Joe the difference is they are trying to discredit something pretty serious. Those are some of the highest accomplisments our government gives out and they are trying to make it sound like anyone can fake it and get em. I find that a low blow. I understand what you are saying, its a tactic to pull the people's minds. However Bush shouldn't be giving the ok for them to take shots about something serious, especially when he was in the national guard sitting in the US.
Whether Bush went to Vietnam is really irrelevant. If the standard is you can't question or challenge something you didn't do, then Kerry has no right to criticize any of Bush's actions as President, since Kerry hasn't been President. That is ridiculous of course. Hold Bush accountable for his actions and decisions, just like you hold Kerry responsible for his.
Kerry has made his service in Vietnam a central part of his candidacy, so he should expect some heat on that. The reality with much of this Swift boat stuff is that this is much more about the things Kerry said once he returned (see the latest ad), calling US soliders baby killers, rapists, who were committing genocide. There are a lot of people who find his words repulsive, and are prepared to go to the mat with him over it.
The second part of all this is that Kerry has a tendancy to exagerate, and then he exagerates his exgerations. When he does that about issues that he makes as central themes to his campaign then he sets himself up. That was Gore's problem, and it is quickly becoming Kerry's.
I find a lot of this swift boat controversy to be pretty dubious. The swift boat vets IMHO are not backing up most of what they are saying with anything concrete, just lots of veiled innuendo. That is the part that I don't like, and don't support. The notion that this is DIFFERENT from what the lefties have done is all so BOGUS though :puke: . The accusations that Bush went AWOL when NO EVIDENCE was presented was equally slimey. The entire Micheal Moore :crazy: garbage, and the unsubstantiated crap he spewed is much more sleazy.
As far as Bush orchestrating all this through a 527, I am unconvinced that he is doing anything outside the letter of the law. Both Bush and Kerry know the law very clearly, so they control the 527's within the rules as they are. They control them through winks and nods. No doubt Bush's people are influencing this, just like Kerry's are with Moveon.Org. Campaign Finance Reform :puke: , oh what a great and glorious improvement to our electoral system :bash: .
I, just like Paul, like to listen to left wing talk radio, and lefty magazines etc. My reaction is the same, they SCARE THE HELL out of me :crazy: . Those on the left who really buy the Fahrenheit 911 BS, and who believe that the 2000 election was illegitimate, those are the people that really need to get a grip :eek2: :crazy: .