I had a Nigerian who worked for me for a while -- was INCREDIBLY anti-American -- ANYTHING American.
You see -- Nigeria (like most of the other 3rd world countries that we support with billions of dollars of aid) wanted to join the rest of the world and update their infrastructure (and economy). So the US loaned them money -- well, it turns out, things didn't work exactly like the Nigerians hoped it would and now they owe a ton of money to the US. So he, like many other Nigerians, hate the US for loaning them money that they ASKED to borrow.
Oh yeah, he also felt quite "entitled" to the cheaper schooling he was getting in the US and the "aid" he received from the US in form of scholarships so that he could get a better job. And for he and his group of friends? They liked to do this: when one of them was getting ready to graduate -- that person would take out a credit card and they would max it out, he would return to his country and the rest of us in the US would pay his bill for him. They did the same thing with the following: rent, utilities (heat, electric, phone) -- anything they could knowing that after they returned to their country, there was nothing that could be done about it. And this wasn't something that happened once or twice -- this happened on a regular consistent basis (there were about 15 to 20 Nigerians going to school when I knew him).
I'd like to see us quit giving millions of dollars in aid to countries who take EVERY opportunity to burn our flag. Most of them already owe us a HUGE amount of money but every time a catastrophe happens they are first in line with their hand out for money (and they aren't just ASKING for it -- they EXPECT it). I say the next catastrophe, we just say "hey, we don't have any money left -- we are trying to balance our own checkbook."