Author Topic: Kobe handles the pretendor  (Read 15734 times)

Offline JoMal

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #75 on: January 19, 2006, 08:27:19 PM »
Crying, whining?  If anyone is catching any sort of feeling or getting emotional in this thread it is you Mr. Petty insults.  Not me.  I am actually getting a kick out of this because your feathers have been seriously ruffled.   Mr Rile up posters by baiting them is getting a taste of his own medicine.   We can go back and forth till the end of time, doesn't bother me not at all.

Pitch that whine a little higher, westkoast, and maybe you won't sound so defensive. Glad to hear how enjoyable it is to have actual facts crammed up your butt, and claiming you like it. Hmmmmm.

Lets play a little revisitng of just 2 pages ago.....The whole exchange started when I laughed at a comment you made about Kobe/Horry

But Kobe will NEVER see a teammate of his ever get an opportunity like Horry did as long as he is on the Lakers. My guess is that LeBron would be likely to see it, and even Tracy McGrady, to a lesser extent.

Yeah, that was, um, a bit baiting. Somehow it just slipped out. Smart of you to catch the drift of it so quickly, but what else could we expect?

This is where I called you on the fact that Horry's oppurtunity came from Vlade Divac and not another basketball player.  This is also where the nastradamus swipes I have been taking came from.  The fact you can see into the future and proclaim NEVER.  Then it went to 'sometimes' and then 'occasionally'.

What's your point? My meaning was clear, but then you decided, like some junked up meth-head, to exasperate the obvious instead of acknowledging the implication. And here we are.

The play from which the Horry three pointer happened was initiated at first by Kobe Bryant, which is all I was saying about it. The rest is absolutely stupid dialogue that you typically either want to use to camouflage the actual point or you can't, quite comprehend the intended meaning to begin with. Give it a rest already, because this is also why I saw the necessity to tear you a new one. Honestly, you can't be this dense.  

You responded with your typical I-am-greater-than-thou-peon response when I pointed out that you indeed forget to use a valid example.  Which you happen to try to counter making this assinine statement...

Sort of like how Kobe claims he is creating opportunities now for his teammates to rebound his twenty or so misses per game. Just part of his 'plan' for involving his teammates.

What a guy.

And this is what started the exchange because I got on you about this obvious twisting of quotes.  Its your constant need to twist and bend when it comes to the Lakers that I called you on.

Well, my asinine statement alluding to Kobe's original comment seems to be the favored interpretation of Bryant's ridiculous statement, as others on this board have said and also on FanHome. I did not need to twist and bend much, did I, but you are exhibiting extreme levels of denial over it, that seems clear.  

Of course you don't have those problems with Randy or Laker fan because for 1, Laker fan doesn't post here very much nor does he like to get into it and 2, no one wants to waste the time calling you out on what you do except me.  Of course Ted, Skander, and Joe dont care about the Lakers or what you chose to bend and twist.  I call you on it and obviously that bothers you a great deal.  Common sense and logic.....riggghhhtttt.  Since I don't let your off the wall comments slide without snide comments of my own I lack both.  Sounds to me like you are getting a taste of your own medicine.  Are you the only person who gets to make assinine comments to rile up other people for laughs?   

We can leave Randy, Laker Fan and the others out of this. There is no need to bring in anyone else, or expect any of them to swallow any of "our" medicine. I imagine they are choking on what they have seen already. It just sounds like you are trolling for reinforcements to me. Stand up on your own wobbly legs.

Bend and twist- talk about the pot calling the kettle black.      

For your information, the Heat/Laker game is not the kind of game this is about, is it, but don't let me distract you with more facts. Why would Kobe still be shooting late in that one when the Lakers already had a sizable lead? You DID watch that game, right, and you DO understand the topic being discussed here, right?

The Lakers didnt have a sizeable lead going down the stretch.  They were up by 4 against a team with more firepower. (edit: it was a 5 point game from 2:36 on)  Is that what you call sizeable?  I dont, especially considering one team has more talent than the other.  Did you watch the game?  Way to make yourself look like an idiot with that comment.  I love how you chalk that one up as one of your 'facts' please dont distract me with non-facts like you just did...thanks!

