Author Topic: Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the  (Read 4115 times)

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« on: January 12, 2006, 12:45:15 PM »

Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the "The Show" (Part 1)

For quite some time, more than a few readers have requested an interview with basketball journalist and frequent Lakers Blog poster Roland Lazenby. Well, request ye no more, folks. We IM'ed yesterday for around 90 minutes with Lazenby (whose books include Mad Game: The NBA Education of Kobe Bryant, Mindgames: Phil Jackson's Long Strange Journey, and Blood on the Horns: The Long Strange trip of Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls). His new book, The Show: The Inside Story of the Spectacular Los Angeles Lakers in the Words of Those Who Lived It, is a comprehensive history of the franchise from the days in Minneapolis to the second Phil Jackson era. It's a great read, guaranteed to satisfy even the most hardcore fan's purple and gold Jones. Here's the first part of our discussion.

Andrew Kamenetzky: How long did you spend researching and writing this book? What was the biggest challenge involved with writing a book spanning this much time and history?

Roland Lazenby: Well, I've spent about 18 years covering the NBA, so a lot of interviews I've done over the years. Always when I was doing projects, there were lots of extra things discussed in the interviews that never made it into the projects. So when I finally got a chance to do an oral history about the Lakers, I did new interviews, but I also went back and re-transcribed dozens of taped interviews, some of them from the late 80s and early 90s.

It was fun to realize the stuff I overlooked the first time. Like the time that Jerry West told me he thought Joe Dumars was better than Isaiah. I could have had a major story out of that one, but I let it slip by, only to discover it and other things when I gave the tape another listen.

AK: That is something of a conversation stopping statement, “Isaiah over Dumars.” I imagine it must be interesting to revisit what seemed innocuous at the time, but looking back on it becomes, "Wow!"

RL: Especially when it comes to West. He always drops bombshells in the midst of what he's saying in interviews. The had long protected West. He never seemed to worry about what he was saying. During the 1999 series against San Antonio, I was interviewing him after practice in the Forum. I mentioned Phil Jackson, and he said, "F#@#, Phil Jackson!" I said, "Wait, you don't understand." He said, No, F@#@ Phil Jackson." A month later he hired Phil. When I reported what West had said in the Forum in my book on Kobe, some Laker officials got mad that I hadn't protected him.

As a journalist, it's not my job to protect Jerry West. He's perfectly capable of protecting himself. It's my job to get the best information I can for Laker fans, because they're the ones spending their time and money following the team.

AK: I agree. These guys have been around long enough. They know the drill when it comes to the media. So many of the interviews you needed were already on hand. But it still must have been a pretty big undertaking editing everything into a cohesive narrative.

RL: It was a big undertaking, followed by a huge battle with my publisher. I ended up cutting out about 200 pages, some of which needed cutting. But there was a lot of stuff, tons of interviews that needed to stay. At the time you're arguing, you're so close to the book you think you know it all. After you look at it, you say, “They were pretty smart to cut that down… But why didn't they leave that good stuff there?” There are so many elements to the Lakers story, so many layers of the truth. Especially with a guy like Phil Jackson. Or Jerry West.

Brian Kamenetzky: The Lakers have had so many personalities like that.  Mega-star types, both on the court and behind the bench. Is that at least one reason why you can take their franchise, from start to finish, and get into the kind of depth you did... and still make it interesting?

RL: Yes, because it's Hollywood, because the personalities are so big. Even the little things they do can be major productions. It is the Show, the major production, with all the attendant complications. That's why we care. The drama on the court is big. Sometimes the drama off the court is bigger. As I say at the end of the book, it's a tragedy of postmodern basketball that Shaq and Kobe couldn't see how important they were to each other. I don't think that's an overstatement.

BK: No disagreement here.  How did the rift between the two of them compare to the others you outline in the book?  Pollard/Mikan, Kareem/Magic, etc.?  How much different would those relationships have been in today's 24/7 sensationalized media culture?

RL: No question those earlier conflicts would have been much bigger. (Lakers Public Relations executive director) John Black got really mad at me in 1999 when I explained in Mad Game the level of conflict between Shaq and Kobe. He said I damaged the club. But here was this very talented Lakers team that would show flashes of brilliance, and then play just terribly. No one would say why they were playing so badly. It was because of their chemistry. I thought Laker fans had the right to know. I still do.

The Lakers have their ways of keeping a pretty good grip on local media. Once I wrote about it, it became easier for others to write about it. And obviously it got to the point that the media made much of it. But that's because Shaq and Kobe aired their opinions repeatedly in the media. Too bad Phil Jackson didn't keep George Mumford, the psychologist, around. I thought they could have ridden through it, except for this thing of Shaq wanting his megabucks.

BK: Did that sort of thing- players and coaches using the media to the extent that they do now- sometimes to fight with each other, sometimes to put seeds in the minds of opponents, etc.- happen back then?  I'd imagine people still used reporters to deliver messages.  It just feels different, even for the two of us, who can only go back to the 80s, really.

RL: There were so many fewer outlets then. More papers but still fewer outlets. Jerry West complained that Jack Kent Cook had columnist Melvin Durslag to write negative things about certain players whenever he wanted. Those tactics were obviously available then. The options weren't as delicious or tempting, as they are with a Karl Rove type player like Phil Jackson, who has delighted in media games over the course of his career.

I should add that the conflicts between Kareem and Magic were kept well under wraps, mainly because Kareem and Magic were too professional to get into it publicly. They found a way to co-exist. I think Shaq was guilty of a certain lack of professionalism. From the early days, he kept slipping little jabs in at Kobe.

BK: So it's as much on the players as it is on reporters to respect some sort of boundaries (if any exist anymore)?

RL: I think it's more on the players (and coaches). Everyone wants to blame the media, but the media are an empty vessel. The big winners in post-modern culture, a Karl Rove, knows how to fill that vessel, to play the media. Jordan was very good at it. So was Phil. Shaq could play games, but a lot of his was petty sniping that was purely unprofessional. Childish, really. Imagine the Lakers today if Shaq had chosen a different tactic to deal with Kobe.

As Tex Winter points out, Kobe took those tactics from Phil and Shaq for a long time before he finally began lashing out during the 2003-04 season. Then Phil very smartly used his lashing out against him, never mind the fact that Kobe had spent several years trying to be the professional one, letting his play do the talking.

BK: You don't think Kobe's personality had anything to do with it?  There are plenty of people who believe that his attitude, generally perceived as aloof, had a lot to do with the troubles he had, not just with Shaq, but with the rest of the locker room.

AK: Not to mention play on the court some have perceived as selfish...

RL: Of course Kobe wasn't guilt-free. He was, however, a 17-year-old kid. Shaq led the rest of the locker room. He was the big guy in the school house. Kobe came in full of ambition, willing to work hard. Very much an alpha male even at that age. His work ethic didn't match the older players around him. As Derek Fisher explained to me, we should have had Kobe's work ethic, we should have worked that hard. Kobe set a tone that wasn't in synch with the team.

On the court Del Harris had no real offensive structure or plan, other than to get the ball into Shaq and mostly have everyone spaced around him. His practices were hardly greatly organized affairs. Don't get me wrong. Del Harris is a fine coach. The business as usual in pro basketball wasn't ready to deal with players as young as Kobe, much in need of guidance. So the circumstances play a role in that. My point, though, is that Kobe wasn't going public with some petty beef.
RL: The reality is that the Lakers were one good rebounder away from winning it all in ‘04 and keeping it all together. If they had better relationships, they would have survived perhaps. But Shaq was really pushing for a huge pay raise that simply strapped the Lakers, which is a small organization. Phil wanted more power, more say so. Kobe had always been their foil, the representative of how Jerry Buss envisioned basketball. Shaq pushed his agenda, Phil pushed his, and Kobe simply wanted out. He was fed up. He was fed up with all the pettiness and criticism and games. People say that Kobe has always studied and created his image. I think in most ways, he's been pretty naive about his image. All this Shaq and Phil stuff is minor compared with Eagle and all that. That's what put Kobe on a lot of people's hate list. I spent the past two days rereading The Last Season, and Phil really smeared Kobein that book at a time when he was facing a lot of challenges. Very sanctimonious stuff, really.

AK: It's interesting you bring up Shaq and money, because I've always thought Shaq actually could have accepted it eventually becoming "Kobe's team," with the offense revolving around Kobe. But he never could have dealt with Kobe making more money than him, which I believe would have been the case if he didn't get the extension he wanted and Kobe got a max deal. In Miami, at least with my understanding of the new CBA, Shaq can take a "pay cut," but still out-earn a Wade max deal, post-CBA. It may become "Wade's team," but Shaq is still the big man when it comes to dollars. I don't think the potential money discrepancy between Shaq and Kobe was the prime reason he wouldn't renegotiate, but a tipping point. Any validity to that theory?

