Author Topic: latest on Tim Duncan's knee  (Read 2261 times)

Offline spursfan101

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latest on Tim Duncan's knee
« on: February 27, 2004, 09:19:19 AM »
Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said the injury was "some sort of thigh contusion; thigh something or other," but Duncan spent the rest of the second half rubbing his left knee and later told his teammates he had injured his knee.

It is the same knee Duncan had surgery on to repair a cartilage tear following the 1999-2000 season. Duncan banged his right knee, not his left, on Sunday when Minnesota forward Mark Madsen fouled him hard.

Duncan, who did not speak to reporters other than to say he did not know how the injury occurred, told his teammates the knee felt weak, but that he was not experiencing much pain. Popovich said he expected Duncan to "probably miss a little bit of time."

Duncan appeared to take a blow to his left knee or quadriceps — the thigh muscle that works to extend the knee — during a collision with Dallas center Scott Williams in the second quarter. After receiving treatment at halftime, he planted his left leg in the middle of the third quarter and came up limping.

Offline westkoast

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latest on Tim Duncan's knee
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2004, 10:52:45 AM »
I got to watch the whole game last night (It was good up until Timmy went down) and I didnt see anything wrong with his thigh.  He was sitting on the side lines rubbing that knee and was seen getting up a number of times to ask the trainer to take a look at it.  I really hope that its not very serious or else the Spurs are going to be in a very tough spot in 4-5 weeks.  This is the time when teams really step up there play and without Tim Duncan I dont see the Spurs being able to pull out games.  Again, this shows really how important Tim Duncan is to this team.  Hes in the game and the rest of the team isnt playing that well.....they are only down a couple.  He leaves the game and they almost loose by 30.  Big difference.  With the way the west is shaping up and how its neck and neck I dont think any of us basketball fans want to see one of the top 4 fall out of the race over a cut to the rim by Dirk.

Offline Reality

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latest on Tim Duncan's knee
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2004, 11:27:16 AM »
ESPN:  A medical exam on Friday determined that Duncan has an irritation of the patellofemoral joint, the area where the thigh bone meets the kneecap, the team said in a brief written statement.

He will not play Saturday night at home against Denver, and his condition will be re-evaluated next week.

"Obviously it's good news," Spurs spokesman Tom James said of the diagnosis. "It's short-term, rather than long-term."

Popazit, if you grease out for the second time this season, and 47th time in his and your career in that your overmilking of Dunker resulted in only a minor injury (jury is still out and thats t-h-i-s time, was your overmilking also a contributing cause in the [size=8]real asterisk year of 2000[/size]?).  
  If you do not change your overmilking ways i will come down to SA and you will be removed covertly.

Offline WayOutWest

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latest on Tim Duncan's knee
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2004, 02:22:20 PM »
I don't think it had anything to do with over-milking Timmay, it had to do with the knee he got from Williams, the same Williams who took out Malone.
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Offline Reality

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latest on Tim Duncan's knee
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2004, 05:09:07 PM »
could Williams be a serial Power Forward injurer?  Can't stand those who are in the limelight?

Look out JO, Dirk, etc.   He's coming.....

Offline westkoast

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latest on Tim Duncan's knee
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2004, 11:18:13 AM »
Phew!  Good news all around.  Now back to the neck and neck race in the west.  Sorry Eastern Confrence guys...each year after the all-star game the western confrence reminds me why I constantly watch basketball every free moment I get.

I agree with Reality WoW, I think Duncan is being milked a little too much.  He has to do everything on some nights when his supporting cast just isnt there.  I believe trading Rose would have made his job even easier  :rolleyes:  