Nothing will convince you act as if you are objective when it comes to Kobe and the Lakers

No, the lead was not sizable, but it also was not a nailbiter at the end either. Thought this was about game-deciding shots. Am I the only one who still thinks that was the original topic? Please let me know if my apples are squeezing the life out of your oranges. The Miami game doesn't qualify.

You say Kobe never passes the ball in crunch time..I give you multiple times when he has and even provided stats that Odom/Smush are 0-5 in that situation this year yet you prance around by saying 'well how come we dont see it on the highlights' only further proving you don't watch the games but wait for ESPN highlights and box score. 


Provide stats? What stats? this is the first I have heard any mention of Odom/Smush being 0-5 in those situations this year. (What, no mention of Vujacic's game winning three pointer? Do I have to do your research as well? After claiming that I never watch the Lakers, how come you weren't glued to the TV so see THAT shot?)

What are these multiple times that you have given me when Kobe has passed the ball? Please convince me. I am openminded. Honest.

And I keep my prancing to those times I nail your butt to the wall for being erroneous. Like right now.  :bounce:

You are getting my old bones worn out with all this prancing. Please come back with some better material. Or some of those facts you keep just out of my reach, like a carrot on a stick.  

If anyone is blowing smoke to cover up for the lack of reasoning its you.  You are very hard headed so there is no telling you anything regardless.  I am too and I will admit that.  I just find it funny you are pointing things out that I do as bad things when you in turn do the same exact thing.  You know you point out I cannot be objective when it comes to the Lakers (which is a lie because I try to be objective) yet you cannot either.  You point out that I am hard headed, guess what buddy? So are you.  You try to point out that I am on a high horse when it comes to the Lakers, you are on your high horse when commenting on the Lakers much so you think you are a better coach than Phil Jackson.  You have all the answers and what Phil is doing right now is not how it should be according to you.    See the problems here?

Yeah, I know. Actually PROVIDING some statistics to back up my arguement must have completely thrown you off your game because you just have not been the same since. I apologize for putting you on the spot like that, but my intentions were grievous. I truly am sorry to cause you to rant on and on about all this proof you thought you provided to back up Kobe's extensive passing stats compared to his late game shooting stats.

Maybe you might want to kill yourself because we are starting to sound pretty similar here.  I mean heck, you even spell almost as bad as me now too!  :D

I am having way too much fun to end it all. But then, I am truly being me, and not you, which helps. Now, if we were in the same room, however...... :bash:  

My poor word usage as opposed to spelling is more to blame. I spelled "crutch" correctly, afterall. B)

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."


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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #76 on: January 19, 2006, 09:45:49 PM »
I didn't sit and read anything yet but I do like how you magically forgot to include the part where all called your 'facts' about the Laker/Miami game.

Don't feel bad, I wouldn't include it if I looked like an idiot either!

Offline westkoast

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #77 on: January 19, 2006, 10:27:56 PM »
Pitch that whine a little higher, westkoast, and maybe you won't sound so defensive. Glad to hear how enjoyable it is to have actual facts crammed up your butt, and claiming you like it. Hmmmmm.


Save your attempt at reverse psychology for your children.

Yeah, that was, um, a bit baiting. Somehow it just slipped out. Smart of you to catch the drift of it so quickly, but what else could we expect?

Ahh the typical JoMaL move.  This is your pet move now!  You know in order for people to believe you are baiting you might actually not want to go later on and make comments where you believe Kobe will never make the right decision and Lebron always will.

What's your point? My meaning was clear, but then you decided, like some junked up meth-head, to exasperate the obvious instead of acknowledging the implication. And here we are.

The play from which the Horry three pointer happened was initiated at first by Kobe Bryant, which is all I was saying about it. The rest is absolutely stupid dialogue that you typically either want to use to camouflage the actual point or you can't, quite comprehend the intended meaning to begin with. Give it a rest already, because this is also why I saw the necessity to tear you a new one. Honestly, you can't be this dense.

Too any SANE PERSON who read what you said it was implied that no one on a Kobe Bryant team will get tha chance to make a game winner like Horry because he never passes the ball.  This is simple to follow.  Should I play connect the dots with you?  We can go slow, I promise.  Are you dense?

