Author Topic: MY HELL IN CAMP X-RAY  (Read 7128 times)

Offline gaither

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« Reply #30 on: March 13, 2004, 10:03:14 AM »

Actually I think that you meant the families of the 6 million Jews incinerated. However, you are right; there's no comparison between Camp X-ray and the Nazi concentration camps. The purpose of Camp X-ray is to punish and intimidate, not kill, the prisoners.

That there is poor living conditions and sadistic treatment of the prisoners is really no great wonder. This is a POW camp, and that's what happens in POW camps. I know we like to hold ourselves up (as Americans) as being the most fair and civilized when it comes to war and the treatment of POWs, but when it comes to war we have shown we can play pretty down and dirty too. We are certainly better in our methods and treatment of prisoners than many of the third world countries, but not nearly as fair & civil as we pretend to be. We all knew the pictures we were shown on TV about a month ago of prisoners playing b-ball and of the prison cells was a bunch of propoganda. When it comes to war, our government is rarely truthful with us about what is really going on until after they have been exposed by the media. Now that this report has come out, our treatment of the prisoners will be more scrutinized and conditions should improve for the prisoners as a result.

This has nothing to do with partisan politics. Leadership from both parties have been shown to have dirty hands when it comes to the treatment of POWs and detainees. Look what we did (and continue to do to a lesser extent) in our own country to the Native Americans and to the Japanese during WWII. Bush may be a misguided, trigger-happy cowboy, but he is no Hitler...not by a long shot.

Offline ziggy

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« Reply #31 on: March 13, 2004, 10:53:13 AM »

Actually I think that you meant the families of the 6 million Jews incinerated.
My reference to 1,000,000 people was regarding only those who died at Auschwitz.  I didn't mean to minimize the true extent of the horrible suffering and death during the Holocaust.
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Offline spursfan101

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« Reply #32 on: March 13, 2004, 10:41:52 PM »
In regards to the Holocaust, I wasn't insuniating that YOU were a Nazi, that's assenine; but I do  understand your point.  

My point is, if they are true terrorists, then CHARGE THEM AS TERRORISTS.  Bring them to justice in a global or American court, present the charges against them, SHOW the evidence to the world that these guys are truly scum, and do what is necesary to rid the world of these filth. Why the secrecy?  If our government DOES have a case against them, then they need to show the evidence that is presented against them. Right now, our government dosen't even allow our media to have access to who is there or what's going there, why the secrecy?

This country was founded on the belief that you are INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty, wasn't it?

Am I the only one here who see's a dangerous precedent forming?  Guilty til proven innocent.  

Offline spursfan101

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« Reply #33 on: March 13, 2004, 10:59:36 PM »
And by dangerous precedent, I am blatantly referring to the Patriot Act. The provisions call for secret military tribunals, isolated detention of people SUSPECTED of crimes and secret searches of of homes and offices of people who come under the suspicion of the government.  Right now, a legislative proposal would EXPAND it which would enable the govt to revoke any American's citizenship on any grounds whatsoever. Bush also tried to enact a nationwide data bank itemizing the business and personal transactions of of ALL US citizens, inculding books checked out of the library and computer bookmarks.

I know, I know. Go ahead and call me a bleeding heart liberal, I fully expect that from some of you.  IF these aren't legitimate concerns, I don't know what is.  

Offline Lurker

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« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2004, 11:42:45 AM »
And by dangerous precedent, I am blatantly referring to the Patriot Act. The provisions call for secret military tribunals, isolated detention of people SUSPECTED of crimes and secret searches of of homes and offices of people who come under the suspicion of the government.  Right now, a legislative proposal would EXPAND it which would enable the govt to revoke any American's citizenship on any grounds whatsoever. Bush also tried to enact a nationwide data bank itemizing the business and personal transactions of of ALL US citizens, inculding books checked out of the library and computer bookmarks.

I know, I know. Go ahead and call me a bleeding heart liberal, I fully expect that from some of you.  IF these aren't legitimate concerns, I don't know what is.
101, I'm with you on this one.  GW runs the most secret, dirty tricks pulling, corrupt administration since Nixon.  That's not to say that others in between haven't practiced deception and lying.  Just that Bush has taken it to a higher level.

Refer back to my earlier comments....Bush needs to address everything related to 9-11, terrorism and the war on Iraq openly, truthfully and completely.  Setting up bogus commissions to investigate while continuing to deny access to documents is pure bullcrap.  What does the man have to hide?  
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Offline gaither

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« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2004, 12:08:36 PM »
My bad, ziggy. I thought you were talking about overall numbers killed not just those as Auschwitz.

I agree with your, spursfan101. The big problem I have with Bush's anti-terrorism tactics is that the guidelines are too nebulous and ordinary citizen's rights have been railroaded. Citizens can be held indefinitely on suspicions alone, without being charged and without the protections of counsel. Law enforcement should have to prove just cause before launching investigations that include wiretaps, sifting through personal records, and search-and-seizures. I believe we can still have a solid anti-terrorism policy without resorting to such drastic measures without removing all the checks and balances that assure citizen's protections against being railroaded in the justice system.

And these investigations into 9-11 are nothing but a political smokescreen, intended to appease the dissenters while revealing nothing. I'm amazed that John McCain would even sign up to be a part of such a crock.  

Offline spursfan101

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« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2004, 02:43:14 PM »
Bush did offer to meet with the commision. But only with the head of the commision, and only for 1 hour.  Very comforting.

Offline gaither

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« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2004, 02:52:58 PM »
Bush did offer to meet with the commision. But only with the head of the commision, and only for 1 hour.  Very comforting.
What a concession.   <_<  That emphasizes even more what a crock this investigating committee is.

Offline ziggy

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« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2004, 03:29:38 PM »
SF101 I know this may surprise you, but those of us on the right have concerns about the abuse of our basic rights.  There are things about the Patriot Act that concern me, but at the same time there are many parts that offer greater security for this country.  Clearly there is a very fine line and I tend to fall on the side of individual rights.
With regards to the Patriot Act though I guess it could be described as "date rape" as it was overwhelmingly bipartisan.  To characterize it as only as Bush legislation to take away our rights is being disingenious, as the "donkeys and the asses"  :D as well as their elephant counterparts had ample opportunity to make it different if it was so horrible.
With regards to abuses, there have been many many accusations of the horrible rights violations that could occur.  To date almost none of those have happened, so maybe the hysteria is predominately politics.  In the end this is a statute, and as such if constitutional violations have occured then the remedy as always is to pursue redress through the courts.  This statute must pass constitutional muster, and if it does violate our basic rights against unreasonable search and seizure (or other basic rights) then I will be at the front of the line demanding changes or abolition.  I am not an expert on the Patriot Act, so I cannot argue the specifics of it.  At the same time there has only been one circumstance (Jose Padilla) where the implementation of the Patriot Act has been found to violate specific constitutional rights.

With regards to you accusing me of being a Nazi, no you didn't specifically call me or anyone else a Nazi.  My points were two fold.  1.)  We should not ever minimize the horrible human suffering of the Holocuast, and comparing something like Guantomano Bay to the Holocuast minimizes the suffering of those innocents of the Holocuast, and provides undeserved cover for those violent terrorists at Guantomano Bay.  2.) When we make comparisions like these we do a great disservice to our country.  You mentioned in this thread that you had concerns about the polarization of this country, which is a very real and legitimate concern.  Good people can disagree, and there is nothing wrong with people demanding more of our leaders.  The charges from the left against Bush can do 2 things 1.) force accountability, or 2.) create the kind of environment of hatred and retribution that polarizes and divides.  Demanding that we treat the prisioners at Guantomano Bay with basic human dignity forces accountability, while referring to it as reminisant of Nazi atrocities inflames and divides.  I support this administration (though I do not agree with everything), and if they are engaging in Nazi atrocities, then if nothing else I am a Nazi sympathizer.  That polarizes and divides.

I will acknowledge though that I was impressed with your response.  You heard and understood my point, and you did not try and justify your comment.  Sometimes we make mistakes in the things we say, and all to often we feel compelled to try and rationalize it.  You didn't do that, and I have a lot of respect for that.

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