Author Topic: Yao is better then Shaq  (Read 1920 times)


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Yao is better then Shaq
« on: March 04, 2004, 11:23:42 AM »
If the previous 5 games were not enough, if you cannot see from last nights Houston win, errr loss that Yao can produce just as much if not more vs Shaq, then you are firmly entrenched in Krishnaville.

Running the offense thru Mo Taylor while leading by 15 mid 3rd qtr was a joke.  Not only can he not score his sluggish passing (turnovers) and standing around were shameful.

Clueless Van Popavitch won't budge:  ""If you are up going into the fourth quarter and you score 22 but you give up 34, your problem is defensively," Houston coach Jeff Van Gundy said.  Can we please start a recall Van Gundy process.

What a farce Fatquile did not foul out at least twice.

Congratulations Lakers.  What a gift.

Props to Kobe on the final offensive shot.  What the ___ is Van Grunty doing having Yao guard him  :blink:  :angry:

Offline WayOutWest

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Yao is better then Shaq
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2004, 11:29:26 AM »
LOL!  You must have been watching the taped game from last month.  I think what you meant to post was Yao and the additional 2 defenders are better than Shaq.  One on one Shaq owns Yao.  

I know you don't really understand the game of basketball too well but there is this thing called a pick which can result in an open look or a switch.  In the case of Yao guarding Kobe on that possesion it was because of a switch.

Can't wait for Malone to come back, I'm sure he'll help steady the Lakers and prevent Shaq from gifting any more titles to the Sp*rs.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

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Yao is better then Shaq
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2004, 11:36:45 AM »
Yes did you save the tape from last month and from last night?
Shaq on D guarding Yao on O one on one numerous times.
Skyhook, dunk, jumper, reverse jumper etc.

You honestly missed these both last month and last night?

The point of the final play is on that Hou cannot foresee?  Hello!  "Don't let yourself get 22 feet from the basket and picked Yao, and if he does everyone, go around the pick, we know Kobme is probably going to shoot.  Not that difficult.  Oh wait, I don't understand arrrrrrrrr what great Laker offense rraaaaaaagghhh.

Need your 4th Hall of Flamer on the floor just to compete?   :lol:
I hope the Flamers match up with the Rockets 1st round.

Offline WayOutWest

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Yao is better then Shaq
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2004, 11:51:18 AM »
Yes did you save the tape from last month and from last night?
Shaq on D guarding Yao on O one on one numerous times.
Skyhook, dunk, jumper, reverse jumper etc.

You honestly missed these both last month and last night?

The point of the final play is on that Hou cannot foresee?  Hello!  "Don't let yourself get 22 feet from the basket and picked Yao, and if he does everyone, go around the pick, we know Kobme is probably going to shoot.  Not that difficult.  Oh wait, I don't understand arrrrrrrrr what great Laker offense rraaaaaaagghhh.

Need your 4th Hall of Flamer on the floor just to compete?   :lol:
I hope the Flamers match up with the Rockets 1st round.
Exactly, Shaq guarding Yao one on one.  Yao is very good in that scenario, but reverse the roles and Yao get's less than 20 where as Shaq still gets his cause he's used to double/triple teams.

Of course you could see it comming, lost of teams do the same thing but you either let Kobe make a bee-line to the basket or force him to curl off with Yao switching.  It's a lose/lose either way and has nothing to do with ANYTHING other than Kobe making a difficult shot with Yao's hand inches from the ball on the release.  Why don't you make those same "gift" comments about the Kings win over the Lakers seeing as how Bibby beat them the same way on several possesions?  Why?

In case you missed it the Lakers were not only competetive WITHOUT Malone, bu they actually WON.  Now just imagine them with Malone, the game would not have been competetive, the Rockets would have been blown out.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

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Yao is better then Shaq
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2004, 12:03:59 PM »
No YOU imagine Houston with an offensive coach.  20 point blow out.  

3 *Hall of Flamers* on the floor fulltime and they just barely squeak by  :lol:
Not just last night but half the games the entire Marketing crew has been back -sans Malone.

Shraq was hardly impressive standing 6 inches from the basket and dunking.  Once again if an 8 year old would have been watching she would have said "Daddy the Ogre just shoved that man.  He was just standing there."  Billy Walton (with son on Flamers no less) "Hard to see how that is a foul on Mo Taylor.  He is standing, feet set with arms straight up in air."  And that is not a slide n stand.  Mo conceded the shot 100%, just stood in place with arms up.  Fatquile jumps into him.  Not only should Mo not get a call Fats should get the O foul.
Marketing is back.  It was nice however to see the Pampered One #8 drive the lane and get a charge call.  Flailed his arms at the last minute for pampering effect.  Obvious charge.

The Big Apestotle had that look on his face and in his eyes like when Vlade worked in him in the Kings championship year.  Beads of sweat rolling off his dome.

Props to Kobme for the final shot.  Yao timed his jump wrong/Kobe faded out of reach.  Either way a team with a clue doesnt let that matchup happen 22 feet from the hoop, pics or not.

Kings game what is your problem?  Oh other then Malone is not back.  Payton acts like he is guarding a ghost so Bibby launches.  Tell Payton to have a clue.

Offline westkoast

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Yao is better then Shaq
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2004, 02:19:04 PM »
I could have sworn last night that Shaq either blocked Yao's shot or caused him to air ball a number of times.  You cant expect him to block or stop him every single time.  How many points did Yao get when Shaq was not guarding him or not on the floor?  A grip.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2004, 02:20:26 PM by westkoast »

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Yao is better then Shaq
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2004, 02:39:22 PM »
No reasonable dialogue possible here WK, if LA wins it is a conspiracy, if they lose it is fair play, how can you ever expect to overcome such convoluted and circular logic? It is designed to give an out or an excuse no matter what happens. It would be rather brilliant if it weren't so pathetic.

I suggest you quit spitting in the wind here and concentrate on reasonable dialogue with people on this board who know what they're talking about, namely, everyone else.


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Yao is better then Shaq
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2004, 05:32:01 PM »
why dont you respond to Jomals post on my Malone parody wheezebag.