Author Topic: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.  (Read 9985 times)

Offline westkoast

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2008, 02:34:08 AM »
Yeah, that is what I am saying - everyone in Los Angeles is a Laker fan  ::)    ::)    ::) Glad you picked up on that hidden nugget. Gosh, you are so clever in seeing my actual point. You know what, I bet those people you know who don't like basketball and don't like the Lakers in SoCal, I don't know, I just might believe none of them go to any NBA games also. Does that make any sense?

Well what is one to think when you keep pounding the idea that SO many LA residents moved up to Sacramento that all the sudden there is a lot of Laker fans in the area?  Throw around your stats all you want but bandwagon fans exist in Sacramento.  Why you seem to be taking this so personally and spinning bs with the likes of the Tazmanian Devil and Reality, I haven't quite figured out.  MVP chants in other arenas have happened.  They continue to happen.  That tells people who think logically that bandwagon fans exist everywhere.   Put your unhealthy anger for a person you don't know other then through the media and seeing him torch your squad in the playoffs aside and man up.  Admit there are bandwagon fans in Sacramento.  None of this 'then they were not real Kings fans in the first place' bs .  Maybe those "true" Kings fans were just casual fans that had nothing else to do?  Sounds like this story book franchise was just a short story.  Sorry gramps.

Sacramento is not different then Utah, Dallas, or even New Jersey for that matter.  Throw Southern California into that mix.  We have plenty of bandwagon fans for other teams.  In San Diego there is a guy who is on the Spurs bandwagon so we are not innocent either.  I can admit that.   I know it hurts you to think that there is bandwagon fans in Sacramento...but it happens.  Your team sucks.  The Lakers dont.  Some people have decided to cheer for another squad.  T

And there is not much to do up in Sacramento might I remind you.  Sounds to me like since there is nothing to do that NON Nba fans might go to the only ticket in town?  Does that make sense to you?  People who are use to actually being able to go out on weekends as oppose to tending to the cows and going on hikes.  

Speaking of crystall balls, don't the pair you sport make an awful clanking sound when you walk? And are these the same crystall balls that YOU and Randality consult when you came up with ex-Kings, now Laker bandwagon fans attending that game at Arco when there are plenty of ex-SoCal people up here, as I have shown, who would be more likely to fill out the arena instead? Even if only 10% of them living up here were really diehard Laker fans? Even if, when they were actually LIVING in Southern California, they might not have been able to see a live Laker home game for various reasons, like sell-outs, distance, and cost?


Long winded, pathetic attempts at 'taking shots'  Strap on your big boy shoes and do a better job.  When I find your shots worthy Ill give it a real reply.

And here is another crystal ball thought for the day. How do you know those MVP chants for Kobe weren't mocking mantras for a narcissistic, self-absorbed megotistical player who thinks patronizing fans are true believers of his 'greatness'?

Perfect example of spinning like the Tazmanian Devil and Reality.

Sacramento has bandwagon fans.  Deal with it  :D
« Last Edit: March 23, 2008, 02:46:42 AM by westkoast »

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2008, 03:39:53 PM »
And there is not much to do up in Sacramento might I remind you.  Sounds to me like since there is nothing to do that NON Nba fans might go to the only ticket in town?  Does that make sense to you?  People who are use to actually being able to go out on weekends as oppose to tending to the cows and going on hikes.  

I started to read your weird diatribe, not expecting much, until I came to this little nugget, at which point I realyzed you are just too plumb dumb to communicate with and why should I bother, if it is your idea of logic to think this has any merit of truth. 

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline westkoast

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2008, 10:04:15 PM »
And there is not much to do up in Sacramento might I remind you.  Sounds to me like since there is nothing to do that NON Nba fans might go to the only ticket in town?  Does that make sense to you?  People who are use to actually being able to go out on weekends as oppose to tending to the cows and going on hikes.  

I started to read your weird diatribe, not expecting much, until I came to this little nugget, at which point I realyzed you are just too plumb dumb to communicate with and why should I bother, if it is your idea of logic to think this has any merit of truth. 

