Author Topic: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....  (Read 12596 times)

Offline Randy

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #45 on: April 18, 2008, 08:13:54 AM »
I don't think anyone has made a case worthy of attracting JoMal, and his rapier-like wit to their side.

Lakers Fans!?!? You cannot be serious. To even suggest you would associate with such, such... well, politeness prevents me from using the appropriate adjectives.

Utah, well look if you can deal with the Mormons then go for it, they are a small market team, and they haven't won in a long time.  They have a great young team and their games are on closer to your time zone. They deserve props and a supporter on the board.

But really, how can you ignore your roots.  The Sixers were your first team, weren't they? You can come back baby, Philly basketball never forgets!  Besides, we are now making seriously good wine in PA and connoisseur that you are, you'll have something good to drink when they win.  If you miss the cows, the Amish and their farms are in the next valley. The Sixers have a chance to upset Detroit in the first round,  and you enjoy the good vibes that come with that kind of a victory.

Come JoMal, Oh Great One, please honor the Sixers with your earnest support. They are young and they are talented, and will one day earn your respect and give you satisfaction in watching a team grow.

Sorry JoMal, but Philly fans don't roll out the carpet for anyone.  If you want to root for the Sixers there's room on the wagon, and plenty to drink, but don't hold your breath waiting for an invite.  Nobody gives away the good wine for free!

But since you're without a team for the moment and hurting emotionally, you shouldn't leave such a decision to whoever decides to kiss your ass best.  People who are good at ass-kissing are pretty worthless when it comes to anything else!

Sorry, Rick -- these are your own words!

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #46 on: April 18, 2008, 08:29:24 AM »
I don't think anyone has made a case worthy of attracting JoMal, and his rapier-like wit to their side.

Lakers Fans!?!? You cannot be serious. To even suggest you would associate with such, such... well, politeness prevents me from using the appropriate adjectives.

Utah, well look if you can deal with the Mormons then go for it, they are a small market team, and they haven't won in a long time.  They have a great young team and their games are on closer to your time zone. They deserve props and a supporter on the board.

But really, how can you ignore your roots.  The Sixers were your first team, weren't they? You can come back baby, Philly basketball never forgets!  Besides, we are now making seriously good wine in PA and connoisseur that you are, you'll have something good to drink when they win.  If you miss the cows, the Amish and their farms are in the next valley. The Sixers have a chance to upset Detroit in the first round,  and you enjoy the good vibes that come with that kind of a victory.

Come JoMal, Oh Great One, please honor the Sixers with your earnest support. They are young and they are talented, and will one day earn your respect and give you satisfaction in watching a team grow.

Ice, Ice baby!
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline westkoast

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2008, 03:32:08 PM »
If anything I think we should do a sign and trade....this way everyone wins

We sign JoMal but put him in a package to send to the Utah fans to aquire the rights to Skandery.

Offline JoMal

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #48 on: April 21, 2008, 02:01:49 PM »
Hello, all - JoMal is back from the Crescent City

First off, I want to again thank all of you once again for your outpouring of support concerning my wife, who had a great trip and managed to enjoy the town to the fullest, as did I.

Considering that I was in meetings and sessions from Monday through Saturday morning, we still got out and around the town quite a bit. The zoo was particularly great, the D-Day Museum is massive and hard to see in a short visit, and we tried some new restaurants and found one in particular worth going back to. We also reconnected with some locals we have become friendly with in previous visits and found out how the town is acually doing in the post Katrina period.  I do feel I know that town very well, though.

Back to the real issue at hand. I have reviewed your communiqu?s from last week and narrowed my choice down team.

But let's review by poster, each arguement to bring JoMal on board as their newest fanwagoner.

Laker posters:

Laker Dan - one of my favorite protagonist on the board, my only complaint about you is your sporatic posting. More then that, on more then one occasion I have been taken aback by how similar our way of thinking appears. It is likely we have more in common then we both even know, not the least of which is problem youth, like westkoast, who apparently has no plans to grow old, nor any expectations for doing so. Darwinism at work, methinks.

WayOutWest - Ah, the old, "we hung out together and bonded so WHO'S YOUR DADDY?, arguement. Very powerful. And bribes are certainly an acceptible incentive to a true bandwagon recruit.   

"Did a Spurs fan give you and excuse to leave work early?"  No, but he gave my wife and I a very enjoyable evening out once.

"Did a Jazz fan buy you several rounds of beer"? When a Jazz fan buys ANYONE a round of beer, won't Joseph Smith, or Brigham Young come down and smite them a good one upside the head? However, Ted's wife was a tantalizing........oops.   

Did a Sixers fan buy you an oyster sampler appetizer? As memory serves, I bought that appetizer. You shoved some crackers under my hand and said something like, "have at it, bro"

Did a Celtics fan take you back to the hotel and... Next time, confirm their ages, WOW.

It seems the Laker arguement has much to do with selling my soul to Satan or going over to the dark side. Not that this isn't a negative selling point, but something to weigh in with. Compared to rooting alongside westkoast, selling out to Satan doesn't look all that bad. 

Randy -

"catatonic schizophrenia".

"...... chanting "Kobe for MVP."

Dissing Rick for being hypocritical along with WOW's Ice, ice baby reference. Clever.

The question is, do I look forward to suffering catatonic schizophrenia as I root for Kobe for MVP? Can I accomplish this without imploding over the next month or so while Satan plays paddle ball with my boys? Are a plate of oysters worth it?

westkoast - Somehow, I just can not see you resisting kicking my walker out from under me at my geriatic bar, nor wiping the drool from my face when the Laker Girls take the floor. Would you listen at my feet as I repeat and contradict myself for the twelfth time over who really shot Kennedy? Is there a rapper named Kennedy who got shot that I don't know about so you really have no idea to whom I am really referring too?

Can we ever converse without you mentioning my age, and thus clearly implying you know that I have more wisdom in my teeth then you will ever master in your crib?

msc -

Now HE could have put the Lakers way over the top, but, alas, we did not hear from him.

Spurs posters -

Reality did not even compete. A slag reference to Jazz loyalty notwithstanding, I would expect our resident bandwagoner to clear a path for the JoMal "buck-bored", but no.......

SPURSX3 - Is that your belt calling you home? I guess, because no peek of the JoMal psyche was forthcoming here either.

Lurker -

"He HAS to root for the Spurs.  It is the only team that he can relate to since they are all old enough to be great grandfathers just like him."

My relative immaturity notwithstanding, your coach is too young for my tastes as well


"And thus another coattail riding heretic will be cast upon the earth to preach doom & gloom to all the denizens who are lucky enough to avoid association with that holy mecca: LA Cess Pool.  Alas poor JoMal, methinks his mind may have been tricked by agents of the evil empire.  The angst!  The heartache!  The waste of such a wonderful soul.  Pray children that the darkness can be confined to the wretched kingdom of California."

How poetic. And how true about that wonderful soul. There is a Black Hole of Chowchilla waiting for any unsuspecting innocent to be sucked into if not careful. I am glad of your care in looking out for me......

Sixer posters -

Dabods - wherefore art thou, bods? Your Juliette awaits her Romeo, but instead just has Oreo crumbs to be washed down by dusty dregs of PA memories JoMal once cherished as a lad.

Rickortreat -

"Sorry JoMal, but Philly fans don't roll out the carpet for anyone." Who needs a carpet. Just a little love will do.

"People who are good at ass-kissing are pretty worthless when it comes to anything else!" But JoMal does not care if they are good at anything else, does he?

Then -

"Lakers Fans!?!? You cannot be serious. To even suggest you would associate with such, such... well, politeness prevents me from using the appropriate adjectives." Ah!!! If only you had, we might be talking serious Sixer smack right now!

"But really, how can you ignore your roots.  The Sixers were your first team, weren't they? You can come back baby, Philly basketball never forgets!"  Being from the area originally is very tempting, I must admit. And that the Sixers did a Piston pounding?? I teared up when I heard, I admit.

" Come JoMal, Oh Great One, please honor the Sixers with your earnest support. They are young and they are talented, and will one day earn your respect and give you satisfaction in watching a team grow." Oh so much like my own Kings in all respects.

Utah Posters -

Joe Vancil - Does he want me? I compete with him on some kind of poster board spiritual level that only he would understand. But his silence is deafening.

Skandery -

"JoMal is Yoda('s grandfather).  Laker Fan is Obi-Wan (Alec Guiness on his last legs).  But WOW is Jabba the Hut and (westkoast) Little Ani." Not to dwell on the fact that you, too, must have at one time met WOW as well, where is the JoMal respect from you, Skandery? Am I not worthy of some acknowledgement packed with patronizing platitudes? I think I am.

Ted -

"Everyone knows you hate the Jazz for their bloodthirsty "thuggery." " The finest forms of flattery often is found in the roots of verbalized distain.

"First of all, the whole united Californians thing is kind of funny when all those Smog Sniffers have berated your beloved Sacramento as a backwoods Cowtown for years" Sadly, my beloved CowTown is no more, replaced by a spawling metropolis that stretches to the horizon, as I noted as my plane approached the airport last night. And I know they envy me my air, up here in the California wetlands. 

"Second, we Jazz fans need someone with the wisdom and experience to guide us into the exciting years to come. Everything about the Spurs is old and boring. They've had their time, won their titles. It's time for a new age, and despite the railings of other posters, your skills are too honed to waste them on a rapidly dulling knife like the Spurs." The truth doth hurt, but with Eva in the stands, are they not at least worth watching with the dim hope of seeing her pouty face in the crowd?

"You don't want to be just another drone of an evil empire, or another wasted talent cheering a team from a South Texan Retirement Home. You want to be part of the future, and the future needs you JoMal. All we've got in the way of "experience" is Joe, and he barely comes around anymore. The rest of youngsters need a guiding hand. Don't weild a butter knife, wield a newly forged blade made of pure, strong, athletic steel. Join the Jazz." My mother once wielded a butter knife....and I drone a lot.....and about the evil empire......and cowboy boots and a Texas ten gallon hat just make me look silly...and the future is out here in the west, not back in the least.

Yes, I have made my choice at is *$%#@*&#$


« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 02:11:01 PM by JoMal »
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #49 on: April 21, 2008, 02:27:09 PM »
Yes, I have made my choice at is *$%#@*&#$

Such vituperative language could only be reserved for one team in JoMal's bitter angst over the current state of the Kings, that team being the Brute' to his Caesar.

Welcome to the Laker bandwagon JoMal! And yes I am ignoring your denouement whereby you in unsubtle terms pronounce us willing dupes in your attempt to massage your own ego, us Laker fans are to firmly entrenched in our own arrogance to accept any possibility we could have been so beguiled by someone from the great unwashed Norte'.


Offline westkoast

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #50 on: April 21, 2008, 02:29:58 PM »
If JoMaL has joined the Laker ranks I will not mention his age for the entire playoffs.  That right there might be enough to put you over the top!

Glad you guys had a good trip!  Nothing like changing up the scenary and enjoying time with loved ones when things don't look to be going your way.  NO is one of the only places in the US that I haven't been but have been dying to go for a while now.  Doesn't take much more the booze and boobs to get us young ins excited.

Did you get to catch any of the games this weekend?  Man oh man were there some good ones.

Offline JoMal

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2008, 02:36:26 PM »

That was shifty.

I hate to disappoint so many on this board, but I have made a choice.

Ted, Joe, Skandery......I am now......JazMal!!!
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2008, 02:53:29 PM »
So you're not interested in bandwagoning past the 2nd round huh?

Well, more power to ya, you miserable, bitter, OLD, pathetic shell of a human being! Along with our arrogance, Laker fans can also turn on a potential wagon jumper like you like rabid dogs, sort of like the fickle Kobe for MVP chanters you have in that pathetic excuse for cowtown you wallow in on a daily basis.

Be prepared for the unbearable gloating coming your way for being so senile and crotchety as to make such a poor choice as the Jazz, although rooting for that creampuff girly team where you live should have been our first clue you don't have a lick of common sense in the first place, let alone any of your sef-proclaimed "wisdom".

Offline JoMal

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2008, 03:13:55 PM »
So you're not interested in bandwagoning past the 2nd round huh?

Of course I am! If JazMal fails the Jazz, there is always Laker Mal

Well, more power to ya, you miserable, bitter, OLD, pathetic shell of a human being! Along with our arrogance, Laker fans can also turn on a potential wagon jumper like you like rabid dogs, sort of like the fickle Kobe for MVP chanters you have in that pathetic excuse for cowtown you wallow in on a daily basis.

