Randy, the issue is not whether you believe abortion is right or wrong. The issue is whether the state has the right to interfere with what anyone does with their body.
I'll admit that it's a very sticky issue when it comes to abortion, since it has an impact on the life of another- the unborn child. But there are two mitigating factors which justify it being the choice of the potential mother, and no one else. First off the fetus is entirely dependent on the mother, not only in the womb, but for several years after it is born, it needs continual care and feeding. That is a huge responsibility and a life-changeing event with far-reaching consequnces. Which brings us to the second point: does Society have the right to make that choice for any woman since she had sex. What your really saying is that if a woman conceives, she's already made the choice to have the child and raise it or bring it to term and then allow it to be adopted.
Because the woman is so integrally involved in the birth of the other party, if you impose any rules on her, she in effect becomes property of the state. Somehow her beliefs and views, her choices and free will no longer matter, just becasue she became pregnant!
So the issue isn't about abortion, it's about private property rights and personal freedoms. Whether a woman choice somehow becomes subservient to the society when and if she conceives.
My own perspective is that choice and free will are god-given rights, and that no man or group or people has the right to impose their will on anyone else! I live the way I want to live, and you live the way you want to live and we respect each others right to make these choices, reguarldless of what we think about the quality of those choices. That's pretty much the way the constitution reads, which is why Roe V. Wade was ruled on as it was.
In other words, it's between me and God. Not between me and your beliefs and God.
So it's not up to any politician and what he or she thinks, or even what the majority thinks. It's what the Constitution says. If you or anyone else doesn't like the implications of such freedoms, you should go somewhere else.
There are a lot of things wrong with this country, and a womans right to have an abortion isn't on my list. The fact that it keeps getting brought up again and again, and that so many people have invested so much time in it, interferes with our collective ability to address these other, more pressing issues.
Bush started a war illegally, and lied to the American people about the reasons for the war, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans. Isn't that a more important issue for us to deal with, how American power is used overseas?
What about our trade and budget defecits? Isn't your economic well-being and freedom more important, or is it ok for our society's standard of living to decline because our government permits free trade with countries that prevent free market rates for their currencies. Or is it ok, that even though we're fighting a war with terrorists, Bush allows thousands of illegal immigrants to enter the country from Mexico, increasing competition for local jobs?
The agenda needs to be focused on what America's policies are that is causing our decline in living standards and freedoms. Not what a woman does once she conceives. :bash: