Author Topic: Joe Torre keep or not  (Read 1415 times)

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Joe Torre keep or not
« on: October 09, 2007, 03:09:38 PM »
Skankee dynasty should remain dormant thuout the decade.
Torre is only a part of the situation.
I'm not sure it's a good situation for any manager to take over.
Musina both no longer effective yet 2008 salaries remain.
Clemons probably retire
Rivera will test FA
Posada can opt out

ARod i want to see in an Angels uniform. 

Offline westkoast

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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 03:16:36 PM »
I don't think the Angeles need another guy who can't hit the ball in the playoffs Reality  ;D

In my opinion, Joe Torre is a good guy.  He should stay.  The Yankees are going about the wrong way of building a team and are getting pushed to the side by other teams who developed a little bit more talent in younger guys (Rockies, D-Backs).  The Yankees just wait for talent to develop in other spots and then just purchase all they can see to mix and match.  Or they've sat on players for too long.   Why Torre should be the only one held accountable for that, I don't know.  This team stunk LONG before this series and I am suprised they even made the playoffs to tell you the truth.


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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 03:30:04 PM »
I don't think the Angeles need another guy who can't hit the ball in the playoffs Reality  ;D
I think ARod had a pretty decent breakout the last two games.
2-5 with an HR when it kind of mattered, closing NY to 6-3.

The Angels really need someone on either side of Vlade Gurerro.  When Garret Anderson did lead MLB in the 2nd half, it made the combo of the two dangerous to other teams.  Angels need that all the time, not just half a season.

Offline rickortreat

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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2007, 10:11:25 PM »
I don't see why Joe should go.  The team had a good season, they just didn't have the pitching to close down the Indians, and their bats failed them.  In a 5 game series, the best team doesn't always win.

Joe seems like Mr. Yankee to me, so IMO he should stay.  Who else should be the coach for the Yankees?

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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2007, 11:36:40 PM »
Joe has not won series since 2000, all the while having by far MLBs largest payroll.
In Skunkieville 200 mil + payroll, WS title or at least appearance is the bar.
Had Joe had some recent near misses, ie 2001 vs Diamondbacks with their coach Bob Brenley doing all he could to help the Yankees, Joe would be completely safe.
This makes the 3rd year in a row they've been 1st round and out.  That is unacceptable.
Even to me, and i hate the Yankees.  While it's the old "coach or players" discussion, even with whatever injury problems they had Joe shares a part of the blame.  A large part to me.  Yanks lack fire, effort, *aura* of previous Yankee teams.  Also the opposing coaches are not nearly as helpful to the Yankees as teams of titles past, ie Bubba Cox and Bobbee Valentine.  I'm very sorry to see the Angles and Socia adopting some of that same FatCat mentality as this years Yanks.

It's a landmine for whomever comes in, be it Joe Continued or new coach.
Unless Cashman and Yankees pull off some great acquisitions, they are toast thru the decade.
Which is fine with me.  However they probably will get some A list players when their contracts run out with some of the cheapskate teams, ie Padres with Chris Young, Jake Peavy.

Koast even if ARod bombed in the future playoffs for the Angels,  i will take his 50 HRs and 140+ rbis in a second.  Agent BorAss is asking for Ft Knox.  He speculates ARod will break Barroid Bonds record and that will be a huge draw not only in attendance but for local tv broadcasts.  He is right.  Skunkies make a mint off their television channel.  It easily offsets their payroll, in fact they make way more then their payroll just off of Y.E.S. (Yankees Entertainment Station.)  Angels even doing half that, and I'm sure they would in L.A. bandwagonville, would make the ARod investment pay off easily.

Offline westkoast

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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2007, 11:37:25 PM »
I don't think the Angeles need another guy who can't hit the ball in the playoffs Reality  ;D
I think ARod had a pretty decent breakout the last two games.
2-5 with an HR when it kind of mattered, closing NY to 6-3.

The Angels really need someone on either side of Vlade Gurerro.  When Garret Anderson did lead MLB in the 2nd half, it made the combo of the two dangerous to other teams.  Angels need that all the time, not just half a season.

I could have sworn he was like 14 for 40 or something like that in the playoffs the last two seasons after game 2...maybe I was mistaken.

The Angels already do pretty well out here.  Although the Dodgers are ALWAYS going to occupy some of the fans up here.  While A-Rod would certainly help I don't know if it is worth the price tag and his choking in the playoffs.  The Angels need to get deep in the playoffs, not make em.  They can do that now without A-Rod. 
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 11:55:42 PM by westkoast »

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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2007, 02:02:11 AM »
You're assuming ARod is going to continue to suck in the playoffs.
I am not.
The Angels already do pretty well out here.
nnnya, since they won the World Series in 2003 the bar was set, and they have failed.
2004 ALDS Boston Lost, 0-3
2005 ALDS NY Yankees Won, 3-2 
then ALCS Chicago Sox Lost, 1-4
2006 missed playoffs
2007 lost to Red Sox 0-3

That's a total of one opponent beaten in a playoff series since '03, a 4-12 record in that time and not even making it in 2006.  Better then a lot of teams, but the bar is set at World Series and new owner Artie said that is what he wanted and would spend for.

ARod is currently the pick of the FAs, playoff uncertainty included.


Offline westkoast

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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2007, 02:59:57 PM »
You're assuming ARod is going to continue to suck in the playoffs.
I am not.
The Angels already do pretty well out here.
nnnya, since they won the World Series in 2003 the bar was set, and they have failed.
2004 ALDS Boston Lost, 0-3
2005 ALDS NY Yankees Won, 3-2 
then ALCS Chicago Sox Lost, 1-4
2006 missed playoffs
2007 lost to Red Sox 0-3

That's a total of one opponent beaten in a playoff series since '03, a 4-12 record in that time and not even making it in 2006.  Better then a lot of teams, but the bar is set at World Series and new owner Artie said that is what he wanted and would spend for.

ARod is currently the pick of the FAs, playoff uncertainty included.


Reality..well in the sense of fan support, ticket sales, merchandising, TV ratings.  Not in what they've done in the playoffs.  Looks like the Angels have done exactly what the Yankees have over the past 2 years with Mr. Golden Child A-Rod...NOTHING.

Sorry I'm just not sold on A-Rod like everyone else.

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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2007, 03:58:29 PM »
Sorry I'm just not sold on A-Rod like everyone else.
  No problem.  I agree, he is not a playoff lock.
But he is a regular season lock and huge marketing draw.  Therefore there is no reason for the Angels to not take him.  Then again, you might have heard how the Angels stadium had a Major rat infestation problem.  They were too cheap to pay the help to work the odd hours and clean up after the games, instead having them come in the next morning.  Took a threat from the county to make them act.

My opinion of Artie plummeted after that.

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Re: Joe Torre keep or not
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2007, 12:17:02 AM »
5 mil for one year with a chance to bag +3 mil for winning World Series.
Actually a chance to bag 1 mil for each playoff round advance.

More then fair to me.  Hope Joe is walking because he wants to, because if he feels dissed he is sorely mistaken.