No more idiotic then your 'explanation' as to why people were cheering for the Lakers in Sacramento.  Which was part of the point I was getting at.  Glad you were able to at least come away with something.   If you want to weasel out of going back and forth because your long winded jabs have become boring and predictable, so be it.  I don't mind.  They are your tuck and run tactics, not mine.  We know when things going get tough that all things Sacramento choke and fall apart.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2008, 10:10:35 PM by westkoast »

Offline Randy

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2008, 09:38:27 AM »
I give you props for thinking so highly of your fellow SacTown Kings fans but if you think that since the Kings have tanked that there isn't a Kings fan that has switched allegiance you are quite mistaken.  It may not be any of the fans that you know personally but I guarantee fans are now rooting for other teams.  As a Mizzou fan, it's AMAZING how many more Mizzou fans crept out of the woodwork as this last season continued.  People that I knew that rooted for other teams suddenly were donning Mizzou gear and acting like long time fans.  There are a lot of fickle fans out there -- esp. when their team is stinking up the place on and off the court -- the fact is that there were a lot of bandwagon Kings fans (back when they were a contender) who just jumped off when the team started tanking.  Fans everywhere do it -- SacTown is not immune.

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2008, 12:29:21 PM »
And there is not much to do up in Sacramento might I remind you.  Sounds to me like since there is nothing to do that NON Nba fans might go to the only ticket in town?  Does that make sense to you?  People who are use to actually being able to go out on weekends as oppose to tending to the cows and going on hikes.  

I started to read your weird diatribe, not expecting much, until I came to this little nugget, at which point I realyzed you are just too plumb dumb to communicate with and why should I bother, if it is your idea of logic to think this has any merit of truth. 

No more idiotic then your 'explanation' as to why people were cheering for the Lakers in Sacramento.  Which was part of the point I was getting at.  Glad you were able to at least come away with something.   If you want to weasel out of going back and forth because your long winded jabs have become boring and predictable, so be it.  I don't mind.  They are your tuck and run tactics, not mine.  We know when things going get tough that all things Sacramento choke and fall apart.

It is just that my constantly trying to deal with your 12 year old mentality is wearing on me. You just come across as such a little boy sometimes it amazes me your parents let you be on the computer for 22 hours a day. You don't argue; you don't reasoon. You just make up junk and say others said it first, which is the first sign of a weak mind. Come up with some grown up ideas that actually fit the arguement before blathering on and on and on about nothing that has to do with the topic. I give proof of my arguement, you just come up with mindless idiosy about nothing but your own opinions, which are totally worthless.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline Randy

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2008, 02:01:40 PM »
JoMal, I would question the "proof" that you showed.  Are you making the statement that only loyal fans (i.e. committing to one team for the rest of your life) are the only ones that count as King fans?  If we would go under that assumption, there are fans on this board that could never be counted as "fans" of any team.  Also, would you continue to be a Kings fan if the Kings moved to Las Vegas or back to Kansas City, MO?  Or does moving make your definition nul and void?

I'm sure that "declaring that any Kings fan who chanted for Kobe for MVP was never really a Kings fan" makes you feel better but there could be many reasons for fans leaving a team.  I mentioned one above -- many of your fellow King fans would not consider themselves defectors for changing their fan loyalty based on such a move.  However, if one criteria is valid -- aren't there others that could be valid as well:  1) the Maloof's insistance that the city (i.e. taxpayers) build a new stadium to make them more money (so they can charge taxpayers more for tickets in addition to the extra money they paid for a new stadium just for the opportunity to pay more money); 2) the lack of character of players, trouble off the court, trouble in the lockerroom -- such things can be tiring to a fan; 3) the team begins to stink up the place (don't play together as a team, don't always give 100% on the court, don't rise to their potential, fail to give consistent effort, etc.), -- I'm sure we could find more but that should suffice. 

You haven't proven anything -- it takes facts to prove something -- all that you've done is provided conjecture.  You provided some facts about why some Kings fans aren't going to games -- but you are providing information about one question to answer another question.  It doesn't fit the same criteria as proof.  And even if it did, it doesn't show that there were no former or present Kings fans who were not chanting "MVP." 

Offline westkoast

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2008, 02:05:53 PM »
And there is not much to do up in Sacramento might I remind you.  Sounds to me like since there is nothing to do that NON Nba fans might go to the only ticket in town?  Does that make sense to you?  People who are use to actually being able to go out on weekends as oppose to tending to the cows and going on hikes.  

I started to read your weird diatribe, not expecting much, until I came to this little nugget, at which point I realyzed you are just too plumb dumb to communicate with and why should I bother, if it is your idea of logic to think this has any merit of truth. 

No more idiotic then your 'explanation' as to why people were cheering for the Lakers in Sacramento.  Which was part of the point I was getting at.  Glad you were able to at least come away with something.   If you want to weasel out of going back and forth because your long winded jabs have become boring and predictable, so be it.  I don't mind.  They are your tuck and run tactics, not mine.  We know when things going get tough that all things Sacramento choke and fall apart.