Well, my asinine statement alluding to Kobe's original comment seems to be the favored interpretation of Bryant's ridiculous statement, as others on this board have said and also on FanHome. I did not need to twist and bend much, did I, but you are exhibiting extreme levels of denial over it, that seems clear.

Others on the board? Reality?  Skander did not agree with what you said.  Go read what he posted LOL.  You quoted it and all.  FANHOME?!  FANHOME?!  We are getting credibility from Fanhome now?!  Can we bust out the sticky hand because you are stretching here.

We can leave Randy, Laker Fan and the others out of this. There is no need to bring in anyone else, or expect any of them to swallow any of "our" medicine. I imagine they are choking on what they have seen already. It just sounds like you are trolling for reinforcements to me. Stand up on your own wobbly legs.

Bend and twist- talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

If you think they are choking based soley on my comments then you are in denial my buddy to the north.

No, the lead was not sizable, but it also was not a nailbiter at the end either. Thought this was about game-deciding shots. Am I the only one who still thinks that was the original topic? Please let me know if my apples are squeezing the life out of your oranges. The Miami game doesn't qualify

LOL.  Wait werent you just sarcastically asking me if I watched the game?  Then even went on to ask why Kobe took so many shots if they had the lead to try to add strength to your point?  Don't wear out those tap dancing shoes.  Can we get a solid stance on it from you.  The game was a nailbiter.  I guess a 4-5 point lead with 2 and a half minutes to go is not a nailbiter when you are backpeddling.  I consider a 5 point lead with a minute to go a nailbiter, this is the NBA.  5 point leads go quickly.  Especially when you have a team with Shaq, Payton, Walker, and Wade.  Just to let you know, his jumpers over Payton were game deciding shots.  We are still on topic here...but lets pretend like we arent cuz you looked like a moron with this one!


Provide stats? What stats? this is the first I have heard any mention of Odom/Smush being 0-5 in those situations this year. (What, no mention of Vujacic's game winning three pointer? Do I have to do your research as well? After claiming that I never watch the Lakers, how come you weren't glued to the TV so see THAT shot?)

What are these multiple times that you have given me when Kobe has passed the ball? Please convince me. I am openminded. Honest.

And I keep my prancing to those times I nail your butt to the wall for being erroneous. Like right now. 

You are getting my old bones worn out with all this prancing. Please come back with some better material. Or some of those facts you keep just out of my reach, like a carrot on a stick.

Grizz Game 1:12 on the clock, Kobe dishes to Odom, Brick

Under 2 minutes to go in Lakers/Bobcats game, Lakers looking to make a push down by 4 Kobe drive and dish to Brian Cook.  Play right after that?  Kobe drive and dish to Sasha who then moved the ball to a wide open cook.

Lakers/Wizards game (I was at this one) Lakers up by two, Kobe clean pass to Kwame Brown for a layup but he got fouled hit 2 freethrows.

Houston/Lakers game...Lakers down by 4 with 40 seconds left, Kobe hits a cutting Odom for a jump hook in the lane.

This does not include the 4 bricked shots between Parker and Odom at the end of the game off a drive and kick (one mentioned above because I remember it off the top of my head).  I did not include games decided by more than 6 points because...whats the point?  I believe the Lakers have won 9 or 10 games by more than that margin.

It also doesnt include all those assists from Kobe where he takes a jump shot and misses in hope his teammates will be part of his plan!  :rolleyes:

Yeah, I know. Actually PROVIDING some statistics to back up my arguement must have completely thrown you off your game because you just have not been the same since. I apologize for putting you on the spot like that, but my intentions were grievous. I truly am sorry to cause you to rant on and on about all this proof you thought you provided to back up Kobe's extensive passing stats compared to his late game shooting stats.

You provided 2 stats one of which can easily be mallable to fit what your saying (the assist one).  The amount of shots he takes in the 4th is valid but it does not show under 2 minutes, we are talking about crunch time right?!  Are we staying on topic here?  I did not know that Kobe is taking every single shot in the 4th quarter!  Maybe I should see if  lens crafters is open?

am having way too much fun to end it all. But then, I am truly being me, and not you, which helps. Now, if we were in the same room, however...... 

My poor word usage as opposed to spelling is more to blame. I spelled "crutch" correctly, afterall.

If we were in the same room it may be a double suicide because of our similarities.  Hard headed, antagonisitic,  bias when it comes to the Lakers, inability to spell, and poor word usage.....I am what you were 30 years ago pops! :laugh:
« Last Edit: January 19, 2006, 10:43:55 PM by westkoast »

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #78 on: January 20, 2006, 11:11:20 AM »
So JoMaL what did we learn last night watching the Lakers/Kings game?

-- Your assist stat, like I told you, is not always an accurate judgement of how well Kobe passes the ball.  Last night he only had 4 assists (on par with his season average) but if you watched the entire game you would know he got his team alot of good looks that just didnt stay down.   Living in a box score is not always going to give you the whole story.

-- Kobe not only went 3 for 4 down the stretch in the 4th but OMG he passed to Odom for what could have been the game deciding 3 pointer.  So much for never making the right decisions (Kwame was also given a nice pass with a little bit of time left but could not convert that too could have been the game deciding basket)  In OT he took a few too many shots on his own once the went down by 8-9 but he was still passing the ball inside the triangle and into the post.

-- Like I said, Kobe could score alot (in this case it was 50 instead of my 170 example) and the Lakers will still lose if they dont play defense, which they did because of not closing out on guys who hit big shots and making the bone head move to not let the Kings get a 2 instead of Miller nailing a nice jumper.

--Odom is not the triangle god that a few of you have made him out to be, not horrible by anymeans, just not the black tex winters!  Part of that is not odoms fault as guys were out of position and took to long to decide on what to do.

--Mike Bibby is the greatest shooter coming off an illegal screen in the history of the game.  :up:

That was a typical game by the Lakers aside from the piss poor defense.   So while you may think I know nothing I guess the Lakers did all my talking for me by proving what I've been telling you in this thread.  See the difference when you actually watch the game??
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 11:18:30 AM by westkoast »

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #79 on: January 20, 2006, 11:29:02 AM »
westkoast, a couple of things:

1.  To what illegal screen are you referring?

2.  Yes, Kobe didn't take the final shot at the end of the fourth, but he looked MIGHTY pissed about it.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 11:33:42 AM by Wolverine »
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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #80 on: January 20, 2006, 11:32:05 AM »
westkoast, a couple of things:

1.  To what illegal screen are you referring?

2.  Yes, Kobe didn't take the final shot at the end of the fourth, but he looked MIGHTY pissed about it.  Same goes for the last shot in OT.
1. Brad Miller lowered his body/shoulder into Smush Parker that gave Bibby that huge  wide open 3 with under 30 to go.  Of course that isnt the reason why they lost but I thought I'd mention it for a laugh.  IMO he got away with alot of illegal screens the entire night.

2. That was Kobe's own fault why he didn't get to take the shot.  I think if he watched the replay of the game he would realize he was the one who did not get open quick enough.  He stayed on the wing about a second too long.   If Odom was to cough the ball up then it would have been a worse look than what Odom had.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 11:33:13 AM by westkoast »

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #81 on: January 20, 2006, 12:28:03 PM »
So JoMaL what did we learn last night watching the Lakers/Kings game?

Let's put to rest the other posts for now and focus on last night's King's/Kobe's game.

I think it was pretty obvious what the problem with the Los Angeles Kobes might be now, especially compared to the early season struggles of the Sacramento Kings. For one thing, that LA team is pretty much unwatchable if Bryant is not on the floor, because the play of his teammates leaves a lot to be desired.

The Kings, on the other hand, looked like they never saw a basketball before for much of the first halve of the year. But they stuck with the game plan, which was to get the new guys into the Princton offense one way or the other, no matter how ugly it got. It has paid some dividends this past week, though until they get to 0.500, it won't be much of an issue.

The Kobes have, well, Kobe. That certainly helps Kobe, but his teammates are not getting whatever message they should be getting from Jackson and him clearly. Not yet anyway, and not, I might add, with Kobe's body language after they mess up.

-- Your assist stat, like I told you, is not always an accurate judgement of how well Kobe passes the ball.  Last night he only had 4 assists (on par with his season average) but if you watched the entire game you would know he got his team alot of good looks that just didnt stay down.   Living in a box score is not always going to give you the whole story.

That's true. You certainly can't live within a box score and get the REAL picture. What I saw was Kobe's expression and body language after some of those exchanges. Can he look any more distainful passing to teammates? He actually looked annoyed after Brown scored a basket at one time, because he expected Kwame to pass the ball back to him.

-- Kobe not only went 3 for 4 down the stretch in the 4th but OMG he passed to Odom for what could have been the game deciding 3 pointer.  So much for never making the right decisions (Kwame was also given a nice pass with a little bit of time left but could not convert that too could have been the game deciding basket)  In OT he took a few too many shots on his own once the went down by 8-9 but he was still passing the ball inside the triangle and into the post.

I was hoping you would make the mistake of bringing up Odom's missed three pointer at the end of regulation. Sure, The Kobe passed the ball to Odom, who then kept it and shot the three. But I must ask you to watch what Kobe was doing at the time. Hands up, next to Lamar, clearly expecting the RETURN pass. It wasn't an unselfish pass by Kobe so Odom could shoot the ball; it was going to be a check-off pass that Odom failed to pass back to Bryant.

Man, it sure is nice for me to see one of those rare Laker games once in a while so we both can be on the same page and not have to rely on what are starting to look like outright lies on your part to ensure a very colored picture of what goes on during them.  

By the way, Odom made the right decision to shoot the ball. He had the shot. Kobe would have been trying a completely unset three pointer with virtually no chance of making it. But right, it looks like Kobe made the "right" decision inbounding the ball to Odom. He had to pass it to someone from the sidelines, didn't he?

Kobe took seven shots in overtime, and made two, including an uncontested layup. During the rest of the overtime period, where, as you say, "he was still passing the ball inside the triangle and into the post", it looked more like he was playing a game of HORSE. If that was an example of how the triangle works in all its heritage, it must be a lot more complicated then I first thought. What part of the triangle involves one player taking off-balanced three pointers with no teammates under the basket in position yet to benefit from getting those offensive rebounds so they can feel involved in the gameplan?

-- Like I said, Kobe could score alot (in this case it was 50 instead of my 170 example) and the Lakers will still lose if they dont play defense, which they did because of not closing out on guys who hit big shots and making the bone head move to not let the Kings get a 2 instead of Miller nailing a nice jumper.

The Kobes made a bunch of bad decisions after they took that five point lead with 32 seconds left. Mostly on defense, though Odom's offensive foul was truly idiotic.
Then he picked up foul number six, like twenty seconds into the overtime period, allowing Luke Walton to come in and give Kenny Thomas a chance at scoring some points.    
--Odom is not the triangle god that a few of you have made him out to be, not horrible by anymeans, just not the black tex winters!  Part of that is not odoms fault as guys were out of position and took to long to decide on what to do.

Um, yeah. I think we all got that.

--Mike Bibby is the greatest shooter coming off an illegal screen in the history of the game.

If the screen was illegal, I think the refs would have called it. What was ugly was that Parker did not receive any warning from any of his teammates that Miller was there. He took a pretty nasty hit from Brad, who seems to get away with that pick move quite often. You think if it were illegal, at some point the refs and the League would do something about it. Since they do not, calling it illegal sure sounds a bit sanctimonious on your part.

That was a typical game by the Lakers aside from the piss poor defense.   So while you may think I know nothing I guess the Lakers did all my talking for me by proving what I've been telling you in this thread.  See the difference when you actually watch the game??

How can you claim a black and white picture of the Kobes from this game? You simply amaze me. It showed that what you were saying is certainly true and that I should not have said "NEVER" as rigidly as I did before. But the gist of what I was saying was laid out for all to see more clearly in this game then I could possibly have ever imagined. Just looking at Kobe's reaction after the Odom missed three pointer says it all. He was totally expecting Odom to give him back the ball, and was upset he did not.  And I could do without the overly dramatic head hugs he kept giving his teammates, supposedly to console them (they seemed to mess up regularly late in that game).

