Enough of this Keltic/Seltic crap already. Seltic is the Americanized version, as the Irish and Scotts in America are.
Anyone who doubts this and has the appropriate "ethnic" background can verify this for themselves by traveling to their country of origin, and seeing how the locals look at them.
You may think of yourself as an Irish/American here, but once you go there, you'll realize that your culture is completely different.
We speak english, but NOT like they do. We distill whiskey, but it doesn't taste like Scotch (usually)
Besides Boston Keltics simply doesn't sound American.
And KG can easily get the MVP- it usually goes to the best player on the best team, but since TD got it last year, and KG is a fan and sportswriter fav, if Boston gets to the finals, I think he'd be the logical candidate. Being on a stacked team never hurt anyone's chances- that's one of the ways they get noticed. Nobody's going to give the MVP to a team with a .500 or lower record.