RL: Yes, the hard part in all of this is that Shaq, despite his immaturity, is a great guy, a good person, a funny and likeable guy. Without Jerry West, he felt he had no protector in the organization. He wasn't close to Jerry Buss. So he became fearful and aggressive over his future. Again, the blame goes back to Phil Jackson, because he chased West off. They both might try to deny this now, but it is true. I've reported it with attribution. Phil knew what would drive West out and he took those steps.

Phil and West didn't trust each other. I got in more trouble for reporting that Phil asked West out of the locker room during that 2000 playoff series with Portland. But it happened. I reported it with attribution. It was the truth. Phil knew when he did it that it would drive West crazy and out of the organization. I took a lot of heat for reporting that. I still do take that heat. But it's true and it was a huge factor in the breakup. Before Shaq and Kobe coexisted, Phil and Jerry had to coexist.
When one didn't happen, the other relationship seemed guaranteed to fail. A tragedy for Lakers fans, a tragedy for Phil (although I don't think he thought so) because he coached them to one short of the all-time record for titles. And a tragedy for West, because he put them together, and now he's exiled in Memphis, a stranger in a stranger land.

AK: Does that reflect Phil being more a "Shaq guy," and West more of a "Kobe guy?"

RL: West was for both of those guys, and they knew it. Why shouldn't he have been? They were all on the same team. Phil was definitely not a Kobe guy for his first tenure in LA. The things he did to undermine Kobe we only know a fraction of that story. In Phil's defense, Kobe wasn't the easiest situation for any coach. But Phil was wrong about Kobe, or so he seems to admit now. He still won't do everything for him in the triangle that he did for MJ.

Kobe, though, isn't a complainer. As Tex told me yesterday afternoon before he headed up to Portland to meet with the team, Kobe wants one thing as his top priority: To Win. He shoots as much as he does, Tex says, because he believes right now that that's the best way for the team to win. And it is.

BK: So much energy in LA now is spent trying to assign blame for the breakup of the team. What will it take to move past it? Can lessons be learned from how previous championship runs ended?

RL: Doing fewer interviews like this. Ha. Just kidding. I think the loss is great, so the healing takes a while. Plus it's one of those debates for the ages. I think Kobe is settling a bit of it as we speak. But it will never be put to rest unless he leads the Lakers to a championship or two. Shaq carries a similar burden in Miami, but it's nowhere near the load that Kobe faces in L.A. In the minds of many, they may come to share that spoiled, temperamental space together. These things tend to run on for years.

I've written a lot of sports history, which means calling up a lot of old guys years after their careers are over. It's amazing how many of them sit around and stew once they’re out of the spotlight, over things that happened long ago that nobody cares about or even remembers any more. But a lot of guys never let those conflicts go. If they don't let them go, and Shaq clearly isn't ready to put it behind him, then the fans won't either.

A third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. A second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. A first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.

A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself.

AA Mil

Offline westkoast

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 12:58:09 PM »
Good read.  Thanks for posting this.I agree with the whole LA media comments that he made and other points brought up.  I think to an extent that the Lakers have had a good job keeping the media in line up until the time the players and Phil brought it directly to the media.  In all my years watching Lakers basketball I do not remember the local media really going off like they have in the last 6 or so years.  Certainly nothing was ever really said about showtime, not because there was nothing to say at all but because if you spoke bad about the Lakers in LA at the time you were going to get it.  

And I hate to do this......wait no I dont  :D , How many other people outside of the core Laker fans here have to point out things we have been saying about Kobe/Shaq/Phil for years?  Read the article and you will know what I am getting at.  Some of the things WoW, Randy, MSC, Dan, and I have made about that situation is pointed out by someone who has an inside track to the Lakers organization.  


Offline WayOutWest

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 02:28:48 PM »
And I hate to do this......wait no I dont  :D , How many other people outside of the core Laker fans here have to point out things we have been saying about Kobe/Shaq/Phil for years?  Read the article and you will know what I am getting at.  Some of the things WoW, Randy, MSC, Dan, and I have made about that situation is pointed out by someone who has an inside track to the Lakers organization.
While I was reading this "insiders" comments, I was surprised the I was NOT surprised by anything the guy said regarding the Shaq/Kobe era Lakers.  I'm sure yourself and the other Laker faithful were uqually UNsurprised.

Magic/Kareem was a bit of a surprise.  I knew Kareem was very standoffish but I didn't think there was a rift between him and Magic.  IMO Magic was either a really good actor or he truely admired Kareem.  It looked to me like Kareem was Magic's big brother hero.  Kareem has always had a bad relationship with the media so I'll have to take his comments with a grain of salt.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline msc

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2006, 03:32:48 PM »
That was an excellent read and I thought a honest and accurate portrayal of the Shaq/Kobe/Phil saga.  I especially like D. Fish's comments about Kobe's work ethic and the Del Harris comments as well.  Thanks for posting this ziggy.  

I agree with WOW in that nothing surprised me, I just enjoyed hearing it from someone who does have a little bit of an inside track.  Those of us that reside in LA and live and breath this team and the local media witnessed first hand the day to day bs on and off the court and I think that gives us a certain perspective.  Vs. those in other parts of the country that only hear the real sensational stories; e.g. Eagle, Colorado, Kobe calling out Shaq to Jim Grey, etc., etc. etc.  People will call us “biased”, or whatever, but we do have a different insight.  Those of us who listen to every radio pre and post game show and watch every locally televised game, see things like how Kobe is the first to come to practice/shoot around and the last to leave.  Continually working on his game.  We see him at the games during the time outs talking with a guy like Smush Parker and encouraging him and educating him.  Kobe has obviously rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and he has been far from perfect, but a lot of people don't get to witness what a true professional this guy really is.  Love him or hate him, one has to acknowledge and I think respect that.  The Eagle, Colorado thing to me was poor decision making on Kobe's part and that's it.  I didn't for one second believe that he raped her and I still don't.  He was guilty of adultery an making a bad decision, that's it IMO.  Judge him on that if you will, but I can tell you that upwards of 80% (I’m being way conservative) of NBA players cheat on their wifes.  I know a girl personally who was "dating" Robert Horry and just had his kid.  I’m also friends with a girl engaged to Chris Mills and have heard lots of stories about guys who I’ve always admired on and off the court.  At this point I honestly believe that David Robinson may be the only player in NBA history not to cheat on his wife.  So if someone has a beef with infidelity and takes it out on Kobe, they may as well scorn the entire league b/c it is rampant.  So much so, that most of the wife’s know exactly what their husbands do, but they look the other way b/c they are comfortable with their lifestyle ... cars, mansions, travel, etc.  Sorry to go off on a tangent, but this is something that has bothered me about people who throw stones at Kobe for infidelity.  Not saying its right, or okay by any means, but heck, Jordan had 15 different cell phones that one of his assistants would manage for all of the skanks he was nailing while married ... but he is practically a deity and untouchable in the public eye.  


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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2006, 05:53:35 PM »
That's all well and good, but Bryant did not spend so many of his days last year in a Colorado court room because they were making an example of him as being an adulterous husband. Have a little common sense.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2006, 05:53:53 PM by JoMal »
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline WayOutWest

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2006, 06:17:01 PM »
That's all well and good, but Bryant did not spend so many of his days last year in a Colorado court room because they were making an example of him as being an adulterous husband. Have a little common sense.
Common sense tells me he was in court because of a money grubbing ho skank who couldn't keep track of all the semen on her.  But that's to be debated.  
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2006, 06:32:39 PM »
That's all well and good, but Bryant did not spend so many of his days last year in a Colorado court room because they were making an example of him as being an adulterous husband. Have a little common sense.
Common sense tells me he was in court because of a money grubbing ho skank who couldn't keep track of all the semen on her.  But that's to be debated.
Apparently. I have my doubts the Colorado Courts would find it in their best interests to pursue the case because they felt the accuser needed to upgrade her skanky ride.

But she dropped the charges, so your "hero" can go on being the pristine role model for the latex juicers chasing the skankier, drugged-out money grubbing whores you are more used to in LA.  
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline westkoast

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2006, 06:44:06 PM »
That's all well and good, but Bryant did not spend so many of his days last year in a Colorado court room because they were making an example of him as being an adulterous husband. Have a little common sense.
Common sense tells me he was in court because of a money grubbing ho skank who couldn't keep track of all the semen on her.  But that's to be debated.
Apparently. I have my doubts the Colorado Courts would find it in their best interests to pursue the case because they felt the accuser needed to upgrade her skanky ride.

But she dropped the charges, so your "hero" can go on being the pristine role model for the latex juicers chasing the skankier, drugged-out money grubbing whores you are more used to in LA.
Yea maybe they wouldnt want to take a case to help make her pockets lets think logically why a DA would want to take on a high profile case




almost there


AHHH to further his career, gain attention to himself, and add a notch to his belt by taking on one of the biggest professional sports star cases since OJ Simpson.

