So this is what I've learned from the two conventions this past month or whatever...
To the democrats we are in the great depression, poor people are barely able to eat, and everyone in the entire world hates our country.
To the republicans the economy is in good enough shape to where its not worth mentioning (they haven't said a peep yet), we are still the most well respected country in the entire world bar none, the war is going well and we did a good job overseas.
There is no middle ground, its crazy!
Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a new third party to come in. One that is centrist in it's ideology. But then of course no one would support it right? Or isn't that the large percentage of population that is considered the "swing" vote in this election...the undecided middle. So basically whichever party can dupe the greater number of centrists to believe their spiel will be victorious.
It's almost always like that in Politics, as the process is to consolidate power in fewer and fewer hands over time, until things get stretched so unfairly that the majority demands change. One could say that the Republicans have dominated politics in this country since the Clinton Administration, and in the process have systematically undermined everything worthwhile this country stood for.
Under Bush, wealth has become so consolidated that 1% of Americans own 90% of the wealth! Imagine how much better off you would be if they only owned 80% and you and everyone else shared that extra 10%!
Not that I advocate giving money to people - I believe that people should work to get what they want. It is simply that the system is rigged so that more and more money flows to fewer and fewer people, and that this is clearly not in the general public's best interest. Let's at least be clear about this: The only reason they have so much and you have so little comparatively is because collectively we allow it. We support the laws and the processes that are in place by our willingness to cooperate and tolerate the way we are governed. Not too much in the way of political uprisings here, so why shouldn't they try and control an even greater percentage of the wealth?!?