It is just that my constantly trying to deal with your 12 year old mentality is wearing on me. You just come across as such a little boy sometimes it amazes me your parents let you be on the computer for 22 hours a day. You don't argue; you don't reasoon. You just make up junk and say others said it first, which is the first sign of a weak mind. Come up with some grown up ideas that actually fit the arguement before blathering on and on and on about nothing that has to do with the topic. I give proof of my arguement, you just come up with mindless idiosy about nothing but your own opinions, which are totally worthless.

What's so funny about all of this crying on your part is your doing THE SAME THING.   Saying that because a lot of Southern California residents move to Sacramento means no one who was a Kings fan was cheering for the Lakers is "making junk up".   Using numbers for migration doesn't prove what you were saying 100%.  It's a possibility. Just like what I said was a possibility which is those  "kings fans" could have just been casual fans who didn't have much else to do makes perfect sense.  Now that the team is a bottom dweller they have chose to go back to being casual fans.    That is my point, you are crying about things you are doing yourself.  Your "facts" dont really pertain to what we are talking about.  As for being 12, you are the one coming with the sandbox insults about my parents letting me on the computer LOL.  That was rich. 

Its really down right pathetic that you are holding onto the idea that Sacramento is this sacred Sports town that could NEVER EVER do the unthinkable like cheer for a squad that is not from the area.  Maybe, just maybe, people up there dont have a personal and unhealthy vendetta against a franchise and it's star player like you do.  EVERYONE across the country has bandwagon fans.  Why you seem to think Sacramento is the only place in the country who is immune to it makes you look and sound like an old kook.

Thanks for playing.  It's always fun to tug on the heart strings of elderly men recycling jokes from 5 decades ago when they were 12 years old.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 02:16:26 PM by westkoast »

Offline JoMal

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2008, 03:11:26 PM »
JoMal, I would question the "proof" that you showed.  Are you making the statement that only loyal fans (i.e. committing to one team for the rest of your life) are the only ones that count as King fans?  If we would go under that assumption, there are fans on this board that could never be counted as "fans" of any team.  Also, would you continue to be a Kings fan if the Kings moved to Las Vegas or back to Kansas City, MO?  Or does moving make your definition nul and void?

I'm sure that "declaring that any Kings fan who chanted for Kobe for MVP was never really a Kings fan" makes you feel better but there could be many reasons for fans leaving a team.  I mentioned one above -- many of your fellow King fans would not consider themselves defectors for changing their fan loyalty based on such a move.  However, if one criteria is valid -- aren't there others that could be valid as well:  1) the Maloof's insistance that the city (i.e. taxpayers) build a new stadium to make them more money (so they can charge taxpayers more for tickets in addition to the extra money they paid for a new stadium just for the opportunity to pay more money); 2) the lack of character of players, trouble off the court, trouble in the lockerroom -- such things can be tiring to a fan; 3) the team begins to stink up the place (don't play together as a team, don't always give 100% on the court, don't rise to their potential, fail to give consistent effort, etc.), -- I'm sure we could find more but that should suffice. 

You haven't proven anything -- it takes facts to prove something -- all that you've done is provided conjecture.  You provided some facts about why some Kings fans aren't going to games -- but you are providing information about one question to answer another question.  It doesn't fit the same criteria as proof.  And even if it did, it doesn't show that there were no former or present Kings fans who were not chanting "MVP." 

The FACT is, Randy, you have no "proof" that the fans chanting "MVP" at Arco were ever Kings fans, do you?

So what on earth are you trying to say about my effort to at least address the proof issue? Logic goes both ways, and so far, all you are providing is conjecture and nothing at all about possibilities, or previous affiliiations. The people who were here, in Sacramento, before the Kings moved to this area mostly followed the Warriors, not the Lakers. Lately, there are more Laker fans about, and there is no indication whatsoever they ever were Kings' fans in the first place. If the Kings left, a large cut of the Kings fan base here abouts would either follow their affiliation to wherever the Kings went, or stop following the NBA altogether, because the Kings WERE the only major league team in the area, and they have no reason to follow anybody else, because they never did before.

i know a large population of Southern Californians have moved up to this area for the last twenty years. This is, regardless of your questioning of it, a FACT. How does this differ from, say, a large contingent of New England fans moving from the Bostion area to Los Angeles, which also is likely? The population in SoCal is large enough to absorb that New England population like a teardrop in the ocean, while a large influx of people from another region can more easily be noticed in Sacramento, and if their former city's basketball team comes for a visit, why does it makes absolutely, and I mean ABSOLUTELY, no sense to you that they might buy up some Arco tickets to see them
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline westkoast

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2008, 03:15:27 PM »
JoMaL you cannot prove one way or another.  Do you have "proof" that the people chanting MVP were NEVER cheering for the Kings? Nope.  You are using your personal opinion and bias and applying it to anyone who happens to call Sacramento home.

