Author Topic: cassell and spreewell "failed experiment"  (Read 1343 times)

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cassell and spreewell "failed experiment"
« on: April 14, 2005, 12:08:06 PM »
but somehow he sticks around.....


Wolves owner calls Sprewell, Cassell `'failed experiment''
Wire Reports - Comtex AP
Thursday, April 14, 2005

According to Minnesota Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor, the team's acquisitions of Latrell Sprewell and Sam Cassell two summers ago were a ``failed experiment.''

Before Minnesota's fifth-to-last game in a terribly disappointing season, Cassell figured his time with the Timberwolves was nearing an end.

``He told me right there he don't want me back,'' Cassell said Wednesday when told of Taylor's critical comments. ``You experiment with something, and it doesn't work. Would you try it again?''

For a story published in Wednesday's editions of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Taylor said he regretted trading for Sprewell and Cassell -- despite significant contributions from the two veterans that led to a run to the Western Conference finals last season.

``This was an expensive financial decision; certainly, financialwise, it was a poor decision on our part,'' Taylor said. ``Overall, it was just a failed experiment.''

Cassell, 35, and Sprewell, 34, each complained in training camp about not getting contract extensions. Sprewell will be a free agent after making more than $14 million this season. Cassell has another year at about $6 million on his deal.

Their attitudes have been questioned all season because of the distractions they caused with their contract demands. Cassell missed 23 games with a strained hamstring.

``Our goal was to win the championship,'' Taylor said. ``We never expected to be anything other than one of the top four or five teams in the league. And even today, it's hard to believe we could be anything less than that, when you look at the other teams in the league. It's hard to believe that, in the Western Conference, there are four teams that are better than us.''

Actually, it's eight. After beating Golden State on Wednesday night, the Timberwolves still need to win their final four games -- and have Memphis lose its last four.

``That's what happens when your team doesn't bond and come together,'' said interim coach Kevin McHale, who took a diplomatic stance on Taylor's criticism.

``I'm not going to get into all that,'' McHale said. ``Glen's the owner of the team. He's certainly entitled to his opinion. The whole thing did not turn out very well this year. That's not just Latrell and Sam. The whole team never worked out.''

Cassell complained he was being scapegoated for Minnesota's problems. Sprewell declined comment.

``It starts at the top and it dwindles down from there ... Hypothetically, when it's all said and done, they're going to blame it all on me,'' Cassell said. ``Just because Sam Cassell was hurt and Sam asked for a contract.''

Cassell said he'll have a long talk about his future with teammate Kevin Garnett in the offseason.

``I know for a fact he trusts me when I'm on the basketball court,'' Cassell said. ``The only thing I can say is seven, eight months from now, I'll be back to the old Sam.''

Taylor, who was unavailable for further comment at Wednesday's game, suggested major changes would be made over the summer.

``Latrell himself has to decide ... if he even wants to play with us. What we have to look at is, is he the right player on our team next year or not?'' Taylor said.

Taylor hinted Cassell could be traded.

``He's on our payroll this next year, so you've got to deal with it,'' Taylor said. ``You just can't say what you're going to do. If you can get a trade that's a good trade, you do it. If you can't, you've got to utilize the people as best you can. It isn't just as simple as saying, 'We're going to make these changes.'''

Taylor clearly hasn't appreciated his team's performance in the final weeks of the season, especially Saturday's loss to lowly Atlanta.

McHale blamed it on ``selfishness'' and Taylor agreed.

``I think in all businesses and stuff, there is always some selfishness,'' Taylor said. ``Usually, you're able to moderate that toward the team goal. But we're having a difficult time doing that, and it will be how I will focus toward next year -- what players are really leading the team, and what players are causing that, and is it something we can change? And if it's something that we can't change, I guess we'll have to change the players.''

Taylor was still looking forward to next year. He will have to hire a new coach because Flip Saunders was fired in February and McHale has made it clear he doesn't want to coach next season.

``I would just say every other year in our franchise was a good year,'' Taylor said. ``We always did better than we expected. This is the first time that things didn't work out as we planned. And that's very disappointing.''

On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.


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cassell and spreewell "failed experiment"
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 03:11:43 PM »
The question is what could McHale have done differently?  Who could he have traded for to build a team around KG?

Minnesota isn't exactly a hot place for the brothers.  It's cold there, and the fans are the whitest in the league along with Utah.  


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cassell and spreewell "failed experiment"
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 04:35:42 PM »
The question is what could McHale have done differently? Who could he have traded for to build a team around KG?

Minnesota isn't exactly a hot place for the brothers. It's cold there, and the fans are the whitest in the league along with Utah.

Rick, I've read this three times now and I'm STILL not sure what the heck your point is!  Minny had a GREAT tool to build around -- almost as good as TD and Shaq -- and they proved it for one season.  I'm not sure what your point was and I still don't know what difference it makes what color fans are!  IMO, that makes VERY little difference!

As for Minny, I think the TWolves made their mistake when they fired Saunders -- this IS the guy who took the TWolves as far as they had EVER gotten as a team.  McHale is MUCH more responsible, IMO, than Flip was -- McHale is the one who pulled the trigger on trades -- and he didn't try hard enough to make changes this year even when things weren't working.  Nope, he fires Flip and takes over the reigns himself -- THEN when things aren't going well he blames the players.  Umm, the players were the ones who were to blame all along -- not Flip!  I'm sure that Flip understands that McHale isn't going to come out and admit firing him was a dumb thing to do and it certainly gave the impression that Minny felt that Saunders (rather than players, chemistry, etc.) was the problem.

McHale should have pulled Spree and Cassell aside and said "if you EVER want to play for us again -- you will get your butts on the court and give us your best -- THAT'S what will help us determine what kind of salary you get next year."  But he DIDN'T do that -- and he isn't getting anything more from the team than Saunders did -- in fact, I would argue he is getting LESS (I'd call getting beat by the Atlanta Hawks in a game after 'Toine was traded and Al Harrington was hurt as one of the worst black eyes the TWolves have ever gotten).  McHale ought to at LEAST be honest with himself and the rest of the basketball world and state clearly that Saunders WASN'T the problem -- I just don't see him doing that -- he's too full of himself!


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cassell and spreewell "failed experiment"
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 04:37:34 PM »
Sorry, that was me (just in case nobody figured it out).

Offline SPURSX3

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cassell and spreewell "failed experiment"
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2005, 04:48:09 PM »
The question is what could McHale have done differently?  Who could he have traded for to build a team around KG?

Minnesota isn't exactly a hot place for the brothers.  It's cold there, and the fans are the whitest in the league along with Utah.
Wasnt McHale behind the whole Joe Smith catastrophie?   Isn't he the one who is responsible for the wolves not be able to draft?  My bad if he is not the one.  But I thought Mchale was the one behind all of that - NOW this whole thing is a bad FINANCIAL experiment.  Why is that?  because they could not draft new talent and had to look to trade or free agent market.  Saunders didnt deserve to go - the wolves probably would not be in this spot at all if they were no banned from the draft in the first place.  IMO the problems they are having today STILL stem from  the Joe Smith fallout.
On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

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cassell and spreewell "failed experiment"
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2005, 12:23:26 PM »
I hate to say "I told you so," but...

...scratch that.  I LOVE to say, "I told you so."


Sam Cassell is a team cancer everywhere he goes.  He's a slow-acting cancer - you'll always get one productive year out of him - but that's all!  Then, he reverts to selfish-Sam mode.  His teams go down the tube, but everyone talks about how good his numbers are.  So they trade him, and he goes to a new team, and it does really well...for one year.

Olowakandi has been an even bigger waste than I could have possibly imagined.  A few folks here are bashing Rasho Nesterovic in San An, but if San An and Minnesota had their signings to do over again, does anyone think San An would have - or should have - signed Olowakandi over Nesterovic?  Does anyone think that Minnesota is better off with Olowakandi than they'd have been if they'd have kept Nesterovic?  Right now, Olowakandi's stock is so low and his price-tag is so high that nobody would give you anything for him.  

Minnesota is hurting because they signed selfish players and bad gambles.


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cassell and spreewell "failed experiment"
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2005, 06:34:56 PM »
Right, Joe, which was McHale's doing. So they fire Saunders.

Bobby Jackson, though, had a very odd thing to say about that. He played in Minnesota before coming to Sacramento, and when asked about the Flip Saunders firing, he responded that the only thing about it that surprised him was that it did not occur much sooner.

But when you think about this so-called failed experiment, how else could it have turned out? They brought in Sam Cassell, who Joe so eloquently vilified as a cancer, Latrell Sprewell, that upstanding citizen reknown for his candor and loyalty and "feeding his family", and Olowakandi, whose work ethic has put his picture in the dictionary next to the definition for 'sloth'.

The question we should be asking is what happy juice was Saunders feeding this bunch last year to get them to the WC finals along side Garnett?
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