JoMaL is the authority when it comes to talking about pristine role models and skanks because  he works in Sacramento :laugh:


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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2006, 06:53:59 PM »
The problem with the whole Colorado thing is that it stunk from EVERYONE'S perspective:

From Kobe, who obviously doesn't know how to tell the whole truth (to the world AND to his wife) and doesn't have any self-control.  Oh, and the fact that he wants to play "tattle-tale" and make comments about his teammates to authorities.

From the accuser, who can't find a clean pair of panties to wear and confesses to having sex after the rape (not typical behavior) and told everyone it wasn't about money until Kobe offered her enough to forget it.

From the prosecutor, who was told that he didn't have a very good case but decided to proceed anyway.

From the sheriff's office, who ordered t-shirts of the whole sordid affair as if it were one big joke.

From Kobe's defenders, who tried to leak the information to put pressure on the accuser.

I just don't see too many "innocent" victims in this whole mess -- the whole thing stunk from the very beginning.  But I also think that Kobe got off easier than he should have -- not because it didn't go to trial but the fact that suddenly he is marketable again?   :bs:  

Offline JoMal

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2006, 07:01:37 PM »
JoMaL is the authority when it comes to talking about pristine role models and skanks because  he works in Sacramento :laugh:
You can have Arnie and his fat lip back any time you want.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline msc

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2006, 07:05:17 PM »
That's all well and good, but Bryant did not spend so many of his days last year in a Colorado court room because they were making an example of him as being an adulterous husband. Have a little common sense.
Common sense tells me that when a white 19 yr old girl native to the town of 4,000 rednecks claims she was sexually assaulted by the big, bad black man from LA, the hick police force and DA office are going to pursue the case ... with or without little things like facts, evidence and civil liberties getting in the way.  

Fact is the only thing Kobe is guiltier of than Robert Horry, or 90% of the NBA for that matter, was picking the wrong floozy to bang around with, which ultimately resulted him getting caught and extorted.  

He should have just done what Big Game James did in Houston and ordered up some high-end professionals.  They take their money at the point of sale and move on, rather than extorting it on the backend of the transaction.  

But we don't need to re-kick this dead horse, do we?

None of these guys are "heroes" and I certainly don't look at them that way.  They are performers that provide entertainment to those who enjoy pro hoops.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Most of them aren't good guys ... you certainly wouldn't want most NBA'ers dating your daughter/sister/cousin/friend.  Hey, I love Led Zeppelin and Jimmy Page is my favorite guitar player and the reason I started a life long hobby that has brought me immense pleasure.  I idolize the guy’s guitar playing, songwriting and producing abilities, but I'm not about to condone mainlining heroin, cocaine and having orgies in hotel rooms.  


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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2006, 07:09:41 PM »
The problem with the whole Colorado thing is that it stunk from EVERYONE'S perspective:

From Kobe, who obviously doesn't know how to tell the whole truth (to the world AND to his wife) and doesn't have any self-control.  Oh, and the fact that he wants to play "tattle-tale" and make comments about his teammates to authorities.

From the accuser, who can't find a clean pair of panties to wear and confesses to having sex after the rape (not typical behavior) and told everyone it wasn't about money until Kobe offered her enough to forget it.

From the prosecutor, who was told that he didn't have a very good case but decided to proceed anyway.

From the sheriff's office, who ordered t-shirts of the whole sordid affair as if it were one big joke.

From Kobe's defenders, who tried to leak the information to put pressure on the accuser.

I just don't see too many "innocent" victims in this whole mess -- the whole thing stunk from the very beginning.  But I also think that Kobe got off easier than he should have -- not because it didn't go to trial but the fact that suddenly he is marketable again?   :bs:
That is all true, Randy, and 'coast's comments about the self-interest of the prosecutor also sounds likely.

But only one person put himself in the position of having to pay off his accuser to avoid it in the first place. You know, calling Shaq immature and all is also true, but his role-model stance for Kobe on things like this was right on, which Kobe failed to heed until his trial got plenty of ink for everybody. That was to take the girl aside and just pay her off before trouble started.

Shaq apparently knows about this sort of thing first hand. But no...Kobe felt he had to be vindicated. That turned out to be a big "OOPS".
« Last Edit: January 12, 2006, 07:19:35 PM by JoMal »
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline westkoast

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2006, 07:17:37 PM »
The problem with the whole Colorado thing is that it stunk from EVERYONE'S perspective:

From Kobe, who obviously doesn't know how to tell the whole truth (to the world AND to his wife) and doesn't have any self-control.  Oh, and the fact that he wants to play "tattle-tale" and make comments about his teammates to authorities.

