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Messages - kenneth

Pages: 1 [2]
NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 12, 2004, 03:21:16 PM »
Kenneth is back!  Another  #%$&#%$#& Laker fan.  No wonder I felt such a profound shift in the cosmic energy fields.  The resource drain to fight this imbalance is frightening.  Must...keep...fighting...the ....evil....purple....darkness
Kenneth is back!  Another  #%$&#%$#& Laker fan.  No wonder I felt such a profound shift in the cosmic energy fields.  The resource drain to fight this imbalance is frightening.  Must...keep...fighting...the ....evil....purple....darkness

Hey voice....yes another Demon from the evil empire has arrived......

at the way there playing I wouldn't worry tho.

At least for now  ;)  

NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 12, 2004, 03:15:02 PM »
Hey, Kenneth

Long time no see -- glad you could make it back to this board.  Restore a little order to the universe (which scientists have finally concluded is purple and gold).  

Hope you stick around -- at least long enough to tell all these non-believers "told you so" when the Lakers win another title!v :lol:
Hi Randy.  

They better learn to start playing some defense or forget it.  Last night was a utterly pathetic effort. Houston shooting 55% from the filed?  :lol:  I know they were coming off a very long road trip and it was a back 2 back to boot. But still, the defense hasen't been there all year long. I am still waiting for Phil to do something about it. I mean, he is sitting there watching this pathetic defense.  DO SOMETHING!!!  

On the plus side when Karl gets back this will be one of the deepest Laker teams in recent memories.  Joel Myers stated on Lakers reloaded this morning that Karl is progressing much faster then expected.  So thats good news.

Now if we can trade Medavenko I will be a happy man.

NBA Discussion / Looks like Blazers are finally moving Rasheed
« on: February 12, 2004, 02:56:49 AM »
I wondered what happened to you after MSNBC shut down.  Glad to see you made it here.  You made the MSNBC board a lot of fun.  Let me offer an official welcome.
Things are going fine.  I have a baby girl (at least we think it's a girl) due in about 2 weeks.  Loved the trades the Blazers have made, glad to see Whitless go bye bye.  BTW my sainthood is still being debated by the Pope, but I am still hopeful.

How about you.  I trust all is well with you?
Thanks for the welcome. Congrats of the baby girl. I had three girls!!!!! yes God does have a sense of humor.  Seriously I wouldn't trade them for a boy for anything.  People always said "don't you want a boy?" the answer was always an easy NO!  

It was a great trade for Portland.  Rasheed is better then either Theo or Reef.  But he was just a Bonzi and McInnis.  Miles was a good pick up also. I actually felt bad for Cheeks when he broke down.

I wonder whos next to go? Davis?

NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 12, 2004, 02:44:54 AM »
Dude!! Where the heck have you been and who turned you on to Dabods private board! It is good to see you, you remember me, the full of himself thought he was the conscience of the old MSNBC board? And WOW is right, it was North Philly who played the submarine role, only surfaced when the Sixers were winning, who was that other Sixers fan? The one that absolutely hated my guts, anyone remember? The cat who loved to hit women and generally behave like a typical philadelphian ;)?  Of course no one in their right mind misses Sassy, but I am still disturbed that we never heard from LolaMS after 9-11, I fear something tragic happened to her on that day. And of course, we all miss LakerGirl, she and Sassy were such good friends. And what board would be complete without the insightful musings of Lee, Lee O Lee where are you when we need you?

Don't be a stranger Kenneth, since Derek redid the board, we are picking up some good posters, you always were pretty good on MSNBC (sound of sucking up heard right about now)
Dude!! Where the heck have you been and who turned you on to Dabods private board

Daboods did sometime ago.  Then my computer crashed and I lost the site addy. I had given the link to Xman (remember him) and I asked him recently if he had it.

you remember me, the full of himself thought he was the conscience of the old MSNBC board? And WOW is right, it was North Philly who played the submarine role, only surfaced when the Sixers were winning,

I sure do remember you.  I also remember the long protracted fight you had with another fan who was using your moniker....remember? man you were pissed.  

Of course no one in their right mind misses Sassy, but I am still disturbed that we never heard from LolaMS after 9-11, I fear something tragic happened to her on that day.

I remember lolaMS and have the scars to prove it. Don't worry about her.  Jet Airplanes, Terrorists and Osam Bin~Laden are childs play for her.

And of course, we all miss LakerGirl, she and Sassy were such good friends. And what board would be complete without the insightful musings of Lee, Lee O Lee where are you when we need you?

Lakergirl was quality...oh my god I forgot about Lee  :lol: that guy must have hated me so much.  I used to call him Jim Ignakowski (from the show Taxi.)

Dang and I miss Blazermania also.  His fights/debates with TrueLaker (Bwahahahahahaha) were legendary.

I'll be around look forward to some quality hoops talk


NBA Discussion / Looks like Blazers are finally moving Rasheed
« on: February 11, 2004, 09:21:48 PM »
Good to see tha Blazers getting that long over do enema. After Ruben is flushed out it will be time to wipe and start over.

Hows it going Ziggy...

NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 11, 2004, 09:19:38 PM »
Joe V is around but doesn't post much since he's single handedly trying to keep the Blazers forum alive on

BBF is posting here but is having an identity crisis.  

I don't remember Ted from the old board either but he just won't go away so we put up with him as best we can.

I'm sure you remember ziggy.

Nick Danger hasn't been heard from in a long time but his protoge' JoMal is around.
BBF is posting here but is having an identity crisis.

Gotcha.  I remember now.


NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 11, 2004, 09:17:33 PM »
Now I feel like I'm just some loser outsider or something. Ted the Bulls fan? . . . Ted the Bulls fan in Utah? . . . No? Nothing? . . . Dammit, just like when I see old "friends" from high school.

I was on MSNBC for about four months before it closed down, under the same name. And I just followed wherever dabods led. I tried out fanhome for a while, but got sick of all of the "Who's got the worst hair in the NBA" threads and a psycho moderater guy named phobius? Or was it probius? Dope-ius? No no, mobius. That's it.

In fact, Kenneth. I remember once getting into it with you about the Damned Lakers a few times. I think you may have been baiting a newbie back then.  Of course, I am not that memorable of a poster.

I'm allowed around here mainly so WayOutWest can make fun of me.
Now I feel like I'm just some loser outsider or something. Ted the Bulls fan? . . . Ted the Bulls fan in Utah? . . . No? Nothing? . . . Dammit, just like when I see old "friends" from high school.

Sorry man.  The only Bulls fans I remember MJ"s Ghost.

I was on MSNBC for about four months before it closed down, under the same name. And I just followed wherever dabods led. I tried out fanhome for a while, but got sick of all of the "Who's got the worst hair in the NBA" threads and a psycho moderater guy named phobius? Or was it probius? Dope-ius? No no, mobius. That's it.

fanhome is the pitts.

In fact, Kenneth. I remember once getting into it with you about the Damned Lakers a few times. I think you may have been baiting a newbie back then.  Of course, I am not that memorable of a poster.

Sorry If gave you a hard time. A newbie on that site was like blood in the water. I rememeber Spursx3 the most when he first started  :lol:  and there was a Sixer fan who talked so much trash but hid when the sixers lost (I forgot his name) but he caught a lot of pain.

NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 11, 2004, 09:06:25 PM »
So Kenneth, what was it we were talking about before we were so rudely interupted three years ago?

Good to see the rumors that that broad never carried out her threat to kill you. Or are you still hiding from her?

And I never heard of Nick Danger. Was that Chief? If that is who you are referring, he is in LUUUU...VE, and probably too preoccupied to ever be bothered by basketball boards again. That, plus he really only liked to bait newbies and once that source dried up (ie the old msnbc board) he lost interest.
So Kenneth, what was it we were talking about before we were so rudely interupted three years ago?

Damn a good guess is an argument over the Lakers kings

Good to see the rumors that that broad never carried out her threat to kill you. Or are you still hiding from her?

OMG I forgot about her...Psycho Sassy

And I never heard of Nick Danger. Was that Chief? If that is who you are referring, he is in LUUUU...VE, and probably too preoccupied to ever be bothered by basketball boards again. That, plus he really only liked to bait newbies and once that source dried up (ie the old msnbc board) he lost interest.

Yep it was Chief.  When I first started at MSNBC he got me with that "Caring Soul" routine.

Hope hes not in love with Sassy??? :o    


NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 11, 2004, 06:36:26 PM »
I remember way out west but Ted? did you use another name? I visit Lakerground way out west but rarely post there.  I don't see I to with JD  :rolleyes:  Laketstalk is okay.....but too Political for me.  I see Jomal and Randy are still around.  

Isn't Joe V around anymore? or Nick Danger aka Zeb? (how many names did he have?) and who was that spurs fan BBF? he was another great poster.    

NBA Discussion / Seems like old times
« on: February 11, 2004, 05:53:48 PM »
There goes the neighbor hood  :P  

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