Author Topic: OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips  (Read 8803 times)


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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2004, 10:09:20 AM »
Dick Cheney is busy duck hunting with Antonin Scalia.  It's just coincidence that Scalia will soon be ruling on various Halliburton issues.  Don't worry, it's not a conflict of interest or anything though.  :angry:

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2004, 10:13:34 AM »
Vote against Bush, equal to a vote for Hitler?  Leave it to an Okie...[/size]

During a speech to Republicans in Yukon, Okla., last Saturday, Oklahoma Republican Rep. Tom Cole  said that "if George Bush loses the election, Osama bin Laden wins the election" since enemies of the United States would interpret it as a sign of weakness ... "What do you think Hitler would have thought if Roosevelt would've lost the election in 1944? He would have thought American resolve was" (weakening), Cole said, according to a spokeswoman.

After local news reports paraphrased Cole as claiming a vote against Bush is a vote for Hitler, some Democrats demanded he apologize.

"What I am saying is that in a time of war, if our commander in chief is defeated in an election, our adversary will regard that as a triumph," Cole told CNN in an interview Thursday.

California Rep. Robert Matsui, chairman of the Democrats' House campaign committee, compared Cole's comments to Bush's new campaign commercials that use images from the terrorist attacks.

"The Republican Party's continuing attempt to politicize the 9/11 tragedy is an insult to the victims' families and our entire nation," Matsui said in a statement.

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2004, 11:36:05 AM »
I see the point Cole is making. This whole War on Terror thing is Bush's bag, and if he got defeated, it could appear that the U.S.'s resolve to whack guys like Bin Laden could appear weaker. Still, he should have been smarter than to say that. He was kinda lame, but the news agencies paraphrasing is kinda lame, too. He said nothing about "voting for Hitler;" he was clearly making an analogy between Bin Laden and Hitler as two enemies who would see weakness if the war-time president was defeated. Cole's mistake was in saying Osama Bin Laden would win the election. That was dumb. Just say Bin Laden would sleep a little better at night or something like that. Stupid politicians. Stupid news reports. Stupid Damn Okies.
"You take him Perk!" ~Kevin Garnett

"I think the responsibility the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards in and tighten up a little bit on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." ~Bill Clinton

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2004, 11:41:37 AM »
I heard that too, it's what I've come to expect from Bush and his backers.  His/thier religious agenda is getting out of control, it's time to put and end to this disgrace.

IMO a vote for Bush and his religious nutcase backers is a vote for the Taliban.  They've got the power and are starting to impose their morality on us slowing taking away our freedoms as Americans and replacing them with religous laws/codes of conduct.  That's how groups like the Taliban and Nazi's get started.  I know this country is strong enough to keep that from happening and I will be doing my part and voting against that POS Bush.
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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2004, 12:12:53 PM »
WoW, you are so funny.

You're so knee-jerk about Bush. First he's an absolute POS for the 9/11, I'm an absolute POS who will find the silver lining . . . and then you stop, catch your breath, let some oxygen reach your brain and backtrack with posts like "I don't think what is depicted in the add is bad just question why it's being used at all."

Now you're saying a vote for Bush is a vote for the Taliban? Get a grip bud, or at least wait to post in the morning till your anti-hangover uppers have worn off. You're twitchin' like meth addict.

Let's get this straight. If Bush has another 4 years in office, we'll see these kinds of changes in the the US?

1. Women will no longer be able to work or attend school.
2. Women will be forced to wear clothing covering their entire body.
3. The US will harbor and fund terrorists who kill innocent civilians in other countries.
4. Anyone who says anything against the government will disappear from the face of the earth, only to be discovered in a box three years later.
5. Men will have the right to beat their wives whenever they want to.
6. Anyone who worships anything but Bush's preferred sect of Christianity will be stoned in the street.

If you really in your heart believe Bush is equal to Mullah Muhammed Omar you are a damn fool, and you know it.

And before your head explodes and you call me a "flogging idiot" in a huge font size, hear me out.

I AM NOT a blind Bush supporter. I have some real concerns about him and his people. First of all, I think Howard Stern is a waste of sperm, but if Bush or his people really did shut him down on Clear Channel purely because Stern had turned on them, then I have MAJOR ISSUES with that. I may detest Stern and his fascination with feces and his practice of degrading women in general, but I definitely do not believe it is the place of a president to censor something because he doesn't like it. However, I am waiting for more proof. It is suspicious, and if it comes from sources more reliable than Howard Stern that the president had something to do with it, Bush will probably lose my vote. Because even though I think traditional conservative economic policy and Bush's policies for protecting the US are going to work better than what Kerry could bring to the table, nothing is worth pissing on the Bill of Rights, IMO.

There. Comprende? Now stop frothing at the mouth and get a grip.
"You take him Perk!" ~Kevin Garnett

"I think the responsibility the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards in and tighten up a little bit on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." ~Bill Clinton

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2004, 12:30:47 PM »

I honestly think you have reading comprehension issues when it comes to my posts.  (FYI I scored in the top 8% in reading comprehension until I got into HS.   ;) Once I got into HS started concentrating on women, beer, drugs and skipping school, at which point I moved into the 3% in RC.  :lol:  Sad but true.)