From the accuser, who can't find a clean pair of panties to wear and confesses to having sex after the rape (not typical behavior) and told everyone it wasn't about money until Kobe offered her enough to forget it.

From the prosecutor, who was told that he didn't have a very good case but decided to proceed anyway.

From the sheriff's office, who ordered t-shirts of the whole sordid affair as if it were one big joke.

From Kobe's defenders, who tried to leak the information to put pressure on the accuser.

I just don't see too many "innocent" victims in this whole mess -- the whole thing stunk from the very beginning.  But I also think that Kobe got off easier than he should have -- not because it didn't go to trial but the fact that suddenly he is marketable again?   :bs:
That is all true, Randy, and 'coast's comments about the self-interest of the prosecutor also sounds likely.

But only one person put himself in the position of having to pay off his accuser to avoid it in the first place. You know, calling Shaq immature and all is also true, but his role-model stance for Kobe on things like this was right on, which Kobe failed to heed until his trial got plenty of ink for everybody. That was to take the girl aside and just pay her off before trouble started.

Shaq apparently knows about his sort of thing first hand. But no...Kobe felt he had to be vindicated. That turned out to be a big "OOPS".
I agree!  Regardless of why she did what she did, why the DA wanted the case, etc....bottom line is that Kobe messed up big time and tossed down the toilet the image he had of a role model.  No one is to blame but Kobe either way you want to look at it.  He put himself in that situation.

No I don't want Arnie back.  You can keep him and the stupid sexual harasment training I know you just took last month.  The irony in Mr. Groper himself making it mandatory that everyone in the state in a management position take that dumb training.

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2006, 07:24:30 PM »
I agree!  Regardless of why she did what she did, why the DA wanted the case, etc....bottom line is that Kobe messed up big time and tossed down the toilet the image he had of a role model.  No one is to blame but Kobe either way you want to look at it.  He put himself in that situation.

No I don't want Arnie back.  You can keep him and the stupid sexual harasment training I know you just took last month.  The irony in Mr. Groper himself making it mandatory that everyone in the state in a management position take that dumb training.
What was it that was stated in the article ziggy posted, that Kobe has no idea about his own image, or something like that? For all his bravado, this is one naive kid if that is the case.

As for our 'mandatory' sexual harassment class, which we actually have to take once a year, it is not what you think. Since Arnie has been in town, the class focuses on how to get away with it and laugh it all off as a big joke. We are all nowjust big sexual harassing jokers here in Sacramento.

All the women up here have to take classes to understand what the joke is. They apparently never seem to get it. Arnie thinks more training on their part is still needed.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.....We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.....We are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular....We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."

Offline westkoast

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Talking With: Roland Lazenby, author of the
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2006, 07:35:05 PM »
I agree!  Regardless of why she did what she did, why the DA wanted the case, etc....bottom line is that Kobe messed up big time and tossed down the toilet the image he had of a role model.  No one is to blame but Kobe either way you want to look at it.  He put himself in that situation.

No I don't want Arnie back.  You can keep him and the stupid sexual harasment training I know you just took last month.  The irony in Mr. Groper himself making it mandatory that everyone in the state in a management position take that dumb training.
What was it that was stated in the article ziggy posted, that Kobe has no idea about his own image, or something like that? For all his bravado, this is one naive kid if that is the case.

As for our 'mandatory' sexual harassment class, which we actually have to take once a year, it is not what you think. Since Arnie has been in town, the class focuses on how to get away with it and laugh it all off as a big joke. We are all nowjust big sexual harassing jokers here in Sacramento.

All the women up here have to take classes to understand what the joke is. They apparently never seem to get it. Arnie thinks more training on their part is still needed.
Maybe he had no idea about his image when he was 17-18-19-20 years old.  Now though? Come on!!  Sounds like the reporter either is making an excuse or is naive to think Kobe is naive  :nod:   He is a very intelligent individual so I highly doubt he has no idea about his image.

I had to take the test.  There was one part where the guys were asking "Jamal" to play basketball with them.  That comment he made about the lions and all that was   :eek3:   Didnt realize people needed training to know how racist and unacceptable that is to say to someone.

As for everyone thinking its a joke up in your office.  Ditto down here.    If one of the women tells a friend 'oh I love that skirt on you' someone will pop their head out of their office and say 'Sorry, I am going to have to write you up for making a comment on her apperance everyone on this side of the building is a witness who will need to speak to an investigator.'