I couldn't help but think he was telling them "I know you feel bad that you messed up, but next time, just give the ball back to me. I am, after all, a killer on the court and could care less if I mess up because my fans all think I never mess up even when I do. By the way, can I rape your sister?"
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 12:38:49 PM by JoMal »
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #82 on: January 20, 2006, 12:45:30 PM »
BTW, I have to give some props to Sharif Abdur-Rahim for playing 19 minutes in that game with a wired shut broken jaw. He had to have a breathing tube inserted between his clenched lips so he could breathe properly. He got 11 points, seven of which came from the foul line, no boards, but two assists. His return seemed to put a charge into Kenny Thomas, who recorded the first triple-double of his career.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #83 on: January 20, 2006, 01:10:40 PM »
What a biased SOB writer for AP sports! I can see why westkoast is so defensive now, if he has to put up with idiotic gameside analysts like Greg Beacham.;_ylt=Ar....?gid=2006011923

Bryant played the entire first quarter and demanded the ball on almost every possession. He finished the first half with 26 points, but grew visibly frustrated with his teammates -- particularly Odom -- when they didn't pass to him every time down the court.

Luke Walton got an earful from Bryant after the third quarter ended, but Garcia's defense was the real reason for Bryant's relative ineffectiveness. Bryant overcame that defense in the fourth quarter, leading Los Angeles to an eight-point lead before the frantic final minutes.

Clearly, this Beacham guy must never watch Laker games. Why he doesn't just consult westkoast to get the truly unbiased view of how Kobe Bryant endears himself to his teammates on practically every posession by insisting on passing them the ball and telling them how much he loves them is complelely beyond me.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 01:11:53 PM by JoMal »
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #84 on: January 20, 2006, 01:11:22 PM »
So JoMaL what did we learn last night watching the Lakers/Kings game?

--   Living in a box score is not always going to give you the whole story.

-- Kobe not only went 3 for 4 down the stretch in the 4th but OMG he passed to Odom for what could have been the game deciding 3 pointer.  So much for never making the right decisions

So while you may think I know nothing I guess the Lakers did all my talking for me by proving what I've been telling you in this thread.  See the difference when you actually watch the game??
We learned you will continue to make things up to fit your Kobe agenda.

Kobe did not even take the ball out of bounds.  He never touched the ball on the play.  Hence he never passed the ball to Odom.

"See the difference when you actually watch the game??"


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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #85 on: January 20, 2006, 01:43:38 PM »
Let's put to rest the other posts for now and focus on last night's King's/Kobe's game.

I think it was pretty obvious what the problem with the Los Angeles Kobes might be now, especially compared to the early season struggles of the Sacramento Kings. For one thing, that LA team is pretty much unwatchable if Bryant is not on the floor, because the play of his teammates leaves a lot to be desired.

The Kings, on the other hand, looked like they never saw a basketball before for much of the first halve of the year. But they stuck with the game plan, which was to get the new guys into the Princton offense one way or the other, no matter how ugly it got. It has paid some dividends this past week, though until they get to 0.500, it won't be much of an issue.

The Kobes have, well, Kobe. That certainly helps Kobe, but his teammates are not getting whatever message they should be getting from Jackson and him clearly. Not yet anyway, and not, I might add, with Kobe's body language after they mess up.

I disagree they are unwatchable, When he went out for 6 minutes in the 2nd I thought they played decent.  Not great ball but they maintained a lead.  I think you got what I was getting at about how they run the triangle without Kobe to bail them out.  One play in particular broke all the way down and Odom was forced to take it to the rack and just barely missed a 24 second violation.  This is where I feel they are struggling in the triangle.  If guys are not being pointed where to go by Odom, Luke Walton, and Kobe (or even PJ from the bench) it drains the clock forcing a bad shot to beat the 24.

I dont know it its the message, if its a lack of expierence in the triangle and in the game itself, or just brain farts.  Probably a little of each.  Like you said though, they have Kobe to bail them out.  That is a good and a bad thing for obvious reasons.

That's true. You certainly can't live within a box score and get the REAL picture. What I saw was Kobe's expression and body language after some of those exchanges. Can he look any more distainful passing to teammates? He actually looked annoyed after Brown scored a basket at one time, because he expected Kwame to pass the ball back to him

Which play are you refering too (I have it tivo'd still so Ill go back to look)?  I did not catch that one.  I saw he was mad he didn't get the ball at the end of the game but that was strickly his own fault.  Odom made the correct decision to take the shot himself as Kobe did not come to the ball quick enough.  I'll take Odom squared up clanker rather than see Kobe catch, spin 180, and toss up a shot % wise it makes more sense for Odom to take that.

was hoping you would make the mistake of bringing up Odom's missed three pointer at the end of regulation. Sure, The Kobe passed the ball to Odom, who then kept it and shot the three. But I must ask you to watch what Kobe was doing at the time. Hands up, next to Lamar, clearly expecting the RETURN pass. It wasn't an unselfish pass by Kobe so Odom could shoot the ball; it was going to be a check-off pass that Odom failed to pass back to Bryant.

