Author Topic: OT: Is gay pride a right?  (Read 2601 times)

Offline Lurker

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OT: Is gay pride a right?
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2006, 04:31:15 PM »
So straight couples who do not have children should be banned from marriage since they have no intention to procreate?  Should some 17 year baby factory have more rights than another citizen...after all she is creating new citizens as quickly as possible.  Or maybe couples who children have grown and left should lose "marriage" rights since they no longer procreate.  Rick, that argument has so many holes in it that a screen door looks like solid rock in comparison.

Marriage DOES NOT have a pre-existing definition under the law.  If it did then there wouldn't be so many propositions and constitutional amendments to define it as such.  THAT is a major problem under the law.  For years the legal system has just accepted the religous blessing of a marriage as the standard.  However many laws are written to give benefit to "married" couples that are not allowed to non-married couples.  And many states extend those rights to "non-married couples of the opposite sex that cohabitate"...and it has nothing to do with procreation.

Rick...what you fail to understand is one simple fact.  Your rights DO NOT take precedence over another person's rights.  This goes back to the smoking in public argument.  Your right to peace and quiet does not trump another person's right to walk down the street carrying a protest sign.

BTW if you think Blacks were accepted into sports because they just play better then you need to join the Jimmy the Greek sensitivity program.
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Offline westkoast

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OT: Is gay pride a right?
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2006, 04:52:57 PM »
This may offend a few posters on this site who are happily married and value marriage a great deal.. and for that I apologize but let me put a younger perspective on the marriage issue.

Many of you grew up in a time when marriage, as a whole, was still a very sacred and important till-death-do-us-part comitment between a man and a woman.  I however grew up when that started to make a major shift from a bond to a title.  People marry and divorce in months (weeks and days in some cases), celebrities marry to market their next big movie, people marry for tax breaks, people can drive up and marry just as easy as they can get a Big Mac meal,  people marry on TV shows to win prizes,  people marry immigrants to recieved 10-20 grand so that person can be a legal citizen,  people marry for many many reasons other then love.  People now marry for lust.  So when I hear that it is such a major problem that two men or two women cannot get married cuz it is "sacred" I have to laugh.  Marriage is a title.  Much like boyfriend/girlfriend is a title.  One has a piece of paper showcasing the title and the other is a word of mouth decleration.  In other words, same ish different toilet.  Marriage in this country isn't becoming a joke...its been a joke for along time now.  I don't see how two men or two women getting married is going to somehow make marriage seem less sacred but we can have a TV show on Fox where 20 greedy women are trying to marry a fake millionaire for 500,00 bucks yet that is okay....because it is a man and a woman!  

The one and only thing that would make gay marriage okay is if it somehow generated money.  We often push morals aside in the name of making money.  Last time I checked trading peoples lives to generate money is immoral but that certainly did not stop the United States did it?  If only there was a way to make money on gay marriage......
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 04:56:15 PM by westkoast »

Offline JoMal

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OT: Is gay pride a right?
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2006, 04:56:55 PM »
Never fall for this government's (ie - Republican) diversions. Gay rights, illegal immigration, oil prices, foreign intrigues. oh....and Democrats in general, those liberal anti-warmongers.

Diverting simpleminded citizens with key buzz-groups that they tell you are bad for you somehow and should be attacked, while they are left alone to rape the taxpayers through war-funding they funnel into their own companies and bank accounts is a very simple matter, as Americans in general have a need to hate other groups for being different from them.

Repubicans have majored in getting Americans to hate who they tell them to. To be afraid, scared to death of them. Being killed by terrorists, for example. Orange alerts!!!!!!! And bragging how no terrorists have attacked us since 9/11, but if you elect Democrats, they will be swimming in your pool before nightfall. Statistically, you have a much better chance of being hit by a meteorite then being killed by a terrorist, but let's not dwell on logic here. Especially as that comparison becomes less probable.

The worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil happened under the Repubican watch, and they had been clearly warned of its likelihood. But the of middle-America actually believe this idiot in the White House has made us safer. Truth is, we have never been in more danger then under the Dubya administration. So we get diverted to be afraid of.......gays??????? Who's brilliant idea was that? Oh...right. But it still requires people to buy into the diversion.

If we want to preach about non-issues like gay rights, remember who it benefits. Republicans absolutely love to see American citizens bickering over these idiotic topics, instead of focusing on what a hideous mess this piece of garbage in the White House has done to our Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, our safety, and the image of America in the world community.

People in this country actually think that the isolationism fostered by Bush is good for America. Let me tell you something. America will unequivically fall if left to stand alone on the world stage. Without allies, we are helpless regardless of our perceived status as a world power. That power shrinks with every lost battle internationally, and this useless war has put us in tremendous danger.

Lots of money being made in Iraq by somebody. Anyone really care who? Lots of dead Americans being told they are dying in Iraq so....Aunt Bertie won't die from a terrorist attack in Des Moines? Does this make any sense? Does a dead American killed overseas equate to a victory for Billy Bob Bubba in Alabama who just got to watch his Crimson Tide get burned by the MSU Bulldogs?

Thanks to Bush, I hope you all are aware that for the rest of your lifetime, you will have to hope the disinfranchised few in this country who are willing to sacrifice themselves in far off Arab lands will last long enough so we can argue about fencing out illegals from Mexico and gays from Wichita.

Yeah, we got them IMPORTANT issues down pat.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline Reality

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OT: Is gay pride a right?
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2006, 07:47:01 PM »
The worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil happened under the Repubican watch, and they had been clearly warned of its likelihood. But the of middle-America actually believe this idiot in the White House has made us safer. Truth is, we have never been in more danger then under the Dubya administration. So we get diverted to be afraid of.......gays??????? Who's brilliant idea was that? Oh...right. But it still requires people to buy into the diversion.


Lewis Black had a skit on Jon Stewart that was hilarious.  He was talking about Las Vegas pushing some anti gay legislation thru.  Las Vegas!
Black did his thing in total sarcasm.  "Las Vegas and the gays?  God forbid a city that allows and encourages gambling, adultrey, prostitution, mafia activity including owning the politicians, and drug dealing would allow any curtains to be changed from dark to soft pink.  Gawd no!  We can't have that travesty taking place!" :rofl:

Offline WayOutWest

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OT: Is gay pride a right?
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2006, 10:00:39 AM »

I agree with your comments.  I posted a few months back when gay marriage was a hot topic about FIRST hand experience with people using marriage for financial benefit.  There are couples I know who have no intentions of creating new citizens.  IMO that's a bunch of B.S. BUT studies do show that families promote stability and financial gains.  That in turn helps the community and economy.

That's why I don't have a problem with gay marriage but I do have a problem with gays getting special rights.  I have the same problem with fat people (FYI fat people are the MOST discriminated against in the country), they shouldn't get any special rights or privlidges, hell I even get pissed at Disneyland when a super-fatso, I'm only a medium-fatso, gets to the front of the line!!!  Then they fall out of the stupid ride and shut it down for hours cause they were too fat for the restraining system to function properly...but I digress....

I don't have a problem with "gays", but I do have problems and dislike individuals who happen to be gay and for that I catch shit.  There are people in wheelchairs who are arseholes who I have problems with and somehow that makes me the arsehole?  I go off on some gay guy and suddenly I'm a homophobe!  Being gay is something you can make fun of and rag on, just like you can rag on someone who is fat, hispanic, black, arab, jewish, christian etc...

What the F was my point?
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

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Offline westkoast

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OT: Is gay pride a right?
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2006, 11:27:29 AM »
I don't think there should be special rights either.  I wouldn't consider the state recognizing you as a couple as special rights.  Insurance companies do.  No real reason for them not to be seen as so IMO.  If there was a real solid reason then you wouldn't hear the main argument being it is sacred.   Marriage is not sacred, for the most part, in this country.  We do have many  people who value it and take it for what is USE to be.  That is not the case for society as a whole though.  So unless someone can give me a better argument then 'marriage between a man and woman is sacred' then I will have to say I feel they should be seen as a couple (or whatever fancy word they want to give it).

As for making jokes about any race, group, crew, sexual preference, Spurs fans....If it is not okay to crack jokes about ALL people then it is not okay to crack jokes period.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 11:28:28 AM by westkoast »

Offline WayOutWest

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OT: Is gay pride a right?
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2006, 11:36:02 AM »
As for making jokes about any race, group, crew, sexual preference, Spurs fans....If it is not okay to crack jokes about ALL people then it is not okay to crack jokes period.
I kinda disagree, there are some taboo subjects not to make fun like Spurs fans and the retarded.  It's just not right to pick on those who can't defend themselves.  Carlos Mencia's signature bit is dee de dee, making fun of retards so I guess they are fair game now.  The other group is still to pitiful to make fun of. ;)
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"


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OT: Is gay pride a right?
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2006, 12:20:57 PM »
Anyone remember Damon Waynans "Handiman" skit from "In Living Color"?

A retarded superhero, who had to fall out of windows to fly. How could you NOT laugh at that?