Superb graphics. Hollywood has done it again, taking graphics to new better places. Creative storyline. Seeing the trailers i worried that Robbin Williams character "Fender" would be Robbin in way overblown mode. However his hype fits his part as Fender so it's a good cast.
Mr Bigwelds appearance and role is an obvious artistic plagiarism from Monsters Inc charachter CEO Henry J. Waternoose, (W.O.W. see if you and graphics friend agree) but in this day and age so many movies have already been made -so what if a good plagiarism is made.
Plotline was very good. The ending could have been much warmer maybe even tearjerker, but they wanted to keep it in comedy mode. So it ends a lot like Shrek2, with all the rollercoaster fanfare. Not that it wasn't a warm happy ending.
The dancing and music is funny, just like when Shrek 1 ended.
I don't know if you are all too jaded to see it and you still disgust me for not taking your little ones to see Racing Stipes, but on to something you are into:
New Star Wars: Fair warning, they are showing tons of scenes in the trailer. Graphics look outstanding, i know Lucas wanted this to be his legacy and thus alleges to have pulled all the stops graphicwise, so...
Did he spend enough time on the actors and acting, like he did NOT do in the last 'Wars? Can't tell exactly from the trailers, but it appears so. However they don't show much from the teenage punk who bombed last time so you can't tell.
I did not see Natalie Portman either, altho i think shes in the new one.
I'm not a 'Wars geek like you'all but something is gonna come down that never has before, at least it sounded like it. The Chancellor telling JediDude "No Jedi ever has or ever will acquire such power" or somesuch. Jedi responding by asking "But how do i get these powers".