I wonder how many of you have heard about this and what you thought. Personally, I thought all that fighting against the Taliban would have gotten rid of this type of nonsense in Afghani law, but apparently not.
It is illegal in Afghanistan for a man to convert from Islam to Christianity. Even if he is let go, clerics in the country are calling for the man's death.
IMO, by definition, we are all God's children, and he has given us our sight and reason, to excercise our free will. Since he has given us free will, who has the right to take that from us, woudn't such a man be considered evil for interfering?
The clerics calling for this man's death are not holy men, they are fools masquerading as men, drunk on the power of being religious leaders.
It bothers me that the US can't articlate a postion like this, to demonstrate that we respect religion because we respect infdividual rights and freedom of choice. If anything distingusihes us from many of these countries, it is this concept of freedom, and it is a very powerful concept indeed.
This is an example of why Bush isn't a leader. A leader leads through ideas and Bush can't articuate them. He hasn't gotten the US behind the wars in Iraq or Aghhanistan or explained what we're doing there. (Not that I agree with our being there, but if the country is going to be commited to war the people have to be motivated.)
And, once we are in a fight, we should cling to our values because that is what we really are fighting for.