he played baseball?

  He didn't have a good arm...his assists were matched by his errors.  He was not a good baseball player.  He used his natural speed to make it as a role player in MLB.  Mostly he was paid as a box office draw.

He also played less than half the games (average) each year.
which is what makes his stolen base and triples stats even more impressive.

I believe he never played over 100 games.
And you are wrong.  115 games in 1997.  56 stolen bags ;)

He didn't have a good arm...his assists were matched by his errors.

Yeah i got to see the b.s. that is MLB scoring right here in San Diego with the beloved Tony Gwynn.  Because he was so fat, slow and injured in his final years, many an easy out flyball he would fail to even get close to.  Thus it was ruled a *hit*.  Deon on the other hand, would chase down balls that fat Gwynn could only dream about.  Yet Cousin Lurker at the scorers booth would ring Deon up for an *error*.  Quit living in the boxscores, Cousin.

So he used his natural speed (athletic ability) to stretch doubles into triples.  And stolen bases...hmmm, let's see natural speed again.  And his defense was based on his speed.
  And you consider these negatives:D :D
gawd you'd make a dense GM or coach.  But we already knew that.

He didn't play full time and basically was an average role player.

Yeah because all MLB players contribute to a World Series ring in their careers.  Even longtime players.
And finish top 5 in couple catogories on a regular basis. While playing only a half or a third of the season.
Bam.  Another barrel shot.

I guess its a good thing he didn't count on making a living that way
I'm assuming you're going with standard operating procedure of The Laker Boys/Cousins on pedaling away from this one.  Bicycle built for two with WoW.

OK stupid...simple lines that you will twist but here it goes.

Playing in half of the team's games over NINE seasons means that he wasn't a strong contributer to any of the team's success.

Having ONE decent playoff series in NINE seasons does not make him a star.

His entire "success" in baseball is based on his speed...a natural talent.  When it comers to baseball skills HE HAS NONE!

He can't hit worth a damn...only 1 season out of 9 above .300.

His "achievements" are related to his speed.

Nazr Mohammed has a NBA ring...and he shot 52.8% from the field.  That is impressive as Deion's World Series ring; don't you agree?
It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave.  Keep on thinking free.
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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #57 on: September 12, 2008, 03:16:42 PM »
1.  Absolute b.s.
2.  True, but then did i or anyone else label him a "star"?
3.  More b.s.  How come Jordan couldn't hit the ball.  Hitting over .300 one year is better then 75% of all baseball players in their entire careers. (zig could you verify unless you want to stay away from the barrel.)  Talk about a stupid statement by you.
4.  See above
5.  Speed, smarts and athleticsm.  I see you convieniently skirted the defense issue.  What would Pop think?  :o  :o
6.  The Nazr comparison is pretty lame.  Altho the Nazman most certainly did contribute a role to the Spurs title.  As did Finley in 2007. 


« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 03:18:46 PM by Reality »

Offline westkoast

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #58 on: September 12, 2008, 03:25:30 PM »
1.  Absolute b.s.
2.  True, but then did i or anyone else label him a "star"?
3.  More b.s.  How come Jordan couldn't hit the ball.  Hitting over .300 one year is better then 75% of all baseball players in their entire careers. (zig could you verify unless you want to stay away from the barrel.)  Talk about a stupid statement by you.
4.  See above
5.  Speed, smarts and athleticsm.  I see you convieniently skirted the defense issue.  What would Pop think?  :o  :o
6.  The Nazr comparison is pretty lame.  Altho the Nazman most certainly did contribute a role to the Spurs title.  As did Finley in 2007. 


Um maybe because Michael Jordan is 6'7 and Deon is 6'1 ?  Think a larger strike zone has anything to do with it?

Hmmm kind of makes one wonder why being one of the most athletic people to ever play pro sports in this country (Jordan) wasn't automatically good at another sport.  Jordan has great hand eye coordination , speed, and has more mental toughness then any other athlete in recent history....yet he couldn't hang in baseball.  Things that make you go hmmm.....

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: Could Michael Phelps play NBA hoop if he wanted to?
« Reply #59 on: September 12, 2008, 04:00:37 PM »
Hmmm kind of makes one wonder why being one of the most athletic people to ever play pro sports in this country (Jordan) wasn't automatically good at another sport.  Jordan has great hand eye coordination , speed, and has more mental toughness then any other athlete in recent history....yet he couldn't hang in baseball.  Things that make you go hmmm.....

"History shouldn't be a mystery"
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"It would've endured"

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