I think you are confusing not only the content of my posts but the order in which you read them.  

Bush's camp did not anything graphic or horrific in it's 9/11 snipet but why did they feel the need to use 9/11 for political gain?  Digusting act, no question.

You need to get a grip on yourself and your repulican idiot reps.  Have you ever been in a sitiuation or debate where the other side gets so silly that there is no point but to give up on the topic and just show them how silly the are?  For the idiot congressman to suggest a vote against Bush is a vote for Osama is totally stupid, my comments about voting for the Taliban are to illustrate how stupid that congressman's comments were.

It's like saying, well if you're going to go that far into left field, why don't I join you so I don't have to shout.
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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2004, 12:30:56 PM »
As a general rule, most Republican presidents have had conservative economic policies, but Bush has been the exception to that rule.  He's, if I'm not mistaken, the bigger spender in US History. Our economy is in horrible shape right now, and I don't think most Americans are buying into his election commercial that America is "turning the corner and is on the way back."  

The only way Bush is going to win this election is if he goes negative, and if he's successful in putting the fear of 9-11 in peoples hearts. When it comes to issues, he dosen't have anything else to run on, I honestly can't think of anything positive he has actually done for this country. He's certainly not the uniter he made himself out to be.  And his "no child left behind" is HORRIBLE.  Talk to a teacher, get their opinion.  Total dissapointment.


Offline WayOutWest

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2004, 12:41:25 PM »
1. Women will no longer be able to work or attend school.
2. Women will be forced to wear clothing covering their entire body.
3. The US will harbor and fund terrorists who kill innocent civilians in other countries.
4. Anyone who says anything against the government will disappear from the face of the earth, only to be discovered in a box three years later.
5. Men will have the right to beat their wives whenever they want to.
6. Anyone who worships anything but Bush's preferred sect of Christianity will be stoned in the street.

1.) Isn't that already the case in Utah?
2.) On TV possibly.
3.) FYI little innocent lamb, we already do.  We don't use terms like terrorists or suicide bombings.  We use terms like CIA/"Special Forces" and Carpet Bombing, Smart Bombs and Collateral Damage.
4.) It happening already with Clear Channel shutting up their employees.  We still havne't gotten to three year expiration date.
5.) Currently just rich men, they can even murder them on occasion.
6.) I believe we'll be able to stop the madness before it reaches that point.  The majority of the world does not but into the christian fairy tale and will be happy to lend support against them.


Do you honestly believe Christians are that much different than Muslins or Jews in regards to their ideology and beliefs?  The only difference is how far a SMALL segment of those groups is willing and ABLE to take it.  Do you need me to quote you scripture from your own bible about the treatment/value of women and other nutty customs and rituals?

FYI Ted, Stern did not even consider the possibility of his demise being tied to going against Bush until he READ several articles bringing up that point.  Like the article that was posted in the other tread.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2004, 12:44:48 PM by WayOutWest »
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline WayOutWest

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2004, 12:43:15 PM »
The only way Bush is going to win this election is if he goes negative, and if he's successful in putting the fear of 9-11 in peoples hearts.
That's exactly what they're trying to do and those comments from the congressman illustrate that point to a tee.

Vote for Bush or let the terrorists win and you will live in fear.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2004, 01:35:27 PM »
"1.) Isn't that already the case in Utah?"

I'm trying to think of something funny here . . . oh well. NO is the answer.

"2.) On TV possibly."

If that's the case, then I'm moving to Italy.

"3.) FYI little innocent lamb, we already do.  We don't use terms like terrorists or suicide bombings.  We use terms like CIA/"Special Forces" and Carpet Bombing, Smart Bombs and Collateral Damage."

You only call our intelligence and military community "terrorists" because you're Un-American. Go back to your remote South American origins if you hate this place so much!  B)

"4.) It happening already with Clear Channel shutting up their employees.  We still havne't gotten to three year expiration date."

Oh sorry, my bad. I hadn't realized that Clear Channel had abducted and murdered Howard Stern. My bad.

"5.) Currently just rich men, they can even murder them on occasion."

So now O.J. Simpson killed his wife because George W. Bush is president?

"6.) I believe we'll be able to stop the madness before it reaches that point.  The majority of the world does not but into the christian fairy tale and will be happy to lend support against them."

Ahh, but you're forgetting the power of god. A few lightning bolts out of the pope's arse will put you non-believing infidels in your place.

"Do you honestly believe Christians are that much different than Muslins or Jews in regards to their ideology and beliefs?  The only difference is how far a SMALL segment of those groups is willing and ABLE to take it.  Do you need me to quote you scripture from your own bible about the treatment/value of women and other nutty customs and rituals?"

Quote away. But don't quote the Law of Moses in the Old Testament. Quote Jesus in the New Testament when he comes to the defense of a harlot, or a woman who had committed adultery. Look at the whole story. In fact, if you'd look at Jesus' teachings with an open mind, you'd probably find that you like a lot of what he preached. Did you know that Jesus was quite a feminist? Don't pick and choose from only the questionable parts to make your argument, like you usually do.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2004, 01:36:49 PM by Ted »
"You take him Perk!" ~Kevin Garnett

"I think the responsibility the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards in and tighten up a little bit on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." ~Bill Clinton

Offline WayOutWest

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2004, 01:44:47 PM »
Quote away. But don't quote the Law of Moses in the Old Testament. Quote Jesus in the New Testament when he comes to the defense of a harlot, or a woman who had committed adultery. Look at the whole story. In fact, if you'd look at Jesus' teachings with an open mind, you'd probably find that you like a lot of what he preached. Did you know that Jesus was quite a feminist? Don't pick and choose from only the questionable parts to make your argument, like you usually do.
Jesus is the only saving grace of the religions he spawned.  I wish people would live by his teachings instead of their poor interpretations of that book, a book which nobody can agree on a version to follow.

Jesus said nothing for or against many of the "causes" the religious nuts are trying to force upon the masses.  If we all TRUELY followed Jesus's teachings this world would be better off, unfortunately I've yet to come accros a religion that does.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2004, 01:49:46 PM »
As a general rule, most Republican presidents have had conservative economic policies, but Bush has been the exception to that rule.  He's, if I'm not mistaken, the bigger spender in US History. Our economy is in horrible shape right now, and I don't think most Americans are buying into his election commercial that America is "turning the corner and is on the way back."  

The only way Bush is going to win this election is if he goes negative, and if he's successful in putting the fear of 9-11 in peoples hearts. When it comes to issues, he dosen't have anything else to run on, I honestly can't think of anything positive he has actually done for this country. He's certainly not the uniter he made himself out to be.  And his "no child left behind" is HORRIBLE.  Talk to a teacher, get their opinion.  Total dissapointment.
Agreed. Bush's spending is way out of whack. I much prefer what was happening during the Clinton years when Congress balanced the budget. I don't attribute all of Bush's spending to bad economic policy. Much of it has to apply to foreign and homeland security policy (whether I agree with those policies is another story). It costs money to fight overseas, and even more to protect a huge country like ours. And most macroeconomists downplay the real importance of a few years of deficit, but I agree that if this continues for much longer, something has to be done.

I am buying the idea that the economy is recovering, but not because Bushy said so. All of the economic indicators show that we are in the beginning stages of a recovery. Job recovery, according to many macroeconomists, is often the last stage of recovery. GDP increases, productivity rises, new housing starts rise, consumer confidence grows, and then companies start hiring more people to meet increased needs for production. Now I can't guarantee we're on this track, but if job creation continues to pick up (yes, it has been growing slowly) in the next 6 to 8 months to the point that people notice it, Bush will probably be re-elected.

It wouldn't kill me if Bush didn't get re-elected, but if that did happen, I would hope the Republicans could hold on to Congress because I don't want Kerry to have a free hand. If Bush does win, I hope the Democrats gain some ground in Congress, because although I agree with most of his version of conservative politics, I think Bush needs a leash. In the last two decades, many our country's best years have come when one governing body could check and balance the other. Any opinions on that?
"You take him Perk!" ~Kevin Garnett

"I think the responsibility the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards in and tighten up a little bit on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." ~Bill Clinton

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2004, 01:52:05 PM »
Republicans hold onto Congress?  Absolutely, for any party to have a majority is scary.

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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2004, 01:55:30 PM »
Jesus is the only saving grace of the religions he spawned.  I wish people would live by his teachings instead of their poor interpretations of that book, a book which nobody can agree on a version to follow.

Jesus said nothing for or against many of the "causes" the religious nuts are trying to force upon the masses.  If we all TRUELY followed Jesus's teachings this world would be better off, unfortunately I've yet to come accros a religion that does.
"Jesus is the only saving grace of the religions he spawned.  I wish people would live by his teachings instead of their poor interpretations of that book, a book which nobody can agree on a version to follow."

Truer words were never spoken WoW.

"Jesus said nothing for or against many of the "causes" the religious nuts are trying to force upon the masses.  If we all TRUELY followed Jesus's teachings this world would be better off, unfortunately I've yet to come accros a religion that does."

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say "causes," but most questions about how one should act are answered by either Jesus' words or his example. You're absolutely right. If the world could TRULY follow Jesus' teachings, you'd probably see a world free of religious nuts pushing unjust "causes." At least, that's how I believe the world will be when He is in charge.
"You take him Perk!" ~Kevin Garnett

"I think the responsibility the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards in and tighten up a little bit on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." ~Bill Clinton


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OT: Bush's New TV Ads depict WTC clips
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2004, 01:57:17 PM »
"Don't pick and choose from the questionable parts."

Where's the cutoff point for questionable Ted?