Author Topic: Katrina  (Read 3011 times)


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« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2005, 08:58:08 PM »
I went to go help a buddy of mine build some showers for some of the refugees. It was hard work but it felt good helping out.  On the flipside, a police officer here who is patrolling KellyUSA said lots of drugs and weapons were confiscated, and some have been seen looking to buy drugs around the area. A Houston police officer also told me there have been a rash burglaries of vehicles in apartments in close proximity to the Astrodome. Can't pin this on them, but I think its pretty obvious one can make an assumption. Many of these people are longtime welfare recipients and some are career thugs. And while I feel 95% of these people are probably good, hardworking people,  part of me can't help but feel that the wealthy New Orleanians are going to be glad to see these low-end people go. :huh:

Major props to the Governor of Texas though. :up:  Although I despise the job he has done, I must say that he's done a tremendous job in helping these folks out. San Antonians are stepping up big too, glad to see us as a city show our generosity to these folks. It's going to be a long tough road though.
you gotta wonder about the crime situation here, hope that these knuckleheads that think they will act the same way they did in NO are smart enough to realize they have a chance right now.  there was amnesty given to a lot of people to drop guns and drugs without police presence into a bin when they got processed in here.  you expect some crime to take place. but SA police IMO are qualified to take on the challenge of rounding these guys up.  

I think it will be a bit f culture shock...but thing should go back to normal before long.
Well...its not always about being smart or not smart.  Dont take this as me defending them but when you have no job, no money, and no place to go it leaves little for you to do.  When your hungry now you cant wait a week or 2 for someone to call you back about an application.

They dont have anymore of a chance in TX as they did in NO.  They are even more poor now than before.  At least out there they had a roof, now they dont even have that.  As far as I know there isnt dozens of housing projects in Texas for these people to move into ASAP.  They were in projects because they couldnt afford homes/apartments in other areas.
actually, I read that there is about 7% availability in our city wide houseing thourhg various properties and apartments, the SA housing Assoication is saying that they can get stipends or voucher quickly to get these people into hiomes if they want to stay here.  as far as long term welfare, well thats a different story, we have plenty of jobs in the city - mind you not high paying wages - but we have something to get them started on their way back.  things should be ok, we will all settle in together.  They actually do have a chance here in SA wk.
Not to be a negative nancy or anything but I highly doubt, even with what you mentioned, that this city can handle the 250k reported to be migrating in that direction.  Plus, some of these people are not very well educated because of the areas they live in.  Quality schools in areas where the Caliope and Magnolia project housing are...well they dont exist.  Also you may have alot of housing...but alot of these people were in low-income housing projects built by the government.

NO is one of the worst areas as far as crime goes.  Right up there with the Gary , Indianas, NY, LAs, etc etc etc
I am not sure about the 250k right now, but they have stated that the numbers in shelters has dropped dramatically, a lot of folks have found relatives and have gone off to live with them.  we still got a good number of people in shelters here, other scattered about the area with family etc.  I am not tryiong to make it sound like a cake walk or anything like that, but we are doing pretty well considering.  You can only hope for the best and so far things are looking pretty good in our neck of the woods...cant say the same for houston, dallas, etc.
Whats going on in Dal and Hou??

Havent heard if its been bad.