Man, it sure is nice for me to see one of those rare Laker games once in a while so we both can be on the same page and not have to rely on what are starting to look like outright lies on your part to ensure a very colored picture of what goes on during them.

By the way, Odom made the right decision to shoot the ball. He had the shot. Kobe would have been trying a completely unset three pointer with virtually no chance of making it. But right, it looks like Kobe made the "right" decision inbounding the ball to Odom. He had to pass it to someone from the sidelines, didn't he?

Kobe took seven shots in overtime, and made two, including an uncontested layup. During the rest of the overtime period, where, as you say, "he was still passing the ball inside the triangle and into the post", it looked more like he was playing a game of HORSE. If that was an example of how the triangle works in all its heritage, it must be a lot more complicated then I first thought. What part of the triangle involves one player taking off-balanced three pointers with no teammates under the basket in position yet to benefit from getting those offensive rebounds so they can feel involved in the gameplan?

Actually I was refering to the drive and kick by Kobe where Odom hit the 3 at the top of the key to put them up by 5 with 34 seconds left.  Not the end of regulation play.  Kobe was not expecting a pass back on that play, maybe we are speaking of different plays.  He specifically got the ball to Odom just like on a few plays before that he coughed the ball up to Parker when he should have thrown it up (cuz he was fouled)

We are 100% in agreement about the play at the end of the game with Odom.  He made the right decision.  The play was suppose to goto Kobe but it was his own fault because he did not move off the wing quick enough to come meet the ball.  Like I said ill take Odom's clanker over Kobe doing a 180 jump shot over a defender 30 feet from the basket.  Can he make those shots? Sure.  % wise it doesn't make sense though.

Of those 7 shots he took 3 of them when there was 50 seconds left down by 9 (correct me if I am wrong) and I agree he took too many shots.  IMO running the triangle at that point, with where they are in the triangle, would not have made sense beacuse of the clock.  Instead of taking as many 3s he should have went to the rack and kicked know kinda like the Kings did 2 times in a row at the end of the game.  He could have taken a page out of their book seeing how they did it so many times in a row.  Lets cut the taking shots to get his teammates involved crap.  You, I, and Kobe Bryant all know if you take 30 foot jumpers chances are the long rebounds are going to the other team.

The Kobes made a bunch of bad decisions after they took that five point lead with 32 seconds left. Mostly on defense, though Odom's offensive foul was truly idiotic.
Then he picked up foul number six, like twenty seconds into the overtime period, allowing Luke Walton to come in and give Kenny Thomas a chance at scoring some points.

Id say it was 95% on the defensive end.  Odom's offensive foul made me yell ARGHHHHHH but I am glad to see him trying to attack instead of deffering to Kobe (im trying to spin it positive here!) everytime.  So while it was idiotic I am hoping its a sign of change for this squad and most importantly Odom.

The problem with his 6th foul is exactly what you stated...Lakers had no choice, because of a lack of big men, to bring Luke Walton in and slide Kwame to the 5.  Luke Walton really needs to work on his post defense because he often gets exploited on the block.  Kenny Thomas took him to school like no other and that ended up being the turning point.

Um, yeah. I think we all got that.

Wasn't just directed at you but you were barking pretty loud about it.  Partially baiting me of course.

If the screen was illegal, I think the refs would have called it. What was ugly was that Parker did not receive any warning from any of his teammates that Miller was there. He took a pretty nasty hit from Brad, who seems to get away with that pick move quite often. You think if it were illegal, at some point the refs and the League would do something about it. Since they do not, calling it illegal sure sounds a bit sanctimonious on your part.

Just like they called it in Derek Fisher's favor? :lol:   The screen was illegal because Miller stepped into it.  Check the replay (if you have DVR or Tivo)  As for his teammates not telling him, you are correct but I thought Smush was able to see Miller from the side.  It wasn't really an out of nowhere screen.

How can you claim a black and white picture of the Kobes from this game? You simply amaze me. It showed that what you were saying is certainly true and that I should not have said "NEVER" as rigidly as I did before. But the gist of what I was saying was laid out for all to see more clearly in this game then I could possibly have ever imagined. Just looking at Kobe's reaction after the Odom missed three pointer says it all. He was totally expecting Odom to give him back the ball, and was upset he did not. And I could do without the overly dramatic head hugs he kept giving his teammates, supposedly to console them (they seemed to mess up regularly late in that game).

I couldn't help but think he was telling them "I know you feel bad that you messed up, but next time, just give the ball back to me. I am, after all, a killer on the court and could care less if I mess up because my fans all think I never mess up even when I do. By the way, can I rape your sister?"

I am not painting a black and white picture of Kobe with this game.  Only thing I am doing is pointing out that all the claims I were making were not untrue and that in fact, if you watch the games you see something different than people who do not.  Nowhere did I say that this paints the perfect picture of Kobe or even of the Lakers.  This however was a typical game for them.  Sometimes Kobe plays like he did last night moving the ball well, sometimes he does not.  If anything I was pointing out the other side to what you were saying.  I have never once denied this year that a certain points he has jacked up too many shots for my liking.  Whlie at the same time understanding and explaining that when your star player goes 7 for 9 in the first quarter you let him continue to shoot his head off.

There is no convincing you otherwise that Kobe may actually be giving them hugs, props, butt slaps because he is trying to motivate and encourage his guys.  You are pretty cynical when it comes to him.

As for the Odom shot, yes he wanted to take the shot, the play was called for him, and maybe he was the better guy to take the shot....but given the way the play panned out he ended up not being the better guy to take the shot on his own.  I think he got miffed not realizing exactly how much time was on the clock.  


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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #86 on: January 20, 2006, 01:47:14 PM »
^---this last part I am reffering to Kobe and not Odom.


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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #87 on: January 20, 2006, 01:48:40 PM »
Oh ya and Reality......if you watched the game you would know I was talking about where Odom hit the 3 at the top of the key off a nice drive and dish for Kobe.

Who said Kobe passed Odom the ball in bounce?!  Kobe had his back to the basket right outside the paint.  :huh:  

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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #88 on: January 20, 2006, 02:09:17 PM »
So JoMaL what did we learn last night watching the Lakers/Kings game?

--   Living in a box score is not always going to give you the whole story.

-- Kobe not only went 3 for 4 down the stretch in the 4th but OMG he passed to Odom for what could have been the game deciding 3 pointer.  So much for never making the right decisions

So while you may think I know nothing I guess the Lakers did all my talking for me by proving what I've been telling you in this thread.  See the difference when you actually watch the game??
We learned you will continue to make things up to fit your Kobe agenda.

Kobe did not even take the ball out of bounds.  He never touched the ball on the play.  Hence he never passed the ball to Odom.

"See the difference when you actually watch the game??"
See, I was watching the game and I thought it was Kobe who inbounded the ball. If not him, who did?
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."


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Kobe handles the pretendor
« Reply #89 on: January 20, 2006, 02:16:50 PM »
So JoMaL what did we learn last night watching the Lakers/Kings game?

--   Living in a box score is not always going to give you the whole story.

-- Kobe not only went 3 for 4 down the stretch in the 4th but OMG he passed to Odom for what could have been the game deciding 3 pointer.  So much for never making the right decisions

So while you may think I know nothing I guess the Lakers did all my talking for me by proving what I've been telling you in this thread.  See the difference when you actually watch the game??
We learned you will continue to make things up to fit your Kobe agenda.

Kobe did not even take the ball out of bounds.  He never touched the ball on the play.  Hence he never passed the ball to Odom.

"See the difference when you actually watch the game??"
See, I was watching the game and I thought it was Kobe who inbounded the ball. If not him, who did?
I believe it was Smush because Kobe was on the wing.  That is a normal end of game play for the Lakers where Kobe catches it in that spot with his back to the basket, spins around, and takes the shot.

Leave it to Reality to hurry and jump to try to call me on something only to realize maybe before he got so excited to call me out that he would try to put 2 and 2 together  :nod: