Shark Tales: Animation was superb. The ability to computer generate thus allowing the cartoon character to look similiar to the voice actor keeps getting better and better. Storyline had great potential, they blow it with some twists, still very good. Ending was lame. Not so subtle side message HWood tries to push was.......spoiler, Ill wait till i hear from you.
Parody of The Godfather and several other shorter movie take offs.
The trailers showed a bunch of the up and coming animateds, including The Incredibles in much more detail. It looks like a total winner. Also "Madagascar" looks good. "Robots" ummn nyaaa great animation and its made by Pixar so you think it will be great. However the commercials showed gag after gag with the Robbin Williams voiced character. Gags like stuff falling, breaking, breaking again, parts falling off again. Not my type. But thats just the trailers...
Friday Night Lights. A barking insecure psuedo-macho Billy Bub Thortan grunting and yelling at the players ala Vince Lombardi style is what the commercials show.
This sterotypical "coach" or P.E. teacher, one I'm assuming we've all been subject to, has it's roots in??? WWII Macarthurism??
I get the feel its going to be another of those beat all odds themes. Billy Bubs team is from small Tekxass town and is 30 pounds lighter per man then Big City Dallas High. But Billy Bubs gonna bark em into some ultra motivated giant slayers. I hope its more then that.... If anyone goes, holla. See below for what one sports radio dj says.