Be prepared for the unbearable gloating coming your way for being so senile and crotchety as to make such a poor choice as the Jazz, although rooting for that creampuff girly team where you live should have been our first clue you don't have a lick of common sense in the first place, let alone any of your sef-proclaimed "wisdom".

Let the sour grape stomping commense!!!    :D    :D
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline Skandery

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2008, 03:14:18 PM »
Not to dwell on the fact that you, too, must have at one time met WOW as well, where is the JoMal respect from you, Skandery? Am I not worthy of some acknowledgement packed with patronizing platitudes? I think I am.

<booming within your mind> I have always been here! <booming within your mind>

Ted, Joe, Skandery......I am now......JazMal!!!

<smug cackle> You are not yet attuned my young apprentice; but the question was never in doubt.<smug cackle>  

Welcome!  Jazz tighities are at the Quartermaster upstair's.  Meetings are Wednesday evenings!  Solitary communion with the Holy Spirit of Stockton are ritualy at Midnight Monday.  Conjugal concubines, last room to the left.<enjoy>    
"But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality'. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."

Offline Lurker

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2008, 03:22:00 PM »
As a Spurs fan it makes me proud to know that this board's most fearsome MALady has infected the Jazz with the Lakers being close enough to catch this obviously contagious disease.  As evidenced by the Sacramento teams from early in this decade this disease can be devastating to a team's free throw shooting.  Another side effect seems to be the overall shrinking of a team's cajoles.

Sorry to hear about your losses true Jazz fans.   :'(
It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave.  Keep on thinking free.
-Moody Blues

Offline JoMal

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #56 on: April 21, 2008, 03:22:23 PM »
Not to dwell on the fact that you, too, must have at one time met WOW as well, where is the JoMal respect from you, Skandery? Am I not worthy of some acknowledgement packed with patronizing platitudes? I think I am.

<booming within your mind> I have always been here! <booming within your mind>

Ted, Joe, Skandery......I am now......JazMal!!!

<smug cackle> You are not yet attuned my young apprentice; but the question was never in doubt.<smug cackle>  

Welcome!  Jazz tighities are at the Quartermaster upstair's.  Meetings are Wednesday evenings!  Solitary communion with the Holy Spirit of Stockton are ritualy at Midnight Monday.  Conjugal concubines, last room to the left.<enjoy>    

JazMal acknowledges your praises, and where are the women again? And do I have to marry them first? Not a problem, just need to know if I have to bring a tux.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #57 on: April 21, 2008, 03:27:15 PM »
As a Spurs fan it makes me proud to know that this board's most fearsome MALady has infected the Jazz with the Lakers being close enough to catch this obviously contagious disease.  As evidenced by the Sacramento teams from early in this decade this disease can be devastating to a team's free throw shooting.  Another side effect seems to be the overall shrinking of a team's cajoles.

Sorry to hear about your losses true Jazz fans.   :'(

"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline JoMal

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #58 on: April 21, 2008, 03:28:04 PM »
As a Spurs fan it makes me proud to know that this board's most fearsome MALady has infected the Jazz with the Lakers being close enough to catch this obviously contagious disease.  As evidenced by the Sacramento teams from early in this decade this disease can be devastating to a team's free throw shooting.  Another side effect seems to be the overall shrinking of a team's cajoles.

Sorry to hear about your losses true Jazz fans.   :'(

Jealosy, thy name is Lurker. That team that will remain nameless will one day rise again, but for now, your haughty naughtiness goes for naught, Slurker as WE Jazz peers pee in your general direction. Quivering with the thought of facing a Jazz team that will make your old pokes pukes, the Splurts barely excaped a home swishing at the hands of a lesser Sons team. Eye on the prize, Slurker, your team distracts easily.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

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Re: The end is near and the Kings are dead.....
« Reply #59 on: April 21, 2008, 03:28:22 PM »
I know I never REALLY wanted that decrepit old fool anywhere near my beloved Lakers, my careful maneuvering him into position to infect the Jazz with his incurable disease was too subtle for all but real Laker fans to pick up on, and his feeble mind was no match for my skills, the dark side triumphs again! I pity Jazz fans for this tragic turn of events, witness the disaster that was the Queens while Jomama was their most vocal representative.