So even though LA residents have been moving up there for 20 years only now, all the sudden, have they been able to cheer for the Lakers.  The Kings were only a good team for a couple of years, the Lakers have had a lot of good teams over the past 20, but only this year do they get cheers.  Hmmm.  Stubborn as a mule  :D

More of the "making up junk" with the ASSUMPTION that if the Kings left town that the oh so loyal Sacramento residence would continue to follow them as if they were still in the area!  I mean unless you did a poll among everyone in the area, I don't see how this is nothing but 'made up junk'
« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 03:19:58 PM by westkoast »

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2008, 03:36:08 PM »
What's so funny about all of this crying on your part is your doing THE SAME THING.   Saying that because a lot of Southern California residents move to Sacramento means no one who was a Kings fan was cheering for the Lakers is "making junk up".   

No, weaklink, it means that there is also the posibility - one that you and Randy for some reason cannot comprehend - that these fans who were cheering for Kobe as MVP and the Lakers in general never were Kings fans in the first place. To jump from even being a 'casual' fan of the Kings to suddenly a FANATICAL fan of Kobe and the Lakers????? ::).

Read that s-l-o-w-l-y

Using numbers for migration doesn't prove what you were saying 100%.  It's a possibility. Just like what I said was a possibility which is those  "kings fans" could have just been casual fans who didn't have much else to do makes perfect sense.

Excuse me? This makes perfect sense? Casual fans of the Kings suddenly convert into fanatical fans for another other team? Because they have nothing better to do because they live in Sacramento? THIS is your arguement to mine?   :D    :D   :D

Do your parents know what you do all day, youngster?

Now that the team is a bottom dweller they have chose to go back to being casual fans.    That is my point, you are crying about things you are doing yourself.  Your "facts" dont really pertain to what we are talking about.  As for being 12, you are the one coming with the sandbox insults about my parents letting me on the computer LOL.  That was rich.  

First off, brainless, think about that 'sandbox insults about your parents letting you on the computer' before making a bigger fool out of yourself. I can go back and cite about a half dozen posts from you that are age insulting to me, from you. If you find my age comment a bit insulting, GOOD, MORON!!!!!

And that IS rich!!   ;D  ;D

Its really down right pathetic that you are holding onto the idea that Sacramento is this sacred Sports town that could NEVER EVER do the unthinkable like cheer for a squad that is not from the area.  Maybe, just maybe, people up there dont have a personal and unhealthy vendetta against a franchise and it's star player like you do.  EVERYONE across the country has bandwagon fans.  Why you seem to think Sacramento is the only place in the country who is immune to it makes you look and sound like an old kook.

We have fans of just about every team in the NBA going to Arco. I never said anything remotely to the contrary, dimwit, or are you going to find a quote from me somewhere saying that? If you can, I will acknowledge my mistake. But since that never was the issue, another weak try on your part to imply something completely different then the point being made by me. You see why I have to think of you as a twelve year old who is still peaking out from behind her mothers skirts and throwing marbles at stray cats.

And what is this about bandwagon fans in the first place. Bandwagon fans are completely different from a fan who wears the jersery and chants MVP at a player from the other team and stays at the arena long after the game ends. You will not see a bandwagon fan buying up paraphernalia of one team because they may have to jump to support another squad before long. Bandwagon fans are just fans of the best teams in the NBA and would hardly be buying up cow bells one year and disregarding Colorado court cases the next.

Thanks for playing.  It's always fun to tug on the heart strings of elderly men recycling jokes from 5 decades ago when they were 12 years old.

It's been a pleasure. Not much of a challenge, but nevertheless.... Oh, and make that over a half dozen age posts from you now. Talk about recycling a non-issue.... ::)
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2008, 03:41:39 PM »
I have proof.  I know what JoMal looks like and I saw him on TV at the game chanting M-V-P! OWNED!
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
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"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
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Offline westkoast

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #41 on: March 24, 2008, 03:43:06 PM »
My my, how angry you are.  It must be close to nap time for you.

Who said they were fanatical?  Do you have "proof" that they were fanatical?  Or was it MAYBE that they were just chanting MVP?  You know something that has been done for other players around this league at one point in time (Michael Jordan comes to mind)?    This sounds more like 'made up junk' for you to try to save face.  See how easy it is to do this?  We ALL can do this JoMaL. 

