Author Topic: OT: America in 2050  (Read 6015 times)

Offline spursfan101

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OT: America in 2050
« on: March 17, 2004, 03:29:29 PM »
This is the lead in on the Drudgereport website.  White people...if you want to change this, you better get CRACKIN! (pun intended)

America in 2050: Whites will be down to half the population /// By 2050 minority groups will make up 49.9 percent of the U.S. population, it will be reported Thursday. Asians and Hispanics will see the most dramatic increases between now and midcentury, cenusus sources explain, ahead of a news release... Filed By Matt Drudge...  


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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2004, 04:05:49 PM »
Does this take into account Oreos, sell outs and race traitors.  :blink:  


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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2004, 04:57:56 PM »
You want to know why?  Because we white people only have the number of children we can afford (and that is becoming a rather shrinking number).  The biggest reason it's shrinking?  All the children we are supporting from other races who are on welfare -- and getting paid for it.  And most are getting better dental care than my children.

Offline Ted

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2004, 05:27:37 PM »
Wow, that's going to set some people off.

Can't say I agree completely with you Randy, but I also don't disagree completely.  
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Offline spursfan101

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2004, 05:27:38 PM »
It's so good to know that white people aren't having excessive children, that they take care of their families, and that they don't tie up the welfare roles.  Ignorance and hidden prejudice at its best Randy.


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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2004, 06:04:12 PM »
It's so good to know that white people aren't having excessive children, that they take care of their families, and that they don't tie up the welfare roles.  Ignorance and hidden prejudice at its best Randy.
And to think, I was afraid for a moment that no one was going to respond.  Thanks for not disappointing me.  

I do have a problem with the whole "welfare" system and the way that it pays for women to have children but I don't believe that's the reason that the white population is being outpaced in our country.  I think there are many reasons for it but I feel that economics is one of the reasons (although I think that is a factor for other races as well).  I have two children and economics, among other factors, did play in that decision.  I ordered one boy and one girl -- so nice when somebody actually gets the order right.   :rolleyes:

There are a lot of reasons why this is the case -- the biggest is still probably an influx of foreigners into our country.  There are still places that America is seen as the "land of possibilities" -- I don't think it's true for Europe anymore but still true for parts of Asia, Russia, Mexico, and parts of South America, Africa and the middle East.  

Offline Laker Fan

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2004, 01:26:47 AM »
"Foreigners in our country"? White people are the foreigners, we red men were here long, long before the wasichu, GIVE ME BACK MY HUNTING GROUNDS!!!!

Offline spursfan101

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2004, 08:12:02 AM »
Seriously, I think we all have suptle racist feelings toward other races. Ted, I imagine, grew up in Utah, and has a comfort level by being around the people that he grew up with. Other than having maybe a handful of African American, hispanic or asian friends, he dosen't have a true grasp of the culture, other than what he sees on tv.

I'm of latin american descent, and I grew up in a predominantly hispanic nieghborhood. I grew up thinking everybody was Mexican!  It wasn't until  joined the military that I was exposed to such a diverse group of people.  Truth of the matter, all races have idiots, and all races have certain classes that abuse the system. I know when I go visit my grandmother, just cruising through her poor neighborhood gives me the willies. When I walk to the corner store, I"M afraid of getting mugged!  But I guess my point is, is that racism, in little forms, still exist in this country, its just more subtle, its not blatant, and its not purposeful in most cases.



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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2004, 12:50:21 PM »
Seriously, I think we all have suptle racist feelings toward other races. Ted, I imagine, grew up in Utah, and has a comfort level by being around the people that he grew up with. Other than having maybe a handful of African American, hispanic or asian friends, he dosen't have a true grasp of the culture, other than what he sees on tv.

I'm of latin american descent, and I grew up in a predominantly hispanic nieghborhood. I grew up thinking everybody was Mexican!  It wasn't until  joined the military that I was exposed to such a diverse group of people.  Truth of the matter, all races have idiots, and all races have certain classes that abuse the system. I know when I go visit my grandmother, just cruising through her poor neighborhood gives me the willies. When I walk to the corner store, I"M afraid of getting mugged!  But I guess my point is, is that racism, in little forms, still exist in this country, its just more subtle, its not blatant, and its not purposeful in most cases.
I won't disagree with you Spurs101, however, I will state that it's more of a cultural struggle with me than a racial one.  I grew up with hispanic, African American and a few Asian friends -- however, most had adopted the culture that I was reared in and we "middle-class" Americans.  I truly didn't see them in color but we were so alike it wasn't necessary.  When I was in college, I worked with my brother who owns his own hazardous materials removal business in Dallas and we tried to hire people in the area when we worked on schools, etc.  The pay was decent (but very hard work) and it was probably my one and only intense contact with people from the inner city -- a lot of these guys on welfare or green cards.  There were a lot of great workers among them but most of the guys on welfare didn't want to work that hard (not the same with the guys with green cards) and quit after a few days -- consistent poor quality and quantity of work -- and that went beyond race as we had a whites, african americans and hispanics who all fit that profile (although not that many whites).  The other group that we had a lot of problems with (quantity and quality work), college football players -- they had a huge attitude of entitlement.  I didn't give them a hard time -- there was one guy who worked for us that played for the very brief XFL -- 6'4", bench 450lbs and was quicker than I was too.  He was an interesting guy -- when he worked, he did more work than almost anyone but he only did about 15 minutes worth of work an hour (but it was as much as most of the guys did in the hour).  It was certainly a little revealing of my "prejudice."  

Offline WayOutWest

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2004, 01:53:14 PM »
You want to know why?  Because we white people only have the number of children we can afford (and that is becoming a rather shrinking number).  The biggest reason it's shrinking?  All the children we are supporting from other races who are on welfare -- and getting paid for it.  And most are getting better dental care than my children.

No offense but you're one ignorant mo-fo.  Honestly I would expect an ignorant comment like that from a slack-jawed-in-bred-out of work-uneducated-knuckledragger from the mid-west or south.  Please tell me you're joking and not that stupid!  PLEASE!  :o

Your displayed ignorance is only outshinned by your inability to look up stats on the net in regards to welfare.  Guess who's the leader of the welfare pack!  I think maybe whites are just too stupid are physically challenged to make more than 1.5 kids per household, it has nothing to do with what they can afford.  Not to mention I bet there's even a little Sancho factor in that 1.5 stat as well.

I have NEVER been able to afford the number of kids I had at any given point in time, but I found a way to get through it and have never taken a handout from anyone let alone the gov.  The only gift I could say I recieved was living rent free for about a year at my parents duplex when I had my first kid at 22 because I was still working on my bachelors degree.

Maybe if whites got off their lazy arses and got to work my contribution to their 41.7% burden on the welfare system would drop and I could afford a 5th kid.
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Offline Ted

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2004, 02:04:37 PM »
41.7% doesn't seem very proportional in light of the fact that whites are the majority of the population.

101, I get the point you're trying to make, and I agree with it. But I'm probably not the best example. I grew up in Chicago, in a neighborhood that was roughly 1/2 white and 1/2 black, asian, and latin0. My three best friends were Devin Sullivan, who was black, and Marc Rivera, who was Latino, and Oliver Chen, who was Chinese. I can't say I'm still as colorblind as I was back then, but I try damn hard, and I can honestly say I could be comfortable in that kind of environment.

But I'll be honest. Would I feel comfortable in the South side of Chicago? Hell no.
"You take him Perk!" ~Kevin Garnett

"I think the responsibility the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards in and tighten up a little bit on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." ~Bill Clinton

Offline spursfan101

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2004, 02:22:56 PM »
Actually, one of you made an interesting point.  I've hired a few immigrant workers to do side jobs at my house, and Ive worked with a few of them on a few construction projects here and there, and the Mexicans ( I don't mean the ones born here, the ones actually from Mexico) were the hardest working people that I ever met. They didn't bitch, they just worked and worked worked, even though they weren't really getting paid shyte.  Unlike the people in this country who feel they are entitled to everything, and expect the govt to give them handouts, many of these people really don't ask for much. I think all they care about is making just a little jack so they could send some home to support their families in Mexico.

Offline WayOutWest

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2004, 02:33:06 PM »
41.7% doesn't seem very proportional in light of the fact that whites are the majority of the population.

I don't give a flying floss about porpotions, what I care about is that 41.7 cents of every welfare dollar goes to whites.  Then morons like Randy come up with stupid comments about a birth rates.  I'll let Randy slide with the "by reason of temporary moronity" defense.

101, I get the point you're trying to make, and I agree with it. But I'm probably not the best example. I grew up in Chicago, in a neighborhood that was roughly 1/2 white and 1/2 black, asian, and latin0. My three best friends were Devin Sullivan, who was black, and Marc Rivera, who was Latino, and Oliver Chen, who was Chinese. I can't say I'm still as colorblind as I was back then, but I try damn hard, and I can honestly say I could be comfortable in that kind of environment.

But I'll be honest. Would I feel comfortable in the South side of Chicago? Hell no.

I've lived in melting pots all my life, still I admit I have certain racist or bigoted tendencies, they all come from experience and they're not based soley on race.  

For example, young black or hispanic males are trouble, especially if they are dressed or act a certain way or travel in groups.  

Asians (Jap/Korean/Chineese) are hard workers and tight with a penny.  Koreans seem to work the hardest, but far from working the smartest, in part IMO because of the history between them and Japs/Chineese (they're trying to prove something like they're better than them because each race loaths the other and both Jap and Chins think of Koreans as sub-human/mongaloid).  They all have a superiority complex.

Hispanics are hardworkers if they're first generation immigrants, but they drink too much and waste their money on useless stuff.  Second generation are lazy trouble making punks but enough get through to make a social, economic and political impact, unlike current blacks.  

Blacks seem to be stuck in a lose/lose cycle and not enough of them are getting through to make a big difference, they may make headlines but check out who's the fastest growing economic and plolitical force.  Most of the recent positive trends for minorities are being set by Asians and Hispanics, Hipanics are kicking arse lately but they're also gaining on whites in regards to welfare and poverty stats.  I think the lack of number of blacks is hurting their ability to compete and the number of blacks and hispanics in jail is rediculous, they just don't make enough money to stay out of jail.  My experience with young blacks is usually rudeness and lack of common curtosey.  Older blacks are usually the most well grounded and forgiving people I've ever known, they seem to have seen it all and nothing fazes them or shakes thier beliefs.

Middle-eastern guys are pushy and hairy.  ;)

Indians are hardworking and are just smart enough to cause trouble.  :rolleyes:

I've know very few native americans, the two I knew were a brother and sister.  The brother was mello, kinda like a stoner and the sister was a fireball!  I loved her example of historical hardship.  

Raise your hand if you're white! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)
Raise your hand if you're black! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)
Raise your hand if you're mexican! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)
Raise your hand if you're korean! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)
Raise your hand if you're japanese! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)
Raise your hand if you're chineses! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)
Raise your hand if you're philipeno! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)
Raise your hand if you're christian! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)
Raise your hand if you're jewish! (count hands, count hands, count hands.....)

Raise your hand if you're native american! (..........)
Raise your hand if you're native american! (..........)
Raise your hand if you know any native americans! (..........)

Don't even get me started on white devils!  :P  
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline spursfan101

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2004, 02:37:08 PM »
You see, THATS WHAT I WANT THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES TO COME OUT AND SAY!  In the words of the late comedian Sam Kinision... "JUST SAY IT....SAY IT!!!"

Offline JoMal

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OT: America in 2050
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2004, 02:56:23 PM »
Touchy, touchy subject, race quotas and majority groups by 2050.

I might add that it is extremely optimistic to look forward to the year 2050 with any type of hope that we will still exists in somewhat the same economic status that exists now.

Overpopulation will eventually take it's toll on the human race. We are temporarily controlling the planet Earth, but eventually we are going to need to return it so it can replenish itself for whomever comes after us.

Being a demographer, I have monitored the race changes in California for close to twenty years. Los Angeles long ago became a "minority" dominated region where Hispanics are now the majority group, and whites no longer make up fifty percent of the population statewide. You all should know that "Hispanic" is not a race group but an ethnicity classification. Hispanics can be of any race.  

At issue is not so much immigration, which you all should know is a two-way street with the Hispanic immigrants, who mostly return to their homelands after 10 years of work north of the border. It has to do with the birth rate. Hispanics have a huge birth rate compared to all other groups, and that fact drives the population growth more then any other factor in California.  

Being the majority group will shift the economic burden to this group, eventually. By 2050, the population of Califoria is expected to exceed 60 million. At the current rate, most of these growth will come from Hispanics being born in the State.

It won't matter whether Hispanics are in control then or dominate the population. Without curtailing the birth rate, it is just a house of cards waiting for a stiff breeze to come along to topple it. We all will probably be long gone by then, but your children of which you are so proud are going to face population problems we can not even begin to imagine by then.

Welfare issues won't be one of them. The system will have collapsed by then anyway. Lack of water and starvation will more likely be a bigger concern, as will the huge unemployment rolls and social pressures. Civil strife will increase the problems, and the deaths of thousands in floods, riots, bombings, and such will not faze our next generation nearly as much as it does us.

On the bright side, the Earth will go on. The human race just will be a smaller part after its annihilation.  
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