Im dying laughing at the attempts to call me a 12 year old who lives at home when I probably make more money then you do.  Don't be angry JoMaL.  I envy you.  You are a few years off from retirement age.  The age insults started because of why?  Because of ones you made and continue to make around here lol  Looks like they are really getting to you now.  Awesome!  :D

There are three facts here:

Bandwagon fans exist everywhere, including Sacramento.  Proof?  You can hear those same cheers in places like Utah, Dallas, and New Jersey.

YOUR personal opinion on a team and player does not apply to anyone who has a home in the Sacramento area.\

Just because you are older doesn't make you any less of a jack ass  :D

« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 03:52:23 PM by westkoast »

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #42 on: March 24, 2008, 03:58:03 PM »
JoMaL you cannot prove one way or another.  Do you have "proof" that the people chanting MVP were NEVER cheering for the Kings? Nope.  You are using your personal opinion and bias and applying it to anyone who happens to call Sacramento home.

So even though LA residents have been moving up there for 20 years only now, all the sudden, have they been able to cheer for the Lakers.  The Kings were only a good team for a couple of years, the Lakers have had a lot of good teams over the past 20, but only this year do they get cheers.  Hmmm.  Stubborn as a mule  :D

More of the "making up junk" with the ASSUMPTION that if the Kings left town that the oh so loyal Sacramento residence would continue to follow them as if they were still in the area!  I mean unless you did a poll among everyone in the area, I don't see how this is nothing but 'made up junk'

Again, where is YOUR proof? Nevermind, you will completely ignore that as always.

First off, the Lakers have had fans at every home game the Kings have played against the Lakers at Arco. Every one. Not many, but they certainly were there and very visable.

But what was different about this last game at Arco? What was it? Could it be, I don't know, over THREE THOUSAND SEATS BEING AVAILABLE FOR ONCE????????. This number of seats were never available in prior years, including last year. But this year they were.

There IS a connection, and if you could look around in that echo chamber of a cranium of yours, maybe you could find it. Look over in that corner......

"More of the "making up junk" with the ASSUMPTION that if the Kings left town that the oh so loyal Sacramento residence would continue to follow them as if they were still in the area!  I mean unless you did a poll among everyone in the area, I don't see how this is nothing but 'made up junk'"

Now, here again, we have weaklink trying to make a point out of a very logical statement that I made . There WILL be fans of a town that loses a team that will continue to follow that team no matter where the team moves to. This just makes sense. But, fellow posters, please notice how weaklink tries to twist this logic into.....well....illogic, I guess. Suddenly, loyal residence of the first city flat out could NEVER continue to follow the team to a new area, because THEY NO LONGER WERE IN THEIR AREA .

This, after saying that "Sacramento is this sacred Sports town that could NEVER EVER do the unthinkable like cheer for a squad that is not from the area.", as a sarcastic implications. If Sacramento residents were cheering for the Kings if they moved to another town, this is exactly what they would be doing, so notice how the weaklink has to account for his own contradiction? Could this be "proof" that he is not as old as he lets on and has trouble with the "BIG" thoughts?

Momma! Help!

« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 04:00:13 PM by JoMal »
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline westkoast

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #43 on: March 24, 2008, 04:08:30 PM »
JoMaL where is your proof?  You don't have any either!  Just because people migrate out of the area doesn't automatically prove your point!  It's just that simple.

So 3,000 die hard Kings fans just up and left the team this year?  Then 3,000 die hard Lakers fans just up and showed up to the game?  LOL.  Where is your proof that they were all Lakers fans?  I didn't see 3,000 people in the crowd wearing Lakers gear.

Whats the difference this year?  The Kings stink and the Lakers are good.  Ever think about that?  Of course you didnt! 

JoMaL you can't throw out an explanation that sounds logical and not expect to be called out for 'no proof' when you did the SAME EXACT THING TO ME.  Why is this not getting through to you?  I know I am not the only person who can see you trying to call me out for things you are doing yourself.  The difference is that I am doing it on purpose to prove a point yet you still don't get it. 
« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 04:12:33 PM by westkoast »

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Re: Laker bandwagon makes a stop in Utah.
« Reply #44 on: March 24, 2008, 04:15:00 PM »
Wow, what a riveting discussion.

Since neither of you have "proof" of your argument, although JoMal at least tried to offer some proof, how about you go with plausibility?